#i've never had a gaming pc before 🥺
kirstielol · 2 years
so i wasn't gonna be building a gaming pc for a few months, but my bf has convinced me it's probably a good idea to start buying parts during black friday sales.. so it looks like i'm gonna be doing this, or at least starting, a lot sooner than i thought 😶
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chiocchi · 2 years
Big fan of your artistry. I love your art so much! And those graphic novels you have on ao3??? Heaven sent! I use them as an imagery reference if I read any similar trope haha!
I asked the same question to leafiloaf since I love them too, but I'll be very interested to know your artistic journey if you don't mind sharing. How did you start with your art?
Tysm for being in this fandom ❤️
youknowmevj! omg thank you so much! You're too kind 😭🥺❤️❤️❤️ And yess lots of love to leafiloaf
Thanks for the ask! I've never told anyone about it and I'm so excited I'll give you so much unnecessary context. Oops long post.
My artistic journey
I've enjoyed drawing since I was little, but mostly I just drew doodles in my notebook. Anime was a big inspiration for my style and I wanted to create digital illustrations too. When I was a teenager, I tried using a mouse and a PC, and my finger and some app on my phone, but the results were always terrible. I told myself it was because I didn't have a drawing tablet, so "of course my drawings will look ugly" and stopped trying.
However, I promised a discord friend that I would do a drawing for her in December 2020. So, I downloaded this app called "Ibis Paint" on my phone and, with all my effort despite my lack of ability, I drew Harry using the app and my finger jskldhfsa
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I was so hesitant and nervous about showing it to her. I could tell it wasn't pretty, just "weird and awkward", and I felt embarrassed. But she told me it was good (LIES) and somehow convinced me to share it with others on the server. Despite feeling shy, I shared it anyway. To my surprise, three people told me it was pretty! I appreciated their kindness.
It wasn't until March 2021 that I returned to drawing digitally and on a more consistent basis. I was mainly doing fanart for a game that I liked.
In May or June (I can't remember exactly), I stumbled upon an artist who created incredible art using Ibis Paint. And I realized that I didn't need a drawing tablet, just more practice and skill, because if they could do it, then I could do it too! That was the moment I began taking art more seriously (still as a hobby, though!).
Due to the pandemic, I had a lot of free time, which I used to watch a lot of tutorials, practice gesture and follow the advice of artists I liked. With every drawing I made, I could see an improvement, which motivated me even more to keep on working hard (drawing became a source of comfort during those depressing times. It was just really fun).
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In late 2021, I mentioned to a childhood friend that I wanted to buy a drawing tablet, and he asked me if I wanted his old one, which I excitedly accepted. Finally, I had the tool that would make my art incredible… or so I thought! I was terrible with it. For the first few months, I preferred Ibis paint and my finger. But I eventually got the hang of it! What I love the most are the multiple brushes and pressure settings. I'm such a hoarder, even if I don't use all of them ksklajdl.
In 2022, I participated in several bigbangs and zines, but what I'm most excited to talk about is the tomarry comic that I started.
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My tomarrymort art
I've read tomarrymort fics since 2017, but I wasn't active on the fandom. In 2020, I joined a writer's server (all love to Amanda) and met the friend I mentioned earlier. So technically, you could say my love for tomarrymort lead me here kek
Even though my main inspiration was a game, here is some fic fanart I made.
This is my first tomarry art (July 27th, 2021). It's a scene from Genius by the Numbers. I think it looks weird kjdshk
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I also made art for A Mating of Convenience, what started in beautiful rooms, Dripping Fingers and for Ale, beloved. (I think I've never posted these before.)
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Then two things happened: I saw comic on ao3 (If I'll Ever See You by festivewind) and I was like "WOW! THAT'S SO COOL" and "omg we can upload comics!"
The second thing was me being rejected as a webtoon background artist (naturally, as I wasn't good enough for the specifics) and the spite made me want to do my own so I could improve my weakness (the grind never stops 💪🔥).
I read some of my old notes for story ideas (I'm not good at writing but I still had some snippets of stories). And boom! Love triangle but the 3 of them are idiots (affectionate). Fun fact: the original version had a murder, someone in Azkaban and someone hating the other forever :D
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Don't pretend started as an anonymous work because some of my friends knew my AO3 username and I was afraid of screwing up the format (I don't know html) and looking like a fool DKJALKSJL I was also afraid of possible backlash (I'm an over-thinker).
None of that happened (comments were very kind and nice!) But idk, it was nice being anon. I'm awkward and shy and I usually don't know what to say to compliments (Sometimes a "thank you" doesn't feel enough but that's all my brain can offer 😭)
Then I made some tomarry christmas art and shared it on TRoR discord server and someone asked me if I had Tumblr and I said no but that gave me the idea of making one.
Since I planned Don't pretend as being a long story, I realized it'd take me a long time to finish it and I wanted to contribute to the complete tomarrymort works! That's the reason I took a pause and made A Soulmate Like You.
Anyway, I made this tumblr on January 2023, and the plan was to fill it with art so, eventually, when I found the courage to make my works non-anon, I could link to this page. Except that I posted one drawing, and that was enough for isalisewrites to know it was me HJKASDJLA. So I stopped the anonymous thing.
I'm still not used to being "perceived" 👁️👁️ but I've learned it's not bad. People have been really kind and I think I'm less shy now! I'm very happy to be part of this fandom with lots of kind and supportive people and incredible fics and fanart <3
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Ok so I'm not sure if something like this was discussed already cause i haven't seen all of the posts for the streamer au (and this is kinda more about gaming than streaming tbh), but I've just been thinking how Percy's love for tinkering could also be translated in this au to him being one of those gamers that are super into building and customizing their own pc and he knows all about it and is def the person they all turn to for advice and when they want to upgrade, and he's always offering to help them with installing the hardware to their PC and stuff (Maybe he'd also be making videos of custom pc builds? Reviews and unboxings? And later on he'd be making them with Tary? Tech Bros?) 
And also I think he'd be VM's tech wiz whenever they're having computer (or streaming equipment) issues and stuff like that (like your modern au with percy coming to fix things at vex's apartment, just with pc and internet issues etc)
Also i could see vex & vax not really being able to afford high quality pcs, at least at first, so they can't play the games that have a lot of system requirements, and it's a bit sucky but they make do, there are a lot of other games after all
And maybe for Vex's birthday, before they're even together, Percy builds her a new shiny and really strong pc, all custom built? (And he gets her a gamer keyboard and mouse and the mouse pad has a bear design or something? 🥺 cause her handle name would probably be bear related lbr), and she's so excited she can finally play the games she's been wanting to play since forever but couldn't because of her old pc specs And she'd obviously be taken aback by this, and i dunno, maybe she'd thank him during a stream (i mean, she can't not mention it, the difference is Visible) and well that would clearly cause people to be like. are they dating are they just Like That what is Going On (ohh and since it's Vax's birthday too Percy would also get him something but like. more modest? maybe a better mic or headset or something, and Vax would tease him that he obviously has a favorite twin)
omg I love that
Just him knowing the exact kind of set up she'd love and going out of his way to find a bear theme and spending hours building it so it's perfect but it's all worth it when she sees it for the first time and gives him the biggest hug and cries just a little because she's never had something like this before. And from then on Percy decides that he is going to giver her everything she could ever want, he has the money to so why shouldn't he shower the woman he adores in gifts?
And before they get together, Vex constantly calls him with questions about how to make her shitty computer run without making a cacophony of noise. And that's how he starts to learn what she likes in a set up and even though she calls a lot, he finds that it never annoys him, in fact he kind of hopes that her set up breaks so he has an excuse to talk to her and come over.
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Hi there, how are you? 😊 May I request a platonic/bestie match-up with the Queen guys?
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My name is Liz I'm an American originally from New Jersey but grew up in Washington State(so no, I don't have an east coast accent😄) before moving back to the east coast again. I'm 5'3" with long dark blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm curvy and self-conscious about my body. Personality-wise I'm a shy Scorpio and a laid-back semi introvert. I'm a good listener and was the person people could talk to or vent to by always lending an ear and trying to help the best I could or offer what advice I could. However, I do tend to keep things bottled up and keep my own troubles hidden by always having a smile on my face. I subconsciously have a hard time connecting to people which is due to the emotional abuse I was and still go through since I was young. When it comes to fashion I'm an in-between of a girly type and tomboy. I love the idea of cosplay though I'm chicken and won't dye my hair ever lol and have never done it before, but have a few characters I'd really love to cosplay as, and gives me the chance to learn to use a sewing machine too! 🥰
I like making things like custom latch hooks or beaded jewelry. I love reading mainly any fiction (this can be fantasy, mystery, horror, etc) or manga or comics! Before covid and moving, I love going for walks or walk to the nearby library or nearby café or mall/town center shopping area or going on either big or small adventures (if I had a car and could drive 🥺, wasn't afraid of driving, and since moving everything is so far away now). I love music! I stick to oldies and bounce between genres. I love learning new things which could be about anything. I'm a semi-gamer lol basically means the only games I'm good at are Pokémon or the Nancy Drew pc games(I only have 2 ND games), but I do enjoy watching others play either friends or family or my favorite Youtuber. I've recently taken up trying out digital art using Krita which is a work in progress and I'm an extreme beginner lol.
I hope this is enough and thank you so much! 💖
Oh my gosh the Picrew is PRECIOUS! I wanna make one too!
For your platonic mash-up, I will pair you with...
Brian May!!!!
Okay, but Brian would love to take walks to those places with you! Although he is a lot taller than you so you may have to pick up your pace to keep up with his long steps. But he is like your gentle giant always there to make you feel safe and included!
He adores that you are a good listener. So when he rambles on about some different subjects you are there with an open ear and heart. Both of you are more diverse in your personal tastes and interests. So not only does he explain science, animals, and music to you, but you get him to listen to so many oldies and play games!
Imagine Brian playing the Nancy Drew games and you helping him. His tall, lanky body hunched over the computer, scrolling. His eyes squinted, clicking everything to look for clues (it's Brian so he would want to read everything!!!) and being sucked in. Though he would want to collect the Pokemon as well and get teary eyed when they faint or battle too roughly (and you would say "Bri, that's the point!")
Can you imagine shopping with him!? Like, getting to try on a variety of clothes and him wanting to wear something either cute or a little outlandish (it's the rocker in him) and when you try it on you actually like it??? Like !!!!!!
Plus he loves that you make custom jewelry. You teach him how and find yourself bemused that this genius Renaissance man isn't that good at custom jewelry making. But they make wonderful gifts for him and the rest of the band!!! And for your birthday, imagine he gives you stuffed Pokemon dolls and new books or a gift certificate to a bookstore!!!
Brian is so sweet that you trust him with your emotions and even your secrets. He always has empathy for you and knows when it is his turn to listen rather than speak when you need it. And by god, sometimes you do.
Plus, you get to go to concerts and listen to him and watch him rock out live front row and center! Then the next day (in a modern AU let's say) Brian wakes up to find an email-you made digital art to him and sent it. It warms his heart and makes him smile, grateful to have a friend like you!
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buc3t4l0v3r · 3 years
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Hi there, how are you? Hope you are doing well and having an awesome day! 😊 May I request a match-up/ship with the TMNT guys? Pretty please
My name is Liz I'm an American originally from New Jersey but grew up in Washington State(so no, I don't have an east coast accent😄) before moving back to the east coast again. I'm 5'3" with long dark blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm curvy and self-conscious about my body. Personality-wise I'm a shy Scorpio and a laid-back semi introvert. I'm a good listener and was the person people could talk to or vent to by always lending an ear and trying to help the best I could or offer what advice I could. However, I do tend to keep things bottled up and keep my own troubles hidden by always having a smile on my face. I subconsciously have a hard time connecting to people which is due to the emotional abuse I was and still go through since I was young. When it comes to fashion I'm an in-between of a girly type and tomboy. I love the idea of cosplay though I'm chicken and won't dye my hair ever lol and have never done it before, but have a few characters I'd really love to cosplay as, and gives me the chance to learn to use a sewing machine too! 🥰
I like making things like custom latch hooks or beaded jewelry. I love reading mainly any fiction (this can be fantasy, mystery, horror, etc) or manga or comics! Before covid and moving, I love going for walks or walk to the nearby library or nearby café or going on either big or small adventures (if I had a car and could drive 🥺, wasn't afraid of driving, and since moving everything is so far away now). I love music! I stick to oldies and bounce between genres. I love learning new things which could be about anything. I'm a semi-gamer lol basically means the only games I'm good at are Pokémon or the Nancy Drew pc games(I only have 2 ND games), but I do enjoy watching others play either friends or family or my favorite Youtuber. I've recently taken up trying out digital art using Krita which is a work in progress and I'm an extreme beginner lol.
I hope this is enough and thank you so much! 💖
Hello :) hope you like it
I'd match you with....
Donnie ♡
Donnie loves you so much
When you first met you were so shy, Donnie is so happy he could know you better
He loves the fact you're such a great listener
He's not very used to it but he's so relaxed that he can talk to you
He always thought how it would be if he had someone he can vent to
But he'll help you to open up to him about you and your feelings
You can always trust him, he'll never judge you
He can read you like a book and always knows when you're sad
He'll try to convince you to have therapy for learn how to lead with your traumas
He absolutely loves your body
You're so pretty!
He loves your style and thinks you could star doing cosplay
If he has a time to, he would ride you to wherever you want
Just ask ;)
Donnie is 100% a gamer! So if you need any game recommendations just talk to him
He enjoys working while listening to music so you guys can just relax and listen to some musics together
Romantic ♡
Even though you're a beginner Donnie still loves your art!
He'll support you no matter what :)
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