#i've never gifed them or this show before
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forbescaroline · 10 months ago
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 47. logan echolls and veronica mars - veronica mars
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lock-my-feelings-in-a-jar · 8 months ago
Hello, I don't know if I'm the first to ask this, but how do you make gifs?
If it's not a problem, could you explain it to someone who had never made gifs, but want to try?
As you can imagine, it's a fresh awoken need, because I think I just got a stroke watching a concert and I wanna try gifing, pls help a fangirl out 🙏
OKAY SO i use a program on my desktop called instagiffer, which actually makes gifmaking very easy once you get the hang of how it works and learn the shortcuts you can take with it. it's pretty easy to learn just messing around with it to see what everything does, but on top of that, i have a very efficient system that's been developing over the years.
this is what it looks like with no video loaded in it yet:
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i had to load in a video to see these other things for screenshots, so here it is with a video loading in(one i started a long time ago and never finished but am working on now, i've posted one gif from it already though):
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so it has the effects panel(which i never use except the enhance one but i've had to switch that off before on certain videos if it looked messed up):
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and it has the captions panel, for subtitles or anything:
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it's got the manual crop thing in the frames dropdown, so you can be more precise about cropping edges out instead of just relying on dragging the corners of the red square around:
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as far as i'm aware, the program seems like it's been abandoned for a long time, the website for it hasn't been kept up, the social media pages for it, etc., but it's still available to download in places online somewhere i believe. or if you'd prefer, i could probably send it to you! i can also help with how to use it if you wanna give it a try, and tell/show you my usual routine.
besides that, sometimes i'll use ezgif .com to do things like remove frames or change speed on gifs i've already made or to resize them if i need to because it's quick and doesn't throw a watermark on it, but i think you can make them there too. i haven't done it because it didn't work for me when i was testing it out one day, but it might have just been me being impatient.
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bellamyblake · 3 months ago
do you ever think of Bellarke and be all salty and bitter because you know they're suppose to be together? Always. as for bellamy week, i don't know if i am up to it because if i were, it means putting myself through it again by rewatching cause I need to rewatch before making anything. I had no problems going through it the last 5 gifsets this year. I just cry through the gifmaking process. dont' mind december but maybe january? i need to think about it.
Hey! Thanks so much for sending this ask! I absolutely love your gifs!
And yes, I do think about them and feel Idk mostly sad if that's the right feeling to describe it. I'll be honest, I was and am a big bellarke shipper, I love writing them, have always absolutely enjoyed their scenes but I think I was realistic when it came to them not happening. I guess I just didn't really believe it'd work out because of the other side of the fandom, because of J.ason, so I believe I had accepted it a long time before it actually ended. Does it piss me off? Of course. I think I didn't want to watch them be this big romantic couple say o.licity or anything else we actually saw happen in the time when shows were shows and not 5 episodes things. I guess I just expected them to give me a glimpse of what they could be-them being together, kissing, hugging and holding hands, the show ending. That's what I imagined, I suppose.
I've been thinking about it the past week (cause I'm rewatching older shows where some of the main couples do get together) and I've been thinking that in a way I'm also NOT sorry it didn't happen. I'm not sure Jason would've handled it well and I've loved what I've seen on screen, I know what it means and to me it doesn't necessarily have to be a romantic relationship for it to be something. That's just me and I guess that's why I survived this fandom in a way, because I never expected it and because it was enough for me. I recently read this book 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow' that talks exactly about that type of relationship, the one that transcends romance. That doesn't mean there is no romance but it means also so much more and I think of Bellarke that way, I always have.
I also really didn't think J.ason would've done it properly, so imo it's better this way.
I opt not to focus on the bad stuff. Of course I understand what you mean and how hard it is, for me it's hard too sometimes, I get angry, I tell myself 'couldn't there have been at least one kiss?' but I just opt to choose to love them as they are and create for them and write for them and that just overpowers the bad stuff. I see no point in focusing on the awful things. I know so many of us left because they couldn't handle the ending, I can't handle it either, it's awful but there's this other, bigger part of me that just loves them as them and somehow that's greater and can't be tained. Of course I understand everyone for whom this is hard and just want to forget it though. Life's tough enough that when you meet things like d.eath in shows it just breaks you even more.
As far as Bellamy week, I've decided I'll leave it for january because my december will be really busy with work and it seems so for the rest of the folks.I feel a little bad that I'm gonna skip a year but it has been a really awful year for me mentally and I know I should've done it earlier, I just never actually sat down to do it.
I'd love for you to participate, I really do love and admire your gifs (they're always so clear and well-colored in a way I can never make them!) I will hope to see you participate. In terms of rewatching, I actually do randomly rewatch when I start gifing, like if I choose a particular episode, I end up watching more than half of it if not all. I'm here if I can help your process somehow and make it better for you! <3
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pixelwixard · 1 year ago
State of the Brain
I worry my Lower Decks fixation is on the wane. I mean, obviously I'm going to keep watching it, and I love it, it's my favorite show right now, etc., but I think I'm getting burned out on it. Maybe it's because I've focused so much on the clipping and the GIFing as of late. I focus so hard on it that it becomes work. Perhaps taking a break will revitalize me. Then again, it could just be the way my mind cycles. I never keep a fixation forever, unless you dilute it to the most basic element, like "games" or "animation," but even then I go through periods where I don't game that much or only watch live action stuff.
So why "worry" about it? Well, I've been talking big talk about writing fanfiction. Haven't actually written anything yet. All brainstorms and notes. I don't want it to go to waste. Maybe I'll try writing something after dinner, and tomorrow before work. I don't have any big story ideas, anyway. Just ficlets. Those wouldn't take long to write.
What about Spell Trek? It's still percolating. I haven't actively brainstormed anything, or at least not intentionally. Just letting it stew. Maybe I'll do some posts where I just talk it out soon. Could be fun.
Maybe I'm worried too much about writing actual stories, and I could just post about the weird scenes that come to mind. Snippets of dialogue. Peeks into the character's minds (as I imagine them, anyway). I don't NEED to write full stories to have fun with the ol' imagination engine *taps the side of his head*. Silly broken thing that it is.
Right now, though, I'm just going to go put food in me. Eating is necessary, sadly.
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dramaism · 3 years ago
hi! really like your kinn x porsche gifset for the recent ep! but just wondering..i rmb you mentioned you would be more interested in the next vegaspete scene than the pool scene? but i see you gifed the bit from the pool scene even if you felt vegaspete was ‘superior’. just wondering 😬 good day! 😇
hi, dear anonnie! okay, you didn't have to come at me like that
well you need to know something about me before we continue. i easily got bored when the couple is finally together and all sweet with each other. i drop most shows or watching them very briefly when the lovey-dovey phase comes. I usually don't enjoy the show as much as I did in the beginning
the same thing happened with kinnporsche. I don't know if you saw but after ep8 I've said that that much sweetness is not for me i didn't even have any set ideas in mind. I also made and angsty edit just after two episodes of kp lol craving angst already in that time. don't get me wrong i want them to be happy and in love it's just my preference as a viewer
and here's when vp comes. when i was like "it's too sweet for my poor heart" they gave me the angsty couple with insane chemistry and very complicated relationship to get obsessed to again. and of course i prefer them more now. but I'm sure this whole bored part will happen with vp too when i see them in their lovey-dovey phase (in some kind of imaginary season 2)
and now let me talk about the pool scene itself. they've been hyping this up for two months so much that i naturally assumed (and we all naturally assumed) that this will be another hot and passionate nc scene. what i didn't expect is for that to be angsty and tender and full of mostly bad emotions (you can't convince me otherwise it was a goodbye s*ex okay). and i need to tell you that my favorite nc scene of them is that desperate one in the end of the ep7 and this one comes very closely to that one. so yeah i loved this tender worshipping and loving act full of complicated emotions and made a set. sue me i guess
also the way mileapo delivered this scene? incredible, immaculate, perfect and go on
and I don't really know why I'm answering this ask and defending myself in some weird kind of way lol. i just wanna say that let us have different preferences and different tastes. I've never said anything offending about either mileapo or kinnporsche and I'll never say something like that. mileapo is an amazing duo that act so perfectly in every scene your brain just shuts itself down. but yes for me vegaspete is more interesting rn. I've never seen that kind of relationship on screen and it's truly fascinating to see how writers write their asses out of this mess. because it's a huge mess.
and good day to you too, dear!
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who-talks-first · 5 years ago
The Skywalker Legacy documentary confirms what I was already fairly certain was true.
I don't need to go in-depth for you Bendemption fans. I know you picked up on all the little things after the death of Kylo Ren.
But I just want to go over this a bit because, while I maintain that Kylo Ren didn't deserve redemption, if it HAD to be done, this was absolutely the best (only) way it could have happened, and I really respect Adam's performance and all JJ's attention to detail.
The metaphorical (and literal?) death of Kylo Ren and rebirth of Ben Solo don't need to be explained. But the inclusion of which gives us such a tangible, real, tactile setup for his redemption. It doesn't happen here. This is just the catalyst that lets it happen.
Harrison Ford's uncredited cameo is so beautiful. It makes this scene possible. I think it's meant to be intentionally vague, but I personally feel that Leia sent him through the Force. Memory, Force Ghost, regular ghost, guilt vision, whatever - Leia made sure her son saw it.
And from then on, with the rebirth of Ben, we get to see the man he could have been. Brave. Strong. Feeling. I don't know how they do it, but his entire affect AND appearance change. The way KR holds himself, how his hair falls is entirely different from those of BS. And it's impressive acting and makeup/wardrobe. Ben's hair is... dare I say it? Fluffy. Where we all mocked Kylo for his nasty greasy Snape hair. Something about Adam's face, even when he's fighting, feels more natural, more relaxed.
You know what? In 15 minutes of screen time for BS, I actually like him. Meaning, if he had been a character in movies instead of KR, I would have liked him and rooted for him along with the other heroes. He even looks more youthful. Instead of the 40 year old appearance in TLJ, Ben looks like he's 25 (a little closer to the character's actual age, I think). And I think that's good filmmaking that all those things can be made apparent * just like that.
Anyway. I want to focus on some details. There's probably something to be said about the costume change - from the hard, rigid armor of KR to the, uh, is that a sweater? of BS. When did he have time to do that? How'd he get off Endor? I have other questions about that escape, but that's not the focus of this discussion.
Anyway, I seen all the GIFs where scenes with KR mirror the behaviors his parents (like the Solo Slide). But I think that as Ben, we really see him channel his parents.
This is the most obvious one to me:
Han in TFA at Maz's castle/Ben arriving on Exegol (some kind person already GIFed it for me)
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That's very deliberate given that these are both JJ's films.
Now this may not be as intentional as I think, but it's obvious to me. Leia training with her brother /Ben answering the knights' challenge
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That casual, wide stance? I dunno. It feels like something he picked up from his mom like he picked up the other thing from his dad.
All this stuff just let you see and feel what was taken away by Snoke and Palpatine. He could have been a good man, strong fighter for the light, a Jedi like his mother before him and her father before her. It gives you that sharp contrast of what you lose when you choose the dark.
Then Ben and Rey both squaring up to fight Palpatine and then he straight up removes Ben from the fight completely. That's important. It makes sure there's no misunderstanding that this is Rey's fight. No one else can fight it for her or take it away from her. Kylo Ren said "that saber belongs to me" but the truth is Rey earned it. But I digress.
TROS builds up how strong Rey is in the Force throughout the movie, showing her ability to transfer life. Something it appears she learned on her own.
So when she falls. And it's made clear that she is dead. (Her body doesn't immediately disappear, however, and I think there's another discussion to be had on why that is!)
And Ben hesitates. You can see him wonder if he can do it.
He puts his hand on Rey and transfers far more than "a bit of life". Already drained by his and Rey's life-forces being used to revive Palpatine, it takes everything that is left in him. But he is also pulling Rey back from somewhere she hadn't yet pulled anyone with her own technique. Is Ben more powerful in the Force than she? (I don't think so, but I think in another life he could have been) I think Ben only knows all or nothing. It's part of how he got here in the first place. Perhaps he could have brought Rey back from the other side without using all his strength. Perhaps not. We'll never know.
Now I do not approve of the kiss. I don't even know how to begin discussing my feelings on it. But maybe it was necessary to include it just to pacify the Reylos (as if the redemption arc wasn't enough).
But the smile. The smile is so important. We've not once seen Kylo Ren happy anywhere in the series. I don't think anything he could ever achieve would have made him happy. But Ben, maybe even aware that he is about to meet his end, is so happy that she is alive, that he succeeded in saving her, that she defeated Palpatine, (that she is in his arms?) and he finally smiles and again we see the man that should have been. It's bittersweet. As relieved as I am to see Kylo Ren perish (because, like Darth Vader, after taking so many many lives, saving only one is not enough to live a free life) I am saddened to see Ben Solo die. There's probably a conversation to be had on how anyone can be tempted by evil. I dunno. I'm not a philosopher or anything.
Anyway. My sister, who is not really a Star Wars fan but who often understands storytelling far better than I, informed me that Leia was essentially possessing her son for the duration of the redemption arc. That's why her body doesn't disappear until Ben dies. That's why he fights like her, understands Rey's techniques better, can heal like that... I don't know if she's right, my sister. I don't think it's all Leia cuz I'll be damned if she kisses Rey on the mouth.
And then my bf informed me that Ben became a part of Rey when he disappeared into the Force. That's why his ghost didn't appear later. I don't know how I feel about that. I def don't know how Finn and Poe are going to feel when Rey tells them both this. I can't imagine wanting to smooch your gf after you find out that Hitler's wannabe poser grandson is possessing her. I mean.
Okay I've been writing so long I've lost what little coherency I started with. I'm so sorry.
But I just wanted to share my thoughts on all this with you guys. My main point is that if the redemption of Ben Solo had to be included in the film, I genuinely believe that it could not have been done better - from a storytelling standpoint AND with regards to the performance itself! - than they did for TROS. My hat is off to JJ and Adam, really.
(oh and his insistence on doing all his own stunts? Adorable.)
(I'm cool for discussion on the topic, but I have neither the time nor the energy to fight any Reylos about this and anyone trying to start drama gets the ol' Instablork.)
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emmanette · 7 years ago
it says 'drop me a number' but as a policeman's daughter I've never been good at following rules so if you could do 8, 40, 47, 60 (girl squad), 67 and 78 please!
Of course you can ask more than one question, silly! ;)
8. Whosehouse would you like to live in most?
I feel like we don’t really see that much of their houses? But are we talking just the house/apartments, without the people in it? I think the Bakkoush family’s apartment looks lovely - as does Eva’s house. Both would probably be much too big for me, but if I had unlimited funds I guess I wouldn’t turn either down? 
40. Whichcharacter is most like your best friend and why?
I don’t really have one best friend, but looking at my closest friends a couple are a bit like Vilde in that they can be quite naive and a bit “shallow” about certain things but deep down they’re very kind and caring. The others are probably more like Noora, also kind and caring but more aware of different issues etc.
47. Whatromantic moment made you cringe?
My first thought was something Noora/William related, and while that’s probably true I realized that the actual answer should be Vilde meowing for Magnus before they kiss at the kosegruppa Christmas party.
60. What isyour favourite friendship in the squad? (girl squad)
Aaah, it’s always impossible for me to choose between friendships on this show because I truly do love them all so much. But one friendship I rarely talk about is probably Vilde and Chris, because we don’t see that much of their friendship on the show, but it’s obviously there and it’s important to both of them. I’m not sure it’s my favourite (but I would say that regardless of which friendship I picked) but let’s go with it for now. 
67. Whowould you want to share rooms with?
I feel like I would get along with Isak quite well if we were roomates? For a limited time, anyway. Like we could both just mind our own business without it ending up awkward?
78. What isyour most favorite gifset?
Oh, this is another impossible question because there are so many out there and most of them are incredily lovely. So to narrow it down a little, allow me to be a bit narcissistic and choose between my own gif sets. Not that that really makes it easier she says, sounding even more narcissistic. It’s just that I put quite a lot of thought and work into every gif-set I make, so they’re all a bit special and meaningful to me one way or another - looking back through them will bring back certain memories etc.
However, I will say that I’m quite pleased with my “artsy” character gif-sets, which happened quite accidentally as a result of me being sick of making the “same old” gifs over and over again. So I just played around and ended up with a style that I later adapted to fit different characters. You can find them all here: Isak & Even - Sana - Eva - Noora - Vilde - Chris Also, my floral character gif-sets which grew more popular than I ever could have imagined. Find those here: Girl squad - Boy squad - Girl squad and boy squad - Briskeby squad - Eskild/Linn/Christoffer/William 
I’m also quite proud of my “cloud” character gif-sets, because they turned out the most like what I had envisioned before actually making them. You can find those here: Eva - Noora - Isak - Sana + bonus Isak & Even: colour - b/w: v1 - v2
Then I want to mention this one which is quite simple in many ways, but I spent a lot of time working on the colouring for that one and I’m still pleased with how that aspect of it turned out, so it was time well invested.
Finally, I want to mention this gif-set which never got a lot of attention, so maybe you all hated it, haha. However, I’m quite fond of it. It’s another quite simplistic one but I was testing out some new effects (the most noticable one is probably the text). It’s also a scene I haven’t gifed as much as many other scenes and I remember having had that song stuck in my head for a while before I made this and I figured the lyrics are really cute and would go well with that scene.
Yikes, that ended up a lot longer than I expected. I’m just going to stop talking about myself now!
Ask me Skam-related questions! 
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