#i've liked wilbur before i started watching dream so seeing them all interact is just Wild to me
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supernovaa-remnant · 1 year ago
Ask game: 24 22 and 19
19. What are come of your favorite pieces of c!Dream animations/songs/other types of video/audio content?
The Old Days animatic by Knp lives rent free in my brain. Watching that animatic changed the trajectory of my life I'm so serious it's so aklsjdhsgajksdshass the way it so perfectly represents c!dream's longing to return to a simpler past? when he could laugh and have fun with c!george and c!sapnap???? the way you can see when c!dream stops smiling in the animatic?? aughhhh c!dream team my c!dream team you are a wound that never stops aching.
22. If you had all the time, resources, and skills to create your ideal piece of c!Dream fan content, what would it be?
I've talked about it before, but genuinely You and I Drink the Poison From the Same Vine (my theoretical c!dreambur semi-canon compliant fic that I talked abt in the post linked). I think about it all the time. I would love to just... have the commitment needed to write this long fic that examines canon through the lens of one non-canon element being added.
Also, it'd be really really fun to write interactions between c!punz and c!wilbur (where c!punz doesn't understand why c!dream keeps c!wilbur around and does what he wants and c!wilbur holds his connection to c!dream over c!punz's head like a taunt).
Uh, other than that, I have a slide show about c!dream that I never finished. I started making it with the goal of presenting it to my non-c!dream sympathetic irls haha
24. When/how did you become a c!Dream apologist?
Okay, this is going to get long and I may get into way more detail than I need to, so buckle in because this was quite the journey for me.
So, I didn't get into the fandom until around august-september of 2021. However, I had multiple irls who were really into the dsmp in late 2020-early 2021. And, uh, they're very very non-sympathetic to c!dream. (also believers in the l'manburg mythos, but we are not getting into that...) anyway, I heard a lot about the dsmp from an outside perspective during my time of not being in the fandom. And this included hearing about the exile arc (with one hilarious instance where my friends did not specify it was rp so for a moment I thought cc!dream was just a really really bad dude 💀) and hearing about how horrible c!dream was how evil he was etc etc.
In typical "I am not invested in this fandom at all but my dear friend is" fashion, I just agreed with them. All of my info came from hearing them talk abt something they were interested in, so why would I disagree?
Anyway, flash forward, like, half a year, and I begin watching the manhunts. I got really into them and ended up reading some non-dsmp fics. And then everything spiralled and I got sucked into the fandom. I remember reading some c!dream redemption fics, and I was really enjoying it, but I still didn't consider myself an apologist. Afterall, my entire first impression of him was how horrible he was through my friends.
Anyway, I don't have an exact timeline, but it wasn't until I actually followed someone from dreblr that I started fully embracing my c!dreamisms and my c!dream apologism. I kept my c!dream apologisms hush hush in front of my friends for so long. I still do to an extent. I'm scared, okay? And I don't wanna get into arguments with them, so it's best to just, like, not bring it up I guess.
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notveryglittery · 5 years ago
the dream team content today is fucking PEAK.
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olwolo · 4 years ago
God help ur followers bc this ask is going to be huge,,, but oh man mr. gaming was absolutely a gem! I never watched jimmy streams before but I sure will now, it was surprisingly wholesome the interactions with him we love to see! Who do u usually watch the mcc pov? I usually go for techno bc he matches my level of anxiety but after watching tommy on the last one I've been looking for his vods right after as well! He did so well I'm still sad abt it but man the sportsmanship techno's stream always has is insane I love. Today was extra good and idk if it's because they didn't add points to their mcc scores or they just have a good chemistry but I just love it! Even phil who joining for like one game had a great chemistry with everybody ugh such nice team. So nice to watch too!!
And yeah I never liked the idea of sbi family being cannon bc it messes with their backstories so much and man,, the found family trope is meant to be not blood related most times and I LOVE IT! But yeah they are not in the best of terms but tommy didn't ever gave up on ppl easily so it's understandable that he still cares abt techno. I don't think he ever did let go of anyone now that I think about it which is SO RISKY bc he has such a supportive personality even with c!wilbur who's obviously trying to manipulate him now. It's weird bc I fully support c!tommy's attempt to be always there for him but man,,, he really needs to think more of himself. It's hard to think he ever will tho bc, like he said "family comes first" and even before himself ig. The one time he was really selfish he said the disks were worth more than his family (c!tubbo) and immediately regretted it so yeah, I just think it's hard for him to go out of this again (even tho c!wilbur is far different to c!tommy now than c!tubbo was) but man, he needs a break, he really do.
And just searched the baby crow, you're absolutely valid. No further questions, your honor. The thought of phil being like 300 yo man MAN. Techno is another character we know he's like oldish but not OLD like phil, it's so weird not being able to tell like a number tho. But still, knowing they have been around each other for so long,,, man. Emerald duo my most beloved. Wilbur being able to be the only company to phil's long ass life but not being there for him not even for 30 years, man. Olwolo giving me too many feels today that's not even fair. And PLEASE. Possessed by schlatt...that makes so much sense. I can't believe u said horns and possessions and my first thought was demon!dream or something like that lol yes that actually makes sense and him hiding the horns makes the character design much more interesting, we support it.
Btw, the brief sketch u did of wilbur's wing being damaged, you're more than welcome to share if u want to! I think it's a bit visible in ur last post with him so you're probably talking about that or maybe I'm just seeing things but olwolo art is ALWAYS welcome here in this house! 🧨
jimmy is great!! i first watched him in scott's 3rd life series and he was a delight! and the nicknames in general in this mcc.. . it's so nice to see people from like. 'two sides' of the mcyt interact and get along! i always try to watch a team that i find interesting and with at least one person that i watch and somehow it ends up being a team with wilbur most of the time. he is always put in teams that just appeal to me sgdjks and they are always fun too!
and idk if it's because i started watching dsmp with absolutely no knowledge about people involved (besides watching wilbur's arg and few vids a while back) so i had like no idea about sbi family being a thing kdjd but now it just kinda makes me annoyed when it comes to the dsmp canon (and how it always seems that others are reduced to just being tommy's dad/brother) and people still reach for them all to be related. i believe in found family supremacy. and god i'm really hoping that what comes out of this arc is c!tommy realizing that it's okay to let c!wilbur go for his own good.
and man c!techno being Old. unless confirmed otherwise i choose to believe that man has a relatively normal age but just fucking forgot. for comedic purposes. but yeah. emerald duo spending such a long time being friends *holds gently* i care them. and what can i say. i very often make myself sad coming up with headcanons hence the wilbur and phil one. it's a very common occurence unfortunately. and yupp the damaged wing is visible in the comic i posted a while back!
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