#i've just been enjoying this dude's music for well over a decade now and it kind of fits with this blog
mironemec · 2 months
More Michael Fitz music! As much as I love that last song, Die Wand, I transcend to a new level of ecstasy when he sings in his "native language", Bairisch, instead of Hochdeutsch. Long live dialects. Long live music sung in dialects, particularly. It's SO meaningful to me, I legit get emotional about this sort of thing.
So, obviously, I could listen to the gorgeous sound of his voice singing in his own language in "Hinter meiner Stirn" a thousand times in a row and never get tired of it. (Plus, that little melodic guitar riff on the chorus is just... chef's kiss.)
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dollarbin · 16 days
Shakey Sundays #34:
Archives 3: Takes
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I've gotta say, Archives 3 is underwhelming so far.
Now, of course, I'm experiencing it in true Dollar Bin curmudgeonly style: I've got my hands on a digital copy of the sampler Takes collection and that's it so far. Unless one of you gifts me the yet-to-be-released $800 vinyl version of the whole thing, I frankly don't want a physical copy of Archives 3.
Here are a few of my cranky, middle aged white guy, reasons why that is so, penned while I guzzle generic booze on ice in a Southern California heatwave:
I don't ever want to own a CD again. I can't stand the things. Neil used to agree with me on this point; now he wants me to have 17 more of them. For shame Neil!
Same thing with Blue Ray discs. 40 million years from now the only thing left on this planet will be cockroaches, scratched up and unplayable CDs and Blue Rays and Willie Nelson - that crazy guy will never die.
Neil continues to clog up his Archives collections with tracks that we've all had for decades on original releases. If he took off all the previously released stuff, including most of the incredibly dull Hawks side of Hawks and Doves, Archives 3 would be half the size and half the cost. Give me a break, Neil. We can already experience your career in consequential order by simply listening to your original records, which we all already own, in order.
Dude, this collection covers 78-87. I love Neil's music from this era, but let's get real: Archives 1 and 2 were both a way bigger deal. And Archives 4 will be as well. (Archives 8: The Montsanto Years Uncut? That will be another story...)
My house is already full. Where the hell would I keep that big box? It'd wind up in my underwear drawer - and that drawer is already full of valuable undergarments that I actually need in my life.
What's more, the sampler "Takes" collection is pretty damn underwhelming. Sure, we get a tantalizing taste of Neil teaching Nicolette Larson and Linda Ronstadt Stars and Bars; and, sure, the new 76 version of Drive Back, in which Neil momentarily forgets how to play guitar altogether and then suddenly remembers how and sets our souls on fire, gets me fired up for all the new Budokan-era stuff he's finally letting us hear with soundboard quality.
And, wow, for sure, yes, the Boarding House Trasher, which comes complete with heated pool and, at last, the air-conditioned bar that Neil's original lyric sheet promised (and which I would love to access right about now), reminds us of that song's windy chasms and forlorn depths.
But there's plenty of underwhelming nonsense on Takes - and the collection is supposed to make us want to get our hands on the whole shebang.
After all, because my famous brother has been hooking us up with Shakey bootlegs for over two decades, we already know that:
Joe Freakin' Lala dominates much of If You've Got Love. His bongos fill me with rage.
Bright Sunny Day makes me pray for an immediate hurricane.
The baby from Devo singing Hey Hey, My My from Human Highway makes me hate all babies. Hate them!
Happily, there is one immediate revelation on the Takes collection: Neil Young's solo effort to emulate the Faith-era Cure.
Seriously: compare The Cure's The Funeral Party to Neil's initial attempt with a track my famous brother and I have both spent time on lately, Razor Love; in 85 Neil was, knowingly or unknowingly, emulating Robert Smith in his first, metallic, somber and sparse, heyday:
Did Neil know how to work up a dark wave of Cure-level depth and complexity? Nope.
But do I wish that he'd spent more time in the genre and recorded an entire solo album in this vein instead of pumping out Old Ways?
Hell yes.
Now, someone, bring me more booze and ice. I'm gonna listen to Takes all over again.
P.S. My famous brother, who is a showoff, just lambasted my review of Archives 3, insisting it is a tear-jerking monster of greatness. In the process he showed off his very own gargantuan box. Enjoy adding on to your house so as to make room for all those new CDs bro!
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david-watts · 2 years
Name one favorite band from each decade
well!! this should be uh. interesting. forgive me for starting in the 1940s since I'm not exactly well-versed in bands from earlier decades
1940s: glenn miller and his orchestra I kinda grew up listening to them on accident, probably because of dad's army, something my m*ther, dad and grandpa love/loved to watch. I don't tend to listen to them that often, but since I do have a favourite then well I might as well put it down!
1950s: bill haley and his comets again, this is my dad's influence, but several of the songs on the cassettes he made up for me were by them. I also have a copy of the rock around the clock album that I got for free at a record fair a long time ago and I would say it's my oldest but I have a 78rpm disc from the 30s. I guess it's my oldest playable disc since we don't have a working 78rpm player
1960s: the easybeats now this was a tough choice! I nearly put the rolling stones, but also I think I enjoy a more wide selection of the easybeats' music than the stones' (not to say I don't enjoy their 60s body of work, it's more about the level at which my brain vibrates) and honestly how can I not list the band I have spent the most money buying albums of
1970s: the kinks I know. but considering that the glenn miller orchestra were formed in the 30s I can count the kinks for my 70s band, since I think I slightly prefer seventies kinks over 60s kinks musically (otherwise the shit that they got up to in the 60s wins out like dave really invited his mother to his shag pad with porn lying about) and yeah. I listened to 20th century man again today in the car before I unwillingly fell asleep. shit's good
1980s: flash and the pan was tempted to put the kinks again but. did you expect anything else from me. I wish opera singers was on the internet in better quality so y'all can go feral over it too
1990s: pink floyd was tough since I don't actually listen to stuff from that decade too often. just hasn't ever been my thing? but honest to god my choice came down to douglas adams playing with them that one time and probably being that publius guy (ik he denied it but seems like something he'd do. dude was probably doing it to procrastinate)
2000s: my chemical romance again, don't really listen to bands from this decade. like yeah I listened to radio pop at the time but also I was at max eight years old, so like. I kinda did have to list the band I've enjoyed most in casual passing (also kinda influenced by gerard way using a flamethrower I like fire)
2010s: for half the 2010s the only things I listened to were classical music/film music (aka I had been watching the same films over and over again and uh. kinda memorised the soundtracks to listen to in my head. I did not have much internet access which is why I did that but I did also pirate dr who music to my phone during the time I DID have it) so my knowledge of the music of the 2010s is. rusty. or alternatively remembering the shitty songs people blasted in various spaces at school and I so desperately wanted to make them listen to the fuckin salt and pepper diner challenge if we remember that. fuck it the tso is definitely my most consistently listened to 'band' (it's an orchestra) from that decade even if I think I found my old spotify wrapped decade thing and it says I listened to queen the most. yikes
2020s: abba like the fact that they released a new album and it slaps and I have two copies of it made this choice easy lol
anyway thank you for putting up with my long answer!! yes I was very weird in the first half of the 2010s, don't @ me
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So I decided to walk to the gas station today to get a soda instead of driving because I really just wanted to walk. So I got my headphones on, I'm jamming out to some Blackpink when I notice a guy on the other side of the street has been not so subtly tailing me for the last 10 minutes. Now, you might think it egotistical of me to just assume that if someone's behind me then they're obviously trying to make a move...but I retort with, I've been living on my own for well over a decade, I can't explain it, there's just some buried drop-down instinct that's become very in-tune and I just know when someone is following me or coincidentally walking the same path as me. I'm like a wild gazelle that knows when they're about to become prey. But anyway, eventually, this guy gathers up his courage and begins to cross the street towards me and I'm just super not interested. I just want to enjoy my kpop and sing and dance to it all by my lonesome, is that too much to ask? So I turn my music up super loud in hopes that dude will take the hint that hes not really in my peripheral and I don't want him to be while simultaneously getting my pepper spray into position if needed...but as luck would have it, a completely coincidental cough escapes my mouth, he looks me up and down and then proceeds to remain on his side of the street. What can I say, COVID-19 did me a solid today. I don't have the virus or anything so don't worry about that, sometimes you just gotta cough, it's a natural thing our bodies do. But nevertheless, the risks of COVID-19 got me out of a situation and home boy is just going to have to remain admiring my totally average good looks from across the street.
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Writing and More Writing
Here’s the first two sketches of a four part series. Hope you guys enjoy. 
Anger Management Episode 1
Anger Management (Episodic)
Premise: Dr. Loften is leading a court ordered anger management course with three very different men. We learn how they got there through brief reenactments of their stories as they are being told.
Day One (Pilot Episode)
Dr.Loften: "Guys you really have to work on healthy outlets to express your anger. What do we say in moments that we fill the inner rage coming out.
Everyone (except Jackson): Repress. Repress. Build up that stress. 2x
Dr.Loften: Looks at her clipboard and then up to Jackson " Jackson (questionably) You are new here to anger management. Why don't you tell us your story.
Jackson: I am not really into story-telling
Dr.Loften: Jackson you must open up if you want help with your anger.
Jackson: I don't have a problem with my anger
P-Nasty interrupts
P-Nasty- "Damn Doc typical self denial and shit. Look homie you need to let that shit out" Pats Jackson on the back
Jackson- You are going to need to not touch me P-Nasty- "Damn playa so its like that alright bet" mumbles
under his breathe
Dr.Loften ( sensing things are getting out of hand): "Ok guys lets get back to our session. Reggie would you mind starting with your story."
Reggie is a older man in his 50's. He has served a 20 years sentence in prison for killing a man in a bar fight. He joined anger management after being in prison for 10 years he now attends more as a confidant for other members.
Reggie- "Sure Dr. Loften. I remember it was 1986 and the night was young as I was. I had been drinking all night at the pub down the street." (Flashback to the Pub)
Reggie as a young man is drinking at a table with his girlfriend Veronica. In the restaurant are two other guys who keep making loud comments about Veronica in hearing distance of the table.
Guy One : " Hey baby you coming home with me tonight"
Guy Two: " Yeah a guy like that can't afford to buy you the things a girl like you deserves"
Veronica (to Reggie): "Don't listen to them baby. Let's just have a good night." She grabs his already clenched fist.
Reggie: Trying to calm down. "I know. I am not going to act up but lets get the check cause I can't promise how long this will last."
Guy Two: "Baby, Hey baby you want to ride my face like a horse saddle"
Guy One: Starts singing "Damn girl I wish I was your chair.. Ohh That booty so big"
Waitress comes back with their check
Reggie: "ok lets go"
Veronica gets up and grabs his hand as he leads her out. With no other way to leave they must walk past the table with the two guys. As Veronica walks by Guy One hits her on the butt. Reggie springs in to action. He beats up the first guy and then guy two tries to sneak him. He regains his footing and knocks him out. Then he turned back to guy one who was still trying to touch Veronica's butt to beat him up. The scene ends with him punching him in the face over and over. End Flashback
Reggie: " And that is how I served my time in prison. And I could of walk away from that fight and spent that 20 years with my family. And that is why I am here so that you don't have to spend decades behind bars.
P-Nasty: Home girl booty must of been fat! Reggie: Watch it motherfucker that homegirl is now my wife.
P-Nasty: I am just saying a dude going to get his ass whooped and still try and keep grabbing her ass.
Reggie: Look I aint going to tell you again An alarm goes off and the session has come to an end
Dr. Loften: Ok guys I'll see you all again next week. Please remember in times of distress say our mantra which is
Everyone (except Jackson): Repress. Repress. Build up that stress. 2x
The End
Anger Management Episode 2
Anger Management (Episodic) Session 2
Dr.Loften: "Hello guys I hope we all had a great week. Anything anyone want to share before we get started? Jackson?"
Jackson: Nah I am good Dr. Loften: "Preston?" P-Nasty: " Damn Doc I done told you can call me P-Nasty girl" Dr.Loften: I prefer Preston. Did you have something to share?
P-Nasty: " Yeah so my girl going to say I'm stalking her. And I'm like look just cause we happened to end up at the same places three times today doesn't mean I'm stalking you. And she was all like well you are outside my Gynecologist's office. "
Dr.Loften: "I told you Preston to stop following Stephanie. She will grow to forgive you in her own time"
P-Nasty: You right Doc. Dr.Loften: "How are you feeling today Reggie?" Reggie: " Mighty fine Dr.Loften"
Dr.Loften: "Good to hear. So lets get started. We ended last week's session with Reggie. Now its someone else's go. Who would like to go next?
Everyone looks at Jackson. Jackson pats P-Nasty on the shoulder
Jackson: "Go ahead bruh"
P-Nasty: " Nah...Hell nah! Don't touch me if I can't touch you!Nah cause homie yesterday walked in here like the Equalizer
Dr.Loften (distractingly): "Preston" (trying to get his attention) "Preston" (He looks at her) (trying to calm him) " Lets refocus that energy."
P-Nasty: (calming down) "Yeah you right Doc cause this fool going to have my pressure up."
Dr.Loften: "Preston would you mind leading us today in our session. Come on tell us how you got here"
P-Nasty: "Okay so picture it on the December 10th, 2016 I am dressed in my flyest gear. My (Whatever you brought to wear). When I pull up to pick up shorty I met on Tinder at her crib. So I walk up to the door ( Flashback to Stephanie's House) Preston walks up to her door and rings the doorbell. He waits and receive a call from the house.
Stephanie (from the back of the house) "Come in! I'll be out in a minute."
Preston: (opening the door and walking in) "Okay." (To himself) "she better be fine got me doing all this waiting"
Stephanie walks from the back of the house to the front room.
P-Nasty (while standing): Hey girl! You looking good. (He goes to give her a hug)
Stephanie (gives him a sideways hug)
P-Nasty breaks into song "Fake Hugs"
(The scene will freeze but P-Nasty will remain active. The musical interlude will be filmed as a music video. We will have P-Nasty rap while walking through her house eating out of her fridge and etc.)
**Yeah, yeah
I've been broke so it long I wear a frown on me They look down on me I got fake girls givin' fake hugs to me Straight up to my face, straight up to my face I've been broke so it long I wear a frown on me They look down on me
I got fake girls givin' fake hugs to me Straight up to my face, straight up to my face
Somethin' ain't right when we huggin Somethin' ain't right when we huggin Why you withholding your body Really your hugs never was all in She like no you can't please me I'll never get to grab cheek
Just when shit look out of reach, I reach back like one, three Like one, three, yeah
That's when she laugh in my face Whole time I'm trying to push together our waists Whole time I'm trying to push together our waists Whole time I'm trying to push together our waists Yeah, You know I wanna to push together our waists Damn girl your butt must be fake I don't trust a word you say How you wanna not hug me after all our applebees dates Them sideway hugs it's just not the same**
(P-Nasty returns to his position and the scene continues.)
(Stephanie looks up at the moniker): (suprised) A Spa?
P-Nasty: Oh so I guess somebody didn't know they were getting pampered today. So here's the game plan. Let's go in here and get oiled up and rubbed down. Then we can go out to eat at the Bistro. And then if my plan worked then back to your crib for some late night coffee. (Stephanie looks at him) I'm just joking about the last part. I mean unless you want to. (Losing his cool demeanor) (Stephanie laughs and gets out of the car) I mean (to himself) fuck. ( Preston exits the car)
INT. MASSAGE PARLOR. (Stephanie and P-Nasty are laying on tables waiting for their masseuses to arrive.)
(Two men walk in and walk over to Preston and Stephanie. Preston looks over at the guy about to massage Stephanie. He is a good looking man with a Hawaiian shirt that is mostly unbuttoned. He grabs the oil and begins talking to Stephanie.)
Sebastian: Hello my name is Sebastian and I will be taking care of your body today.
P-Nasty: (to himself) "Aint this a bitch"
Sebastian: (to Stephanie): You have beautiful muscles in all the right places. Your husband is a lucky man.
Stephanie: " Oh no he isn't my husband. This is our first date"
Sebastian: "Oh really. Well then"
P-Nasty: (to himself) Well then.. what the fuck he mean well then. Alright bet.
Sebastian: You have grogerous skin. It needs to be kissed by the sun. How about you come with me to Miami next weekend?
P-Nasty ( reaching his boiling point): This aint how its about to be playa!
Sebastian: "Excuse me?" P-Nasty: You heard you me you (improv insult based on looks) Stephanie: "Look Preston just calm down." P-Nasty: " Oh I am all the way calm."
Sebastian: "Look here little dude if you aren't going to calm down you need to leave." Turns to Stephanie "Do you need me to take you home?"
P-Nasty goes berserk knocking over the tables and trying to get to the masseuse. The scene ends with him choking the masseuse.
P-Nasty: "Yeah so we won't be going back there. Now my shorty tripping and not answering my calls."
Reggie: "You have to let the ones you love go if they love you they'll come back"
P-Nasty: (thinks for a moment) Nah that just sounds dumb. I am going to keep trying for her I love her.
Alarm goes off
Dr.Loften: Alright guys same time next week. And remember our mantra.
Everyone (except Jackson): Repress. Repress. Build up that stress.
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