#i've had this open like all day. took 5 hours to write 2 paragraphs babeyyyyy its one of those days
springcatalyst · 23 hours
🖊️ tell me about liliana!! i think she's really cool :]
ok <3 yay
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Can I be SO for real with you. u think she's cool because she is. I try to make her a girlfailure sometimes, it never takes. at her core she is just kind of cool.
She's laser-focused on Revenge to the detriment of everything else. When she gets it it's under circumstances that are less than ideal but at the end of the day she's still like yeah. this is what I wanted. She's simultaneously living in Kane's shadow and also superseding him and also neither one of those because Nadia took it from her. She's good at what she does- consistent and experienced and good at planning- but she's also messy with it- dismissive of others and tunnelvisioned and bad at thinking on her feet (hooves? lmao). She's both good at manipulating people (short-term) and easy to manipulate (long-term). She's genuine to the point of detriment. She carries herself non-formally and trusts people at default, but doesn't know when to make the switch to rescinding that. With strangers it's easy. Anyone else, it's trickier.
She's defined by rage in a calculating manner, it's not quick and cathartic but rather painfully slow, this steady trod towards a goal. There's a nonzero chance she'd be much better off without it, but she's nothing if not persistent. Liliana grabs hold of things and doesn't let go- she does this for people as much as ideals. She isn't... aware of it... but she's constantly on the edge of unsteady, just feeling like anything she has could disappear in a moment but not knowing how to prevent it, or if it's even possible. She leaves clawmarks in everything, she's terrified of being alone. And yet she still chases this revenge that comes before all the people in her life- it's not exactly a balanced mix. Some people are loyal like love, Liliana is loyal like a war.
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