#i've decided my signature spell is called Take My Hand and it makes people listen to my design analyses fgjhfjhg
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looking at the Mirror Chamber very intently. come with me for a sec. Take My Hand.
First thing catching my eye are the windowpanes. They're pretty busy in general, but those thorny curls…suspicious. As is how the overall flow of the panes seems to resemble an inverted form of the design Draconimom's appearance is built around (which is itself based on Maleficent's general character design).
But u know what really gets me? These aren't the only windows with distinctly thorn-like windowpanes. For some reason, the uppermost windows in the normal classrooms (like in Trein's magic history lessons) have a thorny design too. NO clue if there's any relation there, but it feels too overt to brush off, y'know?
Next up: the rose arches over the windows. If you look closely at Draconimom's lace cape-thing, you'll notice the roses worked into its pattern (sorta in the 'ear' area of the pattern)– and one of masquerade Malleus' home screen lines has him saying how fond he is of the rose embellishments on his outfit. It's a bit of a stretch, but considering the extreme similarities between Draconimom and our dear buddy Hornton, I'd be willing to bet that roses are A Specific Thing for them. (Plus there's the obvious thorns –> roses connection, and how Draconimom's staff is a giant flower, AND it provides a convenient visual tie-in to the first dorm/major boss we encounter in the main story…)
Now for the chandelier. Pretty messy-looking for such a fancy chamber, yeah? But with such a distinctive floral pattern to it…and to the lace it seems to be wrapped in. The main focus of the lace seems to be that sorta three-leaf pattern in it, the shape of which is reflected in the bud-like decoration dangling down from the center.
I know I'm making the lace of Draconimom's cape-thing do some heavy lifting in this analysis, but that sorta three-leaf/bud-like shape does appear in it. More noticeable, though, would be how the dangling bud seems to resemble the central decor of Draconimom's heavy belt– just without the sword.
Less relevant, but the presence of chains on the chandelier give me pause. Symbolically, chains are used to represent containment or (a negative sense of) security. I've joked about Draconimom being in the Dark Mirror, but that chains would be placed so nearby…it makes me wonder. Is the person in the mirror being actively restrained or otherwise held by force, as opposed to passively being trapped?
Also, if you look closely…at the top of the chandelier's lace, nearly hidden in the gloom, appears to be the image of a rose.
Moving along, the bottom of the chandelier looks quite similar to the construction of the botanical garden, just inverted. The four large beams visible in our view of the botanical garden also have a very…pointy quality about them, thanks to the spear pillars acting at their supports. You could say they look almost like thorned vines.
Looking from the campus map view shows that those large beams fully encircle the building, just as the decorative lines on the chandelier presumably encircle it. In addition, we can also see that the Hall of Mirrors has a somewhat similar construction. (Not using the outer view of the HoM from the official manga bc idk how much artistic leeway the manga artists are allowed.)
The circles on the coffin lids alternate between being bright green or glowing cyan, depending on whether or not you're summoning cards. It could be that the green is their default "inactive" state, and the cyan glow is caused by them being "active" during the summoning sequence? Seven ("active") coffins appear during the summoning cutscene, which is all but assuredly in reference to the fact you can usually only summon from the 7 available dorms. (The 12 "inactive" coffins seen during the normal view of the Mirror Chamber don't appear to correlate to anything in specific.)
The lamps lining the Mirror Chamber each have seven lights on them, which could also be a subtle nod at the 7 dorms – it's a bit of an odd design for a lamp, otherwise. All of them together gives me the impression of a grove of saplings.
last but not least, this is slightly off-topic but WHAT is up with that fountain. why's it got the nastiest lookin water known to man. when was that thing last cleaned. looks bad looks rancid. still feel compelled to take a lil sip tho
#i've decided my signature spell is called Take My Hand and it makes people listen to my design analyses fgjhfjhg#twst#twisted wonderland#twst meta#meleanor draconia#dark mirror#does this count as book 7 spoilers? bc of draconimom's design? i'll tag just in case#twst book 7 spoilers#design analysis#twisted rambling#twstposting
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Hard | Draco Malfoy
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Word count: 3.5 kkkkkk LIKE WHAT?
Summary: here
A/n: this contains swear words, blood and a lot of mistakes, but I got so excited and got too carried away. I warn you, I changed A LOT of things and I'm kind of not sorry for that.
Also TUMBLR HERE decided to delete my draft and I had to correct it again so sorry if it sucks, it's 00:40 here and I'm going crazy.
It'd been a stressful day, you went to Hogsmeade and someone put some strange spell on a poor girl. No one really knew who did it. But everyone was getting strange vibes from it.
So he created some kind of project, once a month a student from each house was selected to move temporarily into another house, to avoid internal conflicts.
That night, was a special one for Hogwarts.
Dumbledore wanted the school to be united, every house had to say goodbye to rivalries.
And that day was one of those times, Dumbledore was going to announce who the lucky students were.
You at dinner, in the great hall, with your Hufflepuff friends.
"Hey Black, are you okay?" One of them asked, noticing you spacing out and only earning a death glare, as a response from you.
Those days, you'd been in a bad mood and the fact that your dad's died not so long before didn't help at all, he was everything she had.
And now he was gone, leaving his only child alone.
Sirius Black didn't even know he had a daughter until his high school girlfriend showed up at the Potter's door one night with a little girl in her arms, the love of Sirius' life, before disappearing.
He later discovered he wasn't your real father but he still loved you like he was. Then we all know what happened next.
He'd raised you until he was accused of homicide and taken to Azkaban.
You only got to see him for two years, after he escaped the prison.
And after they finally got to be in each other's lives again, Harry came up to her, one night, and told you he was dead. You were angry, sad, frustrated... not even a last goodbye, he was just gone. After that you simply locked yourself up in your room and got out only to go to class.
Until that day.
You hoped you could finally spend your next month away from the Hufflepuffs, they knew too much about you and you needed a fresh start.
They were good friends of course, but you wanted to be free for that whole month.
You glanced over the Gryffindor table to find Harry mirroring your sad look, but Dumbledore coughed to get your attention making you turn around quickly.
"Today, my dear students, if you're lucky enough, you'll be experiencing a new thing, you'll get to know other mentalities, other personalities so please listen here. For the slytherin house, Pansy Parkinson will go to the Gryffindors" a loud mix of groans erupted from the gold and red table, interrupted his speech. But he just ignored it.
"Hermione Granger, we all are aware of your intelligence, so you're staying with the Ravenclaws.
Miss Lovegood, you're staying with the Hufflepuffs" your table cheered, you all loved her.
Your smile faded when you realized, one of the Hufflepuffs was going to be a Slytherin for four whole weeks. And for some reason you knew for sure you were going to be that one.
"Miss Black, all your family comes from Slytherin witches and wizards so I thought you could try and understand what being one of them is really like" you groaned as your suspicion got real, and lowered your head while a dozen of people from the Slytherin table were clapping.
You gazed around your table only to find shocked faces, someone even glared at you.
'Fuck this' you thought before walking toward the Slytherins.
One of them, Deneb was her name, -you recognized her from divination class- called you from the table, and you were more than happy she did, because you two got along just great, and it would've been awkward sitting beside someone you didn't know.
"So, you're the new Slytherin uh? I'm glad it's you Y/n, come on sit down." She invited you.
You glanced around to study everyone's faces but they were like stone, no emotions.
You sat between Den and the most handsome boy you'd ever seen, Draco Malfoy, he'd grown up so much since you'd last seen him. But his signature smirk wasn't plastered on his face as usual, in it's place there was a thin line, his lips sealed in a neutral expression.
"Hey Malfoy" you greeted kindly.
"Shut up half-" he said harshly,interrupting himself trying to insult you.
"He's not been himself lately, usually he's not that bad, you all always judge him, but he's sweet with the people he fancies" Den explained, and you did believe her, because you saw the good in every person and he flooded with kindness. You noticed how his eyes sparkled before a quidditch match, his soft sneaky smiles that grew onto his face whenever he got a spell right. You knew he was a soft boy, he just liked to think that it made him weak so he covered it all up.
As you met his gaze you noticed his bright grey eyes were dark and full of sadness that made you smile softly. Just the fact that he was trying to insult you made you feel sick.
"I'm not sweet" he stated, probably less convincingly than he thought.
"It's okay Draco, I don't want to argue" you clarified. His expression changed for a quick second, before going back to his stone-face self.
He liked that you called him Draco, it made him feel like you liked him for who he was, not Malfoy, not the Slytherin prince, just Draco.
And that was exactly your intention, to make him feel like someone actually cared.
After that little conversation, everyone in the big hall started to leave to go to their dorms.
Some of your house walked right in front of you giving you sad smiles, Harry, Ron and Hermione even gave Draco death stares.
You knew he had been an ass in the past years, you knew he wasn't the nicest when it came to words, but he wasn't what the others said he was.
Or maybe it was your big crush on him speaking for you. Yeah, probably.
"I'm going to sleep. Malfoy? Show her where's our room" she said.
Draco gave her a hint of a smile that almost made you feel uncomfortable.
'No Y/n you're not jealous, stop' you thought.
"Draco, uhm- so you and Den-?" Draco let out a semi-genuine laugh, before you even completed your sentence.
"She's not my girlfriend Y/n, I don't like her, she's like my cousin, she is my father's cousin's daughter, you're probably kind of her relative too" he explained, and you suddenly felt stupid.
"I'm not your cousin Draco, I'm not a real Black, dad- Sirius just gave me his last name" his lips parted slightly at your confession.
"You're not a Black? Y- he adopted you? Like- oh sorry I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he said quickly. A chuckle escaped your lips.
"It's fine, my mom abandoned me, I only know Voldemort killed her and she was a half-blood and so was my real father, who died as well. Professor Lupin was the one who raised me for twelve years, but I've only ever cared about Sirius, he was the best thing in my life even if for a short time. " you confessed, he smiled sadly, his gaze burning on your face.
You didn't know why you trusted him, but for some reason, you did.
"You know, my father uhm- made me do horrible things, but he's family, I don't want to disappoint him" he confessed reluctantly.
Later he'd invited you to his room, he seemed to have loosened up a little bit, while you entered his dorm.
A green and silver scarf was hung on the wall with his last name on it. His bed was perfectly made, no wrinkles, just a smooth green blanket.
To say you were impressed was an understatement.
You smiled at him "so that's why you hide your good part uh?" he nodded.
He just suddenly wrapped his arms around you tightly. You made him feel alive again. He missed the feeling, it was like a deja vu from last year, when you found him crying in a hidden corner when without saying anything, you hugged him, lettinghis speak.
"You're not that bad for an Hufflepuff you know?" He smirked. His first signature smirk of the year, just for you!
"And you're not that bad for a Slytherin either" you laughed.
"I missed physical contact, I-I uhm- it's not very common in the Malfoy manor, to get all cuddly I mean" his chest vibrated with his embarassed laugh that filled your ears as you memorized that beautiful and harmonic sound.
"You're so warm" you said, obviously blushing. Thank you dark night!
"And you're a freezing Hufflepuff" he pulled away much to your dismay and took something out of his wardrobe.
He handed you a green hoodie with a basilisk on the front and the name "Malfoy" on the back.
"I can't accept-"
"It's yours Y/n. Now if you excuse me I have to go somewhere, I'll show you where you're going to sleep" he grabbed your hand, not even realizing it, and took you with him to another corridor, a wooden door with a sign was suddenly in front of us, 'Pansy and Deneb' it read.
You were too zoned out to really comprehend what was going on, but suddenly your hand felt cold, extremely cold. You looked at it, disappointment clearly written all over your face.
"I'm sorry... for you know, taking your hand and everything" he said before walking away, without even waiting for an answer.
You opened the door in front of you and found Den sitting on what you assumed was her bed.
When she spotted you, she smiled.
"Did you do it?" Your cheeks flushed at your not so holy thoughts. You shook your head 'no daydreaming about these things you fucker'
"W-what are y-you talking about?" You asked her with wide eyes.
"Did you kiss Draco?" She asked.
"He's like my cousin Deneb!" You whispered.
"He's not and you know that, so please tell me. Do you like him? " she giggled. You gasped quietly, surprised she knew you weren't a Black.
"I-I want to sleep, uh good night"
"Y/n likes Draco. Y/n likes Draco. Y/n likes Draco!" she chanted.
You ignored her and sneaked into your new very comfortable bed.
Was it that obvious? That you liked Draco.
"All you do is stare at him Y/n " she said like she had read your thoughts or something.
"He's not what he wants the others to believe he is" you explained
"plus he's cute" Deneb completed making you both laugh.
----------------• ☆☆☆☆ •---------------
That morning the atmosphere was extremely strange and tensed, there weren't many students in the Great Hall.
As you approached Harry in your new Slytherin hoodie, Draco's last name properly covered with a scarf. He kind of looked at you in disgust, like he despised you. But you knew he only hated Slytherins in general.
"You look great in green!" Hermione exclaimed happily.
"And you look hella good in blue 'Mione!" You winked.
"Katy said she can't remember anything from Yesterday, but I know it was Draco, I saw him" Harry assumed, your blood began to boil on anger.
"He's not a bad person" you said as calmly as you could.
"Oh you're so blind Y/n" and you were going to spat at him but Draco made his way into the big room, his eyes full of fear and, regret? Was Harry right?
You didn't even have time to answer that question because Draco ran away toward the bathroom.
Harry followed him, and you resisted your instincts for once, all you wanted was rushing after him, she wanted to know who Draco was, who he really was.
You all sat at the same table, including Deneb. It was a nice morning except for the fact that you didn't know where either Harry or Draco went.
"How's being a Slytherin?" Hermione asked snapping you out of your trance.
"It's quite nice, they're not as bad as you think ... and you're just wrong about Draco, he's actually really calm and sweet when he wants to" you explained, a light blush crept onto your face as you did.
"Are you kidding? Malfoy? Sweet? You're crazy" Hermione hissed.
You huffed looking at Deneb for a moment.
"Draco isn't the one you think he is, I'm his cousin, I know what I'm talking about. But his father... he's ruining him, his mother is trying her best but Lucius is just an evil coward" Deneb said, way too calmly.
Ron and Hermione looked at each other before smiling.
"Deneb, is this girl right there intrested in your cousin?" Ron asked, smirking and pointing to you.
"No, she just has a really kind heart" she answered sending you a wink.
You even stopped listening to the conversation. All you could think about was Draco. Where the fuck was he? You swore, if Harry'd done something to him you were gonna kill him slowly,You kind of thought, at that point, that he was just a selfish boy trying to get some attention.
You spaced out for a little while.
Draco's grey eyes popped onto your mind, his smile, his face... but every good thing stopped appearing as soon as you got anxious, you were going crazy right? Harry couldn't hurt him. Could he?
You stormed out of the great hall without even saying anything, you just ran up the stairs, your breath was heavy and it was like your legs got heavier and heavier with every step. But the worst happened when you opened the door of the bathroom.
Draco was laying on the wet floor, he was wincing in pain, his platinum hair sticking on his forehead, his beautiful eyes were closed and some tears were stained on his cheeks.
But even worse was the fact he was covered in blood, his white shirt was now all red and you felt extremely useless.
"Draco, Draco it's me, Y/n" you said before kneeling down beside him.
"Y-Y/n-" then he yelled, that loud your head started to pound slowly.
"Draco, please I'm here, Snape is coming upstairs, I saw him, stay awake" you pleaded as you started to cry, hot tears streaming down your cheeks and landing on your parted lips as you sobbed loudly.
"Y/n? Why a-are you here?" He winced
"You're my friend Draco!" You exclaimed brushing his hair away from his forehead.
"You s-shouldn't b-be- Y/n I-"
"Draco you're not a bad person! Stay with me, please." you implored sobbing loudly and crying, but you didn't care, you only wanted him to live.
"You what Draco? Stay awake please" you sobbed loudly when you noticed the death eaters symbol, that was what he was trying to say, but you didn't give a fuck. You didn't want to lose him, death eater or not, you were falling in love with him.
"I h-hurt people" he whispered weakly
"I-" he opened his eyes for a quick second looking at me but right then they closed again and you realized he'd blacked out, his heart rate fell and he wasn't breathing. That's when realization hit you. He was dead.
Everything that happened soon after went in slow motion, Snape coming in and picking him up from the floor, some people coming in and out of the room, water still flooding the floor. But you were completely still. watching the blood on your hands.
You let out a frustrated scream, when the room was completely empty.
You sat there, sobbing like a little child.
It wasn't like he was the best of your friends, but he somehow understood you, even though you had talked to each others just four or five times in six years of school he listened to you and didn't judge you a single time and you let him die under your watch.
Couldn't you have just gone downstairs and call a professor? You were sad and mostly angry at yourself and at who did that.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked appearing behind you.
"Leave me the fuck alone!" you yelled, not stopping the tears that now completely made your face wet.
"Y/n what happened?"
"He-he killed him, he's dead. Draco is fucking DEAD!" you shouted angrily, your voice rough.
"Who killed him Y/n?"
"Your fucking best friend Hermione" you hissed sniffling.
"I hate him! " you screamed on top of your lungs.
Hermione hugged you tightly after sitting down beside you.
"You love Malfoy. don't you?"
"H-he's d-ead" your voice trembled as Hermione soothed you tracing circles onto your back.
"I'm sorry Y/n"
"He wasn't that bad you know" you took a long shaky breath but broke down crying again immediately.
"I trust you"
"He didn't want to harm anyone" you groaned in frustration.
She helped you up and put one of your arms around her neck.
Your legs felt numb and as you made your way to your dorm, you felt weaker and weaker.
As you opened the door you launched yourself on the bed, face buried in your pillow.
"What-" Deneb asked.
"Draco- " Hermione stopped to take a long breath. "He died" she explained. You on the other hand just continued to cry uncontrollably.
"Hey Y/n it's oka-"
"Don't you fucking dare say it's okay!" You screamed.
"Y/n listen to me okay? He was a really good person, he'd always been awfully nice to you but now he can rest in peace, without all the terrible things they constantly do to him. He deserves this" you knew she was right but you still refused to stop sobbing.
At some point you did stop, and the other two girls smiled softly when they heard your shaky breath become heavy as you drifted off to sleep.
----------------• ☆☆☆☆ •---------------
The following days had been hell for Y/n, all she did was cry and cry.
Dumbledore often went to console her, and she knew something was up, they didn't even have a funeral for Draco.
Y/n's life had gotten miserable.
You locked yourself up again, professor Mcgonagall said you were in shock because you saw someone die under your eyes, so she even let you skip classes. And you were glad she did.
But that day you had been dragged out of your room by Deneb. Against your will.
"Y/n come to class, at least today, if you don't feel good then you'll be a free elf" you groaned in frustration.
"Why do I have to?"
"Because you need to get some fresh air, so now come with me, we have transfiguration"
When you got to class everyone got silent.
You sat on your new desk as a Slytherin and tried to concentrate but as the professor started the lesson, you grabbed your pen and started sketching on your notebook.
"There are rumors flying around the school. Someone said you and Draco were friends with benefits, some said you were dating but he was using you." None of these were true and Deneb knew that, but she still decided to tell you, after she saw your, almost, scared face.
And even though it wasn't consciously, you soon realized you you were drawing Draco.
At the end of the last clas, in the afternoon, your notebook was filled with drawings of him, really detailed ones, that much that your tears threatened to come out. Again.
You silently made your way to Draco's dorm.
You laid on his bed inhaling his scent, and memorizing it. You'd never see his face again.
You opened your notebook and traced the shape of his head with your finger.
You took out a pen from your pencil case and wrote on the drawing: " hope you're doing good up there ♡" as if he could see it, and after ripping the page you put it on his pillow.
When that night Deneb asked if you wanted to sleep there, you obviously said yes.
That lasted for a few days until, three days later you woke up and didn't find the piece of paper with his face in it.
When you fell asleep on that bed everything bad that happened to you disappeared.
And when you woke up you were actually feeling better.
You panicked, it was your favourite drawing. So you frantically searched under the pillows, under the blanket. But nothing was there.
"I look good in this Y/n/n" you heard a voice and you gasped, at the sound of Draco's familiar voice.
"Hello, Y/n" Draco suddenly appeared from the shadows. He noticed your puffy eyes and bags under your eyes.
"What are you?! A ghost or something?" You asked widening your eyes.
"I'm Draco, with bones and all" he laughed, even if his eyes were full of fear.
"Is it really you? But you died!" You shot up.
"It's me Y/n/n, Snape knew the spell and healed me, but not entirely so they kept me hidden until they were sure I'd survive." He explained.
"A bird told me you missed me" he continued walking extremely close to you.
"I- I surely did, you were- are my friend" you blushed heavily.
" I'm sorry for everything I did, I hate myself for everything, and something happened.. I - refused to kill Dumbledore but-" he interrupted himself starting to sob.
Your confused expression almost scared him.
"Snape killed him, it's my fault I-" you didn't let him finish ignoring the sadness and smashed your lips onto his.
You fell on the bed, but he continued to kiss you almost roughly.
As you pulled away he smiled.
"I like you Y/n, but I'm not a goo-"
His eyes filled with happiness for the first time in years as you smiled.
"Stop! You are the fucking best person I've ever met!" You exclaimed punching his chest.
"Don't you feel ashamed of a death eater?" He asked, remembering when he'd showed you his tattoo.
"No, as long as you're safe"
"Do you mind if I kiss you again?" In response you kissed him, again, softly this time.
As your lips moved together until you saw the door fly open.
"Are you done sucking faces? Lunch is ready" Deneb teased before walking away again.
"I like you so much Y/n. Would you uhm- goonadatewithme?" He asked, his voice trembling a little.
"Of course Drakey"
"Don't call me that"
"Shut up. I love you dork"
#draco x y/n#draco x you#drama#draco malfoy#draco x reader#one shot#draco one shot#i'm going insane#fuck you tumblr
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