#i've changed how i draw toph a lot since this
factual-fantasy · 22 hours
28 asks! Thanks yall! :)) 🦶
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My last doctors appointment came up with nothing. Onto the next one in a few weeks...
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Oh good idea-- :00
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Dink already has a friend! His name is Doink! :)
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I usually watch YouTube or listen to music while I draw. I feel like it helps me draw faster and keeps me focused somehow.. XDD And no one wants to be alone with their thoughts lets be real-
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<XD I'll have to think about that one-
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1: I knew what was coming for me in Tales from Ba Sing Se. But it still hurt. :(((
1: At first I don't think I liked Mei very much <XDD But after seeing her turn around at the end of the show?? I really like her :))
There's a lot of moments that were sweet and sad. But Zuko's apology to Iroh, and Toph and Sokka's talk about Katara's motherly nature were amongst the sweetest. And Aang going avatar mode when loosing Appa and being comforted by Katara has to be the saddest I can remember.. 🥺🥺🥺
The ending overall just felt like it came too soon, I wish the show was longer..
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You're gonna have to be a liiiitle more specific- 😅
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(Aang holding Appa art in question)
Do people really ask that?? Man.. smh.. smh.. 😔😔
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That sounds like something they'd do! :DD
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:DDD Thank you! I'm glad you like my artwork!! :))))
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XDDD Oh man that's some fantastic angst potential
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(Evil Grim and V post in question)
An asker in this post described what I imagine they'd be like really well! :00
And yes! The evil versions are all shiny but evil Anastasia (Kricketot) is normal colors XD
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I didn't intend to have Miraidon around, no.. 😅
And I don't have the DLC, so I am unfamiliar with Ogerpon.. <:0
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The boo mushroom isn't intended to be in my AU.. but the boomerang and cloud flower could be included :00 I imagine they'd be/look a lot different though..
The boomerang flower might not be a full on powerup.. I might make it this big flower that once it grows its oddly shaped petals fall off and harden like wood. Leaving behind these perfect flat boomerangs. I can imagine Mario and Luigi just learning how to throw the boomerangs instead of absorbing a powerup. This would also explain how boomerang bros got their boomerangs. They throw the same dried up petals that the bros throw-
The cloud flower might just be changed into some king of... wispy thing and the bros can collect. Instead of a flower. Maybe a literal cloud? I'm not sure.. but I can see it existing :00
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I believe so! XD Thank you! :)
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(Refencing this post and this post)
<XD No one is safe from the bootleg curse!
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<XD No no, my AU was made before the movie came out. Nothing from the movie applies to my AU- including the Vanessa daughter thing <XDD
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Well lets see,
1: I think Gravity Falls and Pixars cars was very inspirational to me! :0
2: My favorite song changes from day to day,, but currently I really like Lights by Ellie Goulding! :))
3: When I understood it, I think I liked math! :))
4: And sorry! But drawing suggestions are now closed 😅
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Shroomie!! :DDD
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I wouldn't trust them personally- 😅😅
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XDD The only appropriate response to evil Grim and V honestly-
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They doin good! I've been meaning to draw them more often <XDD
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Ah man.. this is very bitter sweet. I'm glad you found me here and that you like what I make. But its also horrible to hear that you found me through stolen artwork that I worked so hard on..
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@katpotato55 (In response to this post)
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XDD Well hey it made me laugh too! Also thank you! :))
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I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do for that..😅I'm not familiar with Digimon.. 🥺 Thank you for the suggestion though! :00
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XDD Thank you!! And yes! I DO love sky! :DD Been playing ever since season of dreams back in 2021 💪💪💪
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seyaryminamoto · 7 years
Hey, I've been meaning to read Gladiator, but the story's really long, so I'm wondering if you can tell me what's currently happening so I can get motivated to read through the 100+ chapters?
Well, seeing as it’s Gladiator’s Anniversary just today, I’m taking the chance to answer your ask and hopefully convince you somehow to join in on this crazy ride :)
Gladiator is a retelling of ATLA, as you must know already. The world of ATLA is very similar to how it is in canon, though I changed a few factors, so not everything is 100% the same. As the summary says, the Avatar wasn’t found by Sokka and Katara at the time where they do in ATLA, and that leaves us with a very different storyline that includes the Fire Nation going down a darker path once the Earth Kingdom is defeated: slavery. It’s Ozai’s idea of making some use of the proud, stubborn Earth Kingdom populace who refuse to obey his rule.
There are major powers at play in the story: the Fire Nation controls most the world but the poles are still their own nations. The Fire Nation navy is locked in a fierce struggle they can’t seem to win against the Northern Water Tribe, while sending forces they can spare to slowly take over the territories of the South.
Sokka won’t stand for such a takeover, of course. Stubborn, strong, at 21-years-old, he decides to fight back and push off the invaders. He doesn’t expect that his plan will backfire on him when a deadly princess with blue fire just so happens to be in the South Pole, as her father’s envoy.
Sokka fights back, but it’s not enough. Yet for reasons he doesn’t understand, Azula spares his life… but the next thing he knows, she orders for him to be taken as a prisoner, and afterwards he’s sent to a slave market in the Fire Nation. The owner of the Amateur Gladiator Arena of a lowly Fire Nation town, Hui Yi, takes Sokka into his ranks and forces him to fight other gladiators to the death on the sand. 
This goes on for two years, until Azula is forced, because of some “mistakes” she made, to find a gladiator in order to defend her ambitions and her plans for her future. And as you must guess, her circumstances bring her to the very same gladiator she damned to this dreadful life.
Alright, so, after this weird summary of the first few chapters, I’ll answer your question!
As we are right now, it’s little less than two years since Azula and Sokka joined forces as gladiator and sponsor for the first time. In between what I explained and this point of the story, they’ve seen been a LOT of strife, trouble from all fronts: they’ve had relationship drama, they’ve met lots of canon characters through gladiator fights and Sokka has faced off against some seriously deadly enemies now that he’s sponsored by Azula. In the larger scheme of things, also, they’ve defeated the Rough Rhinos (after the group rebelled against the Fire Nation’s order for them to stop pillaging the Earth Kingdom), they’ve uncovered a conspiracy by the Dai Li to retake Ba Sing Se, they saved the Fire Nation capital when it was vulnerable through a very clever plot concocted by the Order of the White Lotus, and lots of more things.
(Just to clarify, since not everyone seems to understand it by reading the story: the White Lotus here isn’t comprised just by epic old men who like Pai Sho and tea. The White Lotus has become the only bastion of rebellion against the Fire Nation’s growing empire, and they’re the only opposition that represents a real threat to their rule. Because of this situation, and because of a few factors that will be revealed in due time, the White Lotus has been a little too permissive about new members these days, and a lot of them merely join for the sake of fighting the Fire Nation somehow. In short, there’s a serious amount of not-so-great people in the White Lotus, and there’s also that the traditional members have very different takes on how to handle the war right now, when they think there’s nearly no hopes of defeating the Fire Nation as things are).
At the current point in our story, Sokka and Azula are very much involved in a committed relationship, and they may be more invested in it than they should be. They’ve taken their relationship a little further than they should have (… in short, there’s smut in this story, that speaks for itself). Their struggle, at first, had been about resisting their growing feelings. By now, all resistance was futile and their struggle is about keeping their relationship secret. But so far a few people have discovered it, for instance Toph recently found out about it (chapter 118). The real danger is, of course, if Ozai ever hears of it. If he knew his daughter is involved with a slave… well, the consequences won’t stop at Sokka’s execution. So they have to tread carefully and they know it, but sometimes it’s harder than it should be…
Anyways! Our current story arc is quite an exciting one, since it brings in the White Lotus for the first time since the chapters 51-57. Azula, Sokka and the captain of Azula’s guards, Rui Shi, are traveling across the Earth Kingdom on their way to Yu Dao. Their current predicament is that they’re being targeted, and followed, by Jeong Jeong. The most legendary firebender of Azulon’s time is sending his men after our princess and her gladiator, and nobody really knows why… (okay, obviously I know but I’m not telling xD you guys will have to wait a couple more chapters to understand what’s going on if you haven’t guessed yet, hehe).
As they travel, Azula and Sokka’s relationship grows stronger, as it always does because that’s what this story is about xD If you’re interested in reading Sokkla, I will say this story is, in short, the playground where I can fulfill practically every single one of my dreams about these two. There’s really no limits for it, I get to do it all. The slow-burn, steadily growing romance, the fulfilled relationship where they learn their way around each other, where they learn how to trust each other and share their lives… in short, it’s not only the “how they get together”, but the “what happens after they’re together”, too. In fiction you usually get one or the other, and most my other stories tend to be like that, too. And of course, it’s about how the development of the relationship affects both the characters, how it changes them. Azula has come a very long way from the cold-blooded, detached girl she was when she first showed up. Sokka as well has grown A LOT, as he has learned to see the world through different eyes. Well, to be fair, they both learned that xD 
So, if you want relationship and character development, you’ll find quite a bit of it here :D
Gladiator is a grand scale story: it’s a full retelling of ATLA, as I said, and it features the war as a plot that will become more central as the story progresses. The Gladiator business exists, slavery does, too, and there’s just so much to address that I can’t possibly end things cheaply with a simple “And now they’re together, storytime’s over”. This story is guided by Azula and Sokka, no doubt, but it’s not a story with the only purpose of sating my shippy feels. Its plot is just as important as the romance that sparked it all, and both things are blended together in a sometimes unbalanced mix that sometimes has more of one thing than the other… but well, I try to do both things at once ^^U
If this isn’t enough to catch your attention, sorry to hear it ^^U I do understand, though, not wanting to take the plunge with such a long story. It’s ridiculously long, but I always knew it would have to be if I was going to tell the story I wanted to tell. The good thing about fanfiction is that the writer isn’t limited by factors that usually would be a problem in regular fiction (no one on their right mind would publish a 1.4M story, obviously xD). So yes, I’ve made the most of this advantage. Some might think I’ve made too much of it and should slow down xD but anyways, if you do give the story a shot, I hope you enjoy it. I believe the first arcs are tense and action packed, and they tend to draw people in well enough. Hopefully you’ll enjoy them, and the rest of the story too if you decide to give it a chance :)
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