#i've been thrown out &&. i've been burned « lucifer / fallen. »
applctini · 2 months
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i am the devil that you forgot « lucifer / visage. » decorated in sin &&. dressed in pride « lucifer / aes. » a viper's tongue &&. your endless amounts of hubris. « lucifer / musings. » a dreamer whose forgotten to wish on his stars « lucifer / headcanons. » talking to the big boss himself « lucifer / threads. » a king's never late everyone else is simply early « lucifer / first. » your dreams haven't destroyed the world just yet « lucifer / eden. » evil took its root &&. you're responsible for protecting souls « lucifer / guardian angel. » still the boss in town && your blood sweat and tears belong to me « lucifer / human. » i've been thrown out &&. i've been burned « lucifer / fallen. » it's my madness so fall for me even more. it's my madness it's making you even crazier « radioapple / rcdigo. »
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thefallennightmare · 9 months
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Fallen Angel!OC
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, smut, mythological talk, violence.
Summary: "Blinded by a fear of feeling, these are the kings we chose. Lost and looking for the meaning, I've been searching high and low" It came crashing down on him. This is the story of the highest banished angel from where she came only to find home in the arms of a mortal man. This mortal realizing he'd face Lucifer himself to keep her.
Lethia: Archangelus Oneironaut also known as Archangel of Dream Walking. Across worlds and dimensions, she walks within. Uncovering dangerous secrets, leaving her cast out, isolated- that is until she begins to learn what it means to feel.
Authors Notes: Here we go! Now this is an AU but I will keep things true to life with Bad Omens and Noah as possible! Also, this is NOT a reader insert fic. I decided to create a character for this.
Tags[OPEN]: @thescarlettvvitch
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The wind whipped widely through my hair, smacking me in the face, as my limbs thrashed around with such force I cringed in pain. I could see the clouds out of the corner of my eyes as I fell through them, with no sense of comfort protecting me. I choked on a sob when I noticed parts of my long, golden, hair was being singed from the rate of the fall. I held my hands in front of my face to watch in horror as the once short nails grew in length and darkness. 
How did it get like this? All because I chose to follow someone else instead of the almighty King? How was that fair? I’d been loyal since creation, one of his most loyal servants, but the second I thought of something different than the divine plan, He cast me away. 
“Leth, follow me to the ends of the darkness. For we can create our own Kingdom and rule.” 
My eyes screwed shut at the familiar voice as my throat burned with the thought of him. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was close by, surely he had to be. I was thrown from the Kingdom first, Lucifer not far behind. 
The air around me began to thicken, grasping around my throat with such force, that I clawed there with my newly fresh nails. Blood dripped from the wounds but none of that mattered to me; I simply stared up towards the sky where my former home disappeared through the clouds. I could try and climb my way back, as far as my wings would allow. But I knew, like Icarus, if I climbed too high to the sun, I’d fall into the unknown jungle below. 
Icarus was a fool. 
My ears rang loudly from the sudden change in altitude and I looked towards the left, almost crying out when I took in the most recent alter to my appearance. Bright wings that mirrored the colors of the clouds surrounding me were no longer pure. No, they were dark with the tellings of my betrayal. 
“My King, forgive me!” I cried out seconds before my body fell to the hard soil below; darkness overtaking my vision.
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Slamming the car door shut with a long sigh,  I walked from the street, up to my house. I took in the variety of cars, realizing that one of the guys must have invited a few people over tonight. Usually, I never minded when we had small get-togethers, but tonight I did mind. It wasn’t anything anyone in particular did, my mind was just filled with the same dream I’d had the last seven nights in a row. 
Black feathers. Even darker hair. Cream-colored skin. And vibrant red eyes. 
At first, I chalked it up to being a random dream but as the nights progressed, the dream continued with the same figure. 
One night they were sitting on the edge of my bed. The following night, they were perched on top of the roof of my house, watching the street below. Last night, the figure was in bed with me as my lips trailed over the curvaceous lumps of her breasts. 
I ran a hand over my face as I neared the front door, taking a deep and steady breath. I thought about asking my therapist about these dreams but now that they were getting more intimate, I decided against it.
“It's just a dream, Noah,” I told myself while my hand reached for the door. 
A groan halted my movements and I turned swiftly on my heels back towards the driveway. But all I heard was silence; besides the loud music coming from inside the house. 
Shrugging, I took one final step towards the threshold until a groan sounded again, only this time louder. It sounded as if a large bird fell from the tree hanging overhead, feathers fluttering in the air.  I dropped my bag on the front porch before taking the steps back down two at a time towards where I heard the groans of pain; in between Jesse’s and Orie’s cars parked in the driveway. 
“Fuck,” I cursed seeing the crumbled body. 
Head snapped to the side, dark tendrils of hair covering her face, and an arm draped over her midsection. I winced as I saw the contortment of it, knowing that it had to be broken. 
Where the hell did she come from? 
There was a sudden surge that spread from my heart to every vein inside of me; flowing through in shocking waves. I couldn’t place it but seeing this figure in front of me, there was something so familiar about it; her. A painful groan fell from her lips and I breathed in relief, almost forgetting to check if she was alive. I’d been so entranced in her familiarity. 
Gently scooping the body up into my arms, the dark hairs fell away from her face and I sucked in a breath when I noticed there were fresh cut marks along her cheek, and blood dripping from her ears. I rushed her inside, gaining stares from my roommates, who immediately stopped the music. 
“What the fuck?” Orie’s voice was raised. 
I shook my head while setting her on the couch in our living room. “I don’t know, man.”
Our house was packed with random faces; some I recognized, others I didn’t. I knew there was a party tonight but suddenly, I wanted everyone that didn’t live here out. 
Folio, who noticed my expression, waved a finger in the air. “Alright, I think it’s time to end this party. Thanks for coming, everyone!” 
Pretty quickly, everyone who didn’t live there or weren’t part of Bad Omens left the house. 
“Where did you find her?” Nick asked.
I hesitated. “That’s the thing. I found her lying broken in the driveway.”
“The driveway?” Jolly gasped. “How long had she been out there?” 
I shrugged while brushing away the stray hairs from her face, hearing a soft but painful breath falling from her dry, cracked lips. My eyes grazed down the line of her neck down to the swell of her breasts that were barely covered by the tattered black shirt; it looked as if it was burned off. I tossed a blanket over her to help cover her modesty. 
Something glinted in my vision and I looked back at her neck to see a golden chain hanging loosely between the valley of her breasts. My heart dropped to my stomach as the reality slammed into me. 
I’ve seen this chain before; in my dreams. My lips tasted that chain in my dreams. 
My hands shook at my side as a shaky breath escaped from my throat and Jolly called my name. 
“Hm, what?” I turned to look at him. 
He ran a hand through his hair. “Should we call the police? She looks like she’s been attacked.” 
“No,” I said a little too suddenly. “She just needs a place to rest. We don’t know what happened. I’ll ask when she wakes up.” 
I slowly sunk into the chair across from the couch, resting my elbows on my knees, watching the rise and fall of her chest to make sure she was still breathing. 
Jesse stared down at her from behind the couch and let out a low whistle. “It’s a miracle that she’s even breathing right now. We should probably wrap her arm. It could be broken.” 
Just then, Michael returned with our first aid kit and handed it to me. I took it with a small smile and started rummaging through it to look for the hydrogen peroxide and cotton balls. The least I could do while she slept was clean the wounds on her face. 
The softness of her face twisted as the sting of peroxide sunk deep within her wounds and when a whimper fell from her lips, my cock twitched in my jeans. Images of her lying spread wide in my bed for me flashed in my mind and I did my best to push them to the back of my brain. 
“How did she end up in the driveway? Looking like this?” Orie asked as he finished wrapping up her arm. 
“I don’t know,” I sighed while sitting back in my chair, eyes still trained on her. “With how I found her, it looks like she fell from somewhere.”
Jolly shook his head as he sat on the armrest of the couch, also watching the stranger. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
All seven of us stood around the body laying on the couch, wondering and watching to see if she would wake. 
“Maybe she’s an angel,” Jesse snorted, trying to ease the sudden tension. 
“Angels don’t exist,” my eyes snapped up towards him. 
Jesse held his hands up. “It’s a joke, Noah. But you have to admit it’s a little weird.” 
I ran a hand over my jaw and nodded. “I know. I couldn’t leave her out there, though. Once she wakes up, I’ll take her wherever she wants.”
“Luce,” the woman croaked out, head turning towards the side. 
Her voice rang out in song, echoing throughout the house, and my heart rose in my throat hearing how eternal it sounded. I barely knew anything about her but I couldn’t ignore the way my soul felt connected to her. Maybe it was because of seeing this form in my dreams or fate that I found her in my driveway, almost as if I was destined to help her. 
“What did she say?” Nick questioned. 
 Folio shrugged while leaning over her. “Luce? Maybe that’s her name?” 
Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and with one swift movement, the woman had her legs wrapped around Folio’s midsection and him pinned to the ground. Her good forearm was pressed deep into his neck while he lay frozen underneath her.  All of us were on our feet but none made a move to stop her, not knowing if it would ultimately help or make things worse. 
“Who are you?” 
The venom in her voice was cold as ice. 
“Ni-Nick,” Folio choked out. 
The woman tilted her head towards him. “Where am I?” 
Taking a tentative step towards her, I placed a soft hand on her shoulder. “I found you outside.” 
It was as if my touch meant nothing to her, eyes still burning deep into Folio. It wasn’t until I spoke again that she finally noticed I was touching her. 
“You’re hurt. I brought you inside to help you.” 
Before I could register what happened, I felt myself being pinned up against the front door, fiery red eyes staring deep into my soul. With all the doubt that plagued my mind the last hour as I watched her sleep on the couch, I tried to tell myself that I didn’t know who she was. It was all a coincidence that parts of her reminded me of the figure I dreamed of.
But the moment I saw those bright red eyes, I knew that all the doubt was wrong. This was the same woman I dreamed of the last seven nights. 
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With my nails digging into the fresh skin of the man in front of me, I assessed every inch of his face. The brown eyes widened in slight horror when my nails dug deeper and I took in the way his lips parted, breaths coming out broken. His long hair was held back by a clip but strands still fell into his face and I cocked my head to the side when I realized something drastic. 
Well, a few things. 
First, I couldn’t feel my hand around this man's throat. I squeezed harder, my face twitching in anger, when I still couldn’t feel his skin underneath my grasp. I expected to feel the erratic thrum of his pulse or his Adam's apple dip low as he swallowed. 
Instead, I felt nothing. 
No. It couldn’t be. 
I’ve heard tales of this happening to the Fallens but I never believed it to be true.  An old folks tale the other Archangels discussed over a cup of wine. 
My eyes blinked as I slowly removed my hand from the man’s throat, fingers shaking with the realization. The dark nails mocked me for my failure, scolding me for taking the darkness over the light. 
The second thing I realized? I’ve seen this face before. Moments before I fell, it flashed in my mind like a photograph, every fucking detail. The long brown hair, bright brown eyes to match, the freckles that littered over his nose and cheeks, the tattoo that wrapped around his throat where my fingers were moments before; a snake, apples, and hands. 
How metaphorical. 
“What’s going on with me?” I muttered bringing my hand to my chest, noticing it was wrapped in some kind of material. 
“You hurt your arm, we wrapped it for you,” a different voice spoke. 
My head snapped to the left, seeing another man slowly approach me. His voice sounded different than the others and I narrowed my eyes at him. 
“You’re not from around here,” I noted. 
A snort sounded from behind me causing me to whirl my body towards it, seeing yet another strange man staring at me. 
“Not from around here? Who talks like that?” 
Someone smacked him in the chest. “Michael, don’t be an asshole.” 
“I’m just saying, Nick. She wakes up in our home and attacks two of our friends. Are we supposed to allow that? We don’t even know her fucking name.” 
My tongue clicked against my teeth. “Lethia.” 
Various sets of eyes stared at me until the man who had an attitude spoke.; Michael. 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“My name-,” I spoke slowly. “-Is Lethia.”
Michael snorted. “Well, Lethia, where the hell did you come from?” 
Giving him a wave of my hand, I decided it wasn’t worth answering that question only because none of these men deserve to know.
“Who’s Luce?” 
I snapped my eyes towards the man I had pinned against the door, heart stuttering in my chest. “Excuse me?” 
He rubbed at the fresh red marks on his neck. “You said it in your sleep.” 
I licked my lips, widely shaking my head. “I need to leave.” 
A soft voice called to me. “We can take you back home.”
This man had a buzzed head and a beard. “Although, you should get those injuries checked out.” 
“I’ll heal,” I answered honestly.
Lethia, come to me.
I gazed around the room to see if that voice belonged to any of the seven of them although I knew it didn’t. I knew exactly who uttered those words. 
“I have to go.” 
The man from my vision stood tall against the door, not allowing me to leave. My jaw ticked with anger and I motioned behind him. 
His brow raised. “That’s a funny way of saying thank you for saving your life.” 
“Thank you?” I chuckled darkly. “You simply did nothing for me except keep me prisoner in this home.” 
“Prisoner?” It was his turn to chuckle. “I fucking found you in my driveway, broken and bruised. The least you can do is tell us what the hell happened!”
They’ll never understand. Mere mortals never did. 
I might not understand where I was but I knew mortals when I saw one. Their smell was different than angels; some were stronger than others. Except for the man blocking my way out. It was different, his aura, and I didn’t want to admit it but it drew me into him. There had to be a reason why I saw him mere seconds before I fell from the Kingdom. 
The two of us were unmoving, not wanting to break first, and one of the men must have felt the tension because one gently stepped between us; the one that sounded different from the rest.
“Noah, let her go.” 
Something fluttered in my stomach and I nearly shook with the unknown feeling. Never in my life had I felt something like this, even during my time with Lucifer. But with this mortal, Noah, it was entirely something new and it scared me to the depths of hell. 
Noah scrunched his face with anger but eventually stepped to the side, allowing me to leave. 
“Thank you,” I mocked with a slight curl to my lip; more like a snarl. 
After two steps toward the door, I froze when something caught my attention out of the corner of my eyes. Titling my head towards the glass, my reflection stared back at me and I gasped at what I saw. 
Short black hair, black ink covering almost every inch of skin across my shoulders and arms, my shirt barely hanging one by a thread, and what shocked me the most were my eyes; crimson red, not the vibrant violet. 
“No, it can’t be,” I brought my shaking hand to my mouth. 
Suddenly,  an ear-piercing ringing dug deep in my ears and I brought my hands to them, screwing my eyes shut. My head throbbed in pain as if someone was scratching their claws there. With one eye open, I noticed Michael held some kind of device in his hand. 
“Wh-what is that dreaded noise?” I stuttered. 
“A phone? Fuck, how hard did you hit your head?” 
A what? 
When the ringing stopped, I stood taller and for the first time, took in my surroundings. Everything in this home looked different than how we lived in the Kingdom. While we had advantaged technology, we simply didn’t have things of this nature. 
“None of this makes sense,” I whispered to myself before my eyes landed on a small device on a table. 
October 12, 2021. 
I nearly stumbled on my feet when everything began to click into place. Someone during my fall, I landed in a time that hadn’t existed yet. 
Noah could tell something was off because he turned towards me, a frown pulling at his lips. “Are you alright?” 
Without saying another word, I left in such haste, I hadn’t realized what I left behind in my wake. 
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My eyes stared at the space in front of me, the door wide open as it let in the cool night air. Those red eyes haunted me in Lethai’s wake and my skin crawled when an old dream crept back into my consciousness. 
I lay in my bed, bare for her to see, Lethia’s tongue traced down my chest and then stomach to brush across my navel. I gripped her dark hair, wrapping it around my fingers to guide her head farther down. My cock throbbed with such an ache, I was sure it wouldn’t last. Beads of precum slipped from the slit and Lethia’s tongue danced around it, tasting me. 
“Fuck,” I cursed as my eyes fluttered shut in ecstasy. 
“Look at me, Noah.” 
My eyes snapped open at Lethia’s firm tone and felt my heart stop dead in my chest; her eyes were glowing red. 
Breaking free from my trance, I gazed over to Orie. “Did you say something?” 
“We did all we could, man. There’s no use dwelling on it.” 
He patted my shoulder before they all dispersed into their sections of the house. But not me, I remained frozen in my spot, still staring at the vast darkness past the threshold. There was something just outside the realm of that darkness that caught my eye, it fluttered in the wind until it fell to the concrete just outside the door. 
With furrowed brows, I bent low to pick it up, analyzing it with curious eyes. It was a black feather, at least twelve inches in length, and the softness of it was something I’d never felt before. 
“Who are you, Lethia?” I murmured to myself, holding the feather close to my chest.
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french-toast-enjoyer · 5 months
Writing Share Game:
Rules: share some writing!
thanks to @rkmoon for the tag, here's a snippet from a symbrock fic I'm not sure is good enough to continue! I also submitted it to @funkycave so if you see it on their blog hey, same hat. lemme know if I should actually write this:
To the world, he was once known as Ediliaphon. The scribe of creation, and the angel of all to be known by man.
Now his collar simply reads “Eddie”. A bastardization of the name given to him by the god he once loved. The God who had abandoned him for daring to question his divine plan.
The God that had left him there, in the writhing city of Pandemonium with every other rejected angel. Tossed like an unwanted, unruly pet. Weighed down with a rock and thrown in a river to die.
And he would’ve died.
For nine full days after the collapse of Lucifer’s army, Eddie and all other now fallen angels had lay in the depths of what was now hell, paralyzed with the never-before-felt sensation that would come to be known as pain.
That fateful period had brought to birth several new, unbearable concepts.
Suffering came forth in the physical anguish of broken bones and hellfire-charred skin. Agony crept into the faces of those lost, regretful angels. And annihilation–
It claimed half of all lower angels on the first night.
Without a master or cause to tie themselves to, without faith in either their love or hatred of God, many of the regretful, lost souls had simply ceased to be. Succumbing to their injuries with no hatred to empower them to stand up and keep fighting.
But for those who did hate?
It disfigured them. Morphed their wounds into splitting heads. Their faces became permanent snarls, their halos had cracked into horns, and their bodies had melded into darkness from days of bitterly crawling on their bellies.
Eddie was lucky. Eddie had avoided both fates, somehow.
It eluded him, how he had fallen without shattering his soft white wings. And how he felt so little in the advent of his fall that malevolence had not consumed his broken, once divine body.
Much like the others, however, he was frail. Fading in real time without a deity to uphold him.
On night one, his wings had wilted, night two, his skin began to burn.
He'd have given up forever to touch God again. Just once.
There were nights when he’d remember his time as a scribe. Appointed by the Father to pen the histories of all that had been created. It'd been so brief, yet so blissful. To think he gave it all up, out of pride. Out of the want for more accolade than the ultimate honor of witnessing the birth of all the world. What a fool he was.
He would’ve died. But on his knees, something had found him.
It called itself Venom. A manifest of sin much like those conceived with Lucifer’s first betrayal. In perpetuity, it was meant to be the lord of treason. Of biting the hand that feeds.
He'd been despondent when the entity had found him. Useless. Too tired to curse God and too prideful to beg for forgiveness.
It had sensed the angel’s weakness. Known it to be the closest thing to a lamb this wretched pit could offer. Only in appearance, of course.
Much like that which tempted Eve, it'd crawled to the angel on its belly, whispering sweet nothings about divinity and reclamation. Offering him protection in exchange for devotion.
Eddie, feeling bloody tears welling in his eyes, knew that his choice was either to obey, or so begin the process of fading away completely.
He'd looked to the heavens. They couldn't be seen. God was not coming to forgive him, much less save his life.
In short, he'd agreed.
So began his life, given up to the first and last entity that'd shown him mercy.
Herein begins the true fall.
I'm gonna tag @spibbb and @bunsofhoney because I like what I've seen of their writing! as always, no pressure to participate:)
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Once An Angel
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Request: Yes or No
I've fallen and I can't get up this is based off an oc story I'm doing. Not much because... I dunno.
The burning sensation in his back made (Y/N) cry out as he felt the wind hitting him. To anyone else, it looked like a shooting star. When angels fell from the heavens, they always looked like that. A pretty sight for Father's creations to see. But it was terrible for the one falling. When (Y/N) hit the ground, it sounded as if an explosion had happened. Lights in the cozy town of Riverdale flickered and the ground lightly shook. (Y/N) groaned in pain, sitting up. Another cry left him, feeling the burning and stinging sensation in his back. (Y/N) reached back, whimpering when he couldn't touch his wings. It still felt like they were there but... They were gone. Ripped from him with such roughness and coldness. (Y/N) breathed in deep gulps of air, trying to calm his racing heart and stop the tears from flowing. He glared at the sky as clouds rolled in.
"I oderunt vos!" He screamed, the ground around him turning black. Father laughed in the form of thunder. The worst thing to happen to an angel. Getting thrown out of heaven and tossed to earth where Father's selfish and greedy creatures resided. (Y/N) stood up on wobbly legs. He didn't know where he was. (Y/N) walked forward, stumbling a few times but continuing on. He couldn't let Father see him broken. He wasn't gonna give him that satisfaction. (Y/N) found a road and collasped. He was so tired. (Y/N) spotted headlights, watching them get closer and closer until they stopped. An older man and a young man, presumably his son, got out of the truck.
"Hey, are you okay?" The younger one asked, reaching down and touching his shoulder.
"Noli me tangere!" (Y/N) barked at him causing the radio to go crazy and the headlights to flicker. He groaned, holding his own shoulder and massaging it.
"We can't leave him here, Arch." The man said, crouching down beside him.
"Hey, hey... We don't wanna hurt you, okay?" (Y/N) looked at him, sniffling lightly.
"We wanna help but to do that, we need to get you in the truck, okay?" He asked softly, almost as if he were talking to a frightened animal. (Y/N) nodded slowly, getting up without their help. While doing so, they were able to see the two large scars in his back.
"Sitting in the seats will hurt him even more." The young man said.
"Sit in the back with him." (Y/N) followed the young man onto the back of the truck, sitting away from him.
"I'm Archie and that's my dad, Fred. What's your name?" Archie asked. (Y/N) looked up at the sky, seeing no stars in the dark sky.
"(Y/N).." He whispered.
"(Y/N)... Pretty name." Archie smiled. (Y/N) looked at him, maintaining a deadpan expression. Archie shrugged off his jacket, draping it over his shoulders. (Y/N) rolled his shoulders a bit, holding the jacket so it wouldn't fall off. They entered a neighbourhood and Archie spotted two people sitting on his porch. (Y/N) turned his head, looking at them.
"They're my friends." Archie told him as his dad pulled into the driveway. Archie went to help (Y/N) but he got out by himself.
"Who's this, Arch?" The blonde asked. (Y/N) went over to the Fred's side, preferring him over the teens.
"Hard to explain." Archie chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
"These are my friends, Betty and Jughead." (Y/N) followed Fred inside, looking around. Everything in the heavens was mostly made of clouds. (Y/N) had never been to earth before but he had seen how humans trashed the things they were given. As selfish as their creator. Archie stepped into the house, having probably explained everything to his friends. (Y/N) looked at him, taking off the jacket and handing it to him.
"It healed.." Fred mumbled. (Y/N) looked at him, brows slightly furrowed. Didn't everyone heal themselves?
"We have something similar but ours takes longer." The blonde clarified. Oh, right. (Y/N) forgot that humans were useless.
"Can you speak English?" The other guy asked. (Y/N) looked at him.
"Possum, sed non vis." (Y/N) replied lowly, following Fred into the kitchen.
"Want something to eat? We have apples, strawberries, mac and cheese, soup.." Fred trailed off. (Y/N) picked up an apple, staring down at it.
"Ironic since Eve ate the apple-"
"Adam." (Y/N) cut him off.
"Adam ate the apple?" Jughead asked. (Y/N) nodded.
"Adam blamed Eve. Father knew better but still let Eve take the blame.. It's why Lilith never liked him." (Y/N) explained, watching the apple become rotten in a matter of seconds.
"I need to find my real father."
"Who's that?" Betty asked, cocking her head.
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