#i've been taking it easy with fae farm
sjsmith56 · 5 months
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The Fae Elements, Part 7 - The Past
Summary: A flashback chapter that explains more about the fae king James Barnes, specifically how he managed to have a much younger mortal son.
Length: 5 K
Characters: James Barnes, Sheriff Brown, Cora, Mr. Horton, Steven Rogers.
Warnings: Despair, grief. A young woman is described as easy to seduce.
Author notes: Okay, it was supposed to be only six parts, but this came to me, so I added it on. It's a flashback, but it kind of explains some things that happen in the main story. This is set in 1945 and explains how Buck came to have a mortal son. It also somewhat explains his reluctance to protect Sage as a child, with a marriage bond. Unlike the rest of the story, this is written in 3rd person POV. The AI images of James Barnes as a farm worker and rich businessman, were created by the author, using Microsoft Copilot app, in Designer mode.
<<Part 6
👮🏼‍♂️ 🧑‍🌾 🪦
The crowds in New York celebrating the end of the war in Europe were boisterous, loud, and finally too much for James Barnes to continue observing. Although he was happy to know that the hostilities of the mortal world had ceased, at least in that part of the world, he would wait for his council to assess the damage so many years of warfare had inflicted on the North African and European landscape. Certainly, the repercussions on the environment would be felt for years to come, not to mention the cost it had inflicted on people, both fae and mortal. So many of their kind had been swept away by the madness. So many mortal descendants had been killed by both sides.
As he leaned back against a building in the alley he ducked into, Barnes ran his hands over his face.  He had been fae king for far too long, had overseen massive technological and industrial changes in the human world that greatly affected the fae world.  His own self-imposed isolation after Daere's death placed their kind in peril, as the Industrial Revolution that spread all over the world introduced stresses on nature that seemed unthinkable.  Vast tracts of forests had been cut down to satisfy the needs of the mortals for fuel, building, and agriculture, forever changing some landscapes for the worse.  A sense of despair threatened him suddenly, and he looked around to make sure no one was watching as he flew out of the alley, away from the noise, and the singing and dancing that suddenly felt wrong. 
For hours he kept high in the sky, using the warm air currents to glide from the city to the countryside. Everywhere he considered landing seemed to be teeming with people intent on being joyous. Certainly, it was their right, but he craved solitude at this moment, so even the stronghold wasn't an option for him. He could have always gone to the sanctuary, but he had spent so long there after the death of his wife, in his self-imposed exile, that he knew if he returned, he risked turning his back on everything once again. So, it had to be somewhere else, somewhere quiet, where he could think.
As the sun went down on May 8, 1945, he finally found a spot and landed, making his wings invisible again, then using his magic to make sure his clothes were appropriate for the area. Wearing the garb of a migrant worker, overalls, shirt, work-boots, short jacket and cap, he began walking into the small quiet town. His appearance at the edge of town drew some attention and at one point, he was approached by a man wearing the uniform of a law enforcement officer. Taking his cap off, in a gesture of respect, he waited for the man to reach him.
"Stranger," said the man, wearing a badge that said Sheriff. "Where did you come from?"
"I was hitchhiking and was dropped off here," said Barnes. "The driver of the truck said I might be able to find work." The Sheriff frowned and the disguised fae king realized the people here likely were not friendly to strange men. He needed to think fast. "I've been searching for work since returning from Europe."
"You served? Where?"
"France, I went in with the 101st Airborne on D-Day," replied Barnes. "Received a leg injury that took me out of the war in Belgium and got sent home."
"Where's home?"
"Virginia. My wife was with another fellow, so I left. Been on the road ever since."
He looked away, hoping to convey his embarrassment at his situation. The disapproval from the lawman rolled off of him in waves, and he knew instinctively the man likely wouldn't allow him into town.
"I can give you a bed in the jail for tonight, and a couple of meals if you clear out a storeroom for me," said the sheriff, surprisingly. "But I want you gone tomorrow. I'm only letting you stay the night because no man should come home from the war to find his wife with another."
"Thank you, sir, I appreciate it," replied Barnes, hoping he looked desperate enough to be appreciative of a bed and food.
Following him back into town, he was aware of everyone's eyes on him, even noticing people coming out of their homes to watch him pass. It was more curiosity than anything else and he did all he could to insert the thought that he was forgettable into their minds. As they re-entered their houses after he passed, he breathed easier, knowing that he had successfully passed himself off as just another sad mortal man, down on his luck. The Sheriff entered the jailhouse, nodding at another uniformed man, typing a report using his two index fingers.
"This is ...."
"Jim," said Barnes.
"Jim is going to spend the night in a cell and then clean out the storeroom in the morning. He gets a meal now and a meal before he leaves. He's not under arrest. He's just another soldier who came home to an unfaithful wife."
The other man saluted him slightly, then returned to his report. Sheriff Brown got on the phone and ordered a meal for all three of them, then showed him the cell where he could sleep. There was a cot, with a thin bare mattress on it and nothing else.
"I've got a pillow and blanket in the storeroom, if you want to come and have a look at the mess."
He led the way to the storeroom, turning a light on by pulling a string that hung from the ceiling. It was full of all sorts of equipment, old furniture, and boxes everywhere. Reaching to one of the boxes, the Sheriff pulled out a bare pillow and a scratchy wool blanket, handing it to Barnes.
"If you can make some sort of sense of this mess, I might be able to give you some money as well, but I'll see how good of a job you do. You're welcome to work on it overnight if you can't sleep. I have to lock you into the building as Joe and I both go home to our wives overnight unless we have a prisoner that needs guarding. That okay with you?"
"That's fine," said Barnes. "I appreciate you giving me a place to sleep. If you don't mind, I can start now before the food arrives."
"Suit yourself."
Brown took back the blanket and pillow, leaving the other man there who started with the boxes, moving them to the hallway and taking stock of what else was in the cramped space.. After ten minutes Barnes took his jacket off, already feeling warm as he used his strength to shift some of the heavier furniture into a place that was out of the way. The food arrived and the other officer came back to get him, leading him to the front office, then gesturing at a table where a young woman was unpacking a basket.
She was pleasant to him, in a way that reminded Barnes of Daere, his long-dead wife. Her honey-coloured hair wasn't curled like the other women who wore theirs in large Victory rolls. Instead, she let it hang loose over her shoulders, her natural waves reflecting the light from the overhead fixtures. He imagined that in the sun it would be more golden in colour. Her soft brown eyes reminded him of a doe's eyes, so large and trusting. Smiling kindly at him, she placed a plate of food in front of each man then set out cutlery.
"Thank you, Cora," said Brown. "If you come back in an hour, you can pick up the dishes and return them to the restaurant."
"Yes, Sheriff," she replied quietly, then took her leave.
"Nice girl," said the lawman. "Her family's had it tough since her brother went to war. Her daddy died of a heart attack and it's just her and her mama running the restaurant. Maybe now with the surrender her brother can come home and take care of them as she doesn't seem to be the marrying kind. Eat up, before it gets cold."
It was good food, hearty, simple fare that reminded Barnes of the type of meal they strived for when he first arrived in America in the early years, with Daere and their twin sons. The council had sensed that the Americas needed the fae king there, as great trials against their people were coming. Unfortunately, there was little he could do about the troubles, as the paranoia was so great against anyone who tried to defend those accused of being in league with the dark one. After Daere's sister was hung, and she wasted away in despair, Barnes retreated to the sanctuary with his then young daughter, Hope, as her older brothers chose to remain in the stronghold, still being built at that time. Shaking himself out of the painful memories, he finished the meal and returned to the storeroom to continue working on it. Later, Brown stopped and had a look at his progress.
"Cora hasn't returned for those dishes yet, so I've left you the key to let her in," he said. "Mind you don't let her linger too long. People gossip about her. They think she's too trusting with men and there may be some truth to it. She's a sweet girl but without her father and brother to watch over her I think she's lonely and some have taken advantage of that. Anyways, good night, Jim."
"Goodnight, Sheriff," replied Barnes, locking the door behind the man, still coming to terms that the man didn't want him to hang around town but was willing to leave him on his own inside the jailhouse and with a woman who was a little too "trusting."
It almost didn't make sense but then mortals could be like that. A timid knock 30 minutes later brought him back to the door and he looked out the small window to see it was the young woman, Cora. He let her in then stood back as she packed the dirty dishes back into the basket. They stood there a bit, then she looked him in the eye.
"Where are you from?"
"Virginia, originally," he said, lying a little bit, as he was from England originally, then moved to Virginia in the mid 1600s.
"Are you married?"
"I was. My wife is now dead."
"I'm sorry." Her hands were fumbling a little with the hem of her sweater. "Do you miss her?"
"Very much. Are you married?"
She huffed a little. "No, ain't no one wants me. They say I'm not right." She looked out the barred window of the office. "Doesn't stop them from inviting me into their car or their barn."
"Why do you stay?"
She shrugged. "Don't have enough money to go to the city. Mama needs me, although there's talk of selling the restaurant so Mr. Horton can build a factory for all the men coming home from the war to work at. Maybe you could stay and work at the factory. Maybe you could marry me."
"I'm not staying, Cora," he answered. "The Sheriff wants me gone tomorrow. I can't marry you because I don't love you and that wouldn't be fair to you."
She frowned and sighed. "Can you take me with you? If I stay here, no one will want me. They all think I'm loose but I'm just lonely."
"Well, I understand lonely," said Barnes. "Give me your hand."
She obliged him, placing her soft hand in his. Barnes closed his eyes and used his magic to see a little further into Cora's life. It was a gift he didn't like using because things could always change but what he saw surprised him and he looked at her intently for a bit, before releasing her hand. She wasn't well educated, having been kept at home to look after her sickly mother. Her brother had tried to teach her more before he left for war in 1942, but without his encouragement she hadn't gone past a basic level of literacy. Now, he was dead, already buried in a cemetery in Belgium, although the family hadn't yet received the notification. There was something else that concerned Barnes, but he knew it was likely her only way out of this tiny, backwater town. He decided to be honest with her as so many here hadn't been.
"Cora, what do you know about the fairy folk?"
"That they'll steal your baby's soul when you're not taking heed," she replied. "That's what the older people say. I would like to see one. In my mind, they're beautiful, with wings, and they grant you wishes."
"Some do, some don't." Barnes sighed, then stroked her golden hair. "What if I said that I was one of the fairy folk?"
"Are you? Do you have wings?"
"I do, but if I show you, then you can't tell anyone. There's only one wish I can give you, Cora, but if I give it to you, then you have to leave here and go to the city."
In his hand were several strands of her hair. Entranced she watched as they glowed and transformed into gold threads that intertwined and became a gold necklace.
"That's magic," she said, then looked up into his blue eyes. "You are one of them."
"I am. I was feeling sad and came to the country to gather my thoughts, but now I think I was guided here to see you and make it possible for you to leave. Your mama will move on soon and join your daddy and your brother in the next life. You'll be alone. Most of the people here think you're not smart enough to take care of yourself but you are. You're kind and gentle and you're a hard worker. When you go to the city, you must wear this necklace always to protect you but keep it hidden by your clothing. With the money that the army will give you for your brother's service to his country, and that Mr. Horton gives you for your mama's restaurant, you can start over again in the city. You're going to have a baby, Cora, so you'll have to stop going with other men until you meet a man in the city, named William Hart. He's a good man who will love you and marry you, even though you're going to have another man's baby, a boy, that you'll name Richard. That baby will have my eyes. He'll be so smart and make you both so proud."
"Will you come to see us?" she asked, her brown eyes questioning him.
"I will but you won't see me, as that's how it has to be. The necklace will let me find you again. When Richard is old enough, I'll make myself known to him and he can choose whether to join me and the fairy folk or to stay in the mortal world. Either way, he'll have a good life and so will you."
"So, you have to put a baby in me," she stated, understanding his meaning. "Will you tell me I'm pretty?"
"I already think you are, inside and out."
He smiled, then turned out the lights and led her to the cell where his cot was. Using his magic, he transformed the cell into something nicer, holding a proper bed with a soft mattress, clean sheets, and flowers everywhere. Placing the necklace around her neck, he kissed her, gently and with kindness, knowing she had never received that from any of the men in this town who had used her for their own pleasures. In fact, only a handful of men, including the sheriff, hadn't taken advantage of her loneliness. It wasn't something that Barnes would normally do. He had actually been celibate since Daere's death, but it would be the only way to make sure Cora left this backwater town, it's darkness evident just under the surface. If she stayed, her life would be a misery and she was too kind to be subjected to that. When they were finished, he showed her his feathered wings, allowing her to stroke the feathers with her soft hands. He walked her back to the restaurant, carrying the basket of dishes for her, making sure she was safely inside and locked the door before he returned to the jailhouse and let himself in with the key the Sheriff left him. It took him all night, but he finished organizing the storeroom, and rested for an hour before the Sheriff returned.
"You did a good job," he said to Barnes, as he inspected the storeroom. "You must have worked all night on it."
"Almost. Sheriff, why did you let me stay?"
"You seemed like an honest man, maybe a bit down on his luck," he replied. "Only a handful of others would have helped you."
"Is that why you trusted me with a key, and with making sure Cora picked up the dishes? For all you knew I would take advantage of her."
The Sheriff's jaw tightened, and he swallowed. Barnes could feel the heat of the man's shame, even though he knew by his touching of Cora's hand that Brown was one of the few men who respected her.
"I was hoping you could take her away with you," he finally said. "She's too pure of heart and kind to stay here. When that factory is built, the type of men it will attract for work will look at her and use her for one thing."
"Will she and her mother get a fair price for the restaurant?"
"No, Mr. Horton will try to cheat them. That's the type of man he is. If her brother doesn't return before her mama passes away, she could end up with nothing."
"Her brother's not coming home," said Barnes. "He lies in a grave in Belgium. The notice should be coming in a few days and then the life insurance that the army gives will follow."
"How do you ...." He frowned then looked at Barnes again. "Jim, who are you?"
"Think of me as someone who cares about her," he replied. "I have abilities and I looked into her future a ways. She does have one, but she has to leave here to attain it. I need you to make sure she gets what's owed to her. She needs to be made responsible for her mother before she passes, then you need to make sure that Mr. Horton pays what the restaurant is worth. I'm going to make my own visit to him, but you'll have to be here to follow up on that."
"The city will swallow her up." Brown's anxiety and fear for the young woman was all over his face.
"No, she will meet the right man, one who loves her gentle soul." Barnes placed a hand on the Sheriff's arm and shared the vision with him. "He'll love her and the baby that she's going to have and will bind himself to them. They will have a good life."
"You had your way with her?" The man's anger simmered, and Barnes sent him soothing thoughts.
"It was necessary to give her the gift of a child. She won't go with other men now that she's carrying it and will wait for the one man who will love her as she deserves. I swear that I was kind and gentle to her, truthful as well. You are also a truthful man which is why I am charging you with making sure she gets to the city. You care about her and that is more than most in this place."
"How can I be sure that you're being truthful with me?" His anguish rolled off of him, as he wanted to believe that Jim had Cora's best interests at heart.
Barnes displayed his wings, unfurling them to stretch almost the entire width of the room. His eyes blazed with a blue light, and he raised himself towards the ceiling. With a cry, the Sheriff lowered himself to his knees and covered his eyes. When he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see Jim back in his human form.
"You're an angel."
"No, a light fae, fairy folk," he answered. "Angels are distant cousins. We both fight the dark but fae are more ... worldly. We love, we marry, we have children, we mourn, we try to leave the world a better place. Now, will you help Cora?"
"I swear I will drive her to the city myself," said the Sheriff.
"I believe you." He turned to leave, pausing at the door. "Where will I find this Horton man?"
"He has an office in the large red brick building in the centre of town. You'll know him as he dresses like a banker and carries himself as being better than everyone else."
Without a word, Barnes left the jailhouse and walked to the centre of town. The red brick building was quite prominent, seeming to be better maintained than the other buildings. Stepping inside he asked where he could find Mr. Horton. Directed to an office on the top floor he went up the stairs. No one else was nearby and he transformed his look into someone who was wealthy, with well styled hair and a fine suit. As he entered the office, everyone in there stopped talking.
"I'm looking for Mr. Horton," he announced, confidently.
One of the men sitting at a desk approached him.
"Who are you?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.
"J.B. Barnes of Barnes Industries," replied the fae king. "I'm interested in setting up a factory in town and heard Mr. Horton was the man who could make it happen. Of course, if he's too busy I could always go to Westville."
"I'm sure he would like to meet with you, Mr. Barnes," said the man, his attitude becoming much friendlier. "Let me check with him. Please have a seat, here at my desk."
Disappearing into a nearby office, it was only a minute before he returned, with Mr. Horton in tow. The older man, tall and thin, with a superior attitude, immediately offered his hand.
"Mr. Barnes, a pleasure. Please come into my office."
"I'll get straight to the point," said the fae king. "I've heard you plan to open a factory here in town, building it on a site where several locally run businesses currently sit. I want the same site and I'm willing to outbid you to acquire it for my investment."
Immediately, Barnes disliked this man, Horton. Recognizing him as one of Cora's unwanted "admirers," while he shook the man's hand, he could barely disguise his reluctance to even be near him. The physical touch as they shook hands allowed him to foresee the effect Horton's business would have on the town, bringing in all sorts of destructive elements, even attracting dark fae. It was dying and there was nothing that Barnes could do to save the small community, except make sure that this man's factory did as little damage to the environment as possible. As he shared his plans, he could feel the intensity of Horton's desire to outbid Barnes in order to build the factory to accommodate a technology that Barnes knew would be outdated within a few years. It was easy to manipulate the man into unleashing his desire to acquire more profits. By the time he left there, Barnes was certain that offers better than his proposed ones would be made to the business owners within a day or two at the most.
Returning to the jailhouse, he walked in, still dressed as a rich man. Sheriff Brown's eyebrows raised at the sight of him and with a smile, Barnes restored his farm worker look.
"It's all set," he said to Brown. "Horton will be making offers to the business owners very soon. Make sure they cash the checks quickly and leave town as soon as possible, before the building of the factory is even started. The town is dying, Sheriff. I think you already know that. Before it dies, Horton will wring out all of its decency, making it a small island of despair and depravity." He breathed out, then looked at a fishing rod, set up against the wall behind Brown's desk. "Do you use that very often?"
"Not nearly enough," said the lawman, glancing back. "Figured once I retired, I would have more time. Are you saying I should retire? I can't afford to, not yet."
"Let me work on that," said Barnes, smiling kindly at the man. He picked up a pencil and a slip of paper from the desk, writing a phone number down. "When Cora and her mother receive her brother's army life insurance, and the check from Horton is cashed I want you to call this number. You will be given an address in the city. I may meet you there or it may be an associate. Either way, you will be able to retire with your head held high. Don't thank me. My kind takes thanks as an obligation for you to do more. You're already doing enough."
With a nod, he left the jailhouse and began the walk to the edge of town. When he was out of sight of mortals, James Barnes, the fae king, took on his normal appearance and flew up into the sky, away from the dying town, away from the mortal woman who now carried his son. Surprisingly, to him at least, he felt good about it. By helping just a few people he was changing things for the better.
A week later, a phone call rang in an office in the city. Answered by a young fae man, the mortal on the other end was hesitant at first.
"I'm calling for Jim, to say that Mr. Horton's checks have been cashed and Cora's mother cashed the army life insurance check."
"Yes, Sheriff, we've been expecting your call," said the relatively young 50-year-old fae, Steven Rogers. "Do you have a pencil? I will give you an address. We have an apartment ready for Cora and her mother to live in, as it would be a good time to bring them to the city. Someone will meet you there."
After giving him the address Steven went to the roof and created a portal back to the stronghold, reporting in person to the king that the phone call had been received. Then he returned to the city, taking his post at the apartment, waiting for the woman who carried the king's son, and her mother, and the good man who was bringing them, who would be given his own check, allowing him to leave his town and retire. It would be Steven's duty, shared with another relatively young fae man, Sam Wilson, and a fae woman, Natasha Romanoff, to make sure the young woman, Cora, and her son, were kept safe, until the man chosen to be her husband, William Hart, a mailman by occupation, returned from the war in Europe.
Having seen the worst of humanity during the war, Hart was filled with a need to do some good in the world.  He tasked himself to be kinder to people, and to embrace life and love in a way he hadn't before the war.  When he arrived back in the city of his birth, it would be a few months before he would see a young woman, with honey-coloured hair, and soft brown eyes, like those of a doe, weeping at a new grave in Forest Green Cemetery, where he had just visited his own parents.  Hearing her pain, and wanting to help her through it, he approached her, speaking to her kindly.  He didn't see the blue-eyed stranger that watched him approach her, offering comfort.  The strange man, the fae king known as James Barnes, was standing under a gnarled oak tree, rumoured to be hundreds of years old. He whispered to the tree, calling it Daere, which meant oak tree in the ancient language that his late wife grew up speaking. 
"My love, I vowed never to be with another after you, but I had to get a young woman away from a place of darkness and had to give her a child to bring it about," he said, softly, his forehead resting against the tree. "I don't love her, but I did care for her. That's her mother in the newest grave, here where you died so long ago. The man is the one who will marry her and raise my son. By the ways of our kind, you know I must reveal myself to my son when he turns 30 and offer him a place in our world. I have deliberately not seen past that time to know his answer, leaving it to fate and destiny. Forgive me for breaking my vow of never-ending love for you, Daere, my beloved."
Tears fell from his eyes, wetting the bark of the old tree. Then a breeze came up, rustling the leaves and Barnes raised his eyes up, gazing at the canopy of green above him. Slowly, he nodded his head, as if the tree spoke to him. If it was speaking to him, it did so with words of comfort because his face became soft, and his tears ceased. His attention returned to the woman, Cora, and the man, William. It was exactly as he had been shown when he touched Cora's hand. The man was already in love with her, and that love would be enough to protect her and the half-fae son she carried. As for Barnes, the old oak, that held the spirit of his late wife, had already indicated that a day would come when he would take another as his beloved. Until then, he would visit Daere as often as he could. Until that day, someday in a future that he wanted to keep a mystery, he would continue to mourn the last fae queen who had ruled their people beside him.
THE END (for real this time)
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not-poignant · 10 months
Hello Pia
Hope you don't mind answering but how does the pide piper of Hameln treat his humans? I've read the ice plague trilogy but I can't remember specifics.
Does he see them as pets or prisoners? Is he cruel to them?
I think i remember Gwyn saying something like the piper doesn't allow them to have a language so does that mean he uses magic to take away their ability to speak or learn/develop a communication system?
Would any of them ever be able to escape him or would any fae that knows about them want to rescue them the way some humans want to rescue animals in factory farms or laboratories?
And how did the piper choose which of his humans to feed Augus and Ash? Was it a random choice or did he pick a certain pair? And was magic used to make them more compliant? Are the piper's humans even capable of putting up resistance, or have they simply been too brainwashed?
Sorry for the slew of questions but my brain just has so many and I'd really appreciate if you told me. No pressure tho. Thanks for take the time
Hi hi anon,
So a lot of this is covered in The Ice Plague and is really only in like one or two chapters, so is pretty easy to find comparatively (vs. other lore that is sprinkled all over across many books). The chapter titled 'The Ratcatcher of Hameln' is a good place to start. Though it's discussed a little before and after as well.
But the Ratcatcher of Hameln doesn't treat his humans well. It's established in The Ice Plague that they are basically entertaining livestock to him, not even really pets. They don't wear clothes and they no longer have speech likely because he forbade it at first (they were after all only children, and many completely forgot their life in the human realm by the time they were adults), and then they just further lost it over time because no one was talking to them to teach them.
The humans with the Ratcatcher aren't the original humans anymore from the folklore, they're several generations deep. They have no memory of living in any other way except as cattle in a garden. Ash and Augus could have picked whoever they wanted, none mattered in any particular way to the Ratcatcher, except as evidence of his continued vengeance against the human town he got vengeance on. I'm sure some have attempted resistance, but humans are easy to kill and torture, and he's an immortal being who is one of the most magically powerful fae in that universe. I think he'd find it cute. He did literally destroy a town by stealing all of the town's children to make a point, after all (like, in the actual folklore).
(Also, I don't see any fae as wanting to rescue them, tbh. For a start, the Ratcatcher himself is Seelie and not eating them, they're not overcrowded, and no other fae would consider that a 'cruel existence' particularly because they think the most cruel existence is the one humans inflict on themselves - all Fae (with only a few exceptions) have a very poor view on humans, humanity, and the idea of humans having control over their own lives. The Ratcatcher calls them animals and that's how many Fae see them, except they have a higher opinion of other animals. The Ratcatcher's humans are free range, fed, not fed on except in extremely rare circumstances - like it literally being the end of the world - can breed however they choose and have access to shelter. Gwyn, Augus, Ash, Mosk, Eran etc. never think to even consider this as a thought exercise.)
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barbatos-sama · 2 months
my review of fae farm that nobody asked for:
so, it's a cute game but it's very,, standard farm game. basically harvest moon with not much to set it apart. i was hoping there would be that whimsical feeling with unique magic mechanics but for the most part it's just standard farm game stuff retextured as magic stuff. the biggest example being that the magic staff is literally just a retextured sword. it can do spells sometimes that are useful, for example you have a whirlwind spell that can be used to easily harvest a bunch of crops at once, so i wish there was more of that kind of thing. it also kinda pushes the 'magic' mechanic onto standard farm game things that feels unnecessary. for example, like you have a mana bar like most magic-based games have. you can't do magic once your mana bar is depleted. the problem is that it counts things such as watering multiple crops at once as magic. meanwhile in stardew for example you can just do that with the only expense being stamina and water consumption. this takes both of these things And the mana cost, making it more annoying.
it has another big problem that i think most farm games have, that being that animals take way too long to take care of every day. it requires you to brush them all, pet them, sheer/milk them, and all of those things have animations that take Way too long, making the animal husbandry feel soooo annoying and time consuming. this problem isn't unique to this specific game but the fact that you even have to brush the cows is something i've never seen. it almost makes me want to just get rid of my animals and ignore that mechanic entirely. their products don't seem worth it even after putting it through artisan processing, so i find myself like 'what is even the point'. it also takes a lot of resources to process them into something usable, for example i think you need five wood you cut from a tree to make a single processed lumber, which you then need a lot of to make anything with. same with ore and artisan goods. it makes things take too long, like you could spend the whole day chopping wood and only get like five usable lumber out of it.
you also don't really get into the 'fae' part until like chapter four of the game which is too long in my opinion, i only Just got my wings like the day before yesterday. now i've opened the fae portal so im seeing more fairies around (and romancing one) but it took so long :I SPEAKING of the npcs, they REALLY lack dialogue or personality. i'm talking like maybe three lines of dialogue per friendship level. i've barely even talked to the guy im romancing and he already says he intends to court me (exact quote, i appreciate the bluntness ADGDJ) i think that's one of my biggest problems with the game, these characters have no substance to the point that i literally haven't bothered to learn any of their names because they're That nothing to me.
also there's a hybrid flowers mechanic in this game which would set it apart from other farming games But it takes SO long to breed the flowers it feels pointless to me, esp cause you need a lot of hybrids to get things like different colored wings for example and locking them behind something that takes so long is a big turnoff for me. like give me blue wings, this is Fae Farm, i shouldn't have to work so hard to be a fairy!!
the biggest money maker seems to be mining, processing your gems is what's made the most money for me (it's baffling how hard making money in this game is, i thought my usual strat of 'plant a fuck ton of crops' would work but it doesn't at all) and like, idk i think a Farming game should focus on farming yknow.
i've been talking a lot abt negatives, i suppose some positives are the aforementioned whirlwind spell making crops easy to harvest, and a big one is that there's a universal storage on your farm, so like you put everything in your one storage shed and you have access to that on every one of your processing machines without having to actually take the items out of your storage. so that's really helpful. the characters are quite cute and they give me kind of mysims vibe based in the style, but it doesn't have the charm that mysims had. mysims got away with simple characters with not much dialogue by making their animations very expressive as well as just having strong fun gameplay. only example i rly liked in this game was that my future boyfriend swings his little feet when he sits in chairs and i think it's really cute.
yeah uhhhh idk i was having fun with the game but am already feeling burnt out because this game just feels like a generic farming game that i've played a thousand times, kind of like copy of harvest moon with all the same problems as harvest moon. kind of makes me feel like i wasted 40 bucks ;-; i liked the demo but it felt like they kinda hid the parts that sucked outside of the demo AHDHHDHD like the very beginning of the game is fun but once you get into it more you realize how stupidly grindy it is
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Idk if anyone still remembers this but I actually forgot I finished chapter 3 about a week ago and didn't even posted it 🙂 still kinda confusing I think? But I promise, It'll come together soon 😤💖
[ R a p t u r e d ]
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Chapter Three
The walls encasing your freedom began to simmer your frustration, and when a spiral staircase immerged from the wooden floorboards right across the room, your hands reflexively balled into fists.
Though when an unfamiliar face greeted you, they uncurled and from where you sat on the chaise beside your only window, your figure hunched over to pull your knees closer to your body. You'd been reacting so defensively lately, it almost felt natural now.
"Did they send you up to finally get rid of me?" Your words were harsh, a deep grating rage lacing each enunciation you spat out and yet the girl seemed unfazed as her lips curled into a small smile.
"I don't think they're that merciful, but Prince Leona has stated multiple times he'd rather you be dead."
"Who are you then?"
"An ally" She answered then rather hastily added, "If you'd allow it."
You scoffed,bitter and dry you almost sounded gruff and nasally.
"Like I allowed to be imprisoned and kept like an animal?"
The girl's expression softened and she gave what seemed to be an understanding nod before she placed both hands behind her back and stood poised before you.
"Boe" She said, "My name is Boe. As in the kind you'd use to hunt with but with an 'E' at the end because my nan felt it was creative." She sounded pleasant, to be honest,she looked decent as well, like a very familiar face you'd seen somewhere and yet nowhere at the same time. She wore her hair in two loose twin braids,her simple beige coloured tunic and short khakis gave her overall soft, feminine looks a rather boyish touch. And when she smiled it was genuinely given.
Despite yourself, Boe's appearance had you feeling a little less hostile and perhaps even a bit more hopeful.
"I made them an offer" You told her and again she nodded her head.
"To kill your brother in exchange for your freedom. Why?"
"Isn't that what they wanted? That bastard killed their beast and the only reason I'm here is because he's traded me off for his glory."
Boe seemed surprised at how you caught onto the situation at hand but you could see how calculative her eyes were. She may have looked pleasant but you weren't foolish enough to trust her, and if she knew your captives then chances are she wasn't just some typical servant running errands. They sent her up to you to talk, which meant they trusted her. And they didn't look like the trusting type.
"He and I aren't related by blood" You told her, scornfully. "It doesn't take much to piece up my being here, and I'll tell you now that he's not coming to save me. Not when he has every village folk singing his glory and the King welcoming him in his halls."
You sounded so dejected, Boe practically felt the heat of rage circulating through the room, but she also sensed sorrow. A sort of grief from the way you hunched yourself over. You've been through a lot, she could see that much.
"Tell me, did you ever believe the story your land has? It's history with the Faefolk and magic?"
You knew little. Simply enough to have your mind wander, but every child was like that, and when it was time to face the world and grow up, the stories you used to cling to before sleeping became just that; Stories.
So, you told Boe you didn't. You told her you knew the land has always been lavish, that it had always been easy to farm and make produce because it's forests were endless and green. It was because it was placed right in the centre of a growing land, wasn't it? Magic felt too foreign to have been a part of it all.
But then she told you of the story of a man planting a seed given to him by a generous Fae, and that the seed grew into a tree and another and another, until it formed a forest so lush and rich with life, people came to the land as a place of salvation. She told you that the Fae was the Mother Goddess Gaia and that she had made a pact with the humans who stayed in her grounds. They were allowed to grow and live as they wanted as long as her generosity was remembered. Thus the human built shrine after shrine in her name, and the land never once withered. Until weeks after your brother slayed the beast.
You sat there facing her,baffled and refused to believe in such a tale so easily, told yourself that no such thing could be possible...
Yet, the tower that kept you had nothing but a single window and a door that only seemed to appear when called. You remember how you tried climbing down through the window and how your makeshift rope snapped and you thought you'd fall to your death but instead you stayed in the air. Frozen.
As your hardened gaze looked to Boe and the faint light of the sun peeked through the window and into the room, you noticed the slight point of her ears and how in that specific lighting her features looked ethereal,as if she was carved out from a completely different mold.
You've seen those features before. A long,long time ago. The brief memory tucked behind the grains of your mind.
You must've laughed because Boe's expression shifted into confusion, and you ran your hands through your hair as a slight colour flickered to life in your eyes.
"You must think I've gone crazy. Wanting to kill my own brother but I've never seen him as family, and I'm sure he feels the same. It's the only thing we have in common."
"You'd really kill him for your freedom?" Boe asked, almost quietly.
You lifted your gaze,heavy and dark but driven with determination.
"Wouldn't you? It sounds selfish and maybe it is but hasn't he done the same to me? Ever since mother died, I was left under his care which meant he'd been shackled to me against his will and now I'm here and he's drinking in the castle." Your voice shifted, breathless and worn. You wanted to stand, to show to her that you weren't as weak as your captives had force you to be. That you meant what you said.
"I don't care about being kind and understanding anymore. I want to be released. I want to take back what I've lost and if that means killing Cyril and appeasing your Princes, so be it."
"You could be their Champion" Boe said as she stared you up and down,her gaze flickering with something you couldn't quite put a finger on. But she smiled when her eyes landed on your face, and a slight shade of pink dusted your cheeks. Though you felt it was because she had been nothing but open in her discussion and all you ever did was scowl and kept your distance.
And perhaps,you couldn't really be blamed for any of it given your own situation, but maybe it wasn't too harmful to act a bit more cooperative...
"A champion?" You repeated the words with your brows furrowed and lips down-curled.
Boe nodded her head.
"Faes often keep champions in order to settle certain affairs,like a representative or a tribute on their part without having to physically attend said affairs themselves, and unlike most dealings, this one has the exceptional perk of not being entirely enslaved by the Fae you serve under"
"...You mean if I agreed to being their... Champion? I wouldn't owe them anything?"
You know the tales of giving your thanks to the Gentry, and how such unfortunate humans fell to the mercy of the cunning creatures. A slight shiver ran up the length of your arm, but you fought the urge to look disgruntled, and simply crossed your arms.
Boe's smile widened a fraction.
"Yes, and I can't tell you why such a thing is possible in the first place, not because I don't want to but because I also do not know the reason behind it. It's said that this pact Faes have created with humans is a rare thing and a ritual they hold with great respect. If you so desire to kill your brother and gain your freedom, being the Princes' Champion is perhaps the best and only way."
"But how can I trust them to hold onto their end of the bargain? I might not have full belief in all your fae nonsense, but I know that whatever you are, your kind are known to be cunning and slippery!"
You felt like jabbing an accusing finger to her chest then,but you bit back the venom on your tongue and swallowed your carousing temper from erupting. Anger did no good in discussions after all. You learned that from years living with your step brother.
Despite it all however,Boe didn't seem to mind your frustration or hostility. In fact, she remained informative and calm, you began understanding why she had been sent up in the first place.
Unlike the Princes themselves, Boe didn't have any intimidation oozing from her demeanor. She came as a neutral party, neither to nurse nor make you submit.
Perhaps her words were the most trustworthy you'd have here.
Perhaps being a Champion was your only way out.
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