#i've been in this creative slump and the stagnation of every wip i could even try to work on was getting me down
juuheizou · 1 year
Hello there!! Hope you're doing good! I love your writing for juuzou and mutsuki so i wanted to ask two ir more questions,,, 1.what would make juuzou genuinely upset/angry in an relationship and how does he act when he's angry/upset? and 2.what is something that would bring juuzou to tears and how does he's particularly sad? would he cry in front of anyone? how does he accept help and comforting? Ty in advance!!💕
Hello! You have no idea (well, you might once you read the full paragraphs below haha) how excited I was to answer your very important, deliciously angsty questions! Honestly I've been wanting to write some Suzuya hurt/comfort for aaaages, because I definitely see both of them having their moments though I know I tend to actually post my writings of one side more than the other. I hope I provided the insight into the inner workings of Suzuya Juuzou that you're looking for, anon!
1.what would make juuzou genuinely upset/angry in an relationship and how does he act when he's angry/upset?
Although we see him become a much more forgiving person in :RE itself and I say this as someone who adores him as a character, a lot of things make him angry. He is the type to have big anger over small missteps, especially those that make him feel like the offender is judging him. Little things that could come with good intentions from a partner, like messing with his doom piles, commenting on his snack choices, or trying to tuck in his shirt that he left untucked on purpose will flip his anger switch just as much as something truly heinous. As far as how he acts, he doesn't get mad. His eye might twitch or he might get a little more fidgety than usual when something upsets him, but for the most part, he just gets even. Now, getting even isn't always crashing someone's shiny new motorcycle or getting violent. It can be as quick and easy as making a hurtful remark back at the person who can't believe he's unwrapping a piece of candy before dinner or hiding something precious to the partner who messed up a pile that he had organized his way and seeing how they like it. He might have come a long way and forgiven Big Madam of all people, and he might actually let some slights against him go once he's had a chance to cool down, but he still holds grudges sometimes and can easily relapse into the vengeful soul he was before. Mutsuki's accepting nature protects him from this side of Suzuya a lot of the time because he doesn't try to fix or change people no matter how different they are from him. He even respects people who are disrespectful to him, but early in their relationship he probably did earn Suzuya's vengeance a couple of small, petty times just wanting to help with things he didn't completely understand. The first time, he apologizes and just takes whatever petty revenge Suzuya throws at him. The second time, the revenge is less petty and he's grown a little more assertive so he doesn't accept it and he's like "that was mean. Why did you do that?" Actually thinking about it instead of just acting makes Suzuya realize he cares about Mutsuki more than cares about making him pay for the initial offense, so they end up talking it out and from then on, Suzuya is better at asking himself if his first impulse is worth potentially hurting Mutsuki before he does whatever act of revenge he had in mind. The answer is just about always no. Gods help whoever makes him angry by hurting Mutsuki in any way, though.
2.what is something that would bring juuzou to tears and how does he's particularly sad? would he cry in front of anyone? how does he accept help and comforting?
Suzuya doesn't cry often, and he's more likely to cry from overwhelm than from sadness. He's more listless and may shut down in situations where others who express themselves differently might cry. Going quiet, staring off into space, not getting out of bed, vacantly trying to roll snacks towards his mouth so he moves as little as possible while comfort-eating, that's how you know he's sad. He would cry in front of anyone and everyone, because if he's at that point, he's beyond controlling his reaction to whatever drove him to tears. As we saw in the Owl Suppression Operation, if something strikes the right chord to make him cry, it's messy and out of control. Screaming in anguish, hammering fists on his surroundings, destroying things or hurting himself, curling up into a ball, it's a tempestuous fit to release the overload of whatever brought him to that point in any way he can. Considering his junior partner doubles as a personal care aide, he's actually pretty good at accepting practical help. Comfort, on the other hand, he often doesn't think to seek in other people. It's not that he doesn't want or need that sometimes, but very rarely does he recognize what he's feeling enough for the idea to occur to him. He's more likely to find distractions on his own until either the sadness passes or he can't handle it alone anymore. He's a hard person to read even for people who devote themselves to offering him their support, and often the first sign that he's in need of comforting is when Shinohara, Hanbee, Mutsuki, or someone close enough to have the opportunity finds him heavily self-soothing to comfort himself. Unless there is self-injury or damaging stuff involved, there's often no way to know if what he's doing is working and he just needs space to let it work or not except letting him know you're there and giving him the chance to do what he will with that information. Most of the time, Suzuya will eventually stagger to wherever Mutsuki is and wait quietly to be invited in for healing hugs, usually taking his sadness ball of blankets/plushies/etc with him, plus or minus venting to him about what's wrong.
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