#i've been actively avoiding anything about what happens in s4
supekitchen · 3 months
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aemiron-main · 2 years
HELLO AGAIN!! Just wanna say that I love your analyses as always. THE NATURE DOCUMENTARY ONE, LITERALLY UNHINGED IT'S SO GOOD. YOU'RE SO GOOD!!!
You talking about how Mike used to be open about his emotions, but isn't anymore with the milk analogy???? JAIL!! PUTING YOU IN JAIL AGAIN- IT'S SO GOOD.
Anyways I've been reading on repressing and suppressing emotions?? Ok so I'm not claiming to be a professional or anything, I'm just reciting what I've read about!! IT'S JUST REALLY INTERESTING TO TALK ABOUT in the case of Mike.
Ok before I go on a tangent, I found something interesting-
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Anyways suppressing is when you avoid talking or expressing an unwanted or uncomfortable emotion and in order to do that, some may do something to distract themselves, in the case of Mike (Him playing video games in the basement.) BUT there's also controlling your intake of food!! which is what Mike might also be doing. He's looking for some control.
Suppressing emotions happens when you don't know what to do with said emotions (aka his feelings for Will, he's having thoughts about Will so he ignores/avoids them by playing video games.) Basically suppression is something that you actively do whilst repressing is more unconscious. Mike might be a mix of these 2.
I think by the end of S4 or something he might be leaning more towards repression.
I wanna talk more about how his family life causes this, cause it's soo interesting. Mike doesn't know how to healthily express his emotions, because his parents are emotionally stunt. They've never talk about their emotions, so it's just uncomfortable for him to do so because he didn't grow up in an environment where doing so was considered normal. I think this effect the entirety of the Wheeler kids. They just don't know what to do with feelings, so they shove it down aka suppressing them. Just shoving them down so they don't have to deal with them.
Wonder why Mike feels more dull in S4? Going back to watch clips from S1-2 felt like experiencing smth different. Mike felt more explosive you could say, he was moody and angry, but at least it was an emotion. S3-4 felt like watching the colors drain out of him, because that's when he learns to shove them down, cause they're bad. Feelings like anger, frustration, sadness anything!! He shoves them down. Cause 1) he's shown that he can't express these feelings without repercussions, his parents punishment for acting out instead of understanding him. 2) He's been shown that these emotions are not important.
He thinks he shouldn't have these emotions, because he's not allowed to, he hasn't suffered enough to feel these.
Feels like I'm just repeating things, but he's SUCH an interesting character to talk about!!! Anyways just came here to say that you're probably my fav (personally) Mike analyst. You do it so well!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAA HELLO OMG!!! IM SO SLOW AT REPLYING TO ASKS IM SORRY BUT FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU SO SO MUCH YOU'RE SO SWEET AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY ANALYSIS!! I LOVE UR ART AND I LOVE UR MIKE'S LACK OF SELF VALUE ANALYSIS (i have a rb of it in my drafts i promise i havent forgotten abt it)!! AFBJHJBH THANK YOU THE MILK POST WENT FROM BEING A SHITPOST ABT HIM DRINKING MILK WHEN HES STRESSED INTO AN ACTUAL ANALYSIS BC I WAS LIKE 'wait... wAIT... a pattern is appearing..." AND YES OMG HELL YEAH IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR THOUGHTS!! Okay so YES!!!!! THAT ABSOLUTELY SOUNDS LIKE MIKE AGHH!!! YOURE SO RIGHT!! Mike in the basement, but also mike controlling his food intake!! I personally think that when it comes to mike & food as a source of control, its more of a subconscious thing rather than actively being aware of it, like he lacks appetite and isnt eating for a variety of reasons which i need to make a full post on one day, and so he then associates not eating w that feeling of being in control and so then it’s just another reason on his list of various reasons as to why he ends up avoiding food! Esp since i think mike’s food issues are also tied to his repression of his emotions and queerness and guilt and again how he’s subconsciously seeking control through food, but also how he associates ‘real food’ in s1 with family and karen’s cooking but as that relationship w his family deteriorates, esp bc of his guilt abt his queerness and bc of his depression/mental health in general, his relationship w food also deteriorates. Mike’s life has had so many moments of a loss of control, esp w the supernatural stuff, but I feel like a.) the continuation of his relationship with el and feeling like he has very little control over that relationship bc theres so many expectations for him and b.) feeling like he’s lost will are two core losses of control that are really affecting him pre-s4, esp feeling like he’s failed and lost will and out of control of his life bc his sense of stability (will’s presence in his life) is gone, and so he’s seeking a sense of control through food while simultaneously punishing himself/neglecting himself by not eating. And that is SUCH a great point both about a.) mike’s feelings for will and focusing on videogames and b.) the distinction between repression vs suppression. I def think mike has a mix of those two, and is leaning towards repression in s4, yes!!!!
“I wanna talk more about how his family life causes this, cause it's soo interesting. Mike doesn't know how to healthily express his emotions, because his parents are emotionally stunt. They've never talk about their emotions, so it's just uncomfortable for him to do so because he didn't grow up in an environment where doing so was considered normal. I think this effect the entirety of the Wheeler kids. They just don't know what to do with feelings, so they shove it down aka suppressing them. Just shoving them down so they don't have to deal with them.” And that’s another fantastic point/great way of framing it, as if he feels “more dull,” in s4, because he DOES, because he’s tired and struggling and pushing down his emotions and feels like he’s always going to be demeaned or ignored if he expresses them!!! Mike’s parents are SO emotionally unavailable and not only do they fail to encourage Mike to show his emotions, but they also punish him for it too! In s2, when he’s upset and expressing himself about having to give away his toys, Karen reprimands him for his upset & reminds him off things that he did like graffitiing the bathroom stall- which is odd because he’s already BEEN punished for those things, he’s already lost his Atari, and the toys aren’t actually tied to his “bad behaviour,” but rather, Karen wants the toys to be given away & is using mike’s “bad behaviour” as an excuse. It also struck me that Ted, who’s usually pretty silent, chimed in to give Mike shit with his “strike 20 you’re on the bench, son” comment but we never see Ted chime in to defend Mike in any of the dinner scenes, only to reprimand him. We don’t even see Ted and Mike have a nice normal conversation at the dinner table- or EVER! When was the last time we saw Mike and Ted just. Talk. At all. An actual conversation, not even a deep serious one but just anything that isn’t just “Ted making snarky comments at Mike”? Hell, Mike doesn’t even respond to Ted’s snarky comments at the s2 dinner table, nor does he respond to them in the kitchen scene in s4 ep1. He’s responding to Karen in both scenes but not Ted. We literally haven’t seen an actual conversation between Mike and Ted at all. The CLOSEST we’ve gotten to that is s1 ep1 where Ted is fixing the tv & Mike tries to ask about staying longer for dnd but Ted shuts him down and tells him to talk to/listen to Karen. This is REALLY interesting to me because that’s the only time we really see any sort of two way dialogue between Mike and Ted where they’re even just. Responding directly to eachother at all. And it’s because from that scene, Mike has learned that he can’t go to Ted and that Ted’s just going to redirect him to Karen & not listen to Mike, so then in Mike’s mind, why should he even bother with Ted? Mike shoves down his feelings SO MUCH, we see him get shut down so often and eventually he just starts shutting himself down & repressing his own emotions before anyone else can try and shut him down. “S3-4 felt like watching the colors drain out of him” THIS IS SO SO TRUE AND ACCURATE AND AGAIN IS A FANTASTIC WAY OF FRAMING/PHRASING IT!!! THATS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!! And i completely agree, at least he was EXPRESSING himself, at least it was emotions, but then in s3-s4, he REALLY starts shoving them down, because exactly like you said, he’s been shown that not only are his emotions deemed unimportant, but they’re also actively punished. 
He thinks he shouldn't have these emotions, because he's not allowed to, he hasn't suffered enough to feel these.
EXACTLY!!!!! He feels like he isn’t suffering enough because of how he compares himself to others & invalidates his own experiences and emotions & how other people, including El (with the s4 bedroom fight scene and her invalidating him when he talks about being bullied) have invalidated and shut him down too. And that’s part of what frustrates me about some of the discussion surrounding Mike’s mental health in the fandom too- they fall into that same “Mike hasn’t suffered enough to have mental health issues,” trap, and compare Mike to other characters and use that comparison to invalidate and willfully ignore his struggles and it’s NOT frustrating because that approach completely misses the POINT of how Mike’s character aligns with people who feel like they are suffering enough & who are invisible & who invalidate themselves because of how they’ve been invalidated by others.
HES SUCH AN INTERESTING CHARACTER AND I LOVE THE THOUGHTS YOUVE MENTIONED HERE!! And thank you so, so much omg that makes me so happy because i LOVE analyzing him! YOURE SO SWEET THANK YOU SM AAAAAAAAAAA!!! 💗💕
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kyuani · 3 years
What made you stop being an ML/Adrien salter?
Hi there! I ramble a bit, so forgive me for making this long lol (can scoll down for the tldr).
Prior to season 2 airing, I remember Marinette getting a lot of unnecessary hate, being called "dumb" and "stupid" - for either not reciprocating Cat Noir's feelings or for not realizing he was the boy she loves beneath his mask. Meanwhile, Adrien was everyone's cinnamon roll (including mine lol) that was just flawless. Certainly didn't help when the creator of the series himself claimed he was perfect, although that's hitting a little different with him possibly being a senti-being. 😅 That all changed during Glaciator when we first got a hint at Adrien being imperfect.
I think a lot of people were just tired of seeing Mari get bashed for every little thing, and seeing more of Adrien's impulsiveness/extreme emotions just gave us reasons to return that same energy for the one everyone always made a victim - even when he wasn't. No matter what, his actions & feelings were justified - not just by the fandom, but even by the writers although sh*t was morally wrong. It was okay for him to be angry at Ladybug for "standing him up" despite her being honest about having other plans, and never promising to show up to begin with. It was okay that he had a little attitude with Ladybug during Frozer for her "being mean" or "not caring about his feelings" despite him being petty during a battle with the lives of Parisians on the line, and the fact that she's not obligated to return his feelings nor should feel the need to be nice about someone who's insistence of them being a couple is both distracting & uncomfortable to her. Or acting dense in Malediktator about why everyone in Paris would celebrate Chloe leaving as if she hasn't been the most intentionally mean & hurtful person in the entire city aside from Hawk Moth in regards to anybody else's feelings & wellbeing - especially when he himself almost stopped being friends with her due to that very reason. 🙃Lemme not get started on Chameleon, or I'll return to salting again. 😓
In my opinion, S1 was nice and S2 even better, but S3 was terrible. I hated almost every episode of that season even now with the exception of golden ones like Cat Blanc & Miraculer and nice ones like Oblivio & Chrismaster. I said that if I liked less than 10 episodes, I would quit the show because it was that frustrating. And did! Because it was garbage. Oni-chan is literally one of the stupidest things I've ever had to witness, and a perfect example of how the drama of "love" was more important to the writers than the plot of what the actual focus should be on: the miraculous & its powers. I can appreciate the S3 finale a lot more now, but I remember being pretty disappointed/uninterested back then lol. I gave up on Miraculous..... but then the New York special came out, and I just had to watch it!
And I enjoyed it! A LOT! The Shanghai special was nice too. They gave me hope for the show. And then the S4 trailer came out. With a lot of episodes featured. First of all, the airing of Miraculous was a lot more consistent than it ever has been before! It was like the people behind the scenes finally grasped the importance of consistency. Secondly, I enjoyed literally every episode of S4!! Even Psychomedian was nice, although the 2nd hand embarrassment I felt for Marinette was too much to bare (haven't felt that since the bullsh*t that was Puppeteer 2 😬). But hyper-angry Ladybug being carried around by Cat Noir + the touch of adrienette at the end made it worth it I think. ⭐Also, it had a theme, and THINGS WERE FINALLY CHANGING!!! THINGS WERE HAPPENING!!! IT WAS FOCUSED ON THE MIRACULOUS, ITS POWERS, THE KWAMIS, THE LADYNOIR DYNAMIC!!! From beginning to end, it was truly a joy to watch.
I didn't have anything to salt about, and made an active decision to avoid salt prior, because I believed it would ruin the show for me. Looking back, I think I got so caught up in wanting to defend Marinette that I forgot that Adrien & others weren't what I had a problem with, but the way that they were written. Rewatching the old seasons and watching this new season made me realize how much Adrien and I have in common (impulsive & feelings-based because INFP-T gang), that he's just a child who wants to be loved - not just romantically but with the parental love he's neglected of completely). He isn't perfect, but I think this season did a good job at showing the complexity of his mindset & emotions (as well as Marinette's) - especially when it comes to the change in ladynoir's dynamic & the lack of communication that put a wedge in their closeness. Adrien felt more human and realistic in this season than he ever has before. So does Luka who I didn't care for before (for his severe lack of character and eyebrows), and Felix?!? OH MY GOSH. After that phenomenal finale, I have faith that this show is going in the right direction. Looking forward to all that's to come! ^>^
TLDR: I stopped being a salter, mainly because the writing got much better imo from the two specials to S4. It made me appreciate Adrien (as well as other characters), and take them in for the children they are. Also, while salting can help get out frustration and connect w/ other people who feel the same, it just kills the joy of the show to me imo. But that's just me, it can be different for other people. ^.^
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