#i've always imagined bella playing the cello in later years
jessicanjpa · 7 years
Sad headcanon: vampires can’t play reed instruments. The water-soaked reeds taste gross, their venom is constantly disintegrating the reed and the mouthpiece, and even if they do manage to keep their mouths dry for a while, their relatively-hard lips can’t get the proper seal for them to use enough force without misshaping the mouthpiece altogether.  (depending on how literally you take the skin thing)  I guess it would be possible, but not worth the trouble or the taste. Edward was such a Benny Goodman fanboy back in the thirties and it killed him when he discovered he would never be able to play the clarinet :(
Actually, most wind instruments just wouldn't work in general... flute being a nice exception, I guess?  Panflutes?
Thoughts on this, anyone?  What instruments would vampires be good at? Do you headcanon any Twilight character playing a certain instrument?
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