#i'm tired of all the art discourse about AI and artists with egos and how you can call someone a bad person for their fucking twitter follo
sonoda-oomers ยท 10 months
things have been going objectively shit i'm shadowbanned on tumblr (my only platform, noobie mistake but i am not going back to twitter) and turns out vgen is not the best if you don't got that shiny verification, i'm trying to schedule posts to instagram and hating every part of the process.
but. sometimes i still remember the first art course i went to. the first time i was making art to receive construction feedback with industry professionals. one of those guys said i have a lot of potential to do amazing in the future. and it's just like. it's fine. even if i'm objectively doing shit with so little networking you could contain it in a sauce bowl. i will always believe that. that i have potential to do amazing. no matter how much time and how much effort it takes.
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