#i'm sure that's why Tiger Rock himself isn't
agirlking · 1 year
"I think the reason so many theorists believe Tales aren’t literal is they don't like the lore." You’re right and should say it louder for the people in the back. Just because theorists say Edwin has to be Henry doesn’t make it true, just because they say Tiger Rock can’t exist in the games universe doesn’t make it true. These can just be a simple explanation of The Mimic’s origin.
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therummonster · 2 months
Okay question, would the daycare/daycare academy universe versions(sorta) get along with the Mc heroes versions of themselves? (Ik Sabre isn't Peter so- just like- idk main characters of each got thrown somewhere so y e -) Just a random question :333 also do send me more art if you can /nf I love ur art sm :3
technically peter does have a daycare variant, aka the councilor of yandere camp-
anyways, i'm honestly not fully sure, so most of it's guess work.
long ramble!
Ryan of the daycare is this chaotic child that often throws people under the bus, he literally attempted to trap and blow up bobby in a train engine {to be fair, the child is an asshole.} in season 1 of daycare because Tina broke up with him briefly.
while Ryan from heroes is more calm and mature. he's saving money by eating cheap, he probably also knows how to do medicine stuffs.
so idk, give them tea and they'll chill out for as long as the cup has a drop.
Tina The Tiger {TTT according to her initials-} is a bit of a yandere, extremely possessive over Ryan, gets jealous easily and acts brash. she also runs the equivalent of a mafia/gang.
Tina, hero universe, is more calm. she's clingy, yes, but at the same time she's keeping quiet about the fact that for once she wants a day where it's just her and Ryan.
honestly, they'd probably gossip a whole bunch with each other. maybe mope about Ryan not being as into the relationship as they are.
Goldy in the daycare is chaos incarnate, has a reputation for being absurdly stupid, yet still knows a bad situation when she sees one. she loves toys, probably is eternally cursed to be searching for her long lost love, which i think was a rocking horse. also her dad is literal pure gold.
Goldy working in the heroes universe is not that observant, or at the very least doesn't make the first move in terms of romance. that isn't to say she's completely repulsed by the idea of some kind of chemistry, as she puts a kiss on Unicorn Mann's cheek after the fight with Dr Ostrich.
these two can probably get along the most, having multiple similarities to pull from.
Unicorn in daycare, he's a mix of anxious, confident, lonely, and smart depending who you ask. he's a massive hodge podge of a being that has literally gotten his emotions split apart, and he's probably holding himself together with duct tape or hand screwed screws. without leaving canon, he is a copy cat in the daycare universe.
Luke is almost the same. almost. his emotions haven't been fractured, so he's still basically entirely whole. he's also got a secondary voice in his head.
these two have canon reason on why they will not meet, due to all the ucms having something in their systems to act as multiverse repellents with each other. it isn't naturally there, as unicorn{friends} could still go off and find ucm sr. but they'd probably be chill.
and for absolutely less than no reason, chicken mann meeting small ucm would be just watching him pause, stare down at the other, before one insult goes and they're back in the streets fighting each other.
or daycare ucm meets peter and they are just chill cat energy with each other.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I. Can't prove the theory now. I was under the impression from the wiki summary that the Storyteller built its own body and that body was Tiger Rock, which meant if the two dipshits were killed by the Storyteller then it would have been Tiger Rock that did it...
Except they die of stupid and that's fucking it. The tiger isn't even a fucking tiger. Why they got a bust and four arms in their neck specifically if they're a fucking oversized nightlight from Aldi are you kidding me what is this
And who let this author have a thesaurus and a book of Scrabble words to piss people off so much they'd never play again?? What's a concourse?? A fucking FRISSON!!! HOI POLLOI????? SNAFU I CHOOSE YOU!!! For gods sake don't let this guy know about crosswords they'll forget what the sun looks like. I bet this is the guy that decided "Utili-dor" was a reasonable thing to name a corridor to Sewerhell.
And the big fucking tree????? In the main atrium???? Presumably????? In front of the stage????? Giant ass 75 foot tree????? Why.
I do love the honesty though. Like. For some reason Mr Burrows refers to himself as Mr Burrows, but oh wow he's so relatable I mean he says "How could I be so stupid?" like YEAH MAN I'VE BEEN WONDERING THE SAME THING ABOUT YOU THIS WHOLE TIME WOW IT'S LIKE HE'S JUST LIKE ME FOR REAL
Lmao actually though this is so fucking funny. Guy sees Freddy get in a tug of war with a little girl that has a plush of an old version of Freddy, lose that tug of war and then go cry in the corner about it and is like "oh okay I'll just go kill that guy I don't like I'm sure that'll fix it!" Then dies to his own Stupid. I should read the whole thing I'd love to see more about the completely unnecessary nature of literally all of this and also to see where the 'tiger' thing came from like bro what
Speaking of unnecessary!!!
Can someone that knows more about tech explain this one to me?
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(ID in alt)
Like. Legitimately, this just feels like he's asking to die to his own Stupid. I don't know enough about tech stuff to know if an oxygenated room is going to affect processors and shit compared to an unoxygenated room so... I'm asking if this is an actual Thing or if it's just this one guy being extra Stupid so he can die of bigger Stupid.
And I fucking LOVE that he asked some guy called Sebastian to stop every single function a human can make in the tree from working and put all control in a remote control that this one guy has... That he goes in without so he can die of Stupid. Bro really had one goal in life and that goal was to die of Stupid after being very funny and Stupid. I didn't even read the whole story and now I want to specifically to see the extent of this guy's Stupid.
I wanna make a post tomorrow that's just. Mr Burrows' Stupid Compilation. I think he deserves it. For being so fucking Stupid I've started capitalising the word Stupid in reference to him.
Anyway, every cool thing I thought was going on in the Storyteller was wrong, but I got Some Fucking Guy out of it so I guess I'm still winning lmao
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jonnyparable · 3 years
Cottage Hills : The Red Chamber Part V
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The Manuscript of Nehemiah
With all his magical ingredients and apparatus back in his possession, and the manuscript in his hands, Won can finally accomplish the work that he came here to do, since he arrived last year. But what is this manuscript? What's written in it and why did Won come all this way to get it ?
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"At long last! The manuscript of Nehemiah, grand patriarch of the Moshus! I've come all this way, and now, thanks to you, Moguai, I finally have it! Now we can make these thieves pay for what they've done to my family!"
"Now that the manuscript of your great ancestor, Nehemiah is back where it belongs, in the hands of a Moshu, you can finally right the wrong that was done to your ancestors all those centuries ago. The manuscript was written by Nehemiah himself. And contains his very own recipe for making the most lethal potion in the world, the Black Cup. Better known as Death in a Bottle..."
"These fools may have the Golden Cup, which will protect them from lesser poisons, but even the Golden Flower's powers are useless against the finality of cold, brutal, instant death! "
The Next Day...
Old Acquaintances
As mid autumn rolls around, the town is busy preparing for the annual Mid Autumn Hotpot at the square, when who should come by the Cooper Farm but old friends, Eva and Oak, the scientists who saved Rod's life in the Simalayas last winter. He introduces them to his family, and catches them up on the miraculous happenings after his return to town.
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"Eva! Oak! You've come! Meet my wife and son. This is Lillia, and Rick."
"Hello Tiger Spirit! It is wonderful to see you again. Your hometown is beautiful, like you said. Nice to finally meet you Lillia. We have heard much about you from Rod. We've come bearing gifts today. As promised, we come with medicine, made from the Golden Flower, which your husband found, but in an act of true nobility, gave to us. We are here to repay that debt"
"Thank you, friends, but there is no need. As you can see, Lillia is well now. By some miracle, I believe the Goddess came to me in a dream, and planted the flower in my garden! Our local healer was able to use it to make a cure after all!"
"My! That is tremendous news indeed! You are indeed very blessed! We must meet this healer!"
"Of course! I shall bring you to see her later. For now, let me show you around the town! The Mayor would probably like to meet you too."
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The Return of You-Know-Who
At Rose Square the mayor is currently overseeing preparations for the annual Mid Autumn Hotpot tomorrow as villagers help to set up the large iron pot and put up the lights and decorations. Every year, the townsfolk gather in the square and everyone brings an ingredient to add to the hot pot, followed by a hike up the mountain to see the full moon. The preparations are interrupted by Harris, who's come to tell everyone to stop.
"Alright, listen up everyone. After the strange fire last night at the constabulary, Ellen was found unconscious in the church, and is currently recovering in the clinic. We have reason to believe that these are not isolated incidents and that You-know-who has returned. It is therefore unwise to go ahead with such gatherings. As such, everyone is advised to return to your homes for your safety immediately. Thank you everyone."
Mayor Thomas :
"Now, hold on a minute, son. I understand you're just being cautious but there's no need to make everyone panic. After all, there's no proof that any of this has to do with you-know-who, and-"
Harris :
"Father, with all due respect, the villager's safety is of the utmost importance. Until You-know-who is found, he will pose a constant threat to the town and I- We, must always be vigilant."
Just then, in the midst of their heated discussion, Rod arrives and introduces Eva and Oak. The Mayor, glad for the interruption, asks them to stay for tomorrow night's festivities, as the rest of the villagers continue with their preparations.
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Mayor Thomas:
"Ah! So you are Rod's friends from the mountain! Rod has told us so much about you! Well, you two are heroes! And dear friends of the town! If you have no pressing matters to attend to, you simply must stay as our honoured guests and attend the festival tomorrow! The moon this autumn is particularly round, a very good omen!"
"Father, please, I must insist that -"
Mayor Thomas:
"Alright, that's quite enough son. Your pursuit of Won has become a bit of an obsession of late, I must say. I think the villagers have had enough of all this you-know-who business and fear-mongering, when its clear that he's gone, and he's not coming back. The Goddess clearly watches over us! We must believe and never give in to fear! After all, He hasn't been seen for a year now, and the Goddess has blessed us with the Golden Cup, what's the worse you-know-who can do now even if he does return? "
"Father! This isn't about fear! Have you forgotten what he did to us, and how much suffering he caused last year? Yes we are lucky to have the Golden Cup, but I'm duty bound to protect our town. Just because we've been unable to find him, doesn't mean he's gone. What if he's the one who hurt Ellen? "
"Hurt her? What happened to Ellen?"
"Last night she was found unconscious in the church. We don't know the exact reason why, but she's being examined by Dr. Tim as we speak...poor Ellen...how could all this happen in one night? "
Mayor Thomas:
"... Nobody blames you for what happened , you know... I know you mean well but.. "
"At any rate, this festival cannot go on, its too risky, and..."
Mayor Thomas and Harris continue to disagree, and as Eva and Oak look into the serene face of the Goddess Statue behind them, they exchange concerned expressions. They have no idea who Harris and Mayor Thomas are talking about, but whoever he is, he seems to have the townspeople all worked up. They've come just in the nick of time it seems...
That Night...
The Autumn Moon
Back in You-Know-Who's hideout, Won is putting together the deadly ingredients for the Black Cup, and as he waits for the most important ingredient, he and Moguai discuss their diabolical plans.
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"In the hot pot? Surely you jest."
"Not at all! It's perfect! Every autumn, these fools gather at the square and they all share from a pot of broth, laughing and cajoling and merry-making. It's the most vile thing I've ever seen, honestly. Pass me that bottle of newt's eyes, will you? They're probably making preparations for it as we speak. Now that we've gotten rid of that meddling Elmsley hag, this will be a breeze! I'll just freeze time long enough to add just a few drops of the Black Cup into their pot and...well, dinner is served!"
"Yes that's all well and good, but are you sure you have everything you need to make the Black Cup? The festival is tomorrow is it not?"
"Oh, yes, Moguai, yes we do. Not to worry. We have just enough to make one, which is all we need for now. As we speak, the last ingredient is on its way. Look up there, we have by act of providence, the biggest full moon we've seen in years this autumn equinox! When it reaches its highest point in the sky, I will call on its power to complete the potion! Sweet revenge is mine at long last!"
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A Lamb to Slaughter
Meanwhile, Zack begins to worry about Olkan again. With a moon this big out, it seems Olkan's transformations are becoming longer and more violent. Zack goes out looking for him, just to make sure he's alright and not causing trouble. This time, however, he seems to have strayed a little far from their home in the wrong direction, and has stumbled into a strange part of the woods that he does not recognise. He sees some strange totems hanging in between two rocks. Unfamiliar with their significance, and drawn by curiosity, he walks through them...
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As a Servo, Won's wards of concealment have no effect on him and he's able to just slip through, and Won's hideout is laid bare before him. Poor Zack soon stumbles upon Won and Moguai, and can't believe what he's hearing. He overhears Won talking about what they did to Ellen, and about his plans to somehow kill everyone in town by putting a lethal poison in the town's hot pot tomorrow! As Zack tries to override his panic function and execute his focusing program, so he can think about what to do next, he realises that they've stopped talking, and an eerie, suffocating silence hangs in the air...
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"Hush! Someone has slipped through your wards. I smell a rat.... There! Below! He's heard us! Seize him!"
Zack turns to run, back to town to try and warn someone, anyone, and to tell them what Won is up to. But he doesn't get very far...
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"And just where do you think you're going?"
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youngbloodlisk · 4 years
You Wanna Kiss Me So Bad
Kim Sunwoo
- suggestive drabble
- "bad boy" sunwoo is hot
- kinda cliché but who doesn't love a good cliché
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"Can you get the door?" My sister yells at me from the dining room (aka glorified office and clutter dump), where she's gathering supplies for her study session with her project partner.
I close my phone and toss it on the couch before hauling myself up and towards the front door, only to be faced with the last person I ever wanna see.
Wearing matte, leather-y pants, his black t-shirt tucked casually in the front, and a long chain adorning his neck, he stares into my eyes like a tiger.
"What are you doing here-"
"Sunwoo, come on in. Do you have your textbook?" My sister passes behind me, heading to the couch and motioning for Sunwoo to follow her. The ever-present smirk on his face only seems to intensify as he enters my home. I’m sure he can feel my internal eye roll through my off-put facial expression.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I won't bother you." His sweet, devilish voice invading my ears never fails to make me want to smack his smug, pretty face.
Kim Sunwoo is the most cocky, arrogant, annoying, self-centered, unappreciative, pushy, seductive-
You get it.
He knows I can't stand him.
Nevertheless, he continues to constantly torment me with his stupid smirks and pet names. Out in public is bad enough, but now he’s doing it in my own home. Am I safe nowhere?
I grab my phone off the couch before he can sit down on it. Trying to ignore my younger sister and Sunwoo talking about whatever useless school project they have to do together proves to be more difficult than I anticipated.
I glance over at them every once in a while, and eventually I notice that Sunwoo is adjusting his sitting position very often. Every time he moves, he scoots just a little bit closer to my sister. Anger bubbles up in me quickly once I realize what he's up to.
Call me all the pet names you want, but don’t even think about violating my sister.
I patiently wait until she excuses herself to the restroom before I stare Sunwoo right in the eyes with a glare that, to be honest, is me really wishing looks could kill.
"Back off my sister." His smirk returns upon hearing my words.
"Why? You want me for yourself, sweetheart?" He sits up on the edge of the couch and cocks a teasing eyebrow at me.
"One inch closer to her and you'll regret it, Sunwoo." I decide it best to ignore his comments and continue my threat. Apparently, that isn't satisfactory for him.
"You don't need to be nervous, sweetheart. Just say it like it is." His voice is calm and sensual, as it always is when he starts talking to me.
"I don't even want you in my house in the first place."
"Would you rather me be in your bed?" I can tell he's internally hyping himself up for the stupidest comment I’ve ever heard in all my years of living.
"You're disgusting, Sunwoo."
"Am I?" He fakes surprise and intrigue. "Is that why you just can't keep your pretty little eyes off me?"
I stand up, having had enough, and plant myself directly in front of where he sits, staring down at him.
"How are you possibly so full of yourself? How are you possibly so self centered that you think everyone just wants to get with you constantly?" I barely notice him stand up, leaving our faces only a few inches apart. "I’ve never seen anyone as pathetic as you. You're such a-"
"Ooh, you wanna kiss me so bad." His voice this time is deep... almost lustful.
"What?" I can barely squeak out a response before he grabs my waist and pulls me to him.
He places his lips on mine and waits for a reaction.
I try to resist him, I really do.
Do you have any idea how badly I don’t wanna have to admit that I kissed Kim Sunwoo and enjoyed it?
But his lips taste like sweet strawberries and they're soft like the most comforting blanket, and I can’t help but cave to his addictive taste.
I kiss back and he takes the opportunity to place one hand on my neck, while allowing the other to wander until it's resting right above my waistband. His finger plays at the hem and slides under the fabric. He caresses my skin as if it’s his most prized possession.
He sits back down, pulling me with him so I'm straddling him, all while our lips are still attached.
We act as if we've both been waiting for this moment forever, and neither of us want it to end now that it's happening... and maybe we have been.
My hands go back and forth from the back of his head to his neck to his chest, and his hands now both rest on my hips, encouraging me to rock against him. His grip is sure to leave light bruises, but I truly could not care less about that as his tongue enters my mouth and I can feel him growing hard through his pants.
I know exactly what he's gonna say when all this ends.
"How long have you been dreaming about that one, sweetheart?"
And truth be told? A long time.
Much longer than I'll ever admit to him.
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darkcitiesnluv · 3 years
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" what's the matter sweetie~~? Why don't you get close? Loook~ here's your teddy beaaar~ come here and take it.....come on take it.....jarjarjar....." The big headed clown chuckled darkly as he stare up at you with his golden deadly eyes.
Your eight year old self could see his sickening grin form from ear to ear inside the dark echoing sewer. You notice how he had spots of blood spread on his big mouth and his dirty clothes. He held your now ripped bloody teddy bear in his shaky claws.
You grimace at the way it look but you remember when your little brother gave it to you for your seventh birthday. Your little brother went missing one night and that teddy bear is really important for you because it's the only thing left from your little brother.
" Give me back Mr. Teddy! Please it's from my little brother! He gave it to me for my birthday! " You pleaded with your tiny soft voice.
" Your little brother..... Jeongin?....." The red headed clown said as he raised his thin round eyebrows and widen his eyes looking creepy. 
You also widen your eyes as that creepy looking clown mentioned him. Perhaps....does he know where her little brother is? Does he know something about his disappearance?
" How do you know him?....." You asked as you crawl closer towards the sewer. The clown chuckled and grinned widely showing his sharp yellow teeth.
" Little Jeongin is with me honey~......do you want to see hiiimm~?" He cooed with his silly and raspy clown voice.
You eagerly nodded. " PLEASE! PLEASE! Jeonginie~! Come back!"
Your eyes widen when you saw your little 6 year old brother. He wore a yellow raincoat. His hoodie was up covering his small chubby face. His raincoat looked dirty, covered in mud, pieces of trash stick on the coat. He held a red floating balloon in his tiny hands.
" If you want your brother back...." This time the clown frowned, and he looked deadly at her. " Then get down and take him.....NOW!" He yelled scaring you.
" Jeongin~! Jeongin~! Come over here! It's me Y/n! Jeongin!" You said crawling slowly towards the sewer, your tiny arm sticking out to reach for him. " I can't, I can't...." Jeongin cried as he step back, still his small face looking down all this time.  The clown chuckled darkly as he was opening his wide mouth.
" Y/n!!!...."
" Y/n! What are you doing there next to the sewers! You're going to fall!"
You turn to your side and immediately stood up. You looked at your little friends that called you. The clown suddenly growled as he aggressively grab Jeongin and pushed him away like a ragged doll. He felt annoyed he couldn't get what he wanted; his fresh food.
" Guys my little brother is in here.....!" You stoped speaking as you turn to look back at the sewers. The clown nor your little brother weren't there anymore.
" Y/n......how could he be in the sewers?...." Yeonjun asked as he held your tiny hands with his tiny ones.
" Y/n! You shouldn't get close! You could fall!" Your taller friend Soobin, suddenly hug you.
" But I saw a creepy clown! He had my teddy bear and Jeongin!"
Yeonjun gulp down saliva as he heard about the clown again.
" Clown? On the sewers? Y/n you're too cute and funny pleased stop!" Soobin laughed as he pinched your chubby cheeks.
You looked at Yeonjun and he did the same. He squeezed your hand almost telling you that he believes you.....
Flashback End
"Ahhh! I need to stop remembering it!" You yelled as you got up from the bed to get ready for school.
" Y/n! Eat something! At least an apple!" Your mother yelled from across the kitchen. " No mom I'm late!" You said and quickly put on your shoes that were next to the door. " Bye mom love you!"
" Love you too!....ahh! This girl" she shook her head.
" Hey! Y/n!~" Your friend Soobin said as he smiled at you. " You woke up late too?..." The tall dark hair boy with an undercut said as he look down at you. You nodded. " Yes! I....had that weird memory again...." You said as you touched your forehead.
"Mmm....ohhh....the clown memory? You mean a dream?.... Again!? Y/n you keep having that same dream so often? Are you really that scare of clowns?...." Soobin chuckled as he face palm.
" Soobin you don't understand-"
" Hey Y/nnie~! Hey Soobin~~~ i'm glad y'all waited for me" Beomgyu smiled kindly as he put on his red beanie over his long rock emo boy hair cut.
" We weren't waiting for you, we stop to talk about her nightmare.…" Soobin smiled innocently at him showing his deep dimples.
" The clown dream......Y/n, baby...." Suddenly Beomgyu wrapped his left arm around your shoulders getting close to you, his fingers from his right hand  slightly pinching your small chin moving your face towards his lovely gaze. " you see, fears are like food.....you can't resist them.....they hypnotized you to eat them...."
" What are you saying? That doesn't make sense" Soobin laughed and you agree bobbing your head repeatly.
" What I mean is that I'm hungry. Long or short story...Y/n.... YOU NO LONGER A CHILD GROW UP! FEARING CLOWNS IS FOR LOSERS!" Beomgyu yelled exaggerating every word he said while making dramatic hand gestures.
" Says the loser that is scared of the red sun...." Short blond hair Huening Kai said as he smirked at Beomgyu, teasing him.
" Kai~~~" Beomgyu suddenly hug him sofly and then let go. " Hey! Stop it! The red sun is not a joke! I've heard once the sun turns red it means the world will end.....or does it mean evil will rise?..." Beomgyu question himself.
" Umm..... where's Yeonjun and Taehyun?... Yeonjun said he'll take us to school...." You furrowed your eyebrows worried. Yesterday he texted in the group chat that he'll be picking them up since he already got his driver's license.
" Tae called me in the morning telling me he feels sick....so he'll stay home...." Hueningkai said.
" Yeonjun doesn't answer his phone....." Soobin said as he hold his iPhone against his ear.
" I'm worry....." Beomgyu said in english.
" Me too gyu...." You said in english as well.
What could've happened to him? He always answer his phone every time we call..... something is wrong.... could it be his parents?
And Taehyun suddenly missing school? When he is one of the top 5 best and smartest students in Junior grade and plus he is a very healthy boy.....
Something is going on and we need to find it out.
" Let's go to his house?....we should check and if he isn't there, let's check in Taehyun's house......ahh!" Beomgyu said earning a smack on the arm by Hueningkai.
" You stole my statement! I was gonna say that! " Kai said.
" Ok let's go now!" You said as you started running and the boys following you.
" His car isn't there....." Soobin said as he looked around the backyard.
" If his car isn't there....he must not be in the house either...." Kai said staring at the decently looking house.
" Should we knock?" Beomgyu said as he gazed at the maroon door.
" I don't think he's there if his car isn't out here..." You said.
" Alright." Beomgyu answered however he still walked towards the maroon door and knock it. " Mrs and Mr. Choi! It's your son Beomgyu! I want to see my bro! Where is he!?" He yelled his voce kind of cracking,  leaning his ear against the door.
Suddenly they heard a heavy kick against the door coming inside the house. Beomgyu flinched like a baby and back off from the door. " The fuck?..." He narrowed his eyebrows as he gave it a weird look.
The person abruptly opens the door and peeks out to see who was the one banging on his door while screaming at it.
" Beomgyu it was you.....who do you think you are to be banging at my door like if you own it...." Yeonjun's father said angrily.
" Your son....." Beomgyu said in a sad tone faking a sad look.
" MY-keeu!.... You ain't my son and don't ever knock on my door like that nor yelled at it as if it's a dog!"
You and the others secretly try their best not to laugh at the whole scene you three are watching making Beomgyu turn back to look at you and your friends.
Beomgyu crack a smile but quickly went back to being serious. " Look sir, we're looking for Yeonjun! That idiot was supposed to take us to school and now we're going to miss it! Not that I care for me it's alright I can missed school every day BUT MY FRIENDS!! THEY LOVE SCHOOL!! IT ISN'T FAIR-"
"ⁿᵒ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ...." Yelled Soobin and Kai from a far.
" Little boy.....I don't care about you or your friends, that idiot is in one of his stupid friend's house.....Taeyang? Taeyong? Taehyung?..... something like that...now JUST-"
" That's enough sir thank you for the info......let's go?" Beomgyu question his friends while raising an eyebrow.
" Taehyun!!" Soobin screamed as he knock on the door.
From inside the house you could hear Taehyun's heavy steps and cussing them off for making a whole chaos outside his house.
" Can't y'all understand that my parents are sleeping right now?!?.....so disrespectful god....well except for Y/n she's a sweetheart, the only normal one here..." Taehyun glared at his friends except for you. You innocently smiled at him cutely going with the flow.
" Are you sure she's a normal?..." Kai crack a nervous smile and laugh.
" She dreams about clowns chasing her..." Beomgyu joked next.
" CLOWNS!?......" Taehyun widen his big eyes even wider.
" Shhhhhh! Your parents are sleeping and is Yeonjun here? He must...." Soobin glared at him.
" Yeah yeah right, and yes his hear.....how y'all know?" Taehyun asked as he peek inside his house making sure his parents are still sleeping.
" His new car, outside....." You responded.
Taehyun nodded and let the three of you walk inside his house. Taehyun made sure nobody around the neighborhood saw them. For what reason? Only he knows.
" Yaaah Tae you're being suspicious.... what's the matter? Why is Yeonjun here?..." You slightly whispered as all of you gather together in Taehyun's room.
Yeonjun sat on the ground, tiger blanket on his shoulders, eating Doritos and watching SpongeBob like a little kid.
You smiled at that sight and felt happy when you saw him there... healthy and safe.
You know his problems....the problems that happens inside his house everyday. His parents are in the middle of divorce and that had caused horrible fights and arguments between them....and Yeonjun is sick of it.
So you understood why he prefer to stay in somebody else home instead of his own.....you would've done the same if you were in that situation.....lucky for you you don't have a dad so it will never happen. You sat next to Yeonjun and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked at you and smile. Taehyun notice how you two were close to each other. He shook his head and tap on Yeonjun's back two times. " Yeonjun, they're here.... mind explaining them?"
" Guys.....the clown.....he talked to me....." Yeonjun said with a scared look and his eyebrows narrowed down. " He said he'll be here to come and get us.....that clown that got my twin sisters is back!"
His eyes landed on yours making you covered your mouth in shock.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at each other slowly, seeing how you were reacting and how Yeonjun and Taehyun look so serious, make them feel like they're being honest.
" Is this for real?.... aren't y'all joking with us?..." Soobin raised his eyebrows.
You looked at Yeonjun and Taehyun with a sad look and so did they towards you.
" Guys.....I know it sounds crazy...but the reason why our younger siblings went missing and their bodies were never found....is because that men dressed in a clown suit ate him! He eats children and even teenagers! Probably even adults! That's why I'm terrified at clowns! Specially him...." You said as you sat down on the bed and covered your face with your hands.
Soobin, Beomgyu, and Huening looked at you surprised. This strange information is slowly processing in their brains.
" Soobin, remember 9 years ago.....I was laying down in front of a sewer...." You said hoping he remembered that very first and last day you talked to that clown. " Yeonjun remembers!" You said as you looked at Yeonjun then back at Soobin.
" I.... remember.....I didn't believe you at that time....so that clown does exist....." He thought as he looked at you in realization.
" Last night I was riding my car, I parked it next to a sewer.....and he was there .....he told me he will come to get me and my friends.....I really don't know what I ever did to him....All I know is that we're in danger..." Yeonjun said as he look up at his friends with red crying eyes.
" We must stay together...." You said as you reach to get Yeonjun's hand to help him stand up. Taehyun quickly walked to your other side and held your hand.
The six of you gather around in a circle holding hands.
" We promise to each other that we will stay together forever, in good and in bad..... together forever!" They all said loudly as they rais their holdings hands up in the air. It was a friendly encouragement for y'all's strong friendship of years.
" What the-! Is this some cult ritual y'all doing? Y/n you're the only girl here be careful!" Taehyun's mother said as she stand there next to the door watching us.
" Mom don't worry Y/n is protected with me...." Taehyun said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and smiled warmly at you.
" Alright......I seriously don't know what y'all doing here instead of being in school but come to the dining room to eat breakfast...." She said as she no longer care what this troublesome kids were doing.
Yeonjun grabs your hand and you accept it. Taehyun notice it and he did the same to you with other hand.
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mallowstep · 3 years
Dark AU (ft. Tallpoppy and a surprise)
Blackfoot: *he wakes to loud yowling, and recognizes it as Tallpoppy's. He, the rest of Shadowclan, and all of Riverclan rise from their nests and pad out to meet her, and Blackfoot winces at spotting the once proud Riverclan leader. Leopardfur, Tigerstar had informed them to call her dismissively, like it wasn't a big deal. Like a leader could just stop being a leader. He shakes his head, and glances up at Tallpoppy.
Tallpoppy: "I'm calling a consensus. Do we really want to be lead by a cat who leads in Bloodclan, demotes another clan's leader, and expects us to hate half clanners when his own daughter abandoned her original clan? Thunderclan didn't kick Twanypelt out. She chose to follow him. Just like Tigerstar said Nightstar's last wish was him to be leader. Why would Nightstar pick Tigerclaw, a warrior who was Thunderclan and not Blackfoot? Or Russetfur? And she's barely 9 moons old. She's not ready to be a full warrior, no matter what her father says!"
Murmurs broke out as Shadowclan cats began to talk, voices soft.*
Tallpoppy: "All of you heard Firestar. He told us what Tigerstar did, how he lied to Thunderclan and framed Oakheart for killing Redtail, when Oakheart was killed by falling rocks then Tigerstar killed Redtail. Tigerstar is weak now from Scourge's attack. You all saw how the small cat tore through six of Tigerstar's nine lives in one hit like they were nothing, and he brought that danger here! Why should we allow him to continue to live and Twanypelt to be a clan cat, if she was so willing to follow her father?"
Blackfoot: *he feels Shadowclan's eyes on him, and he thinks. All he ever did was try to contain Brokenstar's madness and Tigerstar's thirst, and where had that got him and his clan? A pile of dead kits, a sea of madness, and three days to decide whether or not the clans were going to give up the forest their ancestors had padded through for generations.*
"Tallpoppy's right." *he meows, suddenly, ignoring Darkstripe's yowl of outrage.* "Tigerstar is a traitor to clan life and to clan ways. Not even Brokenstar in his madness brought this...Bloodclan to our forest, nor did he ever demote another clan's leader for rescuing their clanmates. He actually kinda respected clans that fought back." *he added, unconsciously.* "Tigerstar...isn't the leader Shadowclan needs. Nor is he a cat that should have power, nor should any of his kin, at least for a long, long, time. Not until our stories are long over, and our bones long but dust." *he gets up and moves to quick emergency den Runningnose had made for Tigerstar, spotting the tabby still fast asleep due to poppy seeds.*
Darkstripe: "What are you doing? Get away from him!" *he yowled, launching himself at Blackfoot.*
The massive white tabby idly slammed Darkstripe down, before looking at Tigerstar's unquestionably loyal follower."You are even less than Tigerstar's kits. You're nothing but the fly that eats Tigerstar's shit," *he growled out, snapping Darkstripe's neck. He moved closer to Tigerstar, spotting that the amber-eyed tabby was awake.* "It's time for you to go, Tigers--Claw. Shadowclan is done with your nonsense." *he murmured, before tearing open the soft pink skin left from Scourge's brutal attack, and he silently watched as Tigerstar's last 3 lives left him.* "Shadowclan, Tigerclan is over. Gather around and dismantle Bonehill. Bury the prey bones respectfully, like we were taught as kits and don't pollute Riverclan's river. We've put them through enough. Oakfur, Russetfur, Boulder, Flintfang when we leave Riverclan's territory grab these two pieces of crowfood and leave them at carrionplace. They deserve no burial rights, and they have no one to morn them. Let the rats feast on their corpses like they let their thirst for power blind them from compassion. " *he meowed, turning to Leopardstar.* "I'm sorry, for everything, Leopardstar."
The Riverclan leader met his gaze, eyes still simmering with pride and defiance. "Riverclan accepts your apologies, Blackstar...and welcomes you by your new name."
Shadepelt, Mosspelt, Mudfur: "Blackstar! Blackstar! Blackstar!"
Shadowclan: *carefully took up the chant, and the voices of two clans welcomed the new leader.*
Blackstar: *he bows his head, and then looks at at Twanypelt.* "What to do with you? You're not a Shadowclan warrior--you know none of our traditions, nor our techniques yet you are no longer a Thunderclan apprentice, and while I don't doubt Firestar would take you back, I doubt that you'd get a warm welcome, if one at all. Tallpoppy--come here. You will mentor Twanypelt in the ways of an actual Shadowclan warrior instead of just what her father thought what was best I taught her. I doubt she'll be a good hunter for awhile in our marsh, but she can fight, so border patrol and hunting practice will both be your lot until Twanypelt is up to stuff. Shadowclan, let's leave." *he meowed, watching as Oakfur, and Flintfang picked up Darkstripe's body, Russetfur and Boulder picked up Tigerclaw's. He glanced to make sure Bonehill was gone, before twitching his tail as his cats gathered around him and began the long walk home.*
Tallpoppy my beloved omg
Ahhh this was so good! Omg!
Loved this ahh ❤️❤️❤️
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natromanxoff · 5 years
Queen live at Palace Theatre in Manchester, UK - October 30, 1974
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This is the beginning of Queen's first full-scale European tour.
Tonight are the first performances of new songs from Sheer Heart Attack: Now I'm Here, Flick Of The Wrist, In The Lap Of The Gods, Bring Back That Leroy Brown, and In The Lap Of The Gods...Revisited (Stone Cold Crazy had already been performed as far back as 1970). Now I'm Here would be a staple in their set, performed at virtually every show hereafter, making it the song they performed most frequently throughout the years - it was clearly a unanimous band favourite, as it is the only song they performed more than Bohemian Rhapsody.
This is the first show where Queen employed the use of delay on Freddie's voice - at the beginning of Now I'm Here. The band sound a bit nervous at the beginning of the show tonight, so Now I'm Here isn't quite the most brilliant version ever played. Still, the band are surely happy to be back on stage, especially Brian May who has made a full recovery from his health issues.
On the Sheer Heart Attack tour, Freddie would be seen singing the line "Now I'm here" on one side of the stage amidst the darkness and dry ice, and a few bars later, at "Now I'm there," he would "appear" on the other side of the stage (a member of the crew would be dressed in an identical Zandra Rhodes outfit to the one worn by Freddie), giving a very dramatic effect.
Although they no longer open the show with Father To Son, the first few bars of the song are still on playback.
Brian, introducing Flick Of The Wrist, the other side of the Killer Queen single (it was a double A-side): "You probably may know, we have a little single out at the moment, and this is the one you don't usually hear on the radio."
These also the earliest known live performances of White Queen and The March Of The Black Queen. White Queen would be a bit stripped down when played live (like the BBC session recorded on April 3), and only a small portion of The March Of The Black Queen would be performed on stage as part of the medley. Queen would perform a medley of songs on most tours from here onward, and tonight it would debut in their set.
The medley on this tour consists of In The Lap Of The Gods, Killer Queen, The March Of The Black Queen, and Bring Back That Leroy Brown (including Brian playing the banjo solo, as heard on the album). For this tour and the 1975 North American tour, Killer Queen is a very abbreviated version, as it is only one verse and a chorus, leading right into the guitar solo (which was never performed in full, as it was physically impossible to reproduce all of those layers of guitars live). They began performing the second verse of the song in Japan. In an interview for "Disc" with Rosemary Horide just prior to the tour, Brian May frankly said, "I'm not sure whether we'll be doing Killer Queen because it could be rather an unexciting number to stage, but we'll certainly do some of the others." Indeed, there was a certain delicacy of the song that they never were able to replicate live.
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Brian now uses two analog delays when performing his solo spot in Son And Daughter, something that has become a trademark of his. Even though the guitar solo was heard in Brighton Rock on the Sheer Heart Attack album, the song wouldn't be heard on stage until late 1975.
On this tour, Freddie sings the verses of In The Lap Of The Gods...Revisited in falsetto in the higher octave, as on the studio version. A great example of this can be seen on the Live At The Rainbow video. For the next few years, the song would be performed with dry ice, and it also introduced pyrotechnics to their show, as on the very last note, it would very dramatically signal the end of the set proper. The song would remain in Queen's show into 1977, and would be revived for their final tour in 1986.
The encore on this tour is a medley of Big Spender, Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll, and Jailhouse Rock. See What A Fool I've Been would be used as a second encore a few times the following spring in Japan.
Queen now use their own recorded version of the British national anthem, God Save The Queen, as their exit music - although on this tour it plays about minute after they've left the stage. Brian May's arrangement (recorded just a few days earlier on October 27) would also close out their international breakthrough album, A Night At The Opera. The ritual of leaving the stage to this piece of music would last well over 40 years, into the Paul Rodgers and Adam Lambert eras.
In addition to his Fender Strat, Brian now has an additional spare guitar - a Les Paul. But Brian ultimately wouldn't be satisfied with its sound. After this tour he would have a copy of the Red Special built for him by luthier John Birch. Brian used the Birch copy as his backup until he smashed it at a concert in 1982.
The third photo was taken by Howard Barlow.
Fan Stories
“To be honest, I can't remember much about the concert but the build up and after effects have stayed with me to this day. It was 1974 and Glam Rock was in its swan song. I was a nine year old boy who loved seeing bands like Slade and The Sweet on Top of the Pops and had decided to buy 'Tiger Feet' by Mud. On the way to purchase my first single with my 17 year old brother, he suggested that 'Tiger Feet' was for 'teenyboppers' and that I should get 'Seven Seas of Rhye' by a new band called Queen instead, who I had never heard of. After much deliberation, I put my trust in his judgement and bought the Queen single. At first it seemed a bit heavy, but later I began to love it and all things Queen. When my brother suggested going to see Queen in concert, I jumped at the chance. The concert was to promote their latest album, Sheer Heart Attack, and Manchester was the first date. Imagine that now, not one but two superb albums released in the same year (Queen II and S.H.A.) with tours to match! Ahh, those were the days. At the Palace Theatre, I wondered why nobody seemed very interested in the support band Hustler, but we found our seats, caught their set, then waited through the break for Queen to come on stage. My memory is of the theatre rapidly filling up in the following 30 minutes or so, and as it did, so did my feelings of excitement and anticipation. When the house lights suddenly went off, there was a huge roar from the audience and everybody stood up, meaning that this 9 year old couldn't really see much of the stage! I wasn't familiar with many of the songs but I do remember three aspects of the concert in particular. Firstly, the music was the loudest thing I had ever heard, and secondly, the sound was punctuated throughout the gig with huge explosions and flashes of light, accompanied by clouds of white smoke. The other thing that caught my eye was Freddie Mercury himself. He started the concert dressed all in white, finished it wearing all black attire, and never stood still for a single second of it, apart from when he was sat at the piano. He was constantly cavorting from stage left to stage right, then from the front of the stage towards the back and up onto Roger's drum riser and back down again. When I also considered his powerful voice and proficient piano playing, even as someone still at Junior School, I realised I was watching somebody very special indeed. When the concert finally ended and the house lights came on, everyone poured out onto the street, and I experienced mixed emotions on the way home. On the down side, I was upset at the ringing in my ears, but my brother assured me that it would pass. Much more enduring was the feeling that I had just experienced my first rock concert and what an astonishing experience it had been. After this gig, I believe that I had cramped my brother's style and he never took me to see another concert. I had to wait until I was 16 to go and see Queen again, which was on 6th December 1980 in Birmingham. That was the concert that truly blew my mind and converted me into a lifelong Queen fan. But the seed had been sown six years before and will stay with me forever.” - Lee Unal
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