#i'm sure many xtians see the ten commandments say 'honor the sabbath day as holy' and actually do
shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
The funny difference between protestantism (what I grew up with) and judaism is how both conceive of work
For many protestant-influenced scenarios, you must work - the sabbath day? That's just another weekend to spend as you please (work. chores, which is work, too). There's no real excuse to stop working, working is inherently G-dly and Good.
Judaism? Don't you even think about working on the hours of shabbos. (Certain) Holidays? Same deal. Actually, working is explicitly impermissible, g-d literally said so.
Anyway, I just think those small differences in how work and what constitutes work contributes to attitudes about working. I don't think protestantism or judaism are inherently like those examples, just that in my experience, the protestant attitude towards work is that it is what makes you worthy, good, and holy and non-work (laziness, sloth) is A Sin.
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