#i'm sure it's some mundane business hiccup but i wanna KNOW
decepti-thots · 2 years
we are officially past the point i am confused no announcement about the new rights holder for TF as a comics property has been made. i was gonna give it a while after the RotB trailer dropped. but. nothing. everyone was like 'oh, instead of doing it immediately they're gonna time it to coincide with RotB building up hype so hasbro can shill the inevitable tie in comic promotion!' but nada. it comes out in three months! comic stores typically order comic series in that many months in advance. so they're almost certainly not doing one, and i just can't believe that would be on purpose? bayverse comics never lit the world on fire sales wise, but hasbro almost always did them, even just little online things, because when you don't pay any production costs there's no reason not to. and with a huge movie coming out, what new license holder WOULDN'T want to knock out a new tie in that comes with built in advertising when you lack a pre-existing readerbase? like??? what is going on!
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