#i'm sure all four of them would have a super chill and fun and friendly and relaxing day about it. zero atrocities would occur.
shinelikethunder · 1 year
my other hot take about s11 is that the midseason fics where "Castiel" seduces Dean and everybody except Lucifer has a real bad time are hot, but the world is sorely lacking in versions where Sam walks in on them and Realizes, immediately or eventually, who it is
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Four of your blorbos from different franchises (of your choice) walk into a bar. How would they get along?
Kakakaaos THIS IS TOUGH 😭 But... I think I've got something 👀
Arthur Morgan - rdr2
Nightcrawler - marvel
Black Canary - dc
Thrawn - star wars
Rip to Arthur tbh. He's the odd one out considering he comes from a universe based entirely in our reality, so he has no clue about aliens or super beings or anything like that. He probably checks his drink to see if it's been drugged tbh lmaooo. He's freaked out about Kurt and Thrawn, definitely needs to be talked down from either an act of violence or just running off tbh. Canary would make quite the welcoming company to talk to him tho.... He flirts his ass off with her and is extremely fascinated to hear her talk about her fighting skills.
Kurt I'm sure I disappointed, but not surprised to see Arthur freak out, but he gets it. He gravitates towards Thrawn I think. Arthur clearly doesn't like him too much and canary intimidates him lol. He wants to know all about where thrawns from and is fascinated by what he has to say. High key I feel like he's a little lost in this situation lmao. A bar is definitely not his scene, that he's not used to interacting with other people. He can be fun and sociable of course! But mostly I think he goes full wallflower until the others talk to him.
Dinah is chill as hell and charmed to meet the others. She's a married woman, so she doesn't get too cozy with the others, but she's still interested to learn about them. Low key, I think she takes a liking to Kurt in like a friendly way. She's got mom energy mid key and Kurt is a solid 10/10 poor meow meow, so it works. They have a discussion about mutants and Kurt definitely asks if she's one as well lol. Also.... She maybe flirts back at Arthur, just for the hell of it. Don't tell Oliver tho
Thrawn is used to being an intimidating presence, so the uneasy glance and Arthur's freak out lol don't bother him. He's just his stoic self and despite any I'll reception, he's just as respectful to the others as he would be to anyone else. These guys may not be from his universe, but he's the kind to never pass up on an opportunity to learn. I'd also say he's drawn to all three equally so if he can, he'll take the time to get to know them as best as the time allows.
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hi mädch!!! I'm sending this after you said goodnight haha, but I'm glad you got to sleep early today :) you deserve a good night's rest!!!
I will definitely send you pictures of our plants soon so be on the look out for that 👀👀
About being a musician, I do have a degree in music and I studied for four and a half difficult terrible years to get it 🥲 but it was good, truthfully. It was difficult simply because college is hard. Listening to musical elements in mx or Mozart or soundtracks or t swift or literally any song isn't any harder or easier than another. Just different! Different layerings, sections, sounds, timbres, etc. It's very satisfying to be able to pick out sounds and point them out to my sister and maybe explain them a little bit! And I'll check out those shinee react video suggestions, I already know don't call me, so it'll be fun to watch that one!
I think it's really interesting that I've heard mx refer to All About Luv as a "US album" rather than an "English album". It might not mean anything, but more countries than just the US speak English, y'know? So it feels.. intentional? Anyway I will spare you from the extensive (and I mean super extensive) length of thoughts I'm having about their English songs vs Korean and just say a little bit skdjsh
From a musical stand point, Secrets (English song on a Korean album) is objectively just as or more simple than Middle of the Night (English song on the English album) or Sorry I'm Not Sorry (Korean song on a Korean album). Middle of the Night has lovely vocal harmonies and is very active rhythmically and has a lot of different textures. Secrets is just three chords, with a simple melody (a wonderful lovely simple melody), and a decent amount of clear layers with an acoustic feel with drums/guitar/bass/synths/sax/backing vocal ad libs, all of which are pretty active voices. Whereas Sorry I'm Not Sorry is so smooth and has such a chill vibe, with significantly less layers than Secrets (though just as clear) - it's just guitar and vocals at the beginning, and then some very simple drums and bass layer in, and a little bit of keys too (with some sweeet vocal harmonies in the second half that will melt my heart every time!!), but it's all very gentle. And then BEASTMODE (to stay on Fatal Love) has a much heavier feel (ALSO with some sweet harmonies in the opening "ohs" which are so so strong, and won't melt hearts in the same way the harmonies in Sorry I'm Not Sorry do), as well as stylistically different sections with a lot of different musical elements! Sorry I'm Not Sorry is just like.. one style the whole time, which they do beautifully!!! So like, there's already so much variety within albums, and within their entire discography! It makes being a monbebe so... rewarding and satisfying. Like, it feels like there's something here for everyone.
If you got through all that you deserve an award, it's a lot hsksjslsk I could go on and on and on about music, but I'll stop here for now haha. I'm considering doing a series of posts on my blog where I talk about music, but I'm a little nervous to go through with it 😅😅 my sister thinks it'd be awesome, but I'm not super confident to put myself out there like that hehe... we'll see...
Anyway long message!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I haven't told you lately, but talking to you is so so so nice 💖💖 I don't feel any pressure to say things or not say things, I can just.. chat freely! I feel so warm and loved when I read your replies 🥰🥰🥰 thank you for being such a wonderful sweet lovely amazing nice friendly superstar of a person 💖💖💖💖 dkbtho
HI PLS APOLOGIZE I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS LKFDSJ but i'm finally getting to it, thank u for being patent with me <3 i've been getting good sleep ever since finishing those exams and getting back a good grade on that massive assignment yesterday so THANK U for checking in :)
about your education !!!! it just seems so hard ;____; like obviously when u are in a specific field for so long, the terminology makes sense bc you use it all the time (like how now one really knows what i'm talking about when i use medical terms lol) so i guess just from and outside perspective it looks hard !!! plus we were taught how to learn the basics of music reading in high school bc i was in choir for 1 semester and i was sooooo bad at it, it never really clicked for me ;_____; but i really look up to you for dedicating your livelihood for something you love !!! you seem to be very knowledgeable <3
and i know what you mean about them referring to all of their english stuff to 'US' stuff and i can understand how frustrating that might be bc there are many countries that speak english as well, not just the US ,,,,,,,,, to me it might just be bc their whole "english team" is from the US and everyone who works on their stuff is from the US, also i think the record label is from the US ? so maybe they're just so used to referring it that way bc those are the ppl they work with ya know? but i totally understand how isolating that must feel for a lot of other ppl, i can't really talk that much on it since i'm from the US myself lol but i totally get it and i think it's very valid if it irks some ppl !!!!
and ldskfjslkdjf i loved reading all of this <3 and i really agree with everything you say !!! and i'm glad u are able to pick apart the different styles for each song, for example i also think secrets is one of the more "simpler" songs on the album (not as simple as BEBE) but like, it works for me bc the sax has a nice improv at the end, and the song is pretty synth-y(?) which are elements that i like to a song lol ; you should really dig into mx's older discography tho!!!!! and although i love love love mx's new music (i think fatal love is one of their best albums) there is something that can be said about the timelessness of mx's older discography too <3 i know i've said this to you before, but one of my fav mx songs of all time is blue moon (composed by joo hehe) and like, ,,,,,,,,, i just still cannot believe that was on a DEBUT album ?????? the way it's layered and just the lofi vibes sound so sophisticated and honestly ahead of its time, and i'm not sure how much you've dove into mx already, but i would love to hear your thoughts on their previous music too <3 !!!!!!!
also you should def make that series on ur blog!!!!! i think it'll be nice for u to reflect on but also be a resource for ppl too <3 i think it's a great idea !!!!!! also , thank u so much for taking the time out of YOUR busy day to talk to me <3 it's been so lovely just chatting and im SUPER glad u feel comfortable enough to come here and spend some time with me bc it really means a lot <3 thank you !!!! and i hope u have had a great day today okay?? take care <3
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ernmark · 7 years
is it possible for me to request a jupeter fic with a very jealous juno?? ❤️ i'm in love with the way you write and yr penumbra fics always make my day
If it’s jealous Juno you’re after, we’ve got two fics that might please you:
Juno and Peter reunite while Peter’s seducing somebody else
Where Juno isn’t Peter’s soulmate
Jealous Juno is actually surprisingly hard to write, because the poor babe genuinely believes that he doesn’t deserve someone like Peter, so it’s just a matter of time until he’s tossed aside.
God if that doesn’t break my heart.
I’ve got a whole lot more jealous Peter, because the guy is a whole lot more proactive about knowing what he wants and going for it (and he’s got a quasi-canonical track record for being possessive about Juno.)
Peter gets jealous over Alessandra
Peter gets jealous over one of the Vixens
Peter gets jealous over Julian DiMaggio
Peter is a dragon and gets jealous over other dragons
Juno is hit on by a creep at a club
Juno is hit on by multiple creeps at a club
Peter is working at a hotel when Juno comes in with a celebrity friend
If you recognize the other person in this fic, it’s because he’s from this fic over here.
Juno instantly knows something’s wrong. He isn’t sure what– just that Peter suddenly goes stiff beside him and plucks Juno’s hand off his hip.
And his request isn’t making Juno any more comfortable.
“Love, I’m going to need you to trust me.”
And Juno does. Of course he does. But the fact that it needs to be asked for? That’s not a good sign. “What is it?”
“I promise I’ll explain later. But right now, I need you to go home.”
“Listen, if there’s trouble–”
“I can handle it on my own.” The anxiety in his eyes sends a chill down Juno’s spine. “Juno, please, there’s no time. Go.” And before Juno can ask him again, Peter grabs him by the shoulders and shoves him back with so much force it’s nearly violent. Juno crashes into the next table over, sending several drinks to the floor. He turns around just in time to see a broad hand slide around Peter’s shoulders and pull him close.
“Is this guy bothering you, Rhodri?”
Juno watches the emotions wash visibly over Peter’s face: he’s startled at the touch, but as he looks at the man holding him his expression lights up with something between fear and awe. “Okul,” he breathes.
The other man is a big guy– broad and even taller than Peter, with the kind of glare that says mobster, the kind of muscles that say bruiser, and the kind of shoes that say he’s a few dozen rungs higher on the ladder. The posse of grease-haired gangsters supports that idea. He gestures at Juno. “Boys, take–”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish the sentence before his mouth is otherwise occupied. Peter’s in his arms, kissing him like the world is ending, like he needs this man to breathe, like there’s nothing else he could possibly want more than him.
Juno feels it like a punch in the gut.
He should have known. Goddammit, he should have–
No. No, that doesn’t make sense. Peter’s not like that. Sure, he could do better than Juno Steel, but this guy over here? This half-rate mobster? He’s beneath Peter’s dignity. Besides, Peter’s too good a con to pull something like this right in front of Juno– not if he had any intention of deceiving him.
No. He trusts Peter. He trusts Peter.
Juno drags himself to his feet, grabbing a napkin from the frantic waitress to sop up the beer all over his jacket and disappears into the darkest corners of the bar while he cleans himself up.
He trusts Peter. This Okul guy, not so much. It’s not that he’s worried about him making a move– that spaceship has sailed– but mobsters like this aren’t exactly known for being level-headed and peaceful. If he gets violent, Juno wants to make sure Peter isn’t alone.
Even if that means he’s got to sit through this nightmare.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” Peter says, pulling away just enough to look the mobster in the eye. His arms are around the other man’s neck; the mobster’s hands are a whole lot lower. “Okul, I thought you were dead.”
Okul’s grin makes Juno’s teeth grind. “Don’t be ridiculous. Nobody can kill me. I’m invincible!”
Wanna test that theory?
Peter steps back, but he doesn’t get far before Okul’s arm settles around his waist, looking about as comfortable as a manacle. Peter could slip out in a heartbeat– instead he leans into it and drapes himself around a bicep as big around as his waist.
Juno can’t hear what they’re saying, but he can see Peter’s long fingers tracing patterns over Okul’s skin, the glances half-hidden under long eyelashes, the words whispered too slowly into the mobster’s ear. And then Okul turns his head and kisses him again, tugging him onto the dance floor.
The beer-soaked napkin turns to pulp in Juno’s hand.
He trusts Peter. He trusts Peter. He trusts Peter.
But it’s hard to feel comfortable when the two of them are that close, sliding and grinding against each other like they’re goddamn fucking with their clothes on. Okul is too rough with him, holding Peter’s hands too tight and changing directions half a beat before the music does just so he can catch him off guard. If for a second it looked like he was hurting him, Juno would put a laser between his eyes, but Peter’s face is flushed and his eyes are bright and he’s leaning even harder into him–
Does Peter like it like that? Is what he’s got with Juno just not– not enough for him?
Dammit, if he wanted something rougher he only had to say so. Juno could do better, he could be better, just give him the chance–
And now Okul is shepherding him toward the door with a grin that makes Juno’s skin crawl. No. No, that can’t happen. Juno jumps to his feet and starts after them. He doesn’t know if he’s being rational or overprotective or just plain pathetic, but his mind is flashing visions of all the things that could happen to Peter if he’s alone with that man and Juno likes none of them. He needs to stop this. 
The club is crowded; by the time he wades through the throng of people and gets out the door, Peter and the mobster have a several-minute head start.
Unfortunately, that’s not the worst of his problems.
The moment he steps through the door, a pair of enormous mitts grab him by the collar and almost yank him off his feet. The next thing he knows, one of Okul’s lackeys is in his space. “Why, if it ain’t the dame who can’t take a hint.”
“Nah, hints give me indigestion. More of a wine-and-chocolates guy.”
Three more close in, dragging him into the alley. “You think you’re real funny, don’t you?”
“Usually I am, but it’s been kind of an off night for me,” Juno says.
The lackey sneers. “I bet it was. The boss said he saw you skulking after his side piece.”
“You call that skulking?” Juno asks.
The gangsters don’t indulge his bit. “He wants us to teach you a lesson.”
“Yeah?” Juno’s fist collides with the lackey’s jaw, and the other man goes staggering back. “Let’s start with how to throw a right hook.”
Four gangsters isn’t the worst Juno’s had to deal with-- especially not when he gets his hands on one of their blasters.
He calls in an anonymous tip that there’s been an attempted mugging, and he makes a break for it before the cops can show up and pin it on him.
That leaves him alone, with Peter who-even-knows where, having who-knows-what done to him by some a guy who looks like he could have been one of the guinea pigs for super soldier experiments back in the war.
He trusts Peter.
But if Peter needs his help--
After too much pacing in back alleys, he comes to a compromise and he pulls out his comms.
Are you okay? A call might blow Peter’s... whatever this is, but a text should be unobtrusive enough not to be a problem.
For several long, grueling minutes, there’s no response. Juno’s already thinking about ways to convince Rita to track Peter’s comms when he finally gets his reply.
I have it handled.
And then another:
Go home.
Juno stares at his comms in dismay.
That’s... good. If Peter isn’t in danger, that’s good. Great. He’s got nothing to worry about.
Nothing at all.
He does go home, like Peter told him to. He sinks into his chair. Watches the clock and the comms.
Thinks about pouring himself a drink, but decides against it. If Peter does need him later, he’ll want to be sober.
Tries not to think about what Peter’s doing right now. What’s being done to him. How he feels about it.
Reminds himself that he trusts Peter to take care of himself. To come back in one piece. To come back at all.
The clock strikes midnight, and then keeps going.
He should sleep. He doesn’t.
He wants to text again. His fingers keep tracing the message and then deleting it again.
Are you having fun?
Are you okay?
Are you alive?
Please don’t be dead
Leave if you want to but please don’t be dead
Each message is erased before he can give into temptation to send it.
He trusts Peter.
It’s a little past four when the apartment door clicks open. Peter makes it two steps into the apartment before he stops.
“Juno?” The door shuts behind him carefully. “You didn’t have to wait up for me.”
Wearily Juno rises from his chair. Maybe at a more reasonable hour, he would have come back with something witty, but he’s too tired-- at least until he gets a good look at Peter.
Peter’s shirt is damp and wrinkled; it looks like he spent some time scrubbing it in a sink, but he couldn’t get out that last hint of red. His hands are clean, except for little crescents of gore that have gotten lodged under his fingernails. There are bruises, too, and not all of them look like the friendly variety.
”Are you alright?” Juno demands, getting close. “Did he hurt you?”
It doesn’t help that Peter's expression is guarded and distant. “You don’t have to worry, Juno. I took care of it.”
Why won’t he answer the question? “Did he hurt you?” Juno repeats, trying not to sound as frantic as he feels and failing miserably. “I swear, I’ll kill him--”
“There’s no need for that.” Peter retreats until his back is almost pressed against the door. “He’s already dead.” He unbuttons the cuffs of his sleeves, just to give himself something to look at. Juno knows the gesture well by now. “I paid off a few rabbits to get rid of the body. The evidence should point to a rival gang, assuming the police bothers to investigate at all. There shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Peter,” Juno starts, but he doesn’t know what else to say.
Peter takes a long breath. “It’s something I probably should have done years ago.Okul was a dangerous man even before he acquired a following.” Finally he looks Juno in the eye, resolute in just one thing. “I wasn’t going to let him come after you.”
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