#i'm supposed to believe any of these mfs genuinely cares if the other lives or dies except for daisy and basira?
clodiuspulcher 1 year
i need u all to know how much i enjoyed the first 4 seasons of the magnus archives. i was listening to it while biking home in the coldest darkest nights i've ever experienced (southern transplant to new england). i was listening to it taking care of my parasites. i was listening to it at the gym. i took long walks to listen to it on vacation w/ my family. i was ADDICTED despite getting here like 4 years late. i think i binged the first 4 seasons in a month or two. it was crazy. and i could not finish season 5 i just couldn't get past like 3 episodes.
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rowanmuppet 2 years
oh and mischa too!!!
Okay I just wrote the penny one and I am on a ROLL so. Mischa bachinski my beloved
- First of all. Mischa has two hands and I won't hear otherwise. Talia is REAL damn it but Mischa is also bisexual and in love with Noel. End of
- He watched the titanic for the first time on the phone with talia and cried EMBARRASSINGLY hard. Not embarrassing because he's supposed to be manly or whatever, embarrassing like he woke up the next day and his eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so hard. Like that movie really affected him
- Noel would ask to watch it with him and he'd immediately say no because he doesn't want to be literally dehydrated from crying again
- He would put talia on the phone during choir and everyone would talk to her (more like them telling Mischa what to say and him translating but they all love her)
- Ocean would insist on singing whatever song they're working on for her and she'd just sit there like wow 馃榿馃憤!!! She has no idea what's going on but she's along for the ride
- He is trying to teach everyone Ukrainian to moderate success
- he has an annoyed siblings relationship with ocean which everyone says but seriously!!! They get on each other's nerves so much but ocean would kill a man for him and he's DEFINITELY gotten into a fight for her
- picks ocean up like a folding chair and carries her around. Or like a cat under the armpits and so she's just dangling there
- absolutely terrified of rollercoasters but went on the cyclone anyway because he's a manly man. Obviously. But then he died
- literally almost threw up getting off the graviton. Thought he was literally going to die
- wholeheartedly believes in Santa. Literally will not be convinced he isn't real. Everyone in the choir feeds into this and says their presents to him were from Santa and were dropped off at their house instead of his bc he doesn't have a chimney (in like an everyone lives situation cause yk they weren't really friends before)
- really it's because his adoptive parents didn't get him anything but he doesn't have to know that they're supposed to be santa
- is actually genuinely successful on YouTube 馃槶 nobody wants to believe him and I doubt the choir before the accident cared to check they just half listened to him talk about his songs like "yeah that's great buddy" but he has a pretty decent following
- I'm sure a good amount of them are ironic but that's okay
- he'd get one of those "THIS SHIT IS FIRE 馃敟馃敟馃敟馃敟 PUT IT OUT 馃敟馃敟馃敟" comments and take it as a compliment
- has unmedicated ADHD. I don't make the rules I only enforce them
- he literally can't sit still in any situation at all ever, nor can he focus on anything if there isn't 5 other things going on. Constantly understimulated. Constance would give him a fidget spinner and his grades would immediately go up a letter or two
- honestly Mischa and constance are best friends in my heart
- she would try to teach him how to bake/cook and he would burn everything
- "Mischa no wonder it's burnt! It's been on high for 15 minutes it's just a grilled cheese" "why cook for long time on low heat when I could cook for short time on high heat 馃え??" "because it will burn before the cheese melts!!!!"
- Ocean is PISSED that he's always at Constance's house when she goes over to hang out (she would spend virtually all her time there fr) but Constance's little brother loves him
- wears almost exclusively sweat pants/giant t shirts with ironic slogans. "The worst day of fishing beats the best day of 'court ordered' anger management classes'"
- the kind of mf to wear gym shorts and slides in 4 inches of snow like dude 馃槮
- lets noel paint his nails every time they hang out. immediately forgets they're painted and either smudges it or if it somehow manages to dry bites/picks it off immediately
- he will never complain but he hates the way it makes his nails feel heavier
- ocean would get him a sticker book to motivate him to do his homework (his grades are not good and if they get too low he won't be allowed to participate in choir)
- so now his books/homework are covered in stickers
- spends a devastatingly long time on his hair only for it to immediately be ruined when he leaves the house
- it's almost impressive how quickly it just turns into a total mess
- that's what the hat is for
- regarding my penny rock head canon. He gets SO EXCITED when she gives him one
- "this reminded me of you" *least visually interesting rock you've ever seen* "YOOOOO IT IS LIKE ME!!!"
- not a big fan of the bugs though
- genuinely terrified of them. He'd see penny with bugs and feel like ants are on him for the next several minutes
That's all for rn cause this is getting long!!
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grokebaby 1 year
Okay more attention for Mewmew as well time to make a wall of text talking about em.
Can you imagine how hard it must be to remain optimistic and cringily whimsical in a world like this? Especially with the kind of life Mewmew has faced? M joined the galactic alliance initially to, ykno, play heroics when times were different, mew was younger and the world felt easier to conquer (in the non evil way ofc). Then splash, witness mass death, large scale disasters and violence. Did you know Mewmew never told the alliance m had the normal cat form? That's how m was able to move on to a different, more peaceful life. Can you imagine the scoffs, eyerolls, condescendion and covert bullying one gets when they talk in Uwuish naturally, can you imagine trying to train yourself out of it? Out of the way you feel most comfortable talking in?
Quite literally hiding the softer side of yourself from others to remain strong and retain respect from your peers.
Evilicus was of course the meanest about any mannerisms or speech style Mew let slip but that'd be expected of a nasty personality like them. But the people who are supposed to work beside you, quipping about it even after knowing that that's just how you naturally talk, for some time now? Ouch.
Imagine, Mewmew having to exist beside stern serious faces who lament about the poor state of the world, as if it's the default? As if it's how it always will be? Imagine, being told how naive and, frankly, stupid you are for believing otherwise. "Maybe you're not suited to working here" they told mew, because m had the audacity to say No, the world is a very beautiful and hopeful place, and living beings don't naturally default to selfishness. No, not even demonic entities. "I'm sure-" Mew said, "I'm sure even Evilicus' goons laugh and live a little between battles, I'm sure of it! I'm sure they don't all hate the world and wish for destruction, of course they don't! I'm sure, many of them are scared and tired!"
"Well, that's too bad", they replied to Mew. "Doesn't change the situation, and there's nothing we can really do about it".
Yeah, obviously. But are you people allergic to acknowledging it? Stop celebrating over seas of corpses just because they belong to the opposing side. "They're monsters! We're allowed to feel accomplished for saving this lot!" - at the cost of lives. Thinking, feeling lives. "It's war. Get used to it"
"Maybe I don't want to get used to it.." Mew thought. Too late to back out just yet, though. Evilicus' powers grow by the day, and it's too big of a risk to ignore. "Just this one." Mew thought, "Just take care of this one, then you can leave and finally see a happy face around. Then you can rest. The world just needs to be saved, and this threat detained." m told mewself every night. Then - Maybe then, mew can go back to being ms most genuine self. The one that talks in nyas with a straight face.
Evilicus is defeated, great work team! Time to finish them.
What? Like, kill them?
Obviously. Imagine how much suffering Evilicus caused. Obviously kill them. They deserve it.
"Regardless of if they do -" Mew argued "It doesn't fix anything now! We need to focus on rehabilitation over punishment!"
Seriously, Mewmew? That's insulting.
"Is it..?" is it so insulting to want all life - evil, wicked, nasty life too, to have it's own value? No matter what? Does the value of your life decrease the more you hurt people? Is it really equality if your value can decrease through your actions? Is that humane?
"Just this one", mew thought. "Save one life more, and then you can go home and be done with it." save Evilicus, and that'll be the last heroic deed you do, Mew told mself. And then you'll have done enough world changing, and can focus on simply making people smile.
And that persistent, hardheaded mf kitty did it. Mewmew saved one more life, arguably the most wicked of all, the one least deserving of a hero. Rest well earned.
But it's not so cut and dry, is it? Nothing really is. Evilicus now lives - on unwanted time ofc. Someone doesn't simply disappear after being defeated (no matter how much they'd want to). Evilicus shows up, and of course, time to still help this one wicked, nasty life to carry on. Patch them up, feed them, and send them off again. Then Mewmew can rest easy once more, knowing m didn't leave a helpless person (a wicked, horrible person) to suffer and potentially, slowly die.
But it's not so simple, is it? It never fucking is. Evilicus is an asshole, frankly, and wears Mewmews patience to the minimum, even outright hurting em in the process. Why do you still bother. Why are you still so fucking kind. Aren't you tired of it.
And Mewmew says "No, I'm not. I won't get tired of being kind. That's impawsible!"
But nothing is impawsible, as Mewmew used to say.
However, it pays off, doesn't it? Imagine, being nice and decent to the worst person you know, it does actually make a difference. You can actually make a difference. Imagine. Evilicus can indeed feel remorse. You can't believe it either but it's happening?
Mewmew finally sighs a small sigh of relief. Maybe now, we can rest easy. Could you imagine?
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