#i'm super excited for this thread haha; ty for plotting with me!
modernprometheuus · 3 years
The moment comes when he least expects it.
On many an occasion, Victor had considered giving up. No matter how hard he tried to hunt down the monster of his own creation, months had passed, and he’d never even managed to catch sight of him. The only reason he knew that the beast still lived was through the words of others; accounts of a being too horrible for human eyes to witness... and due to the taunting words that the creature would sometimes leave behind him.
But whenever he thought he couldn’t go on any more... his rage returned, and lit the fuse of fury under his heart again. He dreamed of Elizabeth, of Clerval, of William and Justine, and their memory of their faces moved and inspired him - no, he could not give up until he had avenged them, until their murderer was gone from this world.
Just now had been another one of those moments... moments when he felt like he couldn’t take it any more, and he had been wallowing in despair. So when he suddenly catches sight of the creature, standing openly before him as if to invite him in... he can’t believe his eyes. For a moment, he’s sure he’s lost his mind.
...But only for a moment. Because soon, the sight of that wicked thing causes him to burn with a familiar, all-consuming rage once more.
“Foul demon! Wretched beast! For many months, I have hunted you down, and the hour of reckoning is now upon your head! Come, try and destroy me - I will not die, not until I have ended your miserable existence, and removed your blight from this world!!”
@fromgallowsandgraves ( starter! )
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