#i'm such a lucky lady
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riverphoenixsgothwife · 3 months ago
i'm getting a second color in my hair tomorrow as an early christmas present!!!!!!!
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gaywarcriminals · 26 days ago
do you think Shen jiu would be in denial about the fact he's gay (like Shen Yuan) or that it's something he accepted that he just doesn't talk about it? Or hell maybe he is openly gay and somehow nobody noticed.
From a meta-analysis perspective, I don't have a strong opinion about this; I've seen a wide variety of interpretations that are well-supported by the text, and I think it’s best served by just going with whichever suits that particular fic. 
When it comes to my personal headcanons, I don’t think the world of PIDW/SVSSS has homophobia the way we think of it: I’m sure there’s still a bias against gay people, but I think it more comes down to “but you need to produce heirs”. You can have your boy toy so long as you’re still having kids with your main wife (very loosely based on the pre-Ming dynasty view of homosexuality). There’s also the fact that, in the de-aging extra, MF sincerely believes for a bit that LBH is SQQ’s biological child, which, as many people have pointed out, could imply that mpreg is possible in this universe (at least for cultivators with the resources for the plot device), and that could also lessen any discrimination based on the reproductive imperative. Imo, if SJ has an aversion to being gay, it comes down to his issues with the men in general. 
I usually default to SJ thinking/telling himself that he's not attracted to anyone. I don't buy comphet for SJ, at least not beyond QHT (and that has more to do with the traumatic situation than his sexuality); if he’s cuddled up against a half-dressed woman’s breast multiple times a week, it’d be hard not to notice his lack of attraction, but he just computes it as being better than other men lmao. He isn’t some drooling beast who can’t control his vices! Clearly every other man just lasts the self control and will power to do the same. And of course, SJ doesn’t notice any potential attraction to men because he hates most of them too much to be horny for them. I also like the interpretation that SJ is demisexual, and doesn’t experience his sexuality as being attracted to men so much as This Specific Person.
There two main paths I like to take from there, depending on the fic and intended tone:  1.) SJ isn’t into men, he’s into Qi-ges; it’s totally different! (This is where SJ’s attitude comes closest to SY’s lol) 2.) SJ’s long and grueling journey to deal with both the horror of experiencing lust as a man, being attracted to a man, and him having to reconcile that with his aversion to men.
Either way, I don’t think SJ would be openly gay until he had a male partner he couldn’t/didn’t want to hide (or rather, wanted to stake a public claim on, lol). Why would anyone else need to know who he’s attracted to, It’s not their business 😒. Infuriatingly, he would never bring up his sexuality to dispute the lechery accusations. Hate him (said while experiencing the Blorbo Emotion).
As I said though, I've seen a lot of other interpretations of SJ's relationship to his sexuality that I've liked, so I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this as well!
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keen-eye · 3 months ago
after dean dies sam kills himself less than 2 weeks later. not because he's too heartbroken to go on without him but because he kept convincing himself that dean wasn't actually serious this time about wanting sam to move on and live his life. and sam's driving himself crazy thinking the moment he settles down dean is gonna pop back up and berate him for failing the loyalty test again
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year ago
The "Can I be a king's councillor and build castles" to "Lady of Winterfell and helping to rebuild the North after the Long Night" pipeline is real
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deimcs · 1 year ago
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I want to talk about all that happened to us. I suppose Astarion is a part of the vampire aristocracy now. I hope he doesn't exect us to bow to him.
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thewardenisonthecase · 9 days ago
fandom game or whatever: what would orlesian historians get wrong about your OC?
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moraxsthrone · 7 months ago
As Dan Heng and you were close to each other by cuddling and you rested your head on his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair gently and slowly, his gaze fell on your ears - which came from your species as a Foxian.
Suddenly, his hand left your hair and began to stroke one ear of yours gently and lovingly. ".. soft..", he whispered (more to himself though). He continued to caress your ear as his other hand was looking for yours, holding it gently and intertwining with yours. "You're so wonderful, my ocean..", he whispered once again (to you this time<3) before leaving a soft kiss on the ear he wasn't caressing.
"I love you, Kel.. and I forever will.."
~ 💐
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tyttetardis · 1 year ago
Donmar Welcome Event 16th Jan 2024
Also went to a member's welcome event that the Donmar had, which was basically an hour where they served something to drink and told us a bit more about the theatre and the upcoming shows.
The invitation did say they'd have an exclusive tour of the place - on and off the stage - which I'd been quite excited about - but that didn't actually happen :(
Still, it was rather interesting! Learned a few things about Macbeth as well :)
Apparently, the stage stains very easily - which is why I'm baffled at how easy it apparently is to clean, but guess they must have some really lovely red dye that isn't as stainful as pretty much anything else that's dyed red. It also scratches easily - the movement on the stage can easily create little creases where the blood can get stuck.
I'd only seen the bloodbath on the floor once, so hadn't noticed, but was told that it comes up through the floor - probably why it differs so wildly each night how and where David is covered in it!
(As an aside to that - on the first night there wasn't a bloodbath - he was struck with the knife and there was a bit of blood on his shirt instead - now there's no blood at the wound)
Someone asked them about filming productions (not specifically about Macbeth - and they didn't say anything about it) and they told us about the process of deciding whether to record a production or not as it's a very costly affair to do so - which is why it's not something they just automatically do for everything.
They said that either the NT will ask them if they record a show - which means they do everything, and therefore is obviously the much cheaper option for themselves. The NT will let them know what benefits there might be in it for them - but as far as I understood they won't really earn much if anything from it.
So, the second option is for themselves to invest in filming a production by bringing in a third-party filming company that they pay for themselves. It's obviously a much more expensive way of doing it - but they'd also get more money back from it if it sells well in cinemas or online. Obviously, they have gone with the second option - so hopefully that's because they think it has really good marketing potential!
They mentioned that they are always very aware of the fact that not as many people get to see their performances as would probably like to see them - so it's always part of their considerations whether to film it or not when they create a new production.
One of them joked that they could probably keep up a production like Macbeth for three years and still sell-out - but that the theatre is known for putting on about 6 productions each year, so there's a limit to how long their runs can be - plus there's also the availability of actors to consider.
Someone asked if actors (I assume meaning, big name actors) takes a pay-cut to work with them - and yes, they do. Everyone is paid the theatre-standard no matter who they are. The only extra benefit they might offer big names is a taxi to get to the theatre and to escape back home afterwards.
Ah, yeah, think that was about it - everything else was more or less just about the upcoming productions, memberships, and other general things :)
Edit: Oh, forgot to mention that their focus will always be on the production as it's on, then on any potential transfers and then on releasing it for cinema/online - so if they filmed something it wouldn't be released until the live show is done - and sounded like they wouldn't necessarily say anything about it having been recorded (or not) until then as well. So don't think we will hear anything about the plan for it until the show is over.
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sinsmockingbird · 3 months ago
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Thoughts on my new BG3 Tav? Her name is Themis and she's an Aasimar.
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arimancy · 26 days ago
today i got a bridge piercing to celebrate 1 year no self harm and then immediately got in my car and backed into a stationary vehicle 🥳
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downtherabbitholewithlucy · 2 years ago
❤️‍🔥Fred, the romantic serenader❤️‍🔥
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lucky-lady-clover · 2 months ago
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The things i learn from reading fanfiction..
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lunarscaled · 3 months ago
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sunken-standard · 4 months ago
I've never been more ashamed of my state. I will say this though--PA was Harris's state to lose, and I blame her for losing it. Trump was here in the fucking boondocks every week, getting these hillbilly assholes all fired up, while Harris couldn't be bothered with anywhere that wasn't Philly or Pittsburgh.
Sorry not sorry, I'm so sick of rural whites being ignored and written off. Democrats don't even bother with us because they think we're a lost cause, and there are easier votes to pick up with other demographics. Like it or not, we're still a huge chunk of people, with real problems and issues that are just being brushed aside. We've got food deserts and limited access to medical care and all kinds of human services, too, it ain't just an inner city problem.
I'm not going to lie and I'm going to sound horrible, but sometimes it really does feel like we're being punished for being the wrong kind of white. Not educated and urbane and "oh, I have black and trans friends so I understand their plight!" We come home from work dirty, smelly, and exhausted because we're that kind of working class, which is noble for historically ignored and oppressed groups, but it makes us white trash. "Let the conservatives have them! It's easier to pick up numbers in urban areas anyway."
It's so frustrating and demoralizing. The only people in power who pay attention to us are Republicans, because it's much easier to sell grievance to hopeless people who feel more left behind every day.
"Oh, but what did you do to get out the vote?" I did nothing. I'm not stepping foot on someone else's property because I don't want to get shot. Just because there's no Trump sign in the front yard doesn't mean the homeowner doesn't believe in the Castle Doctrine. As far as I'm concerned, it's up to the fucking candidates to show their faces.
Like Susan Wild, my former house rep. Only a sliver of my county was in her district, but did she ever bother with us at all? No she did not. Her attention was always on Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton, because they're the big blob that makes up the population center. You'd think these assholes would have learned their lesson the first time around.
I'm just so fucking sick of it all.
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cultivating-wildflowers · 10 months ago
running interference with some field staff who are in the office for a training, while HR sits in a back office wolfing down food
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moogghost · 8 months ago
i swear one of these days my pmtok fixation is gonna come back in full force and it's gonna be so over for everyone the moment i have the motivation to start fully working on my pmtok au for my main los again . let's hope it happens before the 5th anniversary (so i can make proper art for it that year /hj)
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