#i'm still going to make a seperate verse where Carmilla is a sinner but not a fallen angel too
infernal-feminae · 1 month
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Since I have decided to incorporate Carmila being a Fallen Angel into my lore/backstroy for her, here are some key things that are still relevant or different to my portrayal
She was still born into and ran her mafia family that built and smuggled weapons.
She was still Odette and Clara's ballet instructor in life, but what will change is that she sacrificed her own life to save them out of love and that's what got her a ticket into Heaven
After arriving in Heaven, she was a prominent figure in helping to design the weapons the Exorcists use now.
She was honestly biding her time until she could see her daughters again once they eventually passed and they could be a family again.
That changed when she found out that her daughters actually died shortly after she did and they were in Hell and therefore could be killed during the Exterminations.
That was the catalyst to her discovering how truly corrupted Heaven was and what led her to choosing to Fall
After ending up in Hell, she used her knowledge of Heaven's weaponry to build her weapons empire.
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