#i'm steven but u can call me steve
who are you
who are YOU
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kirshimadenkisero · 2 months
things my friends have said, a collection (ft a couple quotes from shows/games) ((credits to my best friend for compiling them for me))
for privacy reasons i’ve censored the names
“Haha suck it (random name)!” (not entirely sure where this one came from so i’m guessing they’re talking about someone they know??)
“Smells like sour cream depression”
“I’m busy being gay”
“Birbs get bitches”
“Yes. I kill joe Biden”
“You simply have less value”
“You are a coffee bean”
“I will go full frog mode on your bitchass-“
“I don’t know how to eat abbles-“
(PS: he was eating a fukin pear 😀)
(offers grapes) “Sure, as long as they aren’t grape flavored”
“I’m a bitch and I’m a stitch”
“My brother is immune to getting r a n o v e r b y c a r s . . .”
“He now look like a wet rat and smell like cucumber”
“Tao Su looks like British Justin Bieber”
“He put his heart and soul into that dance”
“merry birthing”
“You stole kids candy, prepare to meet Jesus”
“Material gworl💅✨🏳️‍🌈”
“I bet it was the Shrek DVD…”
“I now know what I’m gonna get you for Christmas… t h e r a p y”
“the lake is thirsty…”
“where did his child go???”
“You are a spineless pretzel-“
“Hey is that plane outside my window getting bigger???”
“Kneecaps gone. Insurance? Gieco.”
“Hippty Hoppity, get off my property”
“Are you getting your clothes from the back of Spencer’s??”
“My second wish would be a Mary Poppins bag full of fresh garlic bread”
“Mice and vanilla deer fries”
“Was that a deer??”
“Steve what are you doing here?? WHY ARE YOU IN MY LUNCHBOX-“
“I’m here to sell your kidneys”
“Excuse me. That’s my front lawn you’re talking to.”
“Why don’t I have no fingers…. (friend), did you steal my fingers again???”
“That notification sound sounded delicious. Absolutely exquisite 🤌🏽”
“Is water wet???”
“Water is crazy, you can boil in it, you can drown in it, yet we need it to survive”
“That just sounded like my sisters spine at 3:00AM 💀”
“It’s supposed to be hot cocoa but it’s looks
s u s s y-“
“2020 part 4”
“Bestie, I love you but calm down about the raisins 😀”
“I'm not alive🧍🏻‍♀️”
“Bro got sent to the shadow realm-“
“Quickly, hide the stock before the landlord finds us!!”
“Make the taxidermy dance...”
“Philza, you haven’t been collecting my wood have you?”
“What the fuck is a Spinosaurus, a dinosaur with a spine???”
“Oh, it’s weed boy”
“Hippity hops, ima call the cops 😀”
“Be right back, gotta go walk my fish-“
“I gotta go fold the dishes”
“You just haven’t mastered the spoon yet”
“He wouldn’t know, he’s a pencil 😄”
“Do you see the screen? Are you sure you aren’t deaf-“
“That wasn’t powder on that donut…”
“My sister just brought me a penguin, and it threw up crayons”
“He’s a closeted American”
“You ain’t scared of the ocean until you see a t-posing squid”
“Ah women”
“Did Youtube find out I was religious???”
“Where’s my 15% off you rip off midget dinosaur”
“It would be funny if he choked and died” (i would like to mention this was said by my friend’s teacher)
“Don’t come to the circus tomorrow Ragatha”
“No, you aren’t a loser, you’re just colorblind”
“Call me a triple A battery, cause I have Anxiety, ADHD, and Autism!!”
“Bro became a vacuum cleaner 😭”
“Fuck it, we ball 🏀”
“It’s called neighbors, we are allowed to have them”
“So what. He can eat spaghetti out of his eyes”
“she wishes a broken leg upon you”
“Me and my crayons can do this shit anymore”
“Swaggy animal cruelty”
“I will temporarily sue you and your family”
“Yeehaw that motherfucker”
“Oh wow, I just killed two people”
“Whitey Kitey is MAD”
“So imagine me trying to break human skin 🥰”
“John Doe is a he/him lesbian”
“He got them string cheese bangs”
“Alas, for this is an example of the pain I must go through with this curse of immortality. Though I may never have my final breath, the price is eternal suffering”
“Cause they’ll think you’re all German Nazis who are trying to do a poison delivery”
“His birthday is on April 1st. His birthday is a joke”
“A woman, in her late thirties, wearing a school issued swimsuit. Worst of all, she was rocking it” - Rae Taylor
“Isn’t your life already crumbling apart”
“Peaceful yuri in the wild”
“Buddy, I’m in normal math. Compact math people are CRACKED-“
“Bro looks both ways when he crosses the street unwillingly”
“I don’t care when you deliver them to me. Expiration dates don’t matter to me-“
“Friendship levels?? More like Yuri levels.”
“Okay I admit it. I’m guilty of slave ownership”
“She sounds like a starving Victorian child 😭”
“Now go adventurer, and have this. A gun.”
“I will paper cut your eyes in your sleep”
“I just want to have a friendly conversation with him, me, and my gun”
“If my dog doesn’t shut the fuck up after three strikes I will yell at her in less passive and more aggressive German.”
“Buenos días fuckboy”
“Wow, (friends name)-censorship”
“Oh my days, my Cheeto is turning into a cheese puff”
“I love my emo son”
“Listen, I’m not gay. That’s only on Thursdays”
“I just went up there for a bandaid and I got her toes?!!?!!”
“What did he do to deserve becoming a pretzel berry”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he burned down a convenience store, but yeah he’s nice”
“No, it’s only a very late abortion”
“God damn it’s genetic 😨”
“It’s crustier than William Afton”
“Well, I’m gonna die anyway but red would be pretty cool”
“Not a gram of hetero blood in their veins”
“Oh the law? That’s not a thing”
“Do I look like I speak Beepanese?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m not even legally allowed to have this-“
“He looks like if god sniffed a line of coke and then tried to recreate Squirtle from memory” (talking about chewtle)
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piastrinorris · 2 years
can u do a steve x reader where he meets your little brother (not baby brother but like around 9-10 yrs old you know)? tysm!!
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 998
A/N: This was SO fun to write, I hope it's everything you wanted!!
"Trust me," Steve reassures, putting one hand on your knee as he drives, "I'm, like, some kind of naturally born babysitter. You've seen how great I am with Dustin and the gang."
"Yeah, because a) they're teenagers who you can sass, and b) you have no personal stake with them. If my brother doesn't like you, he'll tell my parents. If my parents don't like you, we're toast," you explain.
"Look, trust me, I just have a way with kids," Steve squeezes your knee. "He's gonna love me."
"Oh, you mean like how you've always had a way with women, but it took three failed pick-up lines before I finally agreed to go out with you?" you smirk.
"And look at us now," he grins back at you. He pulls up outside of your house, looks in the mirror and adjusts his hair. Getting it just right, he looks at you and nods. "Showtime."
"You're really getting dolled up for my brother?" you ask.
"First impressions matter, okay!" Steve frowns as he gets out of the car, leaning back in to pick up the cups that had been sitting between the seats, put them on the roof and run round to open the door on your side of the car. "That was why we decided to get his favourite fast food for lunch, right?"
"Yeah, but trust me, that's about all he'll respond to," you shake your head as you climb out of the car, hands full. Steve helps by taking the bags of food off your hands as you unlock the door. "I'm home, Ma, you can go!" You call out.
Your mother rushes through the house, "Be good! Oh, you must be Steven, it's so nice to meet you, I'm sorry I can't stay -"
"Mom, it's Steve, I've told you -" you interject, but it's futile.
"I gotta go, make sure your brother behaves! Good luck with him, Steven!" she shouts over her shoulder.
"Can't say I didn't try," you sigh, and Steve chuckles.
You swivel round to see your brother standing at the foot of the stairs. "Is this... Him?" he asks, pulling a face at Steve.
"Yeah! This is Steve. He and I went and got you a burger. And soda," Steve shakes the cups slightly with a hopeful smile. Your brother rolls his eyes.
"Leave mine on the table," he grunts as he turns to run back up the stairs.
"What, and let it get all gross and cold and wet from the grease? Fine, your funeral," you shrug, gesturing to Steve to follow you into the kitchen.
Your brother follows begrudgingly, sitting at the very far end of the table away from you two. You try and make conversation, "How's your town coming along?"
"Town?" Steve asks.
"Its just Lego," your brother explains. "But it's okay. I'm making a railroad through it now."
Steve's eyes widen. "Like, one that really works?!"
"Well, I have to pull the train through it, it's not like it's automatic," your brother mumbles into his food.
"That's still so cool," Steve's eyes are completely lit up. "What else is in your... Town... Thing?"
"You don't get to see it," your brother states hurriedly, staring daggers at Steve, who holds his hands up.
"I get that, I'm not trying to worm my way into it or anything. Just curious."
Your brother takes the paper bag your food had come in, and grabs a pen. He draws an outline of what he wants his town to look like, eventually. "Dad says I can't have the basement yet, but when I can, that's when Phase 2 will come in," he explains.
"And what is Phase 2?" Steve asks.
Your brother's eyes narrow. "You don't care. You're only here to kiss my sister."
Steve feigns a look of disgust. "Oh, dude, not at all, gross." He deliberately ignores your look of offence with amusement. "Nah, my dad never got me any, which sucked, Lego is the shit." Your brother stares wide-eyed at Steve. Your head snaps to stare wide-eyed at Steve. Steve stares wide-eyed into oblivion.
"You said a bad word!" Your brother points at him.
"It's not bad if it's used between the right people. That's adults, and cool people. And here?" He traces a circle connecting the three of you with his finger. "Nothin' but cool kids."
Your brother points at you. "You think she's cool?!"
"Hey, I buy you your Legos!" you frown.
In unison, both Steve and your brother groan, "Oh my god, it's Lego!" Steve points at you with his thumb and rolls his eyes, and your brother shakes his head.
"She has a point, though," Steve shrugs. "She deserves a little credit for that, right?"
"I guess," your brother shrugs. "So, Phase 2 is me building houses with interiors - that's the word for inside the building," he explains to Steve, who acts as though he's never heard the word before.
"That's so creative, dude," he grins. "Can't wait to see it all someday."
Your brother finally finishes eating and hops out of his chair. "Well, don't think you can still see it today," he states matter-of-factly. "But I'll let you know when Phase 1 is complete."
"Sure thing, little man. I look forward to it!" he calls after your brother as he runs up the stairs, before leaning in close to you and grinning. "What did I say?"
You lean back, "Don't think you can get so close, mister kissing-is-gross, Legos-are-cooler - I don't care that it's called just Lego!" you exclaim as Steve pulls a face at you, and he laughs.
"Nothing beats kissing the coolest kid at the table," Steve drawls, leaning in again to kiss you slowly.
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top!steve thank u so much 💘
From these m/m gif sets
Gif Number 4
With Top!Steve with silver hair! Established McDanno Explicit stuff happens closer to the bottom!
"I hear work's been a bitch while I've been away."
Steve sighs and runs his hand through his hair. He's been so busy that he hasn't had time to get a trim. It's not really the length that bothers him as much as the color that greets him whenever he looks at his reflection. If work wasn't keeping him busy, he'd probably fallen into temptation and dyed it by now.
"I've scold you about lousy timing to head back to Jersey, but I know it's business not pleasure."
"Not without you here...but what if you were?"
"Everything okay?" Was the first question out of him. Danny being far away always left him with some level of unease. Between them he was the one to attract more random chaos, but Danny wasn't immune to it. Calculating distance and time of travel until he could reach his Danno immediately course through his mind as he thinks up a dozen different ways Danny's testifying could have turned ugly.
"I'm fine," Danny reassured him. "There's a Mets game coming up. I know a guy who can get me great seats for a good deal."
"Dinner with your parents after?"
"...after -after. Sure. But like...after the game...and after a night of you and me painting the town red."
Steve smiled from ear to ear at hearing that's all it was, "Miss me?"
"Just maybe? Well maybe I'm too swamped to go," Steve teased.
"No you're not. You're probably already looking up flights."
"Bold of you to assume I don't already have them memorized."
"If I weren't so in love with you, Steven, that'd be creepy."
"But you're so in love with me, it's undeniable. It's unbearable to be far away from me. And you miss me. A lot?" As cocky as he started that, the last bit came out with some of his insecurity.
But Danny reassured him without pause, "More than a lot. I already booked your flight. Details are in your email. I gotta go. I'll call you later, okay? Love you."
"Love you too. See you soon, Danno."
Steve planned to do something about his hair before his trip, but they stumbled into a crime spree that threatened his entire trip. His dedication to see Danny and keep their promise game-date pushed him to the limit and he and the rest of 5-0 managed to solve the most dire cases.
Whatever plans he had to get his hair dyed or cut, were out of the question and as silly as he felt, the whole flight it was something that wouldn't leave him.
The trip was only going to be a few days, so his carry on meant he didn't have to wait to go and find Danny.
It doesn't take him long to spot Danny, and seeing him smile as he approaches makes all other thoughts disappear. Danny greets him by pulling him close by the shirt and down for a fierce and passionate kiss. Steve feels a slight bump on his head from the baseball cap Danny had been wearing, but it gets knocked off and their kiss is all that matters.
When they pull apart, Danny bends down to pick it up and puts it back on. It's then that Steve notices another, matching cap, in Danny's other hand.
"Not a lei. But uh...translated equivalent?" Danny asked with a small grin. His focus shifts a bit as he takes in Steve with better detail. The slightly longer hair that's salt and pepper colored instead of just black. Steve can practically hear the yelling of his old CO about his appearance since his stubble was nearly a full beard, giving off plenty of silver coloring to him too.
"You know we've been busy and I just didn't have the time to-"
"Fuck, you're hot!"
Before Steve could utter another sound, Danny took off his cap and pulled Steve back in for another, though more possessive kiss.
When they pulled apart, Steve felt confidence replace the insecurity he's carried during the trip. Rubbing his hand over his face and then through his hair, he asked, "This do it for you, Danno?"
"Let's get to the hotel and I'll show you exactly how much it does." ~~~~~~~~~~~ The buttons on Steve's shirt scattered everywhere when Danny tore his shirt open. Before he could make some sort of remark about Danny owing him a new one, he was being pushed onto the bed. Danny straddled him and kissed him before he could utter a word, running his fingers through Steve's hair. Gripping tightly and giving Steve a tug as a way to pull away from the kiss.
"I want you so fucking bad, Steve."
His nerves that nearly made him terrified of being undesirable to Danny were completely evaporated. The heat in Danny's eyes, the way his hands roamed and made quick work of getting rid of their clothing until they were both completely naked, feeling how hard Danny was as he rutted against Steve....
His tentativeness was replaced by his own heat and desire that grew to match Danny's. Steve turned them around and pushed Danny onto the bed. Nestling himself between Danny's legs, Steve caressed his way up Danny's thighs up his torso, caressing his pecs and leaning in to swirl his tongue around his nipple. Peppering kisses up to Danny's neck where he began to leave some new marks.
While he works on Danny's neck, his hand snakes its way between them and fondles Danny for a bit before reaching further. Smirking into Danny's neck he felt proof of his and Danny's late night phone calls.
Pulling the plug out, he drinks up Danny's moan before kissing him. Less frantic, yet still passionate they make-out as Steve presses the head of his cock against Danny's hole and moans Danny's name as inch by inch he pushes in until he's fully sheathed inside. He stills, peppering kisses anywhere he can reach as he gives Danny time to adjust. It doesn't take long as Danny's too eager and needy and wanting Steve to move.
The strength Steve gets from being a turn on to Danny despite his insecurities and grey hairs, makes him feel ten years younger. Energy he didn't think he'd have anymore returns to him and he's basically lifted Danny as he fucked him, bounding him on his cock. Stealing kisses her and there while Danny wrapped his arms around Steve and held on for dear life. Even with cock untouched, Danny cried out and came, coating both of their abdomens with his come and clenching around Steve.
He rested Danny back onto the bed and slowed down his thrust, fingers intertwined, and looking into each other's eyes. Steve filled Danny up before collapsing on top of him.
They panted as they caught their breath.
"How about instead of painting the town red, I coat you in white?Inside and out?" Steve asked with a smirk.
Danny ran his hand through Steve's hair, gripping it and pulling him for a kiss, "So long as we're not late for the game. Sounds like heaven, babe."
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grey-sides · 2 years
Hi! can u write a harringrove story where Steve is getting lifted up by vecna and billy like cranks the radio up and gets him back? idk the idea just came to my head lmao
Hi!! Yes I can!! Here is it, warnings for S4, of course.
If you send me in a prompt, I will definitely try to get to them, but I'm going to be focusing most of my attention to other projects for a bit. So I may be slower fulfilling ideas for a little while.
Since the thing with Chrissy and Wheeler’s friend Fred, the little group Steve is part of has had a rule about going anywhere alone. No one goes anywhere, except like the bathroom, alone so there’s an accountability buddy. But Steve tends to think he’s above everything, like the Upside Down can’t hurt him because he’s gone toe to toe with a demogorgon. Or whatever those shits call it. 
They’re at the graveyard because Wheeler wants to visit her friend Barbara’s grave. She’s been getting the symptoms, the one Max broke into the fucking school to find because she’s insane and Billy loves her fiercely. Billy is waiting in the car because only Steve wants him there and he was not about to sit in the back of Wheeler’s station wagon on their way here. 
And Billy’s seen the shadow before, has done it’s awful bidding so he shouldn’t be surprised that this fucker has tricks up his sleeves too. If he wears sleeves. Billy would like to find him and punch him in his face either way. 
One minute, the little gang is watching Nancy sob over her friend’s grave and the next Steve is in the actual fucking air. Like one minute he’s on the ground where Billy left him and now he’s floating up near the trees. 
The kids start screaming, Nancy actually tries to jump into the air to grab Steve’s leg and Billy is lost for words. This is insane. He needs to get out there, he needs to do something. But screaming doesn’t seem to be helping and they don’t yet have any leads on how to break people out of this spell. Which means Steve is near to death and Billy is frozen in the car. 
He feels as frozen as he did before watching his own hands and his own body pack people into his trunk, feeding them to the monster. The kids are shouting theories from their fucking dungeons and dragon lore and Billy needs to move. Maybe he could climb a tree and tackle Steve to the ground. 
Billy’s not even certain that will work to pull him out of the trance, but he feels like he has to do something. If he can convince himself to stop staring and act. Just act. His eyes dart over to his hand which is moving of its own accord again, he swears. Billy finds himself turning the music up, blasting it louder than he usually does when everyone is in the car. Loud enough to be heard at the gravesite. 
For a while nothing happens, but Billy does manage to climb out of his car. He walks over to see Steve staring blindly up at the sky and the kids are still shouting at each other and at him, trying to figure out what to do. Nancy is still trying to grab Steve’s feet so Billy reaches up and hooks his fingers around his ankle. It’s a stretch, but it’ll have to do. 
“You’re not dying out here, Harrington!” he bellows, loud enough to be heard over Steven Tyler’s wailing. The song playing is Back in the Saddle, the same song that just happened to come on the radio the first night Steve kissed Billy. Billy hopes it still holds a little magic or something. 
Billy starts to sing along, staring straight up at Steve. His voice is a little hoarse, he doesn’t tend to actually sing along to songs much, but Steve needs him. Needs to know he’s not alone out here in this fucking graveyard. 
The kids start to join in, looking at each other when they don’t know the words. Billy knows the words by heart, practically has them tattooed on the inside of his ribs. This song will always mean something to him. Will always remind him of the taste of Steve’s strawberry chapstick that he swears he stole from Nancy. 
For a while, nothing happens, Aerosmith continues to play and Billy continues to sing along and he thinks about his heart breaking in two if Steve dies like this. Before they even know what to do to fix it. 
But Steve gasps and it’s like his strings are cut, whatever was holding him up has let him go and he falls straight down. Billy catches him, getting to his knees so Steve can roll over onto the grass, heaving great big breaths. 
“Steve!” Dustin shouts, the kid has tear tracks on his cheeks which Billy really didn’t expect. Billy probably has them too if he touches his cheek. “Steve, you’re okay!”
“I’m okay,” Steve pants and nods, he holds out a hand towards Henderson, looking over at Billy. “I’m okay. Aerosmith, the song, it like…punched a hole in the vision I was having. Let me see you all waiting here for me, shouting my name.” He shakes his head and smiles tentatively at Billy. 
Billy reaches for him again, touching his face gently. He’s doing okay, though Billy can feel his heart beating erratically where he has one hand pressed to Steve’s chest. “Glad I could help,” he says quietly. 
Nancy sniffles across from them and drops to the ground to hug Steve too, heedless of her skirt. She’s sobbing nonsense about how she should have paid better attention, but Steve keeps shushing her, he’s too kind like that. To ever think that someone should be looking out for him. But he has Billy now, they can watch each other’s backs.
When everyone has calmed down and they’re making their way back to the car, comparing song choices that might help in case anyone else gets caught, Dustin turns to Steve. “I didn’t know you were an Aerosmith fan.”
Steve flushes a little, curling his pinky around Billy’s where it’s not obvious. Even though it probably is pretty fucking obvious since Billy ended up holding him when he survived. Still, it’s the little things. “Billy got me into them,” he says and he looks at Billy. 
Contained in the deep brown of his eyes, there’s a galaxy, Billy is pretty sure. It’s probably why this fucker Vecna decided to target him because Steve is an emotional well, kept under tightly guarded lock and key. But Billy knows the secret now, the same secret that Billy’s known his whole life. 
Billy has found absolution in his music, whether it’s angry metal or soothing soft rock, it’s gotten him through. Through the fear of Neil and the fear of the shadow, through it all. And if music is Vecna’s weakness, well Billy has a whole hell of a lot of tapes and a fucking bone to pick. 
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turtle-steverogers · 2 years
mikey im sad because i just rewatched catfa and steve used to get bullied so bad 💔 do u have any comforting thoughts/headcanons on the matter (or ones to hurt me more)
Hello, friend!!!
Okay, so I definitely think about this a lot, because I think it's often portrayed that Steve has a really thick skin and the bullying sort of... bounces off of him, and while he definitely is able to sort of lift his head above the noise, there's no way it doesn't impact him. Especially because it's affected him since such a young age.
Anyway, so I have this really visceral image of Steve, maybe eight or nine-- on the younger side. And he comes home from school with a split lip and light bruising around his cheekbone, head bowed and shoulders hunched up to his ears as he tries to make a beeline for his room, even as Sarah calls out to him to ask how his day was.
"Fine!" he calls, kicking off his shoes and making to scramble up the stairs.
Sarah peeks her head out from the kitchen, and Steve can hear her mixing something in a bowl where he has his back turned to her.
"Just fine?" she says, and Steve nods, still not turning around.
"Yep," he says quickly. "I'm gonna go up to my room. I wanna draw--" he's already making to take off up the stairs when Sarah clicks her tongue.
"Steven, come here a moment," she says. Steve freezes. "Steven..."
"Steven, turn around." She sounds a little firmer now, and Steve has had a long day. He really doesn't want to make her mad on top of it.
Keeping his eyes downcast, he turns around, not lifting his head all the way. He doesn't want her to see-- or more, he doesn't want to see her see. He doesn't think he can handle the shame of it. Of his weakness plastered on his face.
Sarah lets out a little gasp, and then the bowl is being placed down on a nearby surface. A moment later, she's kneeling in front of him.
"Steven, oh honey, who did this to you?"
Steve shrugs, still not looking up.
"Darling, you need to tell me who hurt you like this," Sarah says, reaching up to cup his face. Steve flinches a little, and Sarah stops, heart cracking in her chest.
"Just some of the boys in the older classes," Steve mumbles. "It ain't a big deal, ma, I--" But he can't finish the sentence. It's a lie, anyhow, and Steve prides himself in being a fine liar, but never to his ma. It was a big deal-- is a big deal. At least, it feels big in his head. Big and painful and embarrassing, the way they'd pushed him to the ground and gotten real close and real loud and real mean. Calling him names he knows he's not allowed to repeat and sneering things that make his belly hurt enough for him to want to sick up. Tears fill his eyes and he sniffles real big, ducking his head.
"Oh, Steven," Sarah sighs, pulling him in for a hug. "Come here, darling."
And that's all it takes. Steve lets out a sob, curling into his ma's arms-- the safest place he knows. She holds him close, and Steve tries not to think about the way the bruises around his eyes ache as he cries.
"What's-- what's wrong with me, ma?" he sobs. "Am I really so bad?"
Sarah lets out a soft noise, hugging him tighter. "No, Steven, you're not bad. You're not bad; it's them who don't want to see all the good in you. And there is so much good inside of you-- so much that sometimes I'm worried it might fill up the whole world."
And Steve doesn't really believe that. He doesn't think someone so good could be so dirty all the way inside, but something tells him his ma doesn't wanna hear that. So he doesn't say it.
Instead, he curls closer, and the noise in his head quiets a little. His ma thinks he's good, and maybe that's all he needs.
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trans4rctic · 3 years
late nights ; bts
a/n: this was inspired by the beautiful who people who make "falling in love with [insert idol here]" and other such playlists that gave me the courage to do this. these are all songs from my playlist (yes really, issa mess) and i hope you like the combos i formed. i'll probably add more songs as time goes on but for now these are the choseon ones.
these are all in spotify so if you want me to make a youtube music version, i'll be glad to <3
enjoy ¡!
seokjin ♡
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how to get physical ; magdalena bay
angel ; onlyoneof
lost in translation ; the neighbourhood
n°1 loves you ; phangs
gold rush ; taylor swift
can i call you tonight? ; dayglow
love my way ; the psychadelic furs
a certain romance ; arctic monkeys
aka... what a life! ; noel gallagher's high flying birds
thoughts from your car ; nodisco
nobody gets me (like you) ; wallows
into my arms ; coin
suburban wonderland ; between friends
don't panic ; coldplay
undisclosed desires ; muse
sunflower vol. 6 ; harry styles
helium ; glass animals
505 ; arctic monkeys
jungle ; cix
when it breaks ; inhaler
dionne ; the japanese house
goodnight n go ; ariana grande
if you want to ; beabadoobee
i think there's something you should know ; the 1975
butterflies ; fiji blue
playlist available here
yoongi ♡
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mr disco ; new order
4ever ; clairo
love talk ; jus2
myth ; beach house
let there be love ; oasis
is it real? ; strange talk
comeback ; carly rae jepsen
eternal summer ; the strokes
evermore ; taylor swift
4u ; blackbear
daydreams ; easy llife
talk ; coldplay
like a friend ; pulp
robbers ; the 1975
first love / late spring ; mitski
golden skans ; klaxons
rome ; phoenix
sit next to me ; foster the people
greek tragedy ; the wombats
7 ; catfish and the bottlemen
single ; the neighbourhood
black celebration ; depeche mode
scar tissue ; red hot chili peppers
tranz ; gorillaz
bleach ; brockhampton
playlist available here
hoseok ♡
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the rhythm of night ; vinyl theatre
stranger things ; kygo
good grief ; bastille
in dreams ; empress of
iloveyou ; between friends
summer love ; trevor something
dancing with our hands tied ; taylor swift
bite ; troye sivan
kiss me, kill me ; la bouquet
pools ; glass animals
avalanche ; walk the moon
alive ; xylo
must be a dream ; tempesst
landslide ; fleetwood mac
starry night ; mamamoo
surrender ; walk the moon
yea, babe, no way ; lany
without you ; oh wonder
i only wanna talk to you ; the maine
new romantics ; taylor swift
heart out ; the 1975
treat me like a lover ; will joseph cook
let's get lost ; carly rae jepsen
static space lover ; foster the people
youuu ; coin
playlist available here
namjoon ♡
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if you're too shy let me know ; the 1975
cornerstore ; arctic monkeys
bloom later ; jesse
alone with you ; kito
the greatest ; lana del rey
believe me natalie ; the killers
false god ; taylor swift
life is simple in the moonlight ; the strokes
kyoto ; phoebe bridgers
east of eden ; zella day
clocks ; coldplay
imagination ; foster the people
lovers rock ; tv girl
ava adore ; smashing pumpkins
after midnight ; wayv
lovesong ; the cure
scary love ; the neighbourhood
cherry ; lana del rey
bbblue ; olivver the kid
III ; foster the people
meet me in the hallway ; harry styles
i love you so ; the walters
fourth of july ; sufjan stevens
one more love song ; mac demarco
mirrorball ; taylor swift
playlist available here
jimin ♡
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this must be my dream ; the 1975
human ; the killers
midnight ; fickle friends
a little longer ; lauren presley
light ; ateez
be the one ; dua lipa
flowers ; the neighbourhood
what you wanted ; onerepublic
coachella ; lovelytheband
superstar ; said the sky
i think i'm in love? ; phangs
baby came home 2 / valentines ; the neighbourhood
long story short ; taylor swift
let me love you like a woman ; lana del rey
number 1 ; loona
love like you care ; perlo
10k summer nights ; eighty ninety
little league ; conan gray
moonlight in my bedrom ; nodisco
montage ; bares
love again ; gregory dillon
gamebody ; hbd
daphne blue (acoustic) ; the band camino
stayway ; muna
me & you together song ; the 1975
playlist available here
taehyung ♡
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alone with you ; gregory dillon
love maze ; bts
honey + tea ; mozi
medicine ; the 1975
territory ; waterparks
love lockdown ; glass animals
ribs ; lorde
softly ; clairo
lights up ; harry styles
treat her better ; mac demarco
asleep ; the smiths
i would do anything for you ; foster the people
love is a laserquest ; arctic monkeys
august ; taylor swift
4 am ; olivver the kid
when the party's over ; billie eilish
skylines ; glades
poet ; bastille
fuck it i love you ; lana del rey
strawberries & cigarrettes ; troye sivan
butterfly ; bts
talk to me ; cavetown
daylight ; taylor swift
truce ; twenty one pilots
slow dancing in the dark ; joji
playlist available here
jungkook ♡
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i wanna be yours ; arctic monkeys
matter ; shallows
sad people dancing ; la bouquet
venice ; magdalena bay
hide & seek ; loona
rainy days in la ; adam&steve
ink ; coldplay
perfect ; public
drive all night ; joan
the birthday party ; the 1975
remember when ; wallows
peach pit ; peach pit
a kiss ; the driver era
stargazing ; the neighbourhood
the truth untold ; bts
2 hold u ; clairo
happiness ; rex orange county
feb 14 ; cavetown
glass in the park ; alex turner
stay ; post malone
lover of mine ; 5 seconds of summer
smithereens ; twenty one pilots
exist for love ; aurora
you are in love ; taylor swift
old eden ; honeywater
playlist available here
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I dont know if I'm the only person who does this, whenever I have a fic or a headcanon I always have very small details about things that dont make it in just cause of how obscure they are, I was wondering if you had any of these for Steve with an ED? I know you cover most of it in your ballet au (I dont know how to spell the name-) But do u have any other thoughts on it?:)
I’m gonna put it under the little cut bc it got super long and it’s just a lot about eating disorders
So, I’ll do one for La Sylphide, and another just like, headcanons abt Steve with an ED
So, for La Sylphide, I actually have a deleted scene from Christmas break where Billy and Steve run into Tommy and he starts saying shit to and about Steve and getting really mean and aggressive, I mentioned Steve being bullied in high school and I wanted to bring this in and have that trigger Steve purging. Billy was gonna fight Tommy.
In that story, a lot of Steve’s dysmorphia and dysphoria go hand in hand. Because they’re gender non conforming and later come out as nonbinary, they have trouble identifying their dysphoria. They don’t have the vocabulary for it and it translates into this desire to do anything to be perfect. I mention in the fic that they take it to extremes because they are so lost in what “perfect” would be for them, they rely on the idea of the perfect ballerina.
Growing up in ballet, I knew a lot of people with eating disorders. Like, I had three really close dance friends all growing up, two of them struggled with an ED. I have one that I refuse to admit pls don’t look at me so this was based on that. Most professional ballerinas tend not to suffer from this, because they work out so much, and usually, they are just lucky genetically, but lemme tell ya, ballerinas going through puberty? Developing hips and cellulite and breasts? That can throw everything for a loop.
I think that when Steve reached this junction, going from growth spurt lankiness to developing muscle, broadening out, thickening up, that’s when the body issues began. They were finding a more adult body, one that is naturally thicker, but also they were finding a more “masculine” body and that was a real issue for them that they didn’t realize until they further understood their gender identity.
I think the eating disorder set in with the bullying, as well as the neglect and general abuse from their parents. They aren’t getting love, and they can’t figure out why, and since they already have an issue with their own body and weight, they decide that must be the issue.
In the fic, I kinda pictured them just eating enough to not pass out during a rigorous class, and then purging after class. But their bulimia is also super reactionary. Whenever something bad happens, typically with their parents, or with the whole Alex situation, their first instinct is to purge. This is linked to where it all came from, they are trying to figure out why they’re not getting the love they so desperately want.
There’s also such a vision in ballet of the perfect body, that when you don’t fit that, it can be detrimental. Steve saw themself as not fitting that mold, but knew that ballet was it for them, that’s all they ever wanted to do, and would do anything to get it. It all kinda blend together.
Now for regular Steve ED headcanons:
I have something halfway written, don’t know if I’ll finish it tbh, about Steve finding diet pills in his mom’s vanity. It kind of focuses on him slowly going through different forms of EDs, and it all centers around his mother calling him beautiful and saying “all we have is our looks”, kinda projecting onto him bc a lot of moms do that :/ and people in his life telling him stuff like “well, you’re lucky you’re pretty” so he has it ingrained in him that he’s a pretty face and that’s it, so he begins to hyper analyze his body, and the more he thinks about it, the more he spirals.
It goes into him talking about his body, and how beautiful he thinks it is, like he’s reached his final form, and he's like, emaciated. He talks about how elegant his collarbone looks sticking out, like that kinda thing. So it derives from this high society, from this everything is perfect, and I’m perfect, and my life is perfect aren’t I wonderful, as well as the pressure around him to be The Best, to be King Steve, to be this shining model of everything one should want, and his dad putting high expectations on him and then, losing his shit when Steve doesn’t reach them.
In either scenario, it comes from his parents, this one it’s just mostly his mother projecting her issues onto him until he collapses under them.
Here’s a snippet of the ficlet:
Billy wouldn’t understand. “Why are you doing this?”
Because of a mother that always said our looks are all we have and Steven, must you eat like such a piglet? and a father that would say if you were a girl I’d tell you to marry well and people respect you if you’ve got money and looks. Don’t be an idiot and lose them.
“It’s what I want.”
“It’s killing you.”
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liv-n · 4 years
Groupchats with the Avengers: Part 1
a/n- i said i was going to get better and then i do this- im sorrryyyy, it'll get better soon. Would you guys rather have longer, more fleshed out, higher quality posts or daily/semi daily posts like these with some longer posts?
Y/N: hey girl hey
Peter: No.
Y/N: mean :/
Bucky: Hey
Tony: Hello.
Nat: heyyy
Y/N: can I go on a mission with you guys?
Tony: No.
Peter: YES!
Pietro: what if you get hurt-
Y/N: I'll be fine
Tony: Cap, tell them they can't go on missions with us-
Steve: I think they should try it out.
Steve: Do not call me Steven.
Peter: YAY
Pietro: yaaay
Y/N: Hydra doesnt stand a chance 😎
Steve: Wait how do you do that?
Bucky: yeah?
Y/N: im not going to explain- peter, u do it
Tony: Ugh, your generation thinks grammar and punctuation don't apply to you.
Pietro: sorry, old man.
Peter: haha
Tony: Hey kid, I can take your suit back.
Peter: no!
Y/N: what's for dinner?
Natasha: Pizza probably.
Steve: Who's ordering?
Peter: NOT IT
Pietro: not me
Peter: Me too.
Pietro: me three.
Tony: Alright, I'll get it. I always get it
Bucky: Because you're rich.
Natasha: it'll barely scratch a fraction of a dent of a percent of your bank account.
Tony: Still!
Y/N: and make it snappy!
Tony: Whatever.
the end.
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itsallavengers · 7 years
As u wish...
(For background knowledge- this is an au where Steve is actually an assassin hired to kill Tony for dealing weapons to terrorists, but he goes undercover as a bodyguard in order to make sure the claims made against Tony are correct before actually taking him out. They...uh, don’t get along at first.)
“Hey, Steve, you nearly ready to go?” Stark asked, adjusting his cufflinks and shooting himself one last glance in the mirror before turning around and wandering over to Steve, who was stood at ease in the kitchen of his penthouse.
Stark certainly looked...dashing. Dressed to the nines, and ready to head out to the annual Maria Stark Charity Ball, he gave off an aura of appeal that even Steve struggled to ignore. He could see how it was so easy for the man to retain his playboy persona. Stark just oozed charisma and seduction in the sort of way which was impossible to look past.
“Yeah,” Steve nodded, and then held out his hand, giving Stark the bundle of letters he’d collected from reception, “got these for you, too. Miss Potts told me I had to visually confirm you opened them, because apparently they’re very important. So if you don’t mind,” Steve gestured down at them, giving Stark a smile as the man shot the small pile a dirty look.
“We have a very tight schedule, here, Steven, do I really have to-”
“I don’t make the rules, sir,” Steve answered, trying to keep the amusement off his face as Stark took them with a huff, pulling each one open quickly and doing nothing more than glance at what was written before throwing them to the side, where they would undoubtedly be ignored for the next several months-
“Sonofabitch!” Stark cursed suddenly, and Steve’s head shot up, watching in confusion as the man seemed to jerk, dropping the letter with a yell as his other hand rose up to his chest.
Steve suddenly noticed, shocked, as a little trail of deep crimson began to trickle down Stark’s hand; seeping out through the cracks between his fingers, down his wrist, over the crisp white of his cuffs.
Steve moved immediately, stepping forward and tapping the discarded envelope further away from them both as he stretched out his arm, instinctively reaching for the injury.
There was far too much blood for that to have just been a papercut.
“Fuck,” Stark hissed, looking down at the little finger his entire hand was clutched around and wincing, “that crazy son of a bitch put a fucking razorblade in the flap!”
Steve grabbed his forearm. “Sink,” he ordered quickly, steering them both over to the tap and then setting it running, leaning over to grab at the box of tissues Stark kept on the counter as he did so.
Stark was muttering various curses under his breath as he ran his finger tentatively in the stream. Immediately, the water turned a light shade of pink, blood mixing with the liquid before falling down the drain. “God, my poor suit,” he moaned, looking dismally at the newly stained cuffs.
“I really don’t think that’s your main priority right now,” Steve gritted, as he lifted Stark’s hand out of the water and then wrapped a few layers of tissue around his finger. Taking Stark’s other hand, he pressed it around the cut with steady fingers. “Hold it,” he muttered, before turning away and moving over to the envelope that was now lying on the floor.
“Don’t touch it!” Stark called, hurrying over, “it might be poisoned.” He stopped, then, eyes going a little wide. “You don’t think I’ve been poisoned, do you?”
“That’s what I’m gonna check,” Steve replied shortly, crouching down and then lifting the envelope off the floor by the corner of the paper.
Grabbing a knife from the cutlery drawer to his right, he took it in hand and then pried the flap open once more.
Four thin razor edges glistened up at him, stuck to the underside. One of them was coated in a thin layer of red.
“How the fuck did that get past the security checks?” Stark gasped incredulously, leaning down to look at it with a shocked expression on his face.
“Tony,” Steve snapped, turning and placing the man’s hand back around his wound as it began snaking forward, trying to pick up the paper, “you need to staunch the flow. And you need to let me have a look. I know about this stuff.”
Tony raised an eyebrow and made a tutting sound with his tongue, but his hand went back around the already-reddening tissue. Steve nodded to himself, and then used the knife to gently peel the razor which had cut Stark off the paper.
It came away with a little tear, and Steve delicately picked it up with the edge of the knife, moving it close to his face, squinting in the light. He had a basic knowledge in how to test for poisons- but Natasha was really the one he needed here.
Putting the blade down, he moved back to the envelope, prying the blade on the other corner up. He traced the flat surface lightly with a pinkie; searching for the telltale moisture which would imply they had been dipped in something. When his finger came up dry, he moved it to his nose, giving a strong sniff. A lot of the stronger toxins tended to carry a smell with them.
“I doubt it was poisoned,” Steve said eventually, putting it down and turning back to Stark, who was looking at him with a curious expression on his face, “it would’ve had to be a very strong substance if it were going to do that much damage from a cut finger, and so you would already have started showing symptoms. You feel drowsy? Ill? Light-headed?” Steve asked, leaning forward, narrowing his eyes and staring into Stark’s brown ones, checking for pupil dilation or an unfocused gaze.
Stark stopped, opening his mouth and looking a little like a rabbit caught in the headlights as Steve leaned down and glared at him. “I...uh, no. No, I’m fine,” he stuttered, adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed.
Steve’s gaze flickered down, just for a moment as he watched it. Stark’s breath hitched- a tiny little thing- and suddenly Steve was acutely aware of how close they were.
“You need to see a doctor,” Steve told him, backing away and moving over to his cupboards. “You keep a first-aid kit around here somewhere? That cut should really be bandaged properly.”
“I don’t have time for a doctor,” Stark said from behind him, “I have to get to the Foundation’s evening, remember? I’ll just change my shirt and bandage myself up, and then we’ll get going-”
“Tony,” Steve stopped, turning back to face him, “you’re not going out now. Not after this, come on.”
Stark stopped, and then his face seemed to do a little spasm. “I’m sorry- did you just tell me I can’t go?”
“I’m your personal bodyguard, Tony,” Steve said, with a roll of his eyes as he crouched low and looked through the drawers. Stark may never have been told what to do before in his life, but maybe it was time he learnt. “I have to keep you safe- someone has somehow managed to slip this in with your regular mail, and that is not something we can afford to take lightly-”
“Neither is the Foundation Ball,” Stark interrupted harshly. Everything about him had turned defensive; from posture to tone. “This is one of the most important events of the year for the Maria Stark Foundation, okay, and I’m not missing it. I can rack up thousands of donations tonight. It’s huge.”
“It’s an unnecessary risk,” Steve countered, “you’re putting yourself in harm’s way for something you can do at any other point in the year-”
“Rogers, I’m not sure you’re very well-versed in the ways of the rich socialite, but let me tell you- the opportunity to get so many of them, all in one place, all with loose wallets, is an incredibly rare one. We plan this months in advance so everyone can put a space in their schedules. It’s a huge moneymaker, and I will not miss it because I got a cut on my finger,” Stark hissed, stepping forward and shaking his head, “this was my mother’s charity, and she invested her life and soul into it. There are thousands of people relying on it. You’re delusional if you think I’m just gonna sit here and let them down.”
Steve stopped searching, just for a second, mouth shutting and words dying on his lips. The response had thrown him- was Stark saying he was going to risk his life? All for some goddamn charity gala?
“I’m going, Steve. And the kit’s over in the top right shelf,” Stark told him, and although Steve’s back was turned, he goddamn knew the guy was rolling his eyes.
Steve took another second to compose himself, before he stood up and reached over to the shelf, feeling around until he grabbed the small pack in between palm and fingers. Pulling it down, he let himself hold the frown on his face for an extra second, before schooling it back into neutrality once more as he turned on his heel and walked back over to Stark. “Sit,” he ordered, pointing the chair down to his right.
Stark, because apparently he felt like pissing Steve off seven ways to sunday, just hopped up on to the counter, a cheeky smirk on his face.
Steve rolled his eyes and shot Stark a look that was probably deemed unprofessional, but he stepped forward again, moving to Stark’s left and grabbing his hand. “Hold still.”
Stark did as he was told; pulling off the tissue and revealing a finger which was soaked in red from where the bloody tissue had rubbed. Steve grabbed a clean one and then purposely moved toward the sink rather than lean over Stark. He could feel the other man’s gaze burning into the side of his face, and he didn’t know what to make of it.
He didn’t know what to make of pretty much anything anymore, and he was about ready to start screaming in frustration.
Stark remained silent as Steve soaked the tissue and then moved back, cleaning his finger delicately before unzipping the first-aid kit and pulling out the roll of bandages. “You’re lucky this doesn’t need stitches,” he muttered, beginning to wrap it around Stark’s injury.
He heard the tiny intake of breath and the sound of his lips opening as he made to talk, but the words never came out of Stark’s mouth. Steve chose to just continue with his work; adamantly fixing his gaze to the bandage rather than anywhere else where he might risk catching Stark’s eyes. The air felt tense, and Steve wasn’t sure why.
“There was a letter,” Stark said suddenly, and Steve almost jumped from the noise, “in the envelope. There was a letter.”
Steve stopped, turning to look at the offending object as it sat on the table. Wordlessly, he tied the bandage off and then moved over, picking it up and then carrying it over to Stark. “You got a pair of tweezers or something?” Steve asked, unwilling to simply expose the world to whatever might be inside.
“Better than that,” Stark told him, “JARVIS?”
“Scanning now, sir.”
Steve’s eyebrows hitched a little higher, and Stark just grinned in response. “He’s a handy little fellow, isn’t he?”
“Scan complete. The package is clean, sir.”
Immediately, Stark reached for the letter in Steve's hand, but he pulled away before the fingers could curl around and grab it, holding it behind him and stopping Stark with his other hand over the man’s chest. “Let me,” he told him, pursing his lips as he glanced down at it.
“Oh, come on, JARVIS already said it's completely cl-”
“Let me, Tony,” Steve interrupted the insufferable man, “it's my job.”
Stark glared, but ultimately fell back with an exasperated huff and allowed Steve to pull his hand back, using it to delicately slide his finger under the area where he'd pulled away the razor. Fingers found the edge of paper, and he tugged delicately, half expecting another danger to arise as he did so.
But there was nothing. Just a small slip of paper, the top edge slightly slanted from where the sender had obviously cut off the overhanging edge.
“Your blood is my blood,” Stark read out a little incredulously over his shoulder, his face a picture of disdain, “what the fuck does that even mean?”
“something sinister, I'm guessing,” Steve replied absently, looking close at the words in front of him. “Looks like a man’s writing. Left handed. The paper’s expensive stuff; they were obviously wanting to put effort into the presentation.”
“Wait,” Stark said suddenly, grabbing Steve's wrist and narrowing his eyes, “ there’s something on the back.”
He leaned forward a little, holding Steve's hand in place as he squinted at the smaller print in front of him. “More to come,” he spoke slowly.
There was a silence, and then their eyes met.  Stark’s face looked apprehensive- not scared, exactly, but...foreboding, almost. “Well that doesn’t sound sinister at all,” the man said cheerily, shrugging his shoulders and then plucking it from Steve’s grasp. “I’ll send it down to the labs- test it for prints and all that.”
“Tony,” Steve began, “I strongly suggest you take the night off and lay low, just for a few days, as a precaution-”
He may as well have been talking to a brick wall. Stark was already undoing his tie and pulling away the first buttons of his shirt, walking back to his room. “I’ll be two minutes. I need to pick out a new shirt and clean away the blood- but after that, we can get going,” he called out, entirely ignoring Steve’s previous words of warning.
Steve watched him move across the room; shucking off his shirt entirely to reveal tanned skin and toned muscle- just for a second- before he ducked around the corner and went off in the direction of his room.
Steve felt his cheeks heat up at the sight, and forcefully fought off the mental image that stuck in his mind. Now was most definitely, certainly, unequivocally not the time for that. At all.
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