#i'm srry if this is v messy soakkasm it's nearly 2 am
austiins-blog · 6 years
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♡♡♡ ( CIERRA RAMIREZ, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) AUSTIN FLORES was just hired. the TWENTY-TWO year old seems pretty KINDHEARTED and LOYAL, but they’re also CAUTIOUS and a PERFECTIONIST. i heard that they like to WORK ON PHOTOGRAPHY & STUDY when they aren’t working as a MAKEUP ARTIST at Frightland. ♡♡♡
hey hi hello my name’s brenna! i’m a loser 21 year-old from california who hates all things scary but is still a whore for halloween. this is my v old bby coming out of retirement, austin! this is lowkey thrown together solely bc i’m v late to this & i’ll have something more in depth up very soon! also, i’ll change the color scheme up soon to fit the Vibe™. anyways hi ily.
NAME: austin lucia flores
AGE: twenty-two
BIRTHDAY: july 4th
SIGN: cancer
she is from a small town in texas (although she was born in new york). she had a thick accent, but being away from her hometown for a while, it’s died down a lot.
she comes from wealth, her parents both being driven, self-made first generation americans who are paying austin’s way through college with pride.
she has three brothers who she remains incredibly close to, but being the only girl, she was subconsciously spoiled by her parents. although she remains incredibly humble. she’s never been one to flaunt her wealth or anything like that, but she’s a definite trust fund baby.
on top of that, she’s an incredibly smart person. she has an incredible memory and can remember pretty much everything she sees & hears. (she gives off reid from criminal minds smart vibes but not as smart nor nerdy lmao) however, she’s never discovered her limits or even knew if she had any. she skipped a couple of grades and graduated at age 15 (nearly 16 but she’s a summer baby lol). she’s intelligent to an extent that she’s even yet to fathom.
she chose the route of psychology and criminology with her fascination of studies and documentaries on serial killers and things of the like and that all sparked in high school (but she’s not like obsessed w them ok ajkcsnj i wanna make sure that’s clear) – she’s a few credits shy of her masters, but she’s not rushing on finishing.
studying always came easy to her, so she found a lot of time on her hands. with that time, she taught herself her way around more creative makeup through youtube videos. that eventually led to taking classes over the summer leading her to her now second year as a makeup artist for frightland. all for the fun of it. she’s all about that scary shit, even though she’s quite the jumpy person -- she loves it.
also, she does work for a camera store where she mainly just develops film and checks people out, but that always takes a backseat to frightland when the time comes ‘round. she has a lot of time on her hands
(this is more about her personality lol)
she’s such a kind and gentle soul that would genuinely never hurt anyone intentionally. however, once her mind is made up, that’s what she’ll stick to and she’ll try to let you down in the nicest way possible.
she’s a very sentimental person. she has a box of things (key chains, post cards, polaroids, etc.) that she likes to keep with her and add to whenever something, she feels, memorable happens.
she loves literally every genre of music except classical & heavy metal, but even then she’ll sit & listen to it if that’s what you’d like to listen to
her aesthetic is all warm tones tbh: yellows, oranges, reds, pinks. gold jewelry is also something you’ll always find on her person whether it be in the form of rings, earrings (hoops to be specific), necklaces.
she has an anklet with a very small heart charm that you’ll never see her without. it’s one of her favorite things she owns. she sees it as a form of a lucky charm.
OKAY SO PLOTTING!!!! i’m p cool with whatever tbh!! here’s a few i’d dig though!
the bad influence friend -- someone who pushes her nervous ass out of her comfort zone! like going on wild adventures & such! { OPEN TO ANY GENDER }
roommate -- austin hates to be alone, so having a roommate would be very in character for her. i’d imagine them having an apartment or town house, possibly a house, but we could plot that out. { OPEN TO ANY GENDER }
or like we can brainstorm????? love that
N E WAZE ! tbh i’m blanking a little bit, but i’ll definitely have an about page up for her soon. ily! feel free to im me!
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