#i'm sorryyyyy i'm not ignoring them i promise i'm just largely no thoughts head empty rn while i work on my fic
fleetsonourgecentral · 11 months
What are the Fleetway freedom fighters reaction to super Scourge
Okay okay okay so. So. So. I have thoughts on Super Scourge and the circumstances required for him to go super. Like, he's never gone super with the chaos emeralds before, and even if he wanted to Sonic wouldn't let him bc the chaos emeralds in his dimension are kinda fucked and they don't need anyone else developing a destructive super form. So in order to go super Scourge would need to go back to Moebius to get some anarchy beryl, and he'd need quite the motivation to do that bc although he's used to hopping dimensions, he's not keen to go back to Moebius once he's settled in Sonic's dimension. Higher chance of getting caught by the cops or the suppression squad or Rosie, after all, so he doesn't deem it worth the trek, especially since he isn't sold on the idea of going super anymore now he knows it burns him out when he powers down. Sooooooo perhaps one of the only reasons he would retrieve anarchy beryl to go super was in a dire circumstance, likely the middle of a fight, when important things need to get done, so the freedom fighters are a lil busy dealing with whatever threat has popped up to have too much of an initial reaction. Maybe be a bit wary, but once they see Scourge is focused on what they need him to do they're like "okay well we don't need to worry about him just yet"
What comes to my mind is that the only super form they've ever experienced is Sonic's super form, which they don't know is not standard across the multiverse. So once the crisis they're dealing with winds down, I imagine they're tense and ready for a fight, because they just don't know any better. It may take them some convincing to realise Scourge is still himself and that his super form is nothing like Sonic's. Once they've accepted that, they'd bully the fuck out of him for the fact his fur turns purple, and then help him get back home to rest once he powers down and is exhausted. Sonic especially bullies him extra hard because he doesn't want Scourge to realise just how much he liked seeing him all powerful and badass
(Sonic is, perhaps, a little jealous. He knows how powerful super forms are, and he can't help but think of all the things he could do if he was able to be in control in his own super form like Scourge is. He tries not to linger on the what-ifs, but he can't help being a little bitter about it. Still, he turns down Scourge's offer to try anarchy beryl, because he doesn't know if he'll have the same reaction to anarchy energy as he does chaos energy, and it just isn't worth the risk. He already has to deal with Super, he doesn't want to risk creating another out of control super form)
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