#i'm sorry sandy i do love you and i'm thrilled you're here but. i have priorities
torterragarden 4 days
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I had to use another spark to get my wife first Lancelot makes me spark for him and now Vira does it to me too why are my faves SO MEAN TO ME
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leilani-lily 2 years
Hi! Me again! Here's my old oc you wanted to see: https://theoptimistictabby435.tumblr.com/post/689685418399105024/okay-so-this-is-my-old-rotg-oc-her-name-is-evelyn
Sorry for the cringe 馃槄
AWH SHES SO CUTE!! I love the pinky-purple streaks in her hair ^^
These are so sweet! I can really feel the emotion in them, you're very good with facial expressions c: The ones with Sandy being shot/dying have me FEELING 馃槶馃槶馃槶
I'm always thrilled to see a fellow Sandy lover c: Our cinnamon roll deserves all the love he can get ^^
Thank you for sharing your art! I know I always wince when showing off my art to others (especially if it's older and I know I can do better hehe!) But I'm really glad I got to see this c: Be proud of your work and how much you grow as an artist; we never start off perfect, so enjoy the journey :) And BE PROUD OF THE CRINGE. WE LOVE CRINGE HERE ON THIS BLOG 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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elusive---ivory 5 years
Little Clown pt 1
Yes, yes, yes oh, boy. Here we are!! The Sequel to TWIV. It took me a while to finish this first part, hopefully y'all enjoy it 馃挅馃挅
PAIRING: Arthur Fleck x Oc/Joker x Oc
WARNING: Unrequited Love, Child Endangerment
Part 1
@gloomyladyy @princessgeekface @memory-mortis (ps I apologize if I left some people out. Just message me again if I forgot)
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"Mommy, I don't want a clown at my birthday party." A little girl said, troubled.
"I know, sweetheart, but clowns aren't so scary. Could you please try for me?" Her mother said, holding her hand.
It was 1993 in Gotham City. It had been 12 years since the incarceration of The Joker. Chaos was still rapid in Gotham, but the police didn't seem to care.
Sandy Fleck was one of Gotham's notorious villains, who rose to the top in popularity. Half her popularity came from followers of The Joker, hoping to seek guidance from her. The other half came from the angry mob of Gotham City, who were still hurt by the damage. For those who knew her on the streets, She was known as Dolly. She had the city tight around her finger. The only thing she was missing was Arthur.
Her daughter looked up at her. "I'm not afraid of clowns, Mommy. I just don't like them. The news doesn't like them, so why should I?" The little girl frowned. Her green emerald eyes were staring into Sandy.
"Ruthie, not everything on the news is trustworthy. Besides, I'm pretty sure your will love it." Sandy said.
"What friends, Mommy?" Ruth replied, monotonous.
Ruth Quinn Fleck wasn't like most kids her age. She was very smart, but not so sociable young girl. From the age of 5, Ruth was diagnosed by a medical professional that she had Asperger's Syndrome. Her doctors were still confused about Ruth's behavior, hoping that maybe by the time she was 8, Ruth could grow out of it. Ruth was nearing the age of 10, with her birthday being a couple days away.
The two crossed the crowded street. Ruth held onto her mother closely, as they walked into their small, yet, comfortable apartment complex.
Sandy didn't move from the old apartment complex. After all that happened, she decided that the best place for her little girl was the complex. Sure, it was an awful complex, but there was something about it that felt so warm and familiar.
As they walked up to their apartment, Sandy walked past a certain apartment door, flooding memories of someone she missed.
Sandy unlocked her apartment door, placing the groceries on the kitchen counter.
Ruth took a small juice box from the fridge, and darted for the living room. Ruth turned the TV on, and switched it to the news.
Sandy giggled to herself. "Why do you only watch the news?"
"I dunno. I like the news. It's interesting." Ruth sipped on her juice box.
Sandy smiled, washing her hands in the kitchen sink and preparing dinner.
"Twelve years ago to this day, Thomas Wayne was killed outside the Monarch Theater. In remembrance of him, we've gathered here at the theater with the young Bruce Wayne, Boy Billionaire over night."
Sandy rolled her eyes. "Ruthie, don't watch this crap. All they talk about is Bruce Wayne."
"Not all the time. They also talk about Joker." Ruth replied.
Dishes clanked in the sink, causing Sandy to break a mug, cutting her finger.
"Ruth. We don't talk about Joker, okay?" Sandy said through her teeth.
"Why not?" Ruth inquired.
"Because," Sandy rose her voice, then closed her eyes before calming down. "Because, I said so." Sandy spoke softly.
Ruth looked down at the floor. "I didn't mean to upset you, Mommy."
Sandy rubbed her temples in frustration. "I know, baby. I know."
The telephone rang on the kitchen counter. Sandy rushed over to get it.
"Hello?" Sandy answered.
"Hey, Dolly. We got ourselves another client. Do ya think you can meet us downtown at 5 o'clock?" A gruff voice said over the phone.
"I'll see, Rudy. Where is the meeting at?" Sandy turned towards her daughter, who was focused on the TV.
"Roxy's Cabaret. Our client also said he wanted to met Joker in person." Rudy explained.
"Well, he's gonna be surprised. Joker is still incarcerated, remember?" Sandy replied.
"Dolly, my hands are tied here. It was the only fib I could use to get him to see us. Anyway, do you wanna take the job or not?" Rudy said, impatiently.
"You haven't even told me the job, yet." Sandy scoffed.
"Look, I don't got time for this, Dolly. Just be here by 5 o'clock." Rudy hung up the phone.
"Who does that lowlife fucker think he is?" Sandy grumbled to herself.
As it was nearing 5, Sandy did her makeup in a small vanity mirror.
"Mommy, do you really have to go?" Ruth said, standing in the doorway of her mother's bedroom.
Sandy sighed, putting on a strapless dress. "Yes, sweetheart."
Ruth looked up at her mother, disappointed, but her lack of emotion on her face couldn't show it.
"Sugar, I know you're upset, but I swear I'll be home by 11. Please don't do what you did with the last babysitter." Sandy finished the rest of her clown like makeup.
Ruth still kept her disappointed eyes on Sandy.
She heard a knock on the door. "Could you get that, sweetheart?"
Ruth huffed nodding.
A tall blonde woman in her twenties appeared that the door. "Hiya! Is ya mommy home?" The woman smiled, cheerfully.
Ruth glared and nodded.
"Well, aren't ya gonna invite me in?" The woman asked.
"I don't like you." Ruth said, still glaring at the woman.
The women's cheerful demeanor disappeared completely. "Maybe I don't like you either."
Sandy headed towards the door. "Hi. Thank you so much for coming. I was worried that I was going to have to leave her alone." She sighed in relief.
The woman brought up her false happy demeanor again. "No problem. I'm Harley. Very nice to meet ya."
"Sandy. It's a pleasure. Emergency contacts are on the fridge. She needs to be in bed before 8." Sandy kneeled down to Ruth's level. "Promise me, you'll be good."
"I promise, Mommy." Ruth kissed her mother on her forehead.
"I love you. I'll be back." Sandy walked out the door, putting on her coat, heading to the elevator.
Ruth turned on the TV, turning up the news.
"Does ya mother always looks like a circus act or does she have some type of gig?" Harley asked, rummaging through the fridge.
Ruth didn't answer her eyes were glued to the TV.
"Breaking news: Just a few minutes ago all of Arkham's electricity turned off, then back on again, but 10 inmates were reported escaped from the facility, including the most infamous clown, Joker. One female inmate was also released from the scene, most known as Harleen Quinzel. The police have speculated that the two were working together, and helped each other escape. In further new-" Harley unplugged the TV.
Ruth looked up at her, confused.
"That's enough of that. You're mommy's gonna be quite surprised when she gets here. Mr J has been dying to see her again. It's a shame that she's had you, isn't it? Mr. J isn't gonna be so thrilled to see you up and about." Harley sneered.
Ruth turned towards her. "I hate you. You're mean."
Harley stuck her tongue out. "That makes two of us. Now, Mr. J told me to call him once I got her and I said I would so, beat it."
Ruth grabbed Harley by waist and tackled her to the ground.
"Get the hell off me, twerp." Harley yelled, throwing Ruth around.
Harley threw Ruth to the ground. "Now, listen here, you little shit. I told Joker I wouldn't hurt you, but I'm sure he'll make an exception." Harley pulled a small dagger out of her pocket. She hovered over Ruth, about to lay the knife on her.
A man in a red suit and clown makeup walked through the door. He pulled Harley off of Ruth.
"Mr. J, I'm sorry. She wasn't cooperating with me, so I did what I had to do." Harley said, feigning her innocence.
The man glared at her. "Leave, Harley."
"What?" Harley spoke quietly.
"I said, Leave. I don't need you anymore. I found what I've been looking for." The man said, looking over at the little girl who had no expression on her face.
"But, Mr. J, I thought we-" Harley was cut off by a laugh.
"We what? What did you possibly think we were? I told you our deal was simple. I helped you out of Arkham, then you were to help me find Sandy. You helped me, and I helped you. I've had enough of your services." The man turned over to Ruth.
Harley glared at Joker, then bolted out of the apartment.
Ruth got up and looked up at the man. "You're the Joker, aren't you?"
The man chuckled. "I wasn't always called Joker. My real name is Arthur."
"My name is Ruth." Her emerald eyes were the same as Arthur's as they stared at each other.
"That's a nice name. Who's your dad?" Arthur asked, kneeling down to her level.
"I never had a daddy. My mommy says that my daddy was a kind man, until he changed." Ruth looked away from him.
Arthur frowned. "I understand how you feel. I never knew my dad. My mother lied to me for all my life. Your mother taught me things I could never forget. Where is your mother now?"
"She's at work." Ruth yawned, rubbing her eyes.
Arthur smiled slightly. "Someone's tired." He picked Ruth up in his arms, and carried her to her bedroom.
"I like you, Joker, unlike the news." Ruth said, half asleep.
Arthur smiled, placing the small girl in her bed.
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