#i'm sorry rthis is not great
athnaparker · 5 years
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     ☆゚*・゚ | athena spaced, hardcore. she couldn’t even think straight. it was what she did most of the time after work. she realized where she was and snapped out of her lack of focus. mystic grill. she spent most of her time there after work, “i could really go for a drink...” she said, smirking at alex, “and probably a burger.... anywho, how have you been?” @alex-donovan
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bottlesandcats · 3 years
TFATWS asks: 6, 7, and 17!
Oh these are good ones!
#6: "I'm Captain America."
rThis was really hard bc there are so many great lines to choose from, but I literally scrempt at this part. It was just so...glorious. The whole shot of him in his uniform, rising up with the shield. Literal goosebumps every time. I just keep thinking of how Sam started out as this cool side character and now he's full-on Captain Fucking America.
Honorable mention to:
"I'm a black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don't I understand?"
Honestly, Sam's entire speech at the end was just amazing, but this line, especially, was so powerful. It was such a great retort to the senator's condescending "you just don't understand" comment. Very Important People (/s) always think regular folks don't have the ability to understand when in reality it's usually the opposite. Tell 'em, Sam.
"I'm sorry."
Bucky apologizing to Sam, and understanding his perspective on things, was absolutely necessary for them to be able to move forward as a couple partners.
#7: I'd have to go with Zemo. I just really like him, and think he's actually one of the better villains in the MCU. I found him to be incredibly dynamic and entertaining, with a really solid character arc (if we are starting from when we first met him in CACW). I feel like he is one of those villains who truly gave our heroes a run for their money, and who's actions have actual, lasting consequences in the MCU. In TFATWS he was a hilarious foil to Sam and Bucky, often playing as the chaotic neutral to their lawful and chaotic good. I also just really enjoy his whole eccentric, wealthy European vibe.
#17: I would've liked to have seen a scene with Bucky interacting more with Sam's family, maybe something first thing in the morning like Sarah showing him where the coffee is or AJ and Cass asking him all kinds of questions. We get very brief glimmers of these things but nothing of any real substance and it would've been a nice touch.
I also would've loved to have seen whatever situation prompted Bucky to arrive at the cookout, literally bouncing out of Sam's truck, with a store-bought cake. Did he volunteer? Was he all "back in my day you always brought a dish!" and Sam and Sarah, probably knowing Bucky can't cook, were all like "no no it's cool really don't plz" and Bucky's all "naw I got it!". Or was Sam like "you know everyone contributes to these things" and then Bucky spazzes out and runs to the nearest grocery store and asks one of the sales clerks what they think would be a good option and this kid is like "I dunno, oreo is pretty dope."
Thanks for allowing me to wax poetic about my favorite show! 🥰
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