#i'm sorry if I said something disrespectful or inaccurate esp when talking about what it means to be trans
poppyseedmuffiin · 3 years
Im literally sobbing I found a list I made describing the keys from Locke and key (tv version) as I was watching the series when it first came out bc I think I wanted to write fanfiction so I made it to keep track of all the keys?? But the way I described them was so weird and also inaccurate for several (tbf some details u don't find out until later in the season and I hadn't made it that far idt) and I completely totally forgot about the entire thing until just now when I went through my Google docs
so for all people who dont watch locke.and key here's a rundown of most of the keys that are introduced in the first season, written by me probably as I watched the show in real time
spoilers might be here I think?? Idk I'm just posting it because I found them kind of funny esp since I couldn't remember writing it At All
Making a list of keys here so i dont forget:
Ghost Key: allows u to astral project and go outside of your body and talk to dead ppl. Very cool right. Unfortunately if u forget to go back through the door or someone else closes it before you go back through yourself and take out the key, you become a permanent ghost. Whoopsies!!
Anywhere Key: can take u wherever u want to go as long as youve been there or have seen a door there. It cant take u where u havent been bitch. So dont even think about ur crush’s pants
Puppet Key (also known as the music box key): when inserted into the music box and the music is playing, that person can control other peoples actions. Pretty damn scary
Mending Key: i think if u put something in a certain cabinet thats broken and then lock and unlock it it comes out fixed?? Idfk. does not work on people. sorry grandma
Head Key: theres a nasty lil hole that appears in the back of ur neck and when you insert it you can go into your mind and do shit!! And even put things in and/or take out shit like personality traits and memories and whatnot. I wouldnt go near this thing tbh. Don't try puttin nothing in my neck u dont need to see my mind
Flower/Plant Key(?? I dont think it has an actual name): it unlocks a tree and then memories in paint jars rise out of the ground?? I dont actually know what this one does. Something to do with memories idk Edit: this should have been fuckin obvious but it controls plants :))
Mirror Key: u put it in a mirror and then an evil you will appear in the reflection and beckon you forward like “come to pappy” and you can go through the mirror and end up in an evil funhouse thingy with lots of mirrors and versions of yourself?? Apparently lots of people have died trying to get out and its a prison of self?? He had to go in with a rope around his waist to get his mom out?? 0/10 would not recommend you might die
Echo Key: “can bring people back”-random guy offscreen, 2020. Apparently if you use it to unlock the wellhouse and then yell someones name into the well like you at le jour d’amour (spoiler alert that person gotta be dead) an “echo” of them will come back and u can talk to them. Its considered disrespectful to use it tbh because u disturbing the dead
Identity Key: basically an identity crisis meets polyjuice potion. A keyhole appears under ur chin and then you insert it and turn the key and then you can look like someone else. Eww gross!! 
Matchstick Key: a lighter. You touch it to something or put it in a keyhole or wHATEVER idc, and whatever u put it in bursts into flames. Fun fact, this also works on people!! Haven’t you ever wanted to just set yourself on fire? Well now you can with the Matchstick Key!! Limited edition because a demon stole it from a child then pushed said child onto train tracks. Also spoiler alert if you use it on yourself you die. Because u fuckin set yourself on fire. What did u expect, to not spontaneously combust??
Shadow Key: Key for the Crown of Shadows. I think u put it in the crown of shadows and then it works. It summons shadow kreechurs to work 4U. Very awesome ikr
Omega Key: literally has no other purpose than to unlock one specific door. The Omega Door (very original name oooh scary ooooh *ghost noises*). Beyond this door lie unimaginable eldritch abominations that Will Definitely Kill You. so unless you want to die at the hands of shadow demons, this aint the key for u. Use it as a mantle decoration or something
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archivistsrock · 7 years
"...Bomer, who was decorative in the Magic Mike movies but dug deep as the closeted New York Times reporter in Ryan Murphy's The Normal Heart, gives a performance of real warmth and delicacy. Rather than play Freda as a force of nature or a collection of mannerisms — the typical default modes of actors playing trans women — Bomer renders her fully dimensional: an unpredictable tangle of impulses, by turns defensive and tender. Kylene Steele, a transgender woman, was personal consultant to Bomer.
[This ask is an excerpt from a THR review of Anything - read here]tl;dr – I’m glad this reviewer liked it; that’s still not the main problem; yes, of course I still think Matt is a GREAT human being even though I think that he made a mistake by accepting this role. 
[read more to…read more. Note that I’m a cis female. I always worry that I’m saying something “wrong” or speaking for/over trans people, etc. That’s not my intention at all, but people keep asking for my opinion, so here it is (like does my opinion even matter? Really? No.). Sigh. I’m super worried I’ll say something ignorant, and if I do, please correct me.Also note that I wrote this very stream-of-consciousness, so it might be a big ol’ mess. I didn’t address everything. I’m sure I ramble. Just try to bear with me (if you want).]
And Anon, I’m assuming a few things here because you just cut and pasted part of a review with no commentary of your own. Are you just  seeing if I’ve read it? (I have, but thanks) Are you just happy that the first review we’ve seen is a good one? (I’m pleased, too) Or are you posting this to me as a defense regarding Matt accepting the role, bc you know I’m critical of his decision to play a trans woman? I’m going to  assume it’s option #3, bc tbh it just reads as passive aggressive to me. If I’m wrong and it’s one of the other options, I’m sorry for assuming incorrectly. But I know that there are Matt fans out there with the mentality of, “I hope the movie gets GREAT reviews so everyone who  criticized him will eat their words!” (etc.)I’m sorry, but people who think that just are NOT grasping the main problem people have with casting Matt (cis male) as a trans woman. The main argument wasn’t that Matt would do a shitty job acting because he’s a man. Or that he would be incapable of realistically playing a trans woman without reverting to stereotypes. The main issue is that yet again having a man portray a trans woman sends a message that trans women are really men. Or that they were men “before they became women.” In reality, they are women. They have always been women. They may have “looked like a man” or lived “as a man” for part of their life (because society ugh), but THEY WERE ALWAYS WOMEN. The trouble is that much of society doesn’t grasp or understand this. They still see trans women as men who “decided” to “become” women. This then leads to a lot of violence towards trans people, especially trans women. The stats showing the amount of violence against trans people is staggering. Same goes for trans suicides, including kids. It’s horrible.So I am happy that so far the movie is getting good reviews, including Matt’s performance. Since the movie IS made and IS out there, OF COURSE I’d want it to be good and respectful. I hope it DOES have a positive impact on people who view it. I hope it DOES help bring greater empathy and understanding towards trans people. That would be great. But these goals can still be accomplished if the trans woman character was actually played by a trans woman (or even a cis woman, but this also would have some criticism – albeit less, imo). Any publicity and press done for the film would show the character (Freda) as a WOMAN. More emphasis on the fact that trans women are WOMEN. When (if?) Matt does press for this role, people are going to see a MAN. So people may question, “Why did a man need  to play that role? Are trans women really men first? So are they ACTUALLY men?”Continuing to excuse problematic casting because the movie and portrayal is good is a definite hindrance to progress. “Yes, I can see how this is an issue BUT…” “I agree that trans people should be cast in more roles  BUT…” BUT BUT BUT. WAIT WAIT WAIT. “Trust us,” say the cis people of the world to trans people. “This isn’t a problem for you. This is actually helping! Things will get better! Just keep waiting!” Can’t you see how this would get tiring really fast for trans people? Especially when they view this as actually endangering trans people’s lives? Yes, I KNOW many of you think this is an unfair stretch, but some people TRULY believe this – knowing this, can you blame them for getting so upset? Really, truly, try to think about this from a trans person’s point of view. I know it’s easy to get defensive, and you still don’t have to agree, but can’t you at least see where they’re coming from? “Everyone should be able to play any role!” – Well okay, but in reality everyone ISN’T getting the same opportunity to play any role. (also, this argument is bullshit on other levels, but I’m not going to get more into that here)With regards to Matt getting more criticism than Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto, Eddie Redmayne, etc…Yes, he is (altho the other actors were also critized – this is NOT a completely new issue that only sprang up with Matt and Anything). But that’s how progress works. First no one sees something as an issue (it doesn’t mean it’s NOT an issue, it’s just that most people don’t acknowledge it as one). Then people start to speak up about the issue. Then (hopefully) steps of progress are made.First there are no movies representing trans people. Then there are movies representing trans people, but the roles are played by cis actors. This is progress! We’re bringing attention to trans lives! But then people think, hmm, shouldn’t we stop implying that trans women are really men? Or that trans men are really women? We need to cast trans women in trans women roles/trans men in trans men roles. PROGRESS! And then, hey! Trans women should be able to play cis women and cis women should be able to play trans women! (same with trans and cis men) Progress! (And no…I don’t think the next progressive leap goes back to letting cis men play trans women.)I think Matt is getting more criticism bc we’re entering/at the stage of progress where it’s just becoming more unacceptable for trans women to be portrayed by men. As time goes on, this will become more and more unacceptable (imo). Matt is the latest example, so he’s getting the most criticism. Because progess. In 10 years, maybe no one who claims to be even mildly socially progressive will find it acceptable for cis men to play trans women. If this movie came up 10 years from now, maybe Matt would NEVER accept (or even be offered) the role. As a Matt fan, it sucks to see him criticized. I get it. As someone who’s an advocate for social  progress, it’s nice to see this type of casting get so much criticism. It’s hard to take off your “Matt fan” hat, but sometimes it’s important to do so. We’re all learning; we’re all growing (I can hope). This includes me. This includes Matt. This should include everyone. THAT SAID: Even though I don’t think Matt should have accepted this role, I still think he is a stellar human being. I’m SURE he went into this project with the absolute best intentions. I’m sure he did his best to prepare for this role and to portray Freda with as much authenticity as possible. I’m sure he consulted with trans women in preparation for this role. As the review linked above states, one of the producers of the film is a trans woman and she served as his personal consultant throughout filming. So that’s all great, but it still doesn’t change the fact that he’s another cis male playing a trans woman. Matt has been a great advocate (imo) for the lgbtq community. I 100% don’t think that this decision alone should define him. But I still think it’s a mistake. YOU’RE CAPABLE OF LOVING AND ADMIRING SOMEONE EVEN IF YOU THINK THEY MADE A MISTAKE. No one is perfect, even your celeb idol. And someone making one bad decision doesn’t make them a 100% trash human being. [And OF COURSE I think people telling Matt that he should die, etc.  is TERRIBLE]. I should also say that there are trans people who DON’T have a problem with Matt playing a trans woman. I’m not saying there is an absolute right and wrong on this. I’m definitely not the ultimate moral authority. This is just my personal opinion, formed by listening to various arguments and perspectives. Currently, this is where I fall. This is how I feel about it. I’m open to hearing counter-arguments, especially when they actually try to counter the specific problems I mentioned above (but please try to be polite, I beg of you).  I look forward to hearing what Matt has to say (assuming he ever says  anything about it). My opinion can certainly continue to change and evolve.
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