#i'm sorry beyblade but YOU FUCKED UP BIG TIME
kazumahashimoto · 5 years
oop beyblade analysis
one thing i've noticed about the differences between valt's story vs aiger' story is how the focuses are shifted and i think that's a huge reason in why i don't like s3 very much
valt's story is so obviously fueled by character interactions and relationships and working as a team to build each other up and just being friends with every new face you come across while ALSO having valt's journey into becoming a good blader weaved into that.
aiger's story is focused on blading. he does have a minor storyline about him getting to be closer friends with ranjiro hae-jin laban and xavier but. it's minor. fubuki's friendship is literally thrown out of fucking no where. he goes from not liking them very much to being gone for a while and then coming back like whats up we good now? okay cool :) like. the few friendship scenes we get are cute but aiger's story focuses SO much more on aiger becoming the best blader ALONE.
valt was able to get where he got because of his friends and all the people he bladed along the way. he learned new techniques and moves gradually over two seasons. he had HUGE failures that he had to deal with and learn to get over with the help of his friends.
aiger beat lui within like. fifteen episodes. he beat valt after like 27. honestly his team compesition is enough to show how much more focused his story is on himself than on being friends. the main characters that you are guaranteed to follow around every episode are: aiger, the main character. ranjiro, the best friend character. naru, the little kid who carries a tablet. and finally tobisuki and gumita, which are part of ranjiro's little posse. 3/5 if the main group are,, followers honestly. they have their own personality but essentially their purpose is to talk about how worried/proud/excited for/look up to aiger and ranjiro. they aren't fully fleshed out well rounded characters with their own motive and own drive to get better and improve along with the group.
the other characters that they did introduce, laban xavier and fubuki for example, are not part of the main group. hae-jin got a few episodes with him and then was written off. laban and xavier got a few episodes about them and then were written off. fubuki and toko and nika show up occasionally but always as part of the school or for fubuki he's there to vaguely warn ranjiro about aiger and then leave.
the original bey club had so much personailty like they were all working not only to improve themselves but also help improve everyone else. there was never an absolute answer to who was going to win at any given battle. for the most part they were on equal grounds as skill goes. the most important thing though is they were all their own people. and they stayed. they weren't just there to be written off in a few weeks like the newest rival character, they were valt's FRIENDS and they were all there all, if not nearly all episodes. even in season two when they wrote ken daigo wakiya and shu out the main cast and replaced them with cuza and sisco, cuza and sisco were ALSO there to be their own people while still being valt's friends.
season three just doesn't do that. aiger is almost always guaranteed to win. maybe he won't win the first round or even the first match but he WILL beat your ass into the ground after that. his technique won't really change. maybe he found a new move in his muddled and possessed mind but it' just that. all of his wins are because he's possessed. it's not him really, it's achilles. he doesn't really improve off his friends he just kinda. bursts them until a new rival shows up and then he loses once and bursts them too. wash rinse repeat. that's not to say valt didn't lose and then win against his rivals too, but he did more than just go literally feral and brute force them. he trained with his friends and listened to their advice. aiger doesn't do that.
another comparison is the 100 bey challenge. in season two this is built up to be this incredibly difficult feat that valt was not able to complete his first go around. XANDER SHAKADERA, A LITERALLY WALL OF PURE MUSCLE, HAD A HARD TIME COMPLETING IT. but aiger, scrawny little kid the same size valt was when he did it, was able to do it literally without breaking a sweat. valt's attempt at this was focused on so much more because valt was trying to prove himself to be worthy to see the head of the dojo. aiger's attempt was shoved off as not being anything because his goal is purely focused on himself. he needs to be the best blader there is and he can get there himself. all the people he was blading? they're weak in comparison to him, and therefore they are unimportant to his story.
season three's main focus is power. how much more powerful can aiger get, how powerful is this new rival, how much power do the demon brothers have, how much power can aiger get from achilles before he goes full possession and becomes achilles.
valt's story was focused on friendship and how far they could get together.
i guess it's up to the viewer to decide which they prefer but all i'm saying is
beyblade hire me i can write your shit better than you
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intearsaboutrobots · 2 years
sorry if you've been asked about this before but i just stumbled across your blog & was wondering if you have any advice for someone who wants to get into wrestling/aew? like where to start and what (& where) to watch? i've been strolling through your wrestling tag & i'm very intrigued :D
hi hello! i have a few answers to this question, which are going to reflect my scattered way of watching wrestling. i hope some or all of them are helpful to you!
where to start (aew): the cm punk/mjf feud. this is what got me (back) into pro wrestling! if you've been on my blog you've for sure seen gifs of the (in)famous dog collar match - obviously great - and it's some of the best wrestling storytelling i've ever seen. where to watch: there's a complete recap of it on youtube which is a good summary! it also has the dates/shows that the matches were on, so if you search that on a website with a more (ahem) robust selection of wrestling matches like bilibili you can find the full versions, or watch on fite.tv further notes: if you watch this and want more, i highly recommend punk's feud from like 2003 against raven in ring of honor. the mjf feud references that era of punk's career a lot (that's one of the cool things abt wrestling - the stories are being told by wrestlers aka people who are big nerds abt wrestling, so they naturally reference and build on older stories). the iconic punk/raven dog collar match is on youtube BUT if you have the inclination and the free time i do recommend finding the match list and watching them in order on bilibili* bc the dog collar match hits very different when you watch all the promos and build up. hmu and i can probably find the match list that i watched if you want! *i would recommend roh's official website that i pay money to every month but it doesn't actually have everything uploaded and also its broken on me multiple times. roh get it together, your website sucks sooo bad
where to start (wrestling): honestly there's a lot of cool stuff on youtube! here's some of my favourite matches (and promos): - (motor city machine guns reform) / mcmg vs beyblade / mcmg vs beyblade rematch: mcmg is my favourite tag team of all time and these matches fucking rule. also the promo is necessary mostly to see how unbearably dorky chris sabin is <333 - (adam page calls kota ibushi a homewrecker) / adam page vs kota ibushi: this match WHIPS, it's fast-paced and intense and showcases how incredibly talented these two wrestlers are <3 - (this jay white promo): i have not seen the matches that are context for this but it's just a great and very emotional promo - manami toyota vs akira hokuto: this is a rabbithole i haven't gone down that far yet but 90s japanese women's wrestling RULES and this match is INTENSE
where to start (wrestling) (bonus second answer): look up your local indies! ymmv depending on where you're located, but i found a really fun promotion near me with cheap-ish tickets, and live wrestling is like Unbelievably fun further notes: if possible, i recommend looking up old footage from the promotion before you go. the first show i went to had an unpleasant interlude of a tag team whos gimmick was just like, transphobia :PP so i don't go to that promotion anymore!! and i did a little more research before i went to another show.
i hope this helps <3 i think my final note would be that wrestling as a story is designed so that you can jump in anywhere and commentary will catch you up on backstory, so don't be shy abt starting on a random match and seeing where you go from there! have fun!
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@cayde-6 is my Destiny blog so if that replies to you instead of this one then that's why.
Edit: To those who want to be assholes about me thirsting over fictional characters y'all must be fun at parties, like is it a crime to like something because y'all seems to think so. Yes I know damn well that not a single one of them would even tell me the time of day but I don't have any chance in real life so let me fucking dream.
Also Adler is one of the tamer characters I thirst over.
Update 11/3/21
For those having an anxiety/panic attack I am completely open to helping distract you via DM, Discord or even Xbox/a crossplay game.
People who are under the age of 18 years old, I thought about it and I highly apologize but I really struggle with having no filter, I am sorry but I can't. I'm positive there's others in this community who will happily talk to you but I don't want to stress myself out watching what I say because it's one thing to slip up in front another adult but I internally beat myself up for slipping up in front of kids, I don't need to get anxiety when you're the one that needs to be calmed down
Anyone 18+ y'all have full range of things but if your uncomfortable with swearing let me know so I can senor myself as best as possible (warning I will slip, I have basically zero filter).
List of games I own, all on Xbox One:
Various Call of Duty games (Great at zombies, okay at Warzone and it's clones, I haven't played regular PvP for a long time.
Destiny 1 and 2 (Raids and Grandmasters are a if I feel like it and usually I don't, but don't be afraid to ask because while I suck at them I'm a Titan main that is all terrain and have almost all the exotics. Sorta okay at Trials of Osiris, Gambit I'm a Dredgen with a 6 times gilded title. Normal Crucible I'm decent with but not sweat level.
Minecraft, Minecraft Xbox One Edition I can play console's hard mode without sound if that gives any experience of how I am. Online realms I never went onto. Xbox one Edition snow and flying I was horrible at.
Green Hell (This one I'm good at and currently have saves at day 20+ except for one that got just broke somehow.)
Ark Survival Evolved (I got over my trauma but I have stupidly bad luck with tames.)
Games I can download as they're already in my Xbox, can download free games in Xbox store too. I don't know if all of these are multiplayer because I game share with my dad and he's the one who's download most of these so be aware I probably don't know how to play.
I almost own all Resident Evil games and I believe the only one I currently don't have is Code Veronica.
Elder Scrolls Online. I'm a tank Nord and can run a few things before my carpal tunnel kicks in.
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links
Battlefield 4
NHL 19
Madden 16
Madden 18
NBA 2K 20
Neverwinter (whichever update it's on)
Red Dead Redemption II
Smite (whichever update it's on)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
There a few more but I believe they're single player.
Interests are: Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural (have stopped on season 9), Doctor Who (need to watch 12's last episode then start 13's), Five Nights at Freddy's, Warrior Cats books by Erin Hunter, Voltron (no ships please), World War II, Spirit Animals book series from scholastic (need to finish series 1 and 2), art, Jurassic Park/World, Power Rangers, Team Fortress 2, Digimon, Naruto (haven't watched them all, only watched a handful of Baruto episodes).
I like the Disney Twitches movies, the Lion King movies (know a bit about The Lion Guard). I do like the Cars movies.
Am familiar with the MLP that just ended with Twilight Sparkle but haven't seen all the episodes, I usually play where's Doctor Whooves (the pony version of The Doctor from Doctor Who.)
I collect crystals because pretty rock is pretty.
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