#i'm so proud of you for wanting to keep pushing forward!!!! <333
[Sorry I took so long, I literally had to wrangle some chickens and ended up passing out but I'm here now and I hope you enjoy this idea brought on by vampire/cowboy post :] I've never actually written vampire-related-anything so please lemme know if there's something you didn't like, or if I crossed any boundaries! /genuine]
After your surgery, I'm practically beaming at how proud of you I am that you've made it this far, and gone through this step in your transition. I'm always encouraging you to drink water when you get home, giving you kisses anytime I come back inside from working around the house, curling up on the couch to watch movies so you don't get lonely with not being able to do much.
But I can't help it. I can see it in the tubes and smell it in your bandages, the iron-tinged scent thats making me yearn even though I know better than to ask for it, especially when you're recovering. It would be wrong... right?
That is until you've wiped my mind one evening on the couch, coherent thoughts hardly there when you're kissing me and eagerly biting at my lips. Making me whimper as you grind down on the bulge in my jeans, whispering about all the filthy, rough things you want me to do to you, knowing full well I won't while you're healing. That I'm too gentle when it comes to you.
I try to reason with you that you can ride me, just steadily thrusting into you from below. That we can just do that and keep you comfortable, and at first you seem very happy with the idea. Letting me pull my cock out of my pants and tenderly helping you out of your shorts so that I can line us up.
But you don't give me any signal. No nod or go ahead. Just staring at me with devious intent as I realize with dread that you're not going to give me permission. I whine and rub the tip against your entrance in a desperate attempt to sway you, 'please, please, I need you' tumbling from my mouth so easily.
But then you tilt your head back, and give me a wicked smile. "Then bite. I know the way you've been looking at me, so go ahead."
We both know this you trying to get me to go harder on you, and unfortunately for me, it's working. I'm suddenly realizing how dry my mouth is, and your skin looks so soft...
I hesitate but lean forward anyways, slowly pushing my fangs against your neck. I try to convince myself the age old "just the tips" but the second I taste you on my tongue, all sense clouds over and my mind is foggy with the image of you, my bite completely sinking in.
Hearing you cry out a breathy "Yes!" is all I need to grab your hips and push you down onto my cock, growling into your shoulder. Lifting you up and down at my own pace, nipping new marks carelessly into your skin to lick up more invaluable blood. Hungrily kissing you and smearing red all over you lips, just desperate to feel any bit of you. Breeding you full, over and over again, until it's just spilling out because you could hold no more. Delirous to know that you're all mine, and no one elses.
By the time I've come back from my infatuation, you're slumped against me, tired and overstimulated, and I'm rubbing circles in your back mindlessly. Before I'd let you fall asleep, I'd help clean up and bandage your new wounds, constantly telling you to drink water to help resupply yourself. Wrapping you up in a blanket and letting you get some well needed sleep.
- 💗
HJGJFHDHDHDJHMFH????? oh wow i am. thinking thoughts.
first of all lovely writing and I am kissing you on the mouth for it thank you
second of all. UM LITERALLY NEED THIS??? getting bit and railed PLUS the sweetness??? the aftercare???? gorgeous incredible amazing breathtaking
overall. brain thoroughly melted this is so hot. thank you sweet anon I am literally going to make out with you
(I hope you don’t mind me putting this up!! it’s VERY good writing I am <333 over it, BUT I will private the post if u prefer it, let me know mwah)
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inkykeiji · 4 years
i piss myself off so bad because i have these amazing ideas in my head, but when it comes to execution i feel so let down..mainly just because i can’t word things correctly. like don’t get me wrong, i’ve always been very good at english and writing yadayadayada but for some reason it just looks like just words on a page? like i only feel like that when i try to write in a y/n perspective and i drive myself up the fucking walls. it’s so frustrating experiencing trial and error over and over again but i’m just the type of person that if i’m not good at something immediately, i’ll literally give up. but hopefully i’ll just push through this rocky patch and i’ll finally be happy with some of my own work, because at the end of the day, seeing something you made and actually being happy just feels so rewarding. but with all that, i’d just like to thank you for being one of my biggest inspirations! your play on words gives me a brain orgasm, so thank you for the constant serotonin!! have a stupendoussssss weekend lovely
hi anon <33
i’m so sorry to hear that, and i want you to know that we have all been there. you are absolutely not alone in that struggle, and every single writer (and creator in general!) has gone through what you’re going through in one way or another (and we continue to go through similar things, such as writers block/art block, or being extremely unsatisfied with your work regardless of how much you rework it. it’s a part of creating in general!! i just hope that this brings you some level of comfort, even if it’s teeny tiny, to know that you are not alone and this is normal!!!). writing in second person can be difficult!!
i’m only curious and throwing suggestions out there, but have you thought about/tried writing from the character’s point of view instead??? what i mean by that is, you still keep the whole ‘you’/reader aspect, written in second person, but instead of being inside of the readers head, you’re inside of the character’s head. does that make sense??? i did it a lot with the first part of break my bones!! i just know that some writers find it easier to write in second person pov if they’re, in a way, writing from the character’s pov instead!!
please, sweetpea, please i urge you to keep pushing through it. you are so so SO right in that, it’s literally the best feeling when you look at something you’ve made and feel proud or accomplished!!! so yes, use that as motivation to continue moving forward!!! the best way to learn is by doing, so please please please keep writing, even if you hate every single word.
i know this is cliche and you hear it literally aaaaaall the time but it really is true; we are our own worst and harshest critics. i could take any one of my fics and give you a list of things i don’t like/want to work on and improve. i’m not quite sure anyone is ever 100% satisfied with their work; because even though i am extremely proud of the work i’ve posted on here, i can still pick out bits and pieces that i don’t like or want to improve. because art (any form) is endless in the sense that there will always be something new to learn and something to improve on; in other words, you never stop improving—you’ll never stop improving.
you are always going to be able to see the flaws better than anyone else, because this is YOUR creation. it’s your baby!!! but just because there are flaws and things you don’t like about it, doesn’t mean it isn’t good, or valuable, or important!! it is!!!!!! nothing is perfect, and nothing ever will be. it’s a hard fact to accept (at least for me it is!!) but it’s an important thing to keep in mind (going back to the endless improvement point above; this is how i try to look at it, that there’s always room to improve and become even better, instead of looking at it negatively like ‘oh nothing will ever be perfect’ yk what i mean?).
hopefully this doesn’t come off as preachy because that is NOT the way i intend for it to sound at all, i can just tell you’re a very passionate individual and i want you to continue working at and improving your craft, even if it’s just for fun!! and thank you so very much for your kind words, i am honoured and flattered to be one of your inspirations <3 i love u very much and i support you in your writing journey!!
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dolliedarlin · 3 years
hello hello hello!
how are you doing? happy wednesday! i told myself i was gonna try to message as much as i can when i’m free so here i am :)
how has school been? are exams done? how did you do? have you been able to keep up with projects/ homework? i’m sure you have, i have so much faith in you and i believe you are always doing things to the best of your ability :)
where i live right now is under a huge snowstorm and they think we may get up to 23 inches of snow. it’s a little scary but they cancelled school and other things so i’m trying to see it as time to work on homework and do some things i haven’t had time to do in a while. i’ve finished all of my homework but one english assignment, but i’m feeling a little burnt out so i’ve decided to call it a night.
the last few days have been kind of interesting lately, especially in the romance department (👀). i have a science class and have caught a cute guy looking at me a few times and i’m curious to see if that shall turn into a friendship. i’ve also been working towards getting over feelings for someone else for the last few months. it is difficult to do when they’re still technically in your life, but you never received closure over what happened. i’m hoping that things are going well for them, and i’ve decided it’s time to move on and be happier myself as well. it was a more difficult decision than i’m willing to admit, but i just want everyone to get the chance to be happy.
i’ve been working towards building up my own confidence and i’ve been working on a journey of self love lately. it has been a lot more difficult than i thought it would be as i had to do a lot of inner work and processing over situations and things. i am a lot happier than i was, but it is still a difficult journey for me to travel on. nonetheless, i will keep pushing to be the best version of me i can be :)
i hope you’ve been doing well lately and i look forward to hearing from you once more.
lots of love,
liv <3
liv, my love! hello again!
you're so sweet, thank you for always messaging me, i always love seeing you in my inbox -^7^-
i've been doing alright, thank you! my exams are over for the previous semester/teaching block, which i believe i did okay on, i'm just glad it's finally over. but now i'm in the new semester and have an additional module on imaging with a portfolio to hand in for. it's daunting but is more fun than i originally thought, despite the extra work. all i need to do is just stay on top of the content so that i don't get overwhelmed when the time comes to hand in my portfolio for it
i can't believe you think so highly of me, that warms my heart, thank you so much! i think the same of you too! you're always so hardworking and kind and considerate and all the good everyone should be made of! i hope only good things come to you <3
good job on seeing the silver lining in things and making the most out of a bad situation, i'm so proud of you for doing so much! well done, dollface! i hope you got a good night's rest after all that hard work -^7^-
oooo~ romance you say?~ i hope that blossoms into something more for you soon, but not too quickly ;) and just in time for valentines day too~ oh la laaa~ ;)))
my god, can you be any more perfect of a person? you're so selfless and kind, i hope you know that all the people who know you are so incredibly blessed to have such a beautiful person in their life. not everything is about finding that special someone but i really hope that you get that fairy tale happy ending bc you're literally a modern day disney princess <333
im so so happy for you, oh my goodness, not everyone is brave enough or has the endurance for such an arduous endeavour but i applaud you for braving it out and taking those steps to take better care of yourself and yourself up to your true potential! it's a hard journey but it's certainly a very rewarding one. you're very inspiring, you're pushing me to take that step myself! lets see what i can do from this burst of inspiration you've given me!
i can't wait to hear back from you too, hopefully things keep looking up for you, dollface!
all my love,
dollie x
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elysianslove · 4 years
OH THEY'RE LIKE THIS....MATTE BRONZE-Y THING...you'd think with how much i draw i would actually know how to describe colors well but n o p e. but yeah that's how i'd describe it, my grandma saw it and was like "isn't this old, why does it look rusty" PLS
tsumu w glasses!!!!!!!!! is very hot!!!! sexy!!!!!!! i'm heating up just thinking about it!!!!! i was v thirsty for osamu today but then i remembered this and. and. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 tsumu 🤲 i want tsumie 🤲🤲🤲
also that sucks, esp since it was out of ur control >:( i'd be pissed;;; but also i hope you don't beat urself too much over it :( i'm sure you can still pull ur grades up next time!! also maybe ur profs should be more considerate in case things like that happen again </3 BUT YAY I'M GLAD IT WENT WELL FOR YOU!!! will u have time to rest a bit now?? hopefully u do, i feel like you've been pretty busy :o please do sleep once u have free time!!!!!!!!! make that headache go away!!!! shoo shoo
ALSO LIKE I SAID BEFORE PLS RANT AWAY...I LOVE READING WHAT U HAVE TO SAY!!!!! PLEASE KEEP DOING IT!!! and my day was,,,kinda okay, tho ngl i'm a bit irritated bc uh it's our first day holding classes for this one subject and our professor basically had us do a research paper 😃 which was due on the same day 😃 thankfully though i have great friends and it was a group project but still!!!!! it's literally the first day and we have other classes too, but we ended up using most of our time working on that 😔 it just sucks because i was looking forward to drawing today but alas </3
anw ily miss sal and i rly hope you're taking care of yourself!! this got super long again i hate myself omg 💀 —🦊
pls your glasses sound so beautiful <3333 they’d go so well with tsumu, esp cause his eyes <3333 
but yeah that thing that happened w my quiz really did suck, but my professor is really kind and is trying her best to try to think up something to help us make this up somehow. ALSO ???? A RESEARCH PAPER??? DUE ON THE SAME DAY??? pls research is so hectic you never realize just how time consuming it is until you have to do it </3 so i feel for you, and i’m v sorry, but i’m still very proud you pushed through!!! and it’s okay, just give yourself a pat on the back for being hella productive n working on ur assignment <333
and i have been pretty busy :((( which sucks because i really really wanna write and come interact with you guys but by the time i’m done with all my work i’m literally zapped and drained of all energy and mental will to do ANYTHING it’s so exhausting i swear :( doesn’t help that i’m a huge workaholic that i can completely forget to do basic things to take care of myself like literally will forget that i haven’t eaten in over 15 hrs 🧍🏻‍♀️ PLS IM RAMBLING AGAIN IM SORRY 
anyways i love you so much more and i hope you’ve been taking care of yourself too!!! also never complain for any of your asks being long i love you and talking to you sfm >:( <3333
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