#i'm so happy for you momo. please dont die.
necle · 2 years
This is a week long overdo and I know the next episode is going to air tomorrow, but I need to go off just how in awe I am with Momo last episode.
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Not only did he meet with an 'enemy' group member that could have been a trap, he went out of his way to protect him. He played the bad guy when Ryo found them out from Touma's mistake, despite it jeopardizing Re:vale's plan and his own safety.
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Like even if the "mad dog" couldn't physically take on those bodyguards, I still think Momo could have maybe escaped if he squeezed through and ran away. He could even fairly argue he was not involved and leave it to Touma to deal with (not that Ryo would have accepted that anyways). But he didn't. He went along Ryo quietly and without a fight, because if he didn't, it would have left Touma to face Ryo's wrath and consequences. He even tried to 'dismiss' Touma from this so he wouldn't have to deal with the brunt of it. And this was for a group that was antagonizing RTI for most of this cour and last cour.
(Yes Re:vale did offer their phone number to him and they did know Touma from before. But to jump in and deflect the blame too?)
Not to mention this scene:
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I think Momo brought up the potential of Yuki noticing and arriving on purpose. Sure, maybe there was a low off chance Ryo would back down if he knew he would get caught. But if Momo hadn't given Ryo the heads up and Yuki did come to check in on Momo in his apartment, Ryo might have panicked and do something more drastic towards Yuki and drag him into it as pointy knife scene round 2 . Momo bringing it up now where Ryo calm and under control not only leads Ryo to calmly use a less drastic means to handle that situation if it were to occur (even if its not ideal either), it also redirects Ryo's focus to go after Momo instead of Yuki. (Yes, Momo and Ryo use the word "police" here. But Ryo may not know yet that Yuki had stormed in with a bat to save Momo before. So I think Momo was trying to be mindful not give hints of the possibility that Yuki may be the one confronting him. He used 'police' instead so he wouldn't think of any special means to deal with Yuki.)
To add on: Others have pointed out that Momo's usual earrings represents how he feels himself in regards to Re:vale (Banri and Yuki on top, himself on the bottom). But in this current set of earrings, his red earring is completely on a separate ear, away from the "Yuki" (and "Banri") earring. He's only worn these earrings a handful times. The key times being: 1)
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The day he thought he and Yuki would be officially splitting for good (Day 3 of the Zero Arena Inauguration concert)
2) this episode... where he is actually physically separated from Yuki now that he is trapped in his place alone because of Ryo. (He also wore it when he first gives his contact info to Touma. Which also connects nicely to this episode when Touma does use it the meet up with)
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(funny enough they are both wearing the same outfits too)
obviously for both instances in 2., Momo was not wearing those earrings intentionally in that I don't think he expected to get captured like this. Just that it was an unfortunate coincidence (well played i7)
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Lesson 1;5: Something's Wrong
Basics here!
Part 1! Part 2! Part 3! Part 4!
Also please let me know if you would like to be tagged when more parts come out✨🕺
"What did I tell you, huh?! Everything's gone into absolute chaos and its all thanks to this stupid program!" A developer cried out, it had barely been a month since their little game's release and it was already a disaster, with allegations that their little program had a mind of its own and was causing trouble...
"Calm down, calm down, they probably just made it up like some spooky story... Just watch, it'll all die down soon. Remember, we can delete if its that bad, got it?" Replied the other.
"... Got it..." The first one sighed reluctantly.
Little did they know that someone was listening and they were not happy about it...
Its been a few days since Dell first received the USB, they've been trying to adapt to the inconveniences brought by it...
Their screen would glitch out and show static which would make them have to quickly restart themselves, their speakers would randomly turn on and off forcing them to just not use them anymore, sometimes they'd just shut off out of nowhere, it was a nightmare...
As much as Dallas tried to fix some of it, harshly yanking out the USB certainly didnt help...
At this point, Dallas feels defeated, he knows he can't fix Dell by himself. He realizes he needs to swallow his pride and ask someone who knows the subject better than he does to have a shot at properly fixing Dell...
You see, Dallas' never aimed to hurt Dell, he just wanted him to stay quiet. But of course, viruses don't work that way...
So with a deep sigh and some reluctance, he grumbles to himself as he makes his way to Momo and Roan.
"D-Dallas?" Momo asked "I-Is everything okay?"
Dallas huffed "... I need your help to take Dell to Ignihyde..."
"Momo fucking told you so-" Roan blurted out
"R-Roan! D-Don't say that!" Momo cried
"Are you gonna help me take the stupid giant box to Ignihyde or not?!" Said Dallas, a bit embarrassed and angry
Roan sighed "... Fine... But only cause if you tried to push Dell's box-screen by yourself, you'd probably push it over and break it."
Despite Dell's silent protests, the three of them try to push Dell's screen into Ignihyde together.
I'm alright! Honest! I can fix my system on my own!
Dell really didn't want fellow classmates to worry about them, so they tried their best to reassure them.
"I don't think so, it's been going on for a while..." Roan says "Besides, who knows what type of malware that thing had"
"What the hell are you first years doing?!" Questioned a residing student, in a bit of an accusatory tone.
"E-Eek!" Momo squeaked out before hiding behind Dell's box, the student seems to make her nervous...
"We're trying to get someone to fix this thing" Dallas admitted, in a rather sour tone
"Are you from this dorm?" Roan questioned.
"Well DUH! I have it on my uniform!..." The student mumbled something to himself, it clearly wasnt in a language Roan could understand...
"Good, can you help us fix Dell then?" Roan asked "Momo said that this dorm was good with technology or something along those lines"
Momo squeaked nervously at the mention of them...
"Momo"?... Wait a second, you're all part of the new first years, aren't you?"
"DUH! Idiot!" Dallas yelled out, matching the accusatory tone of earlier "If we weren't, we'd already know who to ask to help this thing or whatever!"
"About that... What's your name? It's kinda unfair you seem to know ours from that ceremony disaster thing but we dont know anything about you" Roan says
"Right... You can call me Kenzo, Kenzo Matisse" The dark-skinned student says.
"Great, now are you gonna help us with this stupid machine thing or what?" Dallas remarks in a snappy tone
Kenzo thinks to himself for a bit "... Hmmm... I suppose my whole dorm would be mad at me if I didn't, considering Dell goes here too... Eh, fine, we can try to see what's wrong with em"
"Th-Th... Thank you... M-Mister..." Momo squeaked out.
"Don't say anything just yet, I don't even know if I can fix them!" Kenzo remarked.
Kenzo plugs in a few cables into Dell's box, who seems quite nervous about the situation.
Wait wait wait! Im unsure if this is a good idea!
Words on the screen quickly flashed, Kenzo doesn't seem to pay attention to them.
"Don't be scared of the cables! You'll live! I hope..." Kenzo says as he plugs in one of the cables into his computer
Kenzo, I dont think-
Commencing system shut down...
They were the last words on Dell's screen before it went pitch black... Kenzo quickly gets to work, typing away at the screen to get a look into Dell's code in an attempt to try and see what's wrong.
Momo seems concerned, nervously holding her sleeves as she looks down at the ground.
"Momo, don't worry, Dell's gonna be fine" Roan tried to reassure her...
Dallas, on the other hand, still seems to be in denial that it's his fault, nervously scratching at his sleeve.
"Its not your fault... No, it could never be your fault..." He mumbled to himself "It was the fault of the person who gave that damn thing to you!... But... I don't know who it was..."
"Dallas?... Are you worried about Dell too?" Roan asked.
Dallas' eyes widen a bit "Me?! Worried?! In your fucking dreams, asshole!" He snapped at him.
Unbeknownst to them, Kenzo's computer was starting to heat up just by trying to even process the code.
"Almost there... Just gotta... Type in this thing..." Kenzo muttered to himself before letting out a scream and having to shield himself from the computer.
All plans were put to a stop when Kenzo's computer screen exploded, causing bits of it to scatter all over the floor and smoke to come pouring out of it.
Momo fearfully squeaked and hid behind Roan at the sound of it as Roan, Dallas and Kenzo collectively stared in surprise. On Dell's screen, you could only see a pair of eyes glaring hatefully at them as red text was displayed at the bottom.
Dell doesn't seem to like people touching their coding...
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