#i'm so glad most of these are shot waist up the pants and shoes are killing me
discluded · 1 year
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His Handsome Princely CEO vibes are next level... yes...close that deal, daddy 🥵
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jester089 · 9 months
This is something rather new. To me and this tumblr. We'll see how it goes.
I just wanna try writing something for the backrooms as it's a really cool concept and I want take a shot at it.
It's been a boring day. You're casually walking down a road, occasional cars passing by. By normal standards it's a lovely day out , sunny, warm bordering on hot, slight breeze.
Despite that you feel, weird. Not bad weird, but definitely not good weird. You've been feeling really lonely today. Must be something you ate. You spot a park not far ahead, once again not a single person insight.
You decide to take a pit stop and sit down in one of the many benches there. You sit down the back of the bench giving way before you can react.
You hit the ground harder then expected from that short a fall then sit and rub your temples. It smells like chlorine now... The ground is cold, and porcelain? You open you eyes to see you're in a public pool!
You stand up legs slightly wobbly, you look up to a completely normal roof. No holes or anything... How did... Where is...
"Ok, ok. Don't freak out, think logically. I was just in a public park, on a sunny day. It was a quiet and boring. I went to sit in a bench then the back broke, I think. I felt like I was falling, and now I'm here...
Did I knock myself unconscious then get kidnapped? Why would I be in a pool then?! Fuck it I'll find out later."
You grab your phone, choose a direction, and start walking.
Been a while now, around an hour give or take a little. By now you've started recording all this on your phone cause it's weird, and talking to the recording makes you feel a little less crazy.
"Nothing but seemingly endless pools, water sources that never run out, endlessly deep pools, endlessly tall roofs. It doesn't make sense.
A place like this shouldn't be possible, and even if it is it would cost a fortune."
You peak into yet another small tiled hole in the wall that goes farther then the light does. This weird architecture and the silence accompanied by nothing but your footsteps and the water shifting around you are starting to drive you crazy.
After walking for a while longer you're forced onto a single path, in the water. It's around waist deep and looks clean enough. You've kept out of the water so far but, not much choice now.
You take off your shoes and socks, roll up your pants as far as they'll go, then hop in being careful to keep your shoes and phone in your hands and above the water.
You trudge through the water eventually walking into a giant room with tall ceilings and natural light beaming in! You climb out of the water and a breather before looking up at the windows. A way out.
Most are out of reach but one has some stairs leading to it. Weird sure but you aren't about to complain. You give yourself a little more time to breath, collect yourself, and dry off.
After taking some time to relax while having some music play out of your phone you check to see if your feet are dry. Once you're sure they are you put your socks and shoes back on then unroll your pants.
Standing up you start recording again. You flip the camera so it's facing you and talk to it.
"Well this a, weird experience. Glad it's over if I'm being honest. I was starting to worry that I wasn't ever gonna get out.
To my friends that are probably watching this in the future, we should come back as a group and explore this place more. It was a little scary, but this place is cool."
You do a little peace sign and a silly face then shut off the recording. Once you're phone is safely in your pocket you walk over to the staircase leading up to the window.
The staircase is long and covered in water but nothing you haven't dealt with yet. You carefully climb them staying away from the un-guard railed edge.
Peering outside your once again met by a view that shouldn't be possible. This building, this pool house, is floating?
You're in a a giant, floating not physically possible building! A building that is floating in an endless sky speckled with clouds!!!
And the sky looks fake! Nothing is moving or changing and it's weird looking. Kind of like a sky png from an old game. The sunlight isn't even coming from anything...
You take a surprised step back almost falling off the stairs. You stare out at the fake sky while your breathing gets progressively faster. You shakily sit down on the stairs and do your best to calm down.
After recovering from the initial shock you stand up and walk back over to the windowless window frame. You plant a hand on the wall and carefully lean over the edge slightly to look straight down just to find more empty png sky.
You shakily take a step back and sit back down on the tiled stairs, thinking about what the fuck is going on. And how, you probably aren't going to get out of this insane place.
"Where am-... How did-... This feels like a weird dream, mixed with the feeling of being here before... Maybe if I keep walking I'll find some food. Then I'll be able to survive till someone else comes along...
No, no. Don't be dumb. Be realistic. You're in a floating endless public pool that is in a equally endless sky that looks fake. Things haven't been following normal laws of the universe.
Their probably isn't anyone else in here with me. I don't even know if there's an exit. I just gotta... I just gotta stay calm. Maybe I'll get lucky."
You take a deep breath then check your phone. It's got around half it's battery left and you don't have a way to charge it, so you power it down.
You take just a little more time to collect yourself before standing up and getting ready to start moving again. You peak out the window one more time then walk away.
(I'm kinda proud of this one tbh. So I was probably going to continue this and turn it into a story. I have an idea of where to take it too. Would yall like that or nah?)
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deja-you · 3 years
m. de lafayette x reader
chapter four | champagne and sunsets
summary: it was never your intent to be anything more than a common thief, but fate—and a rather attractive general—have other plans for you.
word count: 2.5k
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The expression the receptionist makes when she hands over the key to the honeymoon suite is a little too suggestive, but other than that, you find that Ambros is a rather lovely planet. The high ceilings and gilded artwork on the walls of the hotel you were staying at were a mere microcosms for the glistening planet itself, rich off tourists and natural minerals. You had a brief amount of time to read up on the history of the planet from a pamphlet at the front desk while Lafayette was checking in.
The elevator ride to the twelfth floor is quick, and you and Lafayette carry your luggage to room 1215. With the slide of the key, the door swings open and you take in the sight before you. The room is spacious with large windows and a balcony facing out over the rose-colored sea. There's a large king-sized bed that takes up most of the space, rose petals strewn over the sheets. Romantic.
A golden bottle of champagne sits in an ice bucket calling out to you. You drop your bags to the floor and make your way to the champagne where you find a small note from the hotel congratulating you and Lafayette on your wedding. You stifle a laugh and brandish the bottle for Lafayette to see.
"Free champagne," you grin.
Lafayette raises an eyebrow. "Starlight, we're working. This isn't a vacation."
You roll your eyes. "I'm aware, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun. Congress is paying for the room, we really shouldn't let that money go to waste, right?"
He gives you a pointed look. "Your logic is flawed."
You sigh and put the bottle back down into the bucket; maybe you'll revisit the idea of opening the bottle of alcohol if he is going to be so uptight for the entire mission.
"I'm going to go scout the area," you mutter to him, coming up with an excuse to leave your shared living area. It's probably a good idea to memorize the layout anyway. You barely register Lafayette's response as you begin to explore the resort.
There are two entire floors dedicated just to the casino, and you make a note to yourself to check them out before you leave. A few restaurants: fine dining on the lower levels, small cafes toward the middle of the building, and a bar on one of the top observation decks. There are many attractions your hotel offers, and you decide to check out the conservatory on the twenty-ninth floor.
It's rather busy around this time of day, but the conservatory is expansive enough that you can walk around freely without bumping elbows with anyone. Walking from section to section, you slyly listen to bits and pieces of conversation hoping to pick up a lead on your target. Some time passes and realizing that you've examined a starfire flower one too many times, you decide it's time to search somewhere else.
In the elevator, you catch sight of the label "pool" on the highest level and don't think twice before pushing the button. Moments later, the elevator has shot into the sky, and with a ding, the doors roll open to reveal the light purple of the twilight sky. The weather is just right when you step out onto the roof, the warm climate of the planet combatted nicely with the early evening breeze.
Most guests are attending dinner at this time or going to see a show in one of the many theaters, so the pool deck is all yours for the taking. It's been a long day for you, so you think you deserve a little bit of self-indulgence. Removing your shoes, you sit down by the pool that seems to stretch on forever, reflecting the sky on its calm surface, and you dip your feet into the tranquil waters. Closing your eyes, you allow yourself to soak in the peace of the moment.
It feels like an eternity, but when you open your eyes and see that the sun has hardly moved from its low place in the sky, you know you haven't been up here too long. You hear the sound of the elevator doors opening and immediately you tense up in annoyance that someone would come to bother your solitude. You're about to pull your legs out of the water when the intruder speaks.
"I had a feeling I'd find you up here."
You turn your head slightly to see Lafayette walking toward you. You relax a bit. Once he approaches your side, he sits down next to you, and to your surprise, he rolls up his pant legs and dips his feet into the water beside you.
"Found any leads yet?" He asks.
You hum a response and shake your head. "No. You?"
"Nothing on out target, but I'm pretty sure there's a young cardshark in the casino that's been conning wealthy guests out of their money," he says.
This makes you smile a little. "Good for them. I used to do similar work."
"I'm just going to assume you mean working in a casino and not being a con-artist."
“What? We met because I decided to con you; are you not a fan of the business?” You lightly nudge his shoulder with your own as you tease him.
“Starlight, it’s illegal,” he points out.
“Only if you get caught.”
“But you did get caught.”
You purse your lips. “Yes, because I saved your life. You wouldn’t have ever found me if I didn’t have that one moral lapse of judgement.”
“Moral lapse of judgement?”
“Mm, yes,” you hum, “I was quite successful looking out for myself and making a living. It’s a shame I suddenly felt a sense of conviction and decided to save your life.”
Lafayette snorts at this. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you had a change of heart.”
You study his face in the dying light, pushing down the butterflies in your stomach that inevitably appear when he gives you that sideways smile. In this quiet moment, you take the time to admire the golden lines that run from his ears up the side of his forehead, intricately linking and marking him as Franco nobility. You want to memorize them and draw the patterns on your own skin; they’re beautiful. Before he can see that you’ve been staring, you look away, eyes falling to the reflections in the pool. You’re happy to be here now with him.
“For what it’s worth, I’m glad, too.”
When the last of the daylight finally leaves the sky, Lafayette stands to his feet and offers you a hand. You accept, pulling yourself up to your full height. It's too cold to stay on the rooftop any longer, so the two of you step into the elevator and press the button for your room number.
The elevator ride is uneventful, and when you get to your floor, the cool evening air greets you once again. The wide halls of your floor have open walls, large columns are wedged between the floor and the ceiling. You and Lafayette lazily walk down the hall, not in a rush to be anywhere. There are a few other guests meandering about in the open air, and that's when you spot the group of New Britannia soldiers making their way down the hall.
Ambros is such a lovely planet, you nearly forget it's currently New Britannia territory in a bordering system. Troops of soldiers police the planet, checking credentials and arresting anyone they suspect have ties to the United Planets of Amerigo.
The troops are making their way down the hall, speaking with guests occasionally and checking their papers. Your heart begins to thrash against the walls of your ribcage as they get nearer. Lafayette bares the markings of Franco nobility, and Francosia has been known to sympathize with Amerigo.
In a split second, you've made up your mind.
Taking Lafayette's hand in yours, you pull him over to a column, adjusting the both of you to where you are placed with your back to the pillar and Lafayette in front of you. You guide his hands to your waist, and while he looks a bit bewildered, he allows your movements. Your hands reach up to cup either side of his face, your fingers deliberately covering up the golden markings on his face. You pull him closer so you are standing cheek to cheek as you hear the soldiers’ footsteps get closer.
“Just go along with it until they’re gone,” you whisper into his ear, smiling against his skin as if you’re saying something scandalous.
His eyes flicker to the soldiers with a look of realization before looking back to you. You press your lips against his cheek, and Lafayette seems to get the message, because the next thing you know, he’s wraps his arms around your waist and pushes you roughly against the stone behind you. Lafayette buries his face in the nape of your neck, leaving a trail of kisses over your shoulder and along your collarbone.
His lips find a sweet spot, and he begins sucking a hickey into your skin, causing a soft moan to escape your lips. With one hand shielding his face from the passing soldiers, your other hand finds its place at the back of his neck. You can’t help but wonder when the Amerigo Army had time to teach its generals this technique.
The soldiers pass you with no problems, muttering something about “lovebirds” under their breath. Lafayette seems to have forgotten all about them, his lips moving up your neck to your cheek. He’s placing a kiss on the corner of your lips when you come back to your senses and lightly tug on the lapels of his suit.
“Love,” you say, and the both of you are both hyper-aware of how desperate and breathy your voice sounds. “Maybe we should take this back to the bedroom.”
His eyes meet yours, and he seems to understand the meaning behind your words. To your surprise, Lafayette picks you up bridal style and carries you back to the room. Once inside, he kicks shut the door behind the two of you and sets you down gently on the bed. Now that it’s just the two of you, Lafayette takes a step back from you. Tension lingers in the air.
“I… I’m sorry about that.” Lafayette’s eyes trail to the ground, obviously embarrassed.
You clear your throat, skin still warm from the moment before. “There’s nothing to apologize for. It was all just part of the cover.”
There is an awkward moment of silence between the two of you. Finally, he nods and moves toward the bathroom.
“Well, we have a long day tomorrow.”
“Yes, we should probably get ready for bed then,” you agree.
Lafayette spares you one last look, attempts a smile, and disappears into the bathroom. You hear the shower being turned on seconds later and take that as your cue to change into your nightgown. You slip into the cool covers of the bed, propping yourself up on the pillows until you find a comfortable place for yourself. While you wait for Lafayette to finish showering, you pull out your tablet and begin reading up on Ambrosian customs; you can never be too informed.
You have no idea of how long it has been, but eventually the shower shuts off. A few moments later the door swings open, and Lafayette steps out.
"About time," you tease. "Thought I'd never get a chance to brush my teeth."
"Next time you can join me. I hate to think you've been sitting out here bored," he responds.
You'd like to take a moment to think about how incredibly flirtatious his comment is, but your mind goes blank when you look up at him. He's fresh out of the shower, hair still wet. Lafayette wears a pair of dark sweatpants that hang too low on his waist. He's not wearing a shirt, and you can't help but stare at his toned skin. His stomach and arms are well-defined, and you catch the golden glint of the small medallion he wears around his neck.
He shrugs on a white t-shirt, and you can tell his body is still wet from the shower by the way the shirt clings to his torso. Never before have you wanted to be a t-shirt so badly in your life. You feel your face heat up, and you are in the process of pulling your gaze away from him, when he looks up and meets your eyes. The way his lips curved up into a smirk left you with a visceral feeling.
“S’there something I can help you with, starlight?” His tone is light and playful.
Your throat is dry, but you manage to get out, “I can think of a few things.”
Lafayette throws his head back and laughs quietly at your response, and you despise the way your heart crashes against its cage at his actions. You slide out of bed and move past him into the bathroom, putting toothpaste on your toothbrush and then shoving the toothbrush into your mouth before you say or do anything more that you’ll regret. Lafayette doesn’t notice the way you are aggressively brushing your teeth, and you don’t notice the way his eyes linger on the neckline of your nightgown and the hem that ends at your upper thigh.
When you finish brushing your teeth, Lafayette is taking a pillow off the bed and moving it to the floor.
“What are you doing?” You ask, knowing perfectly well what his intentions are.
He looks at you bewildered. “I just thought it would be—”
“I’m not going to make you sleep on the ground.”
“You’re not making me do anything.”
“Am I really that deplorable to be around?”
“That’s not it.”
“Then what is it?”
Lafayette sort of resembles a deer in headlights at this moment. He shakes his head. “Starlight, we shouldn’t. It’s just that…”
“What? What is it?” Your hands have found their place on your hips and you quirk an eyebrow up at him, waiting for a response.
The answer is on the tip of his tongue. He knows why he shouldn’t share the bed with you, but truth is something he can’t say out loud. Lafayette sighs in defeat, picking up the pillow from the ground and tossing it back to the head of the bed.
Content with your victory, you climb under the covers on your side of the bed. Lafayette is still hesitant, but eventually he climbs into bed as well, keeping an absurd amount of distance from you. You consider making a comment about this, but you’ve already argued with him enough about the bed itself, so you bite your tongue. The light beside your bed is the only thing keeping the room from darkness; you turn it off and settle into bed.
“Goodnight.” You say this quietly, the darkness imbuing the room with a sense of peace that you are all too afraid to mess up.
Lafayette must feel this, too, because his response is a whisper as well. “Goodnight, starlight.”
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hentaimommi · 4 years
ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴛᴇᴀꜱᴇ. | ᴋᴇɪɢᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴀᴍɪ (prohero!fem! reader)
Warnings: smut
[A/N]: I had a dream about this last night oml. think like- 2013 night club vibes. I'm also giving you a quirk.
Quirk: Bunny
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[C L U B T E A S E]
The night life of a pro-hero was a beautiful one. The exclusive club used to house the many parties held was in downtown Japan. The tallest building, on the highest floor. You personally opted to go on your day off. Normally you could catch many heroes in their hero outfits, but you liked to get dressed and actually look presentable.
At about 18:00, you began your lengthy process of getting ready. Beginning with curling your hair, then moving to cosmetics which were a pretty big deal. A nice eye look to match your dress, which was skin tight and silver. It sounds cheap; but the dress was the most expensive clothing item you owned. Pairing it with simple earrings and a pair of black-strap heels, you were set for the party that was starting at around 21:00.
Throwing on a large, white and puffy jacket, you checked yourself in the mirror. "No, black would look better." You then changed, now smoothing your dress and exciting the front door to your penthouse. The elevator ride was a long one, nervous as usual. Many male pro-hero's would be there, naturally making the energy a little tense. Stepping from the elevator, you walked out to the limo that had been pre-ordered for tonight.
Many of the paparazzi were already outside, taking shot after shot of you getting into the car. The air felt thick and you entered it. "Hello, Miss (H/N). How are you on this fine evening?" Your shofar asked, adjusting the mirror and beginning to go forward. "Oh, just fine." You responded; eyes locked outside the window. Your gut was wrenching, no matter how many parties you went to, the same feeling creeped over your shoulder each time.
Upon arrival of the very large building, the limo was parked outside of many velvet ropes. An array of guards were standing outside, blocking any exit there could have been. You thanked the driver, stepping out and into the cool night air. As you did so, the guards looked over to you, watching you walk through each velvet rope to their location. The guard at the main entrance smiled, letting you past and into the buildings lobby. Eyes were locked onto you, as they were everytime. People asking for autographs and greeting you; but all you wanted was to get to the top floor.
Once more you stepped into an elevator, pressing the very last button and prepping yourself for the long ride. Just as the doors closed, though, a large hand stuck through the middle of the two large metal blocks. You questioned it, until a certain pro-hero who had been climbing the charts walked in. "(H/N)! Glad I caught ya! I need up to the top floor." He entered the room, towering over you a little bit. "Lucky for you, Hawks, I'm going there too." You responded, eyes nervously finding your hands- which were fumbling.
The ride was silent for the most part, but like Hawks, he couldn't be completely quiet. "You look nice," He scratched the back of his neck, tilting his head a bit. Your blush was evident, also by the fact your leg began hopping. Unlike Mirko, your quirk wasn't strength based; it was reflex based, meaning you were toned down to the muscle. Hawks noticed this, a light smirk playing on his lips. Finally, the doors opened. "See you later, little birdy." He spoke, walking out into the greeting of the party. You followed.
"(H/N)!" A voice grumbled far above you. Turning around, you were welcomed into the warm presence of Fatgum and his interns: Suneater and Red Riot. Red Riot smiled, shaking your hand. Suneater only nervously turned around. You tilted your head in sympathy, then looked back up. "Hey Fatgum. What's up?" You asked, him following you to the bar as you moved smoothly through the crowd.
"Well I was wondering- I have this friend, and he needs someone to dance with. Would you be willing to help him out?" He proposed, paying for your drink over the bar. You thought for a moment, kicking back a shot and removing your coat. Many men had their gaze trapped on you. The quirk you had gave you large legs; also affecting your glutes. "Yeah, sure." Fatgum smiled watching you turn around, signaling someone over. "Yeah, can I get a martini? Make it dry, please." The bar tender nodded, then money for the exact price of the drink shot over the counter. Turning back, Hawks was standing with Fatgum. Your eyes widened a little, realizing he had meant, by his friend- the winged pro-hero.
"Don't worry. I'll pick up the tab. Wanna dance chickadee?" He asked, that same smirk as earlier meeting your gaze. You nodded, him taking your hand and softly leading you over to the dance floor. (Song: Smack That - Akon) Hawks wore his wings out nearly protectively over you as you both met the floor. You took a liking to the song decently quickly; finding yourself dancing wildly to it. You had the attention of most men in the club as your ass shook to the beat. Unknowing of this, Hawks pulled his wings over your ass and covered it from other men's gaze.
You, however, had your eyes closed. The feeling was lucid almost, barely buzzed at all. You enjoyed the flashing lights of the dance floor partnered with the bass of the song playing loudly though the speakers. The song switched (The Way I Are - Timbaland), Hawks now wrapping his hands around your waist loosely. You're almost sure this isn't what Fatgum meant by 'dancing', but his hands were so warm, touch so inviting as you both danced lewdly on each other.
The stares weren't as heavy as before, Hawks making slit eyes at each male who would attempt to catch your gaze. "Hawks?" You asked, turning around, hips still rocking to the beat. He looked down to you, delighted to see your face. Fatgum hadn't asked you by chance for him to dance with you, he had set it up well aware you all were friends. "Yeah?" He asked, smiling (Candy Shop - 50 Cent). You smiled at the change of the song, seductive eyes batting up to the avain male.
"Would you wanna take this somewhere else?" You asked, pushing your chest comfortably up to his. He was taken aback by your question, thinking you would at least want an emotional connection before doing anything beyond hot and heavy dancing. "You bet that fat ass, bunny." He spoke into your ear, wings still protectively over you. Goosebumps fled your skin. "You can call me Keigo, by the way." He smiled. "Call me (F/N)." Silencing, you dragged his hand back and away from the dance floor.
No one questioned you all as the music faded behind you, becoming muffled in the distance. You stopped at what you knew were the happening VIP spots. "Do you own a room?" You asked, pushing yourself against the wall. Nervously Keigo nodded, pulling keys from his pocket. It was his turn to lead you this time, taking you to the farthest back room there was. These were known as 'sober rooms', made by commission for heroes to sober up in. They had a couch, fireplace, and a small bar set up for luxury- at least in Keigo's.
As you walked in, his hand on the small of your back, he could feel the heat your body had been radiating. "I've never brought anyone back here before. Do you want a drink?" He asked, already pouring himself a whiskey. You sat down on the very large, nearly conversation pit sized couch. "Yeah, do you have any coconut rum?" He lifted a brow, "Yeah, weirdo." He chuckled a bit, pouring the drink and walking over to you. His outfit was nice. Tight red shirt, black suit, extremely nice dress shoes with matching black socks.
As he sat down, you pushed off your heels and turned to him, looking innocently with large eyes. Although, he knew you were far from innocent. The music which was once flooding your ears, was now a meek hum in the background. Keigo leaned down, wrapping his arm around your shoulders- then pressing you into a kiss. He tasted like whiskey and mint, cologne flooding your nose and countering the taste of his lips.
His kisses were sloppy, untamed as they moved from your lips down to your neck and chest. You weren't drunk, but you could get that way off of his touch. His hands softly trailed over your entire figure, leading to your ass. He held a hefty grip onto it, pulling you seamlessly into his lap. Like you weighed nothing.
"Keigo, oh my fucking god.." You moaned, hands looping into his golden locks. You could feel his hard cock pressed up against your think panties. Your thighs straddled him thickly, engulfing his own. He liked it, hands not being able to leave your ass and thighs for even a moment. "Birdy, do you know how fat that ass is? What I'd do to make it all mine." He gawked, pressing his cock up to you.
"Do it." You almost whispered back, pushing yourself up and lying on your back. Keigo came between your legs, trailing sloppy and wet kisses up your inner thigh. You could nearly feel his hot breath on your cunt, so sensitive and ready to be touched by him. “Keigo, please don’t tease me.” You softly begged, watching as his slit eyes come to meet your own wide orbs. “’nt worry, Keigo’s gotcha..” He cooed, sweetly as possible. He then sat back up, adjusting his wingspan. You watched as the beautiful shade of red feathered outward, almost in a mating dance. He chuckled at you in awe, taking that moment to remove his pants. Soon your eyes would trail back down, seeing as he had removed his underwear too. “Your turn, baby.”
He took his time while taking off your panties, etching them seductively over your freshly shaven legs. Your hips pushed forward, almost begging for contact, drawing a low hum from the bird man. All he wanted was to take you in that moment. His wings fluttered happily seeing your wet cunt, knowing all it took was him teasing you to get there. “You have such a pretty pussy.” He leaned down, pulling you hips up and closer to him. Watching each move he made was interesting. He did nothing uncalculated, everything had a reason. 
You shivered at the contact of his spit-soaked hand with your already wet cunt. He rubbed his fingers skillfully around, building you up. Your moans were lewd, long, and loud through the room. He didn’t seem to mind as he tore away the contact, Replacing his fingers with his cock tip. “Ready?”  You nodded, still pushing your hips up. Keigo chuckled at your desperate attempts, holding you hips and pressing his cock into you. You whined, the girth stretching you out so well. Your legs automatic response was to lock around his waist. “K-Keigo-” He shushed you, palating his fingers into your tongue. 
Watching as he started to thrust in and out, his face contorting in pleasure; his cock twitching inside of you. His moans were like a sweet song, spilling at each thrust. You felt his cold rings meet your leg, pulling your leg above his shoulder to hit deeper, kissing your sweet spot with each thrust. He knew what he was doing, too, making sure you could hear every single moan that spilled from his lips, which were pink and swollen. “Yeah, you like my big fat cock? Say you like it, tell me how much you like this pro-hero cock.” 
“Oh Kei, it feels so good- please, don’t quit.” You begged, fingernails scraping up his previously unmarked skin. He made sure to mark you back, too. Leaving purple marks up your chest, stopping just at your neck. You could feel it, the coil that had been in the works from the moment he pushed himself inside you. Your legs began to shake, Keigo feeling himself starting to twitch inside of you. There were no words, only incoherent moans that overflowed from the both of you. Your orgasms hit at the same time, your hands gripping into his shoulder blades desperately. His hands dug into the sofa, nearly breaking the material. 
“Kei, holy fuck, you’re so good!” You praised, throwing your head back in euphoria. When you both finished, the only thing to be heard was the panting breaths of the two of you. He collapsed finally overtop of you, nuzziling into your neck. You began to pet his hair, letting both of you breath out the intense feeling that had just gripped onto your body. “Fuck, baby, if I would have known you’d be that good, I would have asked you to dance myself.”
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