#i'm sick today so have more pointless gifs
issylragold · 2 years
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quirkywalrus · 1 year
I'm the problem | Dazai x GN reader | TW |
TWs: s3lf h@rm, su!slide, depression, mental health, bl00d, mentions of scars
Hey there! As a more detailed warning, there will be mentions of adult/mature/sensitive topics throughout so if any of the things mentioned above are triggering or a difficult subject for you then please do not read any further.
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Dazai was often quiet when he came home from a stressful mission, which you had learnt was just his own way of coping with the days events and that it's nothing personal towards you. But today, when you shouted 'welcome home' to him from the sofa, instead of a worded reply he said nothing and headed to the bathroom. You didn't take much notice as this had happened before, but you did start to worry when it had been almost half an hour since you had seen or heard your boyfriend. You jumped off the sofa and quietly floated towards the bathroom door.
"Dazai? Are you ok? Are you sick?" you knocked, leaving a pause for response between each question. You stood there for a few minutes and heard very faint sniffles. Dazai never showed any of his vulnerable emotions towards you, he learnt from experience that it was best to keep those things hidden away for the sake and the safety of everyone in his life.
You gently placed your hand on the door handle and turned it down, you noticed the door wasn't even locked, maybe he secretly wanted you to come and check on him rather than him off-load unwanted information.
"Babe?" You whispered and quietly opened the door. To your own surprise, you found Dazai sat with his back against the bath with his arms bathed in his own fresh blood. You couldn't help but stare, you had no idea where to look or what to say.
"I'm sorry, I'm just pathetic" Dazai began to sob. You had never seen him cry so to you this was just one step further in your relationship. You knelt down on the tiled floor between his legs, cradling his face with your hands.
"You are not pathetic you hear me? You have no reason to be sorry - whatever happened today was not your fault. You don't have to tell me but you definitely don't need to feel guilty about what happened" Dazai's eyes looked down as he moved his weak wrists towards your hips.
"It's me. I'm the problem. I'm the reason that people I love disappear, or die. Even when I try to leave someone's life before I hurt them creates more problems. I can't win in this life and I'll be damned if I hurt you in any of those ways..."
"Babe, if you bleed to death then I'll be absolutely distraught. I don't want you to have to suffer alone in the dark - or on a tiled bathroom floor. You can talk to me babe, I will always have time to listen to you, never forget that." you kissed his lips gently to reassure him that everything you just said was the 100% truth.
"Will you let me clean you up? I don't mind doing it as long as you're comfortable with me doing it" he just nodded and started to unravel his half wrapped arms, as if he tried to stop the bleeding himself and hide it before you came through the door. Whilst you cleaned his wounds, you kissed each one gently - saying that you will kiss each one of them better before you put them to bed. The two of you laughed and giggled at some pointless small talk, your attempt to make light of the situation and by doing so, the boyfriend you know and love started to come back to life too.
"Please never leave me y/n. I'm so lucky to have you in my life I couldn't bear to lose you to anything"
"I'm not going anywhere, if anything, I should be worrying about you" you giggled. Dazai dug his hand into his deep coat pocket and sighed a very relieved sigh. He pulled out a black box and opened it. In front of you was a thin silver ring with a black rose stone on the top with a ruby in the middle. Your eyes lit up and you were speechless yet again.
"I promise from this day that I will never try to kill myself again, as long as I have you by my side, I have no reason to purposely die. Y/n, will you marry me?"
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spider-bren · 1 year
Holy Hands Will They Make Me A Sinner | Matt Murdock x Reader
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Pairings: Matt Murdock x GN!Reader
Tags: Priest Matt Murdock, Married Matt Murdock, Mention of sexual desires, Catholic Confessional
Summary: Priest Matt is the object of your desire and you confess to your sins
What does that say about me that I was able to tempt the devil?
You walked into the church, echoes of your footsteps loud in the silence of the vast space. A breath escaped you. Knowing. Always knowing the weight of your sins on your shoulders. It was with you everywhere you went. Could have been tattooed on your skin for all to see. You slid into the confessional booth and drew back the curtains. You knew who was behind there. Whose face you saw every night before you went to bed. 
"Are you there, Father Murdock?" 
A pause. Every nerve ending ignited at the sound of his voice. 
"I am. What brings you here today?" 
"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," you breathed. 
You were supposed to say the usual routine : it's been __ days since my last confession… but you were past such things. You came here sometimes just to talk. To confess privately. He knew why you were here. You came every day now. 
"I lust after a married man," you began again, as if he didn't know, as if they haven't been talking about this for weeks. 
"Twenty Hail Mary's." 
"What will that do, Father?" It was pointless. Same thing over and over. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't fight it. "Neither you or Mary can save me now. I keep thinking. These thoughts late at night. Do I tempt him as well? Does he feel for me as well?" 
"That's not advised," he simply said. 
"But I want him to be as wretched as I am. Because it's a sickness, Father, and I want him to be plagued as well." 
"You shouldn't bring people into your own sin." 
You nearly rolled your eyes. 
"Father, what sins do you commit?" 
"I'm human, much like you. There are things I also have to contend with." 
"Like what?" 
He chuckled faintly. "You want an example?"
"Yes, please, Father." 
"I...I had sex before. Before. Before my sanctioned marriage to Karen." 
Your heart pounded loudly in your ears. You could feel the heat flush down your body at the thought– the thought that he had done all those things. Images of him flooded through your mind. His back. His teeth baring into a growl. Deep guttural groans. His body moving, his hips thrusting. You blinked. 
"How many times?" You asked. 
You heard the struggle in his voice. "A lot." 
"How much is a lot?" 
"….a lot. And sometimes I feel I cannot escape my past. It's part of who I am. The devil is never far away." 
"Do you long for it? The past?"
"More than I want to admit." 
"Oscar Wilde said the only way to resist temptation is to yield to it," you added. 
"Oscar Wilde was a sinful man by the church's standards." And you could tell he was smiling. 
"So you think lust is a sin? Do you not lust after your wife?" 
He cleared his throat. "I have personal relations with my wife not to be discussed here." 
"So you've never got a hard on when your wife hugs you? When you feel her body pressed against yours? When you smell her perfume and hear her breathing in your ear‽ When you touch her skin? When she whispers things to you? Is she not the only one that can tempt you?" 
There was a heavy stillness. You practically heard him breathing hard through the wall separating the two of you. 
"I know what it's like to be tempted. I know how it feels to be consumed in it. I urge you to not succumb to these feelings." 
"What if I have already, Father? What if I am just waiting to do something about it?" 
"What would you do?" 
The question stunned you. He had never asked this before. Never wanted to know your lustful thoughts. 
"I have patience. Although I want my desires to be fulfilled, I can wait until I know he wants me just as much. I'm curious to see how easy it would be. How loyal he is. How far he would go to resist me. I think my words would be enough. I wouldn't have to tempt him with my body." 
He licked his lips.
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imtryingmybeskar · 3 years
Second prompt from @chaoticgeminate because her prompts are AWESOME (see below)
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This is set between series one and two of The Mandalorian, so we're still on the Crest and Din still doesn't know Grogu's name yet.
Din Djarin x F!Reader. Mentions of food and alcohol, yearning and navigating emotions and Soft! Din. I'm really not sure about the title but given what happened in TBOBF today, can you blame me?! I also changed one word of the prompt ("this" to "that". Forgive!) Word count: 4152.
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A Bounty Of Feelings
Tatooine was a scughole. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the galaxy to disagree with that assessment. And yet even at the arse end of nowhere, there was beauty to behold. The sands of the Dune Sea stretched endlessly ahead, the parts of the desert that were in shadow somehow a pale lilac colour, belying the fierce yellow that they displayed while under the full glare of the twin suns. The rest of the sand had transmuted to a dull, blueish white as night began to fall. And the sky! The sky was a palette of glory, every shade of pink and orange represented, sneaking streaks of green and blue and purple to break it up and herald the stars. The air was becoming cooler with each breath - a pleasant respite from the planet's usual harsh heat - and the smells of dust and aridity were beginning to be broken up by the smells of food. Of spitted meats and warming bread and -
A cooing sound distracted you from your contemplation of what lay ahead of you and you smiled.
"Hungry, little one?" you asked. It was a pointless question. He was always hungry. He cooed at you again nonetheless, and you took that as an affirmative. "Me too," you declared as you moved to turn the meat over the fire to ensure it was thoroughly cooked. Wouldn't do to have food poisoning on a ship like the Crest. While it was perfectly adequate for one person to live on (or one person and an additional tiny passenger), when two grown adults were sharing the space it got a little...cosy. And the toilet facilities were not particularly kind to your needs, being as open as they were. The Mandalorian had allowed you to rig a curtain in the space, but if one or both of you were sick...it didn't bear thinking about. So you concentrated on preparing the meal properly instead. "Here," you said softly to the baby. "Have some of this to tide you over." You handed him a bit of a bar made from compressed fruit, knowing that if you gave him the whole thing he would devour it instantly and be left with a sore tummy later. You stroked over the soft, sparse hair at his head and rubbed his ear in the way you knew he liked before returning to your contemplation of the sky and wondering where your Mandalorian companion was right now.
Presently, Din was in a cantina some 90 clicks north east of where you were camped out in front of the Razor Crest. He was impatiently awaiting the arrival of his latest bounty - a Rodian who was known to frequent this particular establishment most days. Before departing the Crest, he had ensured that he had spoken to the Tuskens who claimed that particular patch of desert as their own, offered them tribute to be allowed to land and camp there for a few days without interference. He had scouted the area, made sure there were no obvious threats, that no sandcrawlers were on an intercept course (though the Jawas were always unpredictable at best). You had stocked up on food and medical supplies while on Nevarro and of course, there were an abundance of weapons on the ship. Still, he found his thoughts turning to you and the child, over and over. He had worried about the little one already of course. The Imps might be fewer in numbers now but that made them far more vicious than before (a feat he had previously believed impossible) and they were desperate to have him in their clutches again. Din didn't like to think too deeply about the possibilities of why they wanted him. Even with his extraordinary powers, he was still just a baby. But he knew that wouldn't stop whatever evil machinations they had in the works, and he also knew that he would sacrifice his life for the little green guy without question
You, however. This worry was new, had insidiously snuck itself into him and wound itself around his heart without him even realising until it was too late. Din had witnessed for himself your prowess in hunting and skill with weapons and had no doubts about your capabilities, would never have left the child with you if he had even a single one. But there were so many enemies out there. Even apart from the Imps, there were other bounty hunters to dodge and a hundred thousand gangs who would take whatever they wanted and never feel a shred of remorse. He was itching to be away from here, to be back by your side where you could face the threats together, have each others' backs. Aside from your safety out on the wastes of the Dune sea, Din also found himself concerned with your comfort. He had never travelled on the Crest with a woman before and hadn't given much thought to how it might work, even after you had moved your meagre possessions on board. When you had asked him about providing a little more privacy around the privy he had agreed immediately of course and berated himself internally for not anticipating such a request.
That wasn't the only change you had wrought in his home.
Bounty hunting naturally lent itself to a hardening of the heart, a sapping of the soul. It was constant and relentless and it would drag you into a mire from which the only escapes were cruelty or death if you allowed it to so. Din had used his upbringing and his Creed to keep a part of himself away from that, buried under the beskar. His true self, within his heart. He was good at his job. Some would say ruthless. But after Alzoc III he never again tipped into wanton cruelty, never took that kind of pleasure in his work. He did what had to be done and when it felt wrong (as it had with the child) he stopped and reassessed. Looking after the baby and trying to get him to his own kind where he would flourish had not fundamentally changed Din. But it had stripped back some of the protective layers within him. He felt as if his emotions were far more raw, far more ready to come to the surface these days, and even though the beskar still provided distance between him and others and allowed him to keep his thoughts and emotions from being openly written across his face, he could feel them swirling within him far more than when he had travelled alone.
Adding you into the mix hadn't helped.
It had started innocently enough. He had found delight in some of the new routines you established and the tiny imprints of you that bloomed where you had touched his home. The expanded repertoire of food on the Crest and the fact that you ensured you looked after the kid at meal times so Din could have privacy to eat meals more substantial and pleasing than hurriedly swallowed broth. The songs you would sing as you cleaned your weapons or lulled the child to sleep. The smell of your shampoo and soap that lingered after you had used the shower. How much you clearly cared for the baby. That you insisted on doing your share of piloting so that he could rest more. The stories you had shared with him about your time as a hunter. The innocent joy he witnessed in you when you explored the sights and tastes of a new world. All of these tiny moments stacked up so subtly that Din hadn't even realised they had done so until a few weeks back.
It had been a completely normal day. The three of you had been walking back from the local spaceport to the Crest, having purchased supplies for a few days. You had been eagerly explaining to him why you had insisted on buying a small jar of cerulean bee honey - something about a sweet treat your mother had used to make for you. You had been smiling as you described how delicious the cakes were and Din had suddenly felt as if he couldn't take a breath in as he stared at you. Your hair had been shining under the buttercup glow of the sun, your eyes dancing with joyous anticipation of sharing with him and the child, your hands talking as animatedly as your mouth. Your mouth. Your perfect lips that he suddenly had an overwhelming desire to press softly against his own. He had been intimate with so few people, and never without the beskar covering most of him. A kiss was a pleasure he had never shared with anyone. His lips tingled with anticipation of what it might be like every time he thought of you now, and he found himself becoming more withdrawn around you as it became increasingly difficult to hide that his feelings had changed. He wanted to tell you, wanted to ask if you felt for him the way he felt for you. But if you didn't then he would have ruined the friendship that had sprung up between you, and you would definitely move out of the Crest and he would never see you again. At these thoughts, his chest would constrict painfully, his heart rebelling against such an outcome. Still, he couldn't keep on like this much longer. He felt like he was going crazy inside his own head...
Ah. The bounty. Now here, Din felt on firmer ground. He pushed thoughts of you away and concentrated on the task ahead.
When he returned to the ship - Rodian trussed and in tow - it was to find you in a state of agitation. He doubted the bounty could tell anything was wrong, but he could see by the crease in your brow and the way that you were fiddling with your sleeves and chewing your bottom lip that something wasn't right. The child was asleep in the little hammock Din had rigged above his bed, his breath even and peaceful. Probably nothing to do with him then, which was a relief. Din shoved the Rodian into the carbonite and turned to ask you what was wrong, but before he could you blurted out an unexpected question.
"Have you ever been to Abelor?" Din shook his head. "Honestly, I'd be surprised if you'd even heard of it. Its uh...its where I'm from. My home world. I received a transmission while you were away. An old friend of mine...well, actually he's my ex-husband. He needs my help. Got himself in a bit of a bind with some rough people and he wasn't sure who else to call."
Initially, the only thought in Din's mind was "Husband?", and a streak of hot jealousy flared in his chest before he doused it by focusing on the comforting prefix of "ex". He had been silent for too long however, and you had continued speaking.
"Of course, I don't expect you to come. You're so busy, I know, and I don't want to impose. If you want me to hitch a ride from here I will, but would you mind dropping me to the spaceport and-"
"I'll come." The deep, slightly crackly modulation broke into your sentence, taking you aback. You hadn't expected him to actually want to accompany you. Had expected him to bregudgingly agree to take you to somewhere along the way, but never to the planet itself.
"You don't have to, Mando. This isn't something we'll get paid for."
Of course he would come with you. How could you ever think otherwise? Though the fact that you weren't sure that he would demonstrated his success in hiding his feelings for you, he supposed. He was grateful for that. "We're ahead of schedule. The bounties aren't going anywhere and we can afford a couple of days for a small diversion." Din found the mixture of worry and puzzlement on your face adorable and he couldn't help the tenderness behind his next softly spoken words. "I want to help you, so please let me."
Well, how could you refuse an offer of assistance from a Mandalorian in a matter such as this? That thought comforted you as Mando piloted away from Peli's place, her and the kid waving at the departing ship. He always had your back, ever since you had met when you had tracked the same bounty and arrived to take her in at exactly the same time. The argument between you over who exactly should collect the spoils had distracted you to the degree that it had been possible for her to make a desperation move - attempting to stab you with a knife she had pulled from somewhere or other. You had dodged and shot her through the chest, but it had been reassuring that the Mandalorian had done the same instead of letting her attack you, his own blaster shot leaving her abdomen a smoking ruin. Then the argument had begun again, only this time you were trying to persuade the other to take the credits. Eventually you had agreed on a mostly even split, Mando taking a little more in exchange for you hitching a ride with him too.
You had never left.
And now If you were honest with yourself, you never really wanted to. You admired what you could see of the broad form of your pilot, his armour now streaked with the purple blue of hyperspace travel. He was good to you, allowing you space in his already tiny living quarters, trusting you with his kid, sharing the spoils of his hunting. And you had felt that you were developing a friendship between you at first. But over the past few weeks he had begun to withdraw. He was less talkative, the jokes he had cracked had always been few and far between but now they were practically non existent, and you got the feeling that sometimes he was trying to avoid you within the Crest itself. You guessed that someone who hid himself behind armour as he did would perhaps be reticent in personality too, and had come to the conclusion that you had made a comment or gesture that had perhaps gotten too over familiar for his liking. You just wished he would tell you what it was so that you could avoid making the mistake again. A part deep down within you wanted to get a lot closer to him, but you knew that could never be. He had laser point focus on the kid and finding his kind, and on earning enough credits in the meantime to make that happen. There was no room for you in that plan. Still, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't allowed your imagination to wander from time to time. About how the leather of the tips of his gloves would feel brushing against your palm as he took your hand in his. About how thick and strong his thighs would be if he allowed you to sit on his lap. About how your breath would fog the silver of his beskar helmet as you rested your forehead against his, your fingers trailing down his torso behind his cuirass...
"-are these people?" Mando's voice broke into your daydreaming and you sat up straighter, embarrassed by your spiralling thoughts.
"Sorry, I was a million parsecs away. What was that?"
"These people that are causing trouble. Who are they?" he repeated patiently.
"Oh! Um, I'm not sure exactly. He said that there's a gang of raiders. They've been demanding various things from the town. For protection apparently. The demands are getting out of hand and everyone that stands up to them ends up injured or dead."
Mando turned his head to look at you. "Your ex-husband. He the leader of the town?"
"I don't know. I've not seen him for nearly twenty years. We married very young and after a year or so I realised that we wanted very different things. I wanted to get offworld, explore the galaxy, see as much as I could. He wanted to make a life there. A home. Children. Stability I guess. It didn't sound like my kind of exciting. So I left. The only communication I've had from that planet since has come from my parents and siblings. He must be in dire need to call on me. I'm sorry I can't give you more information about the actual job."
The visor turned away from you again so that Mando could look at the instruments in front of him. "It's okay," he replied. "Between us we can handle it."
He was right. It hadn't taken long to establish the fundamentals of the job once you had landed and only a little more time to take the gang out. Both you and Mando had encountered far worse beings on your travels. These people were sloppy, disorganised, poorly trained and cowardly, and they stood no chance against two hardened bounty hunters, one of whom was also a Mandalorian warrior. They had gotten away with terrorising the town for so long because most people were elderly or had young children and once a few of the remaining young and fit populace had been murdered to make a point, they had capitulated to their requests easily. Possessions, credits, weapons and transports were all redistributed among the townspeople, and you and Mando took up the offer of staying the night and joining the evening's celebrations for their newly reacquired freedom.
So it was that you found yourself speaking to your ex-husband for the first time in many years. He had waited until you were alone, after your family had fussed and clucked over your appearance, the company you were keeping these days, your home on the ship, your choice of profession. It was born out of love and a desire to catch up, but to you it felt a little stifling and reminded you of why you chose to leave in the first place. You ended up sitting alone on the edge of the beautifully carved stone fountain situated in the centre of the town square, with a locally brewed ale in hand. The statue had been one of your favourite things about the place and you were glad it was still there and functioning well, the stylised barber bird still spewing water from its mouth.
"Hi," came a familiar but also somehow changed voice from behind you.
"Hi Lorgan," you answered, turning to face him. "Long time," you added out of awkwardness. He had aged pretty well - the dark mop of curls that were so wild in his youth now cut back a little and streaked liberally with grey. The facial hair that he had always struggled to grow as a teen now lay thick and luscious on his upper lip, cheeks and jaw. He had filled out too, in shoulders and in his gut, but it sat well on him and he looked strong rather than doughy. You could see his eyes raking you up and down too and wondered what changes he could see within.
"Long time," he repeated.
"So uh...any of these yours?" you asked, gesturing at a group of small children chasing each other with delighted shrieks.
"Yup," he said proudly. "That's my girl in the green shirt and her twin brother is in the yellow. And my older girl is...just there," he added as he scanned the crowd and pointed at a teenage girl who was chatting to a heavily pregnant woman. "And the littlest one is due any week now," he added softly as he raised a hand in greeting to his partner. You did the same and she waved back, one hand caressing her belly softly. "Thank you for coming," he continued. "I...I wasn't sure you would. We didn't end on the best of terms-"
"Aw hush. Ancient history," you scolded softly. "We were glad to help out."
"Yeah uh...yeah," he said. "We are not ungrateful you have to know that. So forgive me for saying but...I wasn't expecting someone like him to come."
You felt a flare of anger at the way he said "him". It smacked of distain tinged with fear. You understood the fear. Likely none of these people had ever seen a Mandalorian before, much less witnessed one disintegrate several people with an amban phase-pulse blaster, but the contempt rankled. Especially after what you had just done for him and the rest of the town.
"He's great, isn't he?" you said, a little louder and more forcefully than you had intended. "We met through work. Now we travel together as well. He has a son too."
Lorgan's attention snapped back to you. "Yours or...?" he asked, a falsely casual air to the question.
"No," you smiled. "Adopted. I love the little whomp rat though. He's adorable. No, me and Mando have only travelled together for a few months. But we get on really well."
Lorgan stepped closer to you and lowered his voice. "Be careful of him," he said forcefully. "I've heard about Mandalorian bounty hunters. They're ruthless. Aggressive. Bloodthirsty-"
You held a hand up. "Let me stop you there. I'm sure you think you're being considerate, but whom I choose to spend my time with has not been your concern for many years. And besides, Mando is none of those things. He's thorough and efficient and extremely capable in his work. Maybe that translates to being ruthless to an untrained eye. But he's also funny and thoughtful and intelligent and extremely good company."
"Sounds like you have a crush," Lorgan said, the hint of a sneer back in his voice. "Have you ever even seen his face? Maker knows what's lurking under there!"
"I don't need to see his face to know I like him!" you shot back, rolling your eyes. "And a crush? Really? Are we still fifteen and fumbling in the orchards? Grow up Lorgan. Go be with your wife and kids and enjoy the life you chose and I'll enjoy mine, thank you. Goodbye."
Before he could answer, you walked away toward one of the stalls that had been hastily erected for the celebration and purchased another ale. Or tried to purchase. The vendor refused to take payment and instead pushed the glass into your hand despite your (admittedly weak) protestations. Your ex-husband's words had needled you more than you would like to admit. How dare he comment on Mando when he didn't know him and when he had literally saved their town?! How dare he comment on your life when he hadn't been a part of it for so long? You were annoyed that he had grasped that you had a crush too, though more at yourself than him. Perhaps you hadn't been as subtle as you had thought...
"So, that was him huh?" The crackle of the modulator came from the shadows to your left and the gleam of beskar shone under the moonlight as Mando moved toward you. Maker, he had no right to move that silently in all that armour! Oh. Oh no. You felt the heat creep into your face as you asked a question you really didn't want to know the answer to.
"How much of that did you hear?"
"Enough," he answered, an amused tone to the word.
"What do you mean, "enough"?" you asked tersely.
"Enough to know that you'll defend my honour," he replied, his head cocked to one side and a small shrug erupting from his shoulders making the metal of his pauldrons dance silver.
"Its comforting to know that leaving him was the right choice anyway," you muttered before you took another slug of beer, embarrassment still swirling in your stomach.
"Do you really think that way about me?" Mando suddenly asked, his arms now crossed over his chest. It sounded as if the question had come from deep inside of him, like he wouldn't have been able to stop it bursting forth even if he had tried. You couldn't bear to look into the stark blackness of his visor as you answered, and so you focused on the fountain instead.
"I...yes, I do. I like you, Mando. We get on and I think you're kind and generous and you're so loving to the kid-" Your words arrested as you felt the soft leather at his fingertips skate down the inside of your wrist, over your palm and gently interlock with your fingers. You stared down at your hand, swamped now by his much larger one, and then whipped your gaze up to his helmet, hardly daring to believe that this was actually happening.
"I like you too," he said simply as he squeezed your hand with his own and gently pulled you in the direction of the Razor Crest.
Taglist - @thisshipwillsail316 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @elegantduckturtle @dihra-vesa @midwesternwitchery @just-here-for-the-moment @eri16 and @literallydontlook because it's Din 💖
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neoarchipelago · 5 years
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Her Teacher (Teacher!John Wick x Reader part 3)
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Spotify playlist to listen to
Word count : 3 239
Laying down in bed you were cuddling in your fluffy blanket. Taking a look at the clock you knew you'd be late, but getting up was just too hard for you. Last night had been too much for you, and even if you didn't have his class today you didn't want to even see him in the hallways. Your phone rang and you glanced at it, pondering on your next move. After sighing however your grabbed it and answered it. 
"Hello?" You voice sounded hoarse from the night spent crying but you could just pretend it was from the sleepiness. 
"(Y/n)! Where are you?!" Ah. Leia. 
"Leia, I'm… still in bed.." you answered honestly. 
"What? Why? Are you feeling sick?" She asked worriedly.
"Hum… no, just a bit tired maybe I'll stay home this morning.." you tried.
"You shouldn't study so much! You get yourself exhausted!" She whined on the phone. 
You smiled to yourself, you were lucky to have friends so sweet. But it seemed like she didn't know exactly what happened yesterday…
"I know, sorry I worried you last night." You tried again, expecting a bunch of questions on the crying. 
"It's alright, Tom said he found you at the library lost in a book and I wasn't surprised at all!" She chuckled. 
You frowned but didn't say anything. Tom had lied and didn't said anything. You were somehow glad for that. 
"Alright, take some rest ! I'll give you the classes later!" She hurriedly said. 
Before you could even answer she hung up, leaving you chuckling at how energetic she could be. You stared at your ceiling taking a deep breath. What could you do now? Staying here in your bed would never help. Running away, or never going back to university wasn't a solution either. No. You had to make it stop. The feelings that were growing inside of you were getting uncontrollable. He was your teacher, and clearly he had wanted this just as much as you. He seemed jealous of every boy who seemed to look at you… to the point where he fucked you against a bookshelf in the library. But you had no idea of his true feelings. Was there even feelings from him? You groaned throwing the blanket over your head. The power this man had over you was insane. You wanted to give in so badly, the way you felt in his arms was powerful. He was intimidating, rough yet so sweet. You wanted to drown in his eyes. 
You threw away your blanket in a raging movement. No. It had to stop. You'd go pick up your book and you'd forget him. At any cost. 
And with that thought, you rose from your bed and walked to the shower. 
Your comfy outfit was a bit more suited for the cold weather. You still managed to find a way to wear a skirt. You walked in the main building and looked around. Your eyes immediately found him, in a corner speaking to other teachers. You had time to see him glance at you before looking away taking your attention to Leia who had run to you, tackling you with a powerful hug. 
"Oh (y/n)!!" 
You chuckled. 
"Leia i've been gone one morning." You reminded her. 
"Yes but I've missed you!" She said whining. 
You laughed it out, catching sight of Tom walking towards you two. 
"Ladies…" he said in a playful tone, making his sister roll her eyes. 
"Hey tommy" you greeted him. 
The conversation settled between you three, and you felt almost like everything was normal. Until a thought crossed your mind. You had to go pick up the book before the end of classes. Being alone in his office, when the school is almost empty, at dark, wasn't wise. Taking a glance at your sweet teacher you saw him talk to a few students and you realized that was your chance. You excused yourself and walked towards him. His eyes on you the entire time as you stepped closer. Of course as if planned, the rest of the students left leaving you alone with him. Alone wasn't the exact word, you were in the middle of a hallway full of students, but deep down, it felt like just you two. 
"Good afternoon sir…" you managed to let out. Suddenly feeling intimidated by him. 
"Good afternoon." There it was. The sound of his voice and you were already melting. 
No. You mentally slapped yourself and finally found the strength you needed. 
"I apologise, but I forgot my book in your office, when can I pass to pick it up?" You asked with an assurance in your voice that you didn't recognize.
"We can go get it right now if you wish to. I have some things to talk to you." He spoke, looking at you in a way that made you want to get closer to him and let him wrap his arms around you. 
No. Breath!
"I do too sir." You let out. 
And he raised an eyebrow. 
"What is it?" The question was anticipated. 
You had to take a moment to swallow before speaking. 
"I..I'd like to give up your class." You spoke, looking up at him directly. 
He frowned, tried to say something. Looked around, before letting his gaze on you again. 
"Let's talk in my office please." He asked. 
You were winning this time. He looked utterly lost for a second. But you were doing this for you, not to see him like this. 
"I can't right now sir, I have a class to attend. Perhaps later?" You let out, a sudden confidence taking over. 
"I have a meet up with a few teachers, pass by after all of your classes then." He proposed. 
Well. That wasn't good. But honestly, was there any other way to do this? You took a deep breath and nodded. You stepped back ready to leave, felt a sudden grip over your wrist and looked back. 
"Tommy!" You looked at him wide eyed. 
What was he doing here? No, wait. You felt his arm pass around your shoulders as he spoke. 
"I'm taking you to class princess.." he let out with a smirk. 
You let yourself be guided away by him, not even wanting to look back at Mr Wick. That wasn't good. This wasn't going to end well. But then you shook yourself. No. He had no right to be jealous, you weren't his. So you walked away, tom's arm wrapped around your shoulders and you swaying your hips on purpose. 
You were sitting in your last class, nervously playing with your bottom lip. What if you didn't go? You weren't feeling brave enough to go. What if he… what if he kissed you again? You knew you'd give in immediately. You had to stay as far away from him as possible. You sighed. You wanted that book back though. You also wanted him. Class was dismissed and it was time for you to act. 
You stood up and walked as slow as possible. The amount of students was quickly fading and soon the hallway was empty. The sound of your heels the only sound breaking the silence. You took a turn to the left and saw his open door. You walked slowly to it, just to freeze at the entrance. You watched as he was sitting at his desk, his head in his hands, hair falling down softly. Leaning on the door frame you stood there eyeing him. His black shirt tightly around his arms. You let your hand rise to your mouth, biting your nail a bit, trying to stop your heart from jumping. 
And he looked up. 
The darkness of his gaze wrapping around your mind like a drug. 
"(Y/n)..." Your name on his lips.
You closed your eyes trying to remind yourself your first goal. Opening them again you finally stepped into the room, closing the door behind you. 
First mistake. 
You walked up to his desk and looked at him. 
"Can I have my book?" You let out in a soft voice, every bad feeling forgotten. 
"Yes." He picked it up from his drawer and put it down in front of you. 
You took a second to admire the beautiful work he'd done on it, letting your fingers run on the leather cover. 
"It's beautiful…" you whispered. 
Lingering there. Second mistake.
He stood up and you didn't even look up at him. You just listened as he walked to the door. The sound of the lock however made you spin around and stare at him. Fuck. 
"Sir..?" You asked, your voice slightly shaking. 
"We need to talk. With no interruption." He said, walking towards you and stopping a step away. 
You nodded at him and sat on his desk. You heard him chuckle but chose not to comment it. Silence fell for a few seconds before he sighed and finally spoke. 
"Don't ...give up my class." 
You looked up at him, surprised. We were going there then? Alright.
"I have to." You explained. 
"You don't. You are an amazing student, and I don't say that because of… our… activities." He tried to explain. 
You blushed heavily. Activities? Really? 
"I just.. can't keep seeing you like this." You honestly explained. At this point, lying was pointless. 
"(y/n)..." He stepped forward and your breath hitched. 
You could already smell his cologne and your barriers were breaking already. His hand rose to touch you but stopped in mid air just to fall back down. You felt sad that he didn't but scolded yourself for even wanting it. 
"Don't give up the class because of me. I… I'll never speak to you again. I'll never touch you again if that's what you want…" he spoke, his raspy voice sounding almost pleading.
You closed your eyes, your eyes suddenly burning as the tears threatened to fall. If only he knew… that's not what you wanted. And since you never learn, your pretty little mouth let is escape once more. 
"But I don't want that…" 
Speaking without thinking, last mistake.
You almost gasped at your sudden revelation as you looked at him. But now you had started, you couldn't stop. 
"Thing is… you touching me is all I want…" 
You watched as he inhaled sharply, yet you kept going, now was no moment to stop. 
"And It's almost like a sweet sin everytime you kiss me…" 
You saw him clench his jaw, fighting himself. 
"I don't know If I should just run away or let you do whatever you want with me." 
He stepped forward once, and your breath caught in your throat but you pushed yourself to finish.
"We shouldn't be doing this, but honestly, I don't even know what we're doing…" you finished in a whisper this time he was inches from you, you could feel his jeans touching your knees and you knew the next move was going to be decisive. You were feeling so hot right now, the tension was heavy between you two, as you eyed each other's next move. You were surprised when you felt his hand on your knees. More like, hovering over them, as if afraid to touch you. 
"I haven't been really fair with you. I apologise." 
His words reached your heart, but you grew anxious for what was coming after those.
"I don't really know what we're doing neither. But I know two things for sure.
You watched as he looked at you through a few strings of hair and you thought he looked truly beautiful.
"No one can know about this. We'll both be in trouble. You… more than anything." 
You closed your eyes and nodded, feeling already the painful rejection arriving, anticipating it so much you barely noticed the weird thing he said about you being in more trouble. But you felt on of his hands reach for your chin, and you opened your already blurry eyes. 
"Second… I really don't want this to stop… You're amazing.. You're smart, interesting… beautiful…" the way he spoke was making your heart burst at the seams. 
"But if you never want me to touch you again…" 
You didn't even wait to grab his shirt and pull him closer, opening your legs to allow him more access to your body. He went for your lips and you had never wanted so much to kiss someone back. That addictive taste of his tongue making you lose all focus again. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You pulled on his shirt, wanting him to pull back so you could take it off, what he did immediately. Once you threw away the poor thing you took a second to admire his toned chest before leaning down to kiss it. You let your fingers run across his abs, but you felt his hands reach for the back of your neck and pull your hair. He captured your lips again and you felt his hand under your t-shirt. You moaned into his mouth, wanting him to continue. 
If there's one thing you both had in common it was the lack of patience you both had. You quickly had lost the said t-shirt to the ground and your bra, and his tongue was messing with your nipples and your head. You had one of your hands clasped around your mouth trying to muffle your moans, while the other was lost in his hair. One of his hands was on your thigh the other on your back keeping you steady. 
He kissed his way back up, stopping at your neck, biting and sucking on the soft skin, making you moan and softly giggle. You looked at him, his beautiful eyes, the bright smile he was giving you, and all you wanted to say was that you loved him, but maybe was it too soon? You kissed him again, trying to keep yourself from speaking words that you shouldn't. The kiss deepened and passion was leading the way into much more interesting parts. He laid you down on the desk, letting his hands caress their way down to the aim of your skirt on your thighs. He pulled it up as he leaned back, his eyes never leaving yours. His hands continued their path to the aim of your panties very slowly, and pulled them down. One leg after the other he entirely took them off, putting them down on the desk next to you. He leaned down to kiss you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck once again. 
You gasped when you felt his fingers run over your slit softly, him groaning as he felt your wetness already. Pulling back you could recognize that lustful look on his face, with that point of no turning back.
"Is that all for me?" He asked, his voice a bit darker than usual.
"Yes sir…" you moaned out like a good girl. 
You threw your head back as let one of his fingers slide in, his thumb playing with your clit in a torturing slowness. You were trying your best to stay quiet, but in between his dark gaze on your and his expert fingers you were already pretty close. He had that predator look, one that made you feel entirely trapped, yet so safe. 
"P-please… Sir.." you moaned out. 
This was wonderful, but you needed him and he knew it. You watched as his fingers left you and he rose his fingers to his mouth. The sinful moan you let out as you watched him lick his fingers clean was his breaking point. He quickly reached for his belt, unbuckling it, the bulge already perfectly visible. When he finally lowered his boxers your grasped the desk a bit tighter. The tip of his cock placed at your entrance, you looked at each other. His hand caressed your cheek and his thumb over your lips. You opened your mouth, flattening your tongue and sucked on his thumb. 
Using your little game he pushed himself deep inside you, making you moan out loud, hopefully muffled by his thumb. His hand however left your mouth and you watched slightly breathless as he grabbed your legs, positioning them over his forearms and grabbed your hips with each hand. You were completely trapped, submissive to his every will. He pulled back before sliding right back in at an awful slow pace. You were hopelessly moaning into your hand, trying to stay quiet. His pace quickening you let your head fall back on the desk, arching your back into his hands, trying desperately to feel more of him. One of his hands left your waist to wrap itself around your neck, the soft pressure sending waves of pleasure run through you. You were edging and you couldn't contain your moans anymore at all. The hand on your neck placed itself over your mouth muffling a bit more your loud moans. The way your walls were tightening around him made him groan and you knew he was close too. You felt yourself reach you high as you finally exploded, gasping as the air left your lungs, your eyes shut tight. Your senses blurring, seeing stars for a few seconds, you felt him pound into you harde a few times before cuming as well.
Your eyes were still closed, his hands had left your mouth already when he had leaned down to kiss your cheeks, then your nose and then your mouth. You smiled brightly at him, opening your eyes to him smiling just as brightly. Pulling out, he walked around the room, getting dressed and grabbing your own pieces of clothing. You sat up, trying to at least stay seated on the desk. He had already his shirt on when he walked over to you with some tissues. You were ready to grab them but he took on the task to clean you up himself as you blushed. You grabbed your bra and t shirt, getting dressed quickly as you were starting to feel cold. You felt gim wrap his arms around you and you closed your eyes accepting the embrace. You were in bliss. 
"You smell good…" you let out absentmindedly.
You heard him laugh, his chest shaking with the action and you smiled. 
"Thank you darling… come on, I'm taking you home." He spoke against your hair. 
You separated from him, looking confused. 
"A-are you sure? I can walk home…" you tried. 
"No. Unless you don't want me..?" He asked with a smirk. 
You glared at him but smirked back. Looking down, playing with his t-shirt shyly as you spoke. 
"Are you staying with me tonight..?" You asked hopefully. Looking up at him. 
He sighed looking at your does eyes and he thought about it for a second. 
"Tomorrow's Saturday…" you added. 
He smirked again and nodded, making you light up with joy.
"Come on, let's go." He said, finally pulling you up and he put on his leather coat. You watched in horror as he grabbed the panties on the desk and put them in his pocket, smirking at you. Grabbing your things you felt his hand hold your before finally reaching for the door. 
You both walked out to his car, your hand still in his. The halls seemed empty, cold and dark. But sometimes, even shadows lie in unexpected places. And you should have been a bit more careful about it. 
@thatbemyhouse @magdazwolska @lowkyvoid @lunilate @faralasunita @cap-just-said-language  I hope i didn't forget anyone...
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