#i'm redoing all her outfits for the post bc look
minamill 1 year
blonde rhea era incoming
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izloveshorses 1 year
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we're almost to the halfway mark, so i thought i'd share another progress update on this little (big) project!! (previous update)
i've almost finished drawing half of all the assets (according to my spreadsheet) and then we can start assembling them into a "book." the bulk of the assets are characters/costumes, but i've also completed several props and started working on some backgrounds as well. I need to decide how the book will be laid out before i make much more progress on those, though. i've been trying to hold off on finishing the principal cast because i think saving them for ~dessert~ will keep me motivated to power through the rest, but i'm so anxious to get to them because i want to play with them in photoshop and put them on their associated backgrounds like little paper dolls 馃檲 so that's why ballet tuxedo!dmitry doesn't exist yet, and why i've yet to color the rest of anya's act ii wardrobe.
anyway. progress in my workflow is hardly ever linear, but you can kind of see how i approach the rendering process from these images, i hope. the drawing carries the weight of the image so that step always takes the longest, since getting the likeness, the proportions, the folds, and the expressions right is the most important. if any of that looks off no skillful painting or rendering can save it.
and then i always color skin first because everything else (clothes, hair) goes on top of skin. you can see the color palette i'm using is the same for almost all of them, though act ii requires a few more saturated hues than act i (bright blue, some reds, and green every once in a while). coloring the rest in doesn't usually take very long. once the flats are down i go in for a final pass, laying down those patterns and textures that always give me a hard time lol. and then i clean up and recolor the line work and mark it as done! since i'm working digital i use alpha lock and clipping masks for that.
director's cut commentary of each image included (under the cut bc this post is already so long):
anya's act ii lineup. her phtk outfit is the only one i've marked complete (the linework on the others is still black and need just a few more touchups). I've yet to lay in the flats for the maroon travel coat because i think the drawing needs more work. i might change a few things on big red, maybe her expression, but i haven't decided yet.
dmitry's act ii lineup (sans tuxedo). he just needs a final pass on the first two on the left, and then his finale look is finished, because it's the same from act i :)
vlad's act ii lineup. he's almost done, just needs a final pass on the finale and phtk outfits.
lily's act ii lineup. i'm going to redo the pattern on her neva club dress (linda cho i love u but god) but otherwise she's all finished.
the dowager's act ii lineup. she's done! :) maybe i'll find something to pick at later but rn i'm marking her done lol.
petersburg citizens from rumor! i think these guys are all done. there are more people i could include, but there isn't enough variation on the costumes to make it worth it imo.
neva club patrons. the only two marked complete are the two on the left, sergei the doorman/the male server and count leopold. i still need to find a good reference for the female server lol.
the press! just the men for now lol. i used the obc program as a reference for this one, so i'll get the two ladies in soon :)
the hussies! i've marked it complete, but. we'll see if there's more adjustments i can make.
there's still more i've completed that's not pictured, but i'll definitely share more soon. act i is nearly finished entirely, which is cool, and the only big ensemble sheet i've yet to make much progress on is everyone in phtk. i may end up just drawing one or two people from that and then copying them with different patterns because, honestly, the shape of the dresses and suits are all very similar. hopefully that won't be boring to look at lol.
if there's anything in particular you'd like to see/have any questions, or even suggestions, lmk!! and follow my 'anastasia illustrated guide' tag for more updates :)
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fantomette22 4 months
bloodborne asks : 1, 11, 19 (besides Gehrman), 30, 50 !!
Ask game from here.
Favorite boss fight
Hm good question as well XD (I'm bad at choice I love many bosses!) But my favorite is of course Lady Maria. As in the boss fight. I need to redo her for sure but I always very enjoy the most fight. It's like a dance I love it! it's hard but not too hard as well. It's impressive, frightening and beautiful all at once.
11. If stats weren't a thing, what would you wear?
Well except when I need to go in the poison swamp or fight the winter lanterns, fight a very strong boss or try a new outfit just for the drip or references I do stay all the time with the same clothes.
That mean this : +the hat
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very gender I know I love it. Wish it was real I would buy it x)
19. Favorite Old Hunter?
Besides Gehrman? Well Lady Maria obliviously duh.
馃槀 Ok i am joking let's not count her either. And let's not take Ludwig into account too. Well this 3 gone I would say hm Archibald and Izzy perhaps? Gratia as well. (80% of the shit I made about them are basically headcanons but it's not like 98% of the stuff I made up for Paarl jfeznfbf) + I really like Valtr, Henryk & co of course! (a bit everyone lol). But if we count like the nightmare hunters from that era my fav is literally an OC who became the beast possess soul 馃槶
30. Is there anything you always do in your playthroughs, even if it's not necessary to beat the game?
Hm get at least 3 Umbilical cord at least XD. and do all the bosses + try to have all the set & weapons! (items, runes etc Well the expensive weapons & outfits not all the time for sure.)
50. Tell me about your hunters!
Well I have Lucen Venator of course! (hunter on the pic above!) And I made a 2nd one for a new playthrough, I think I named her Claire bc I didn't want just a feminized version of Lucen's name lol but she's an equivalent of him for sure. One day I would need to make a third hunters for sure.
I made a couple of posts about Lucen & art + my friends did amazing drawings of him 馃ズ (from Katy, Chess, Crow & Odds)
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(He looks way too much like me smt help. I need to change my icon to the small chibi one day)
SO hm what can I say... ah yeah let's go with the oblivious for me :
In my main headcanon (fic verse) He was born the night MP was summon, but far from Yharnam.
His parents came from Yharnam but flew the city
He's related to Cainhurst a bit. (His mom (Louise) & uncle are from a servant family). The amount of her stress this poor woman had to go through during her pregnancy was quite insane too.
He have an uncle (Lupin) who still live in Yharnam, an old hunter that he don't have news off since some times.
His grandpa on his father side (Blaine/Blair) was an old hunter as well, he's an old friend of Gehrman.
Gehrman literally babysit Lucen's dad (Emil) when he was a baby and save him from being crucified decades later.
Somehow Bloody Crow (Voron) was around when he was born lol. Before he return to Yharnam. Do what you want with all those crazy infos.
Either he became the next crow hunter or baby squid great one.
On my first playthrough I choose "last survivor" but I'm not very settle on what happened exactly besides he got scars on his face for it.
He's a kind individual most of the time except when it's time to kick ass if that make sense.
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spellshite 7 months
BG3 Masterlist because yes
Since I'm brainrotting too much about BG3 I thought it'd be a good idea to make a masterlist to find stuff because I either tag messily or Tumblr search function would just not work.
Tags I use:
#bg3 shitpost <- gaming tag? kinda? i use it for all my runs-related things and commentary
#tav: kylech <- things about Kylech
#durge: hrodak <- things about Hrodak
#durge: xarann <- things about Xarann
#tav: uruz <- things about Uruz
#durge: jaws <- things about Jaws
#tav: zenith <- things about Zenith
#tav: lukyen <- things about Lukyen
#tav: tav'keth <- things about Tav'keth
#tav: n'kosana <- things about N'kosana
#my bg3 screenshots <- as it says on the tin (sometimes I put "screenshot")
#my gif edit <- pretty clear
some older posts might be missing the tav/durge tag :( I'll fix it one day, I swear!
(some of) Art I made and shared on my art side blog (@demondepresso)
Sceleritas Fel screenshot redraw [x]
The locket "for papa" [x]
Uruz and (fake) Cherise screenshot redraw [x]
Kiss in the Sharran Temple [x]
Woe! Tadpole be upon ye! [x]
The Spider's Queen Embrace [x]
But isn't it nice? Not to know? [x] (not me giving it a good title after ages rip)
Xarann and Barcus meeting the first time [x]
Hrodak, cover them up slut! [x]
Stop eating the suspicious meat [x]
Astarion and Hrodak first meeting: how it really went [x]
Wizard Stuff [x]
Dror Ragzlin (my very first BG3 Fanart lmao) [x]
PLAYLISTS!!! (bad people only, sorry not sorry)
The Devil You Know (Raphael) [x]
Death is Not the End (Ketheric Thorm) [x]
Bane of my existence (Enver Gortash) [x]
Vampire Lord's Ascension (Cazador Szarr) [x]
Gifs I made: (reverse chronological order bc I messed up when I made the list and I didn't want to redo it again)
I procrastinated and ended up with 1 gif of N'kosana [x]
Gortash (and a bit of Durgetash) for y'all [x]
Jaws Chosen of Bhaal [x]
Jaws (sort of intro gifs? idk) [x]
Bad (Bhaal) Ending Xarann [x]
Bad (Bhaal) Ending Hrodak [x]
Xarann x Gale kisses [x]
Kylech x Wyll kisses [x]
Looked fun [x]
Oh no, not again. [x]
Wandering hand [x]
Stop licking the damn thing! [x]
Like a kitten roaring at a tiger [x]
May I kiss you? (self-indulgent OCxOrigin gifs) [x]
You little scoundrel, you. [x]
Xarann telling Gronag to fetch the bone [x]
Not with you, to be clear [x]
Disciple Z'rell [x]
I won't bite [x]
Mixed gifs (Xarann, Disciple Z'rell, Gale saying "I love you") [x]
Gif mix (Xarann petting Owlbear cub, Shadowheart, Gale, Xarann playing the Spider's Lyre, Xarann and Kar'niss, Kar'niss, Flaming Fist Marcus Landing) [x]
Gale wants to wake up from this nightmare [x]
Xarann pets the Owlbear Cub [x]
If you're expecting me to drop to my knees before you, forget it. [x]
My Tav/Durge infodumping and answers to ask games:
Tavs/Durges Character Sheets (NEW!!) [x]
What is the first thing people notice about their appearance? [x]
About Guardian's appearance [x]
Tav/Durge introduction like the Origin characters [x]
Tav/Durge character sheets [x]
5 Songs 4 Outfits tag game - Xarann [x]
Is your Tav responsible with money? [x]
Ramble about Dream Visitor's appearances and Uruz [x]
Get to Know: Uruz [x]
Get to Know: Xarann [x]
Get to Know: Hrodak [x]
Get to Know: Kylech [x]
Act 1/2/3 looks? idk how to call this [x]
Thoughts on a similarity between Xarann and Araj [x]
Uruz and the locket [x]
DnD Uruz becoming BG3 Uruz [x]
Tav Question(s) Act One [x]
Cooking headcanons [x]
How much does your Tav change over the course of the story? [x]
Tav Asks (6, 11, 19) Kylech, Hrodak, Xarann [x]
Hrodak, answer 4 Baldur's Gate 3 Development Game [x]
Tav as companion game (1, 6, 15) Kylech, Hrodak, Xarann [x]
If Evil Why Hot??? [x]
Jaws the Durge screenshot [x]
Mizora Flesh-to-Stone'd [x]
My Tavs&Durges romance moodboards [x]
My Tavs and Durges as text posts [x]
Uruz and Dream Visitor screenshots [x]
Post fireworks factory shenanigans [x]
Two flavours of Bhaalspawn [x]
"I'm a Bhaalspawn" (Hrodak, Xarann) [x]
vibe chart? [x]
watch me pepe-silviaing about the rats in the Gauntlet [x]
"You bleat well enough as it is" [x]
Xarann & friends hate Sceleritas [x]
Fetch the bone, but as screenshots instead [x]
Ask Games I reblogged:
Get to know your Tav [x]
Baldur's Gate 3 Character Development Questions [x]
26 Questions for your Tav as a Companion [x]
20 Tav QOTDs [x]
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troglobite 1 year
well i finally completed every single nook miles achievement in acnh
posted a video for proof on twitter
hopefully that hyperlink works bc i hate how tweets embed
anyway my last achievement was attending 100 K.K. concerts. for the final concert, i dressed up in the same outfit that katt was wearing (she's my original sisterly, she's been on the island since i started it back in march 2020, and i love her dearly) and i asked K.K. to play K.K. Disco, bc that's katt's favorite song 鈽猴笍
got a little video of it in recognition
and it was nice bc i also had a campsite visitor on the day, and it was bea! i didn't take her bc i have her on my other island/switch, but it was v sweet!
also my switch's memory is full up 馃槵 lol gonna need another memory card if i keep going at this rate--but i probably won't now that i've completed all of the achievements.
basically i was playing through a couple days each week to get to the K.K. concert for the week
along the way i let ione and sasha move out and get replaced w kiki and shep (kiki is a little meh, though i LOVE how i redesigned her house, but shep is v sweet, so idk if i'll let kiki leave if she asks to in the future? maybe not? but if i get a perfect villager in the campsite i'll take em) and then i played every single day to give them gifts so i could get their photos--and THEN i played every single day to give them their new wardrobe. lol
officially, in-game, i'm on june 17th
so i'll play a few days each week and then will set to figuring out what i wanna do w the island design-wise. i tore down what i'd built for sasha after he moved out. what i have for maddie is super crowded. katt's farm takes up a LOT of space and i wanna redo the orchard. the entrance is meh. i tried reworking in front of the plaza but i haven't decorated it. i did move my shakespeare in the park theater but it's hard to access now. i did finally make the beach fish market (feels incomplete, though) and the sushi restaurant. i gotta move (or delete?) my second account's house bc i don't like where it is. gotta move kiki's and shep's houses. lots of terraforming to do and futz around with. i like the ideas i had for builds, but they just got crowded & didn't fit & the terraforming is rough. i might just keep it simple and symmetrical. though i did try that once and it just looked weird. so. idk. i'll figure it out.
anyway. i did it. my original island has completed all possible achievements. as you can see in the video, i have over 520k nook miles. i still have my two starter villagers (katt and roald--i'm considering letting roald move, but i worry that no one would want him and i DO NOT want to void him, i'd be devastated, so we'll see)
i have ~35 million bells
i also completed HHP
and the museum (which you have to do to earn all of the nook miles achievement stamps)
my catalog is huge, but my storage is FULL (almost) so redecorating and ordering things would be a big undertaking
i think i might build more vacation homes for my darlings
the sad thing is i built a vacation home for aurora, and then i let her move off of the island and now on HHP she doesn't remember me :(
i feel accomplished in a v silly way.
i "completed" the game. now i get to just vibe and design my island and hang out w my cute villagers.
the current populace is (in order of when they moved to the island): katt, roald, vivian, goldie, maple, poppy, maddie, dobie, kiki, and shep.
i'd love to take punchy or purrl if they showed up
previous denizens of illyria include: rhonda, benedict, flora, claudia, tammy, agnes, joey (we don't talk about joey), huck (we DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIM), audie, pinky, blanche, aurora, rosie, lopez, wolfgang, whitney, shino, sasha, and ione.
katt, roald, rhonda, benedict, and flora were my original 5. then huck [hisses] and then vivian & claudia. gets hazy after that who arrived in order. all i remember is that i got goldie to replace huck in 27 tickets, and idr who moved out for me to move maple in, but i found her in 6 tickets.
the ONLY amiibo card villager in there is ione. i found literally everyone else on a NMT island (including shino and sasha), in the campsite, from someone off nookazon, or they were an autofill [stares angrily at joey]. oh no wait, poppy was from a friend of mine. they found poppy on an island & took her purely bc they knew i was looking for her. and before they deleted their island save to start over, they got her to ask to move out so i could take her.
blanche (my birthday twin!), rosie, lopez, and kiki were, i think, all campsite villagers i moved in. and everyone else i found on an island OR on nookazon. but i think....yeah i'm pretty sure the only nookazon villager on illyria was aurora? and it was fitting bc then i traded her on nookazon to someone else who was THRILLED to have her, so i was happy she went to a nice home. 鈽猴笍 full circle, y'know.
my OTHER island is populated almost entirely by nookazon villagers. lol villager hunting went very poorly over there. i only found bones and sally on my own--everyone else came from nookazon trades. or--no, wait, i think i found bea on my own, as well.
i just scrolled through all my saved pictures on my switch and jfc what a trip down memory lane
i do remember having to sacrifice a LOT of pictures bc i kept running out of memory :( but a lot of good ones are still there, so at least there's that.
but it looks like i deleted everything of pinky bc i completely forgot abt her until i was "done" w the list of previous villagers. lol
so yeah. acnh. 3 years and change worth of investment and fun and sweet memories. i'm really glad for this game. i love katt so much, she's just the absolute fucking best. she deserved to have my final of the 100 K.K. concerts be her favorite song 鈽猴笍
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skimblyshanks 3 years
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I think an account deletion, account creation, and then a year and some change of focus on other things is more than enough time to get back on the series I'd started back when there was a dash in my name. This series having been intended to go through kilworth house's costume designs, writing out basic context, and making character inferences. I didn't get v far yjgdyjbru and tbh I'll likely redo the ones I'd already done.
So for the foray back into this series I figured I'd tackle the one who I'd been looking at before other things happened, that being: Alonzo!
Now, with the earlier posts I partnered character portraits with concept art. This had first changed with the post for admetus, which had his character portraits, but paired with Alonzo's concept art, as a simple glance made it evident that we swapped our Civilian Defence Scout. However, this post doesn't have any concept art; that's because, to my knowledge, there isn't any. This isn't Admetus' concept in the slightest, it's its own design entirely. So let's get into it.
Alonzo is immediately in a weird predicament in terms of identifying anything right away, at least for my Yankee ass, but I think I've got it? Kinda?
Pretty sure he, like Admetus, is an older teenage civilian, and not just bc Admetus' costume was initially going to be his.
First: His Palette.
Obviously, everyone tends to follow something of a color scheme, and many characters have blues, but Alonzo is notable in being decked out near in 2 main tones of blue. With the color matching so closely between his tie and his cap, I think it's safe to assume a school uniform.
Second: The Cap.
This is both the definitive factor and also the one I'm worried I've possibly completely misinterpreted 馃槀 looking into hats and fashions in the 30s, this design came up for 2 main things, both of which do overlap: School, and Cricket.
Now, when solely looking at it as an aspect of general school uniform, this could be confusing. In that state, it was (and is still, perhaps?) Associated most strongly with young boys. However, Alonzo is likely not a young boy, if for no other reason than his wearing trousers while Carbucketty and Coricopat are both still in shorts.
But if he's not a child, then why wear the cap? Cricket. It's a cricket cap.
And as I said, there's an overlap there. These are sporting caps, and secondaries have cricket teams that, presumably, use their schools' colors. Cricket seems to be the most regular reason an older teen or young adult is photographed in these caps, vs. young boys who wear them because it's the uniform and, subsequently, the fashion for youths
This outfit then connects him with Coricopat and Tantomile, the two children most clearly in school uniform, who also deviate quite a bit from their more ambiguous concepts that cover them in bulky coats
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As well, the twins both have additional shocks of white on their forelocks, and the yellow spots around the eyes carry traces of Alonzo's white patches. (This loses its immedieate connection once C and T's actors switched to a new design, but said design also makes use kf a white face in the way of Alonzo's full-coverage, not the otherwise-typical bands of white. Also all three have forearms that are black from the hands to the elbow.
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This time I wasn't even setting out to justify an Alonzo-Munk relation, but from Luke Redmore (Coricopat, Munkustrap cover)'s video where he applies his makeup for Munkustrap + gets his wig, we see prominent black-and-white patterning.
My initial focus on this was the white in the center, and how that directly compares to Cori and Tanto. Which means, thru some degrees of separation, a loose connection to Alonzo, along with the use of almost exclusively blue in their outfits.
Back onto defining Alonzo as an older teen/young adult, though. From the photos and videos we have of the production, I'm picking up Demelonzo vibes. Demeter is. Most definitely not a kid. If the endgame for her is meant to be Alonzo, which I presume it is, then Alonzo likely had a level of coming-of-age in his narrative.
As well, even with things muddled by the removal of tags and boxes from their designs, we know which characters were initially and maybe still are meant to be "children"; Electra, Jemima, Coricopat and Tantomile all had prominent tags and boxes in their concepts. While Carbucketty did not, his shorts and hint of suspender imply his youth, + his and Electra's concepts both invoke the child in this poster, which has been cited as inspiration for the design of the show
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Alonzo is in trousers, so even with his coordinated suspenders, tie, and cap all suggesting school, he's at least old enough to believably have a bit of rescue romance with Demeter.
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