#i'm really very mean to poor aurelia
inlovewithregencyera · 3 months
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transcript under cut : )
July 8th, 1818
*Louisa humming waltz*
Louisa: *making voice deeper* Lady
Aurelia, will you dance with me?
Bridget: But I thought you had already asked m-
Louisa: *whispering* No Birdie, I asked you when I was Louisa, now I am Frederick and you are Aurelia.
Bridget: Oh! *making voice higher* Yes, Frederick I'd love to!
Louisa: *faintly* Lord Worthington..
Bridget: *squeakily* Yes Lord Worthington, I'd love to!
Aurelia: *chuckling* Bridget your voice is much higher than mine!
Bridget: Is it really?
*Aurelia nods*
Louisa: *loudly whispering* Birdie for the last time you are Lady Aurelia, you do not answer to Bridget or Birdie, and we pretend that impostor over on the bed isn't there, alright?
Bridget: whispering Sorry!
Aurelia: Oh you both look so silly!
Louisa: *voice cracking* My goodness. what fine brown eyes you have my lady..
Bridget: But my eyes are blue?
Louisa: *loudly whispering* BIRDIE, AURELIA HAS BROWN EYES!
Bridget: Oh, yes. Thank you Lord Worthington, you also have very fine...*whispering* Aurelia, what color are his eyes...?
Louisa: BIRDIE!
Aurelia: Louie, please don't yell at her, she doesn't like it. His eyes are hazel, Birdie.
Bridget: *whispering* Thank you..-What fine hazel eyes you have Lord Worthington!
*Louisa humming off key*
*Bridget steps on Louisa’s foot*
Bridget: My goodness Lady Aurelia, have you two left feet..?
Aurelia: Louisa, please.
Bridget: Sorry...
Louisa: *loudly whispering* Best you dance with no one but Papa tonight.
Aurelia: Stop being mean to her!
Bridget: I don't think I want to play anymore...
Louisa: You’re so sensitive sometimes!
Bridget: You’re rude sometimes!
Aurelia: *extending arms* Come here B, ignore her.
*Bridget plops on bed*
Louisa: *rolling eyes* You are both ridiculous, I was joking.
Aurelia: I know, but you forget she is still a child.
Louisa: So am I!
Aurelia: *rubbing Bridget's back* Yes, but she's three years your junior and she's not even out yet.
Louisa: *exasperated sigh* Whatever. *flops on bed*
Aurelia: Maybe a little apology wouldn't hurt?
Louisa: That might ACTUALLY kill me.
Aurelia: Louisa!
Bridget: *giggling* Your love for history already kills me I'm tired of hearing about philosophers!
Louisa: *rolling eyes* Oh, but if I critiqued one of your silly interests or better yet, any of your flaws I'm mean.
Bridget: But your interests are masculine!
Louisa: Turning into Aunt Amelia are we?
Bridget: STOP IT NO I’M NOT!
Aurelia: *trying not to laugh* Louie, please just apologize to the poor thing.
Louisa: Fine. Birdie, I'm sorry I've hurt your feelings, could you find it in your heart to forgive me?
Bridget: NO!
Aurelia: *giggling* Birdie!
Louisa: *giggling* So much for your peace making efforts.
Bridget: I forgive you for being mean while dancing but NOT for comparing me to Aunt Amelia!
Louisa: Fair enough.
Aurelia: I too would be upset if I was compared to her. I can't tell which one is worse, her or her husband!
Bridget: I think poor Papa just puts up with them for the sake of our cousins getting away once in a while...he hates them I'm sure.
Louisa: No, I don't think he hates his own sister. Just who she chose for a husband.
*Aurelia chuckles*
Bridget: Why anyone would choose that THING for a husband I do not know.
Louisa: He looks like a blister!
Aurelia: I don't like him either but that's not very nic-
Louisa: HE'S not very nice. He made you cry last Christmas!
Aurelia: Oh but I was already crying I believe.
Bridget: He made you cry more. I HATE him and I mean it.
Louisa: *snickering* Since Aunt Amelia gave up dancing, perhaps you may dance with him tonight, Birdie?
Bridget: I'd rather expose my pantaloons for all to see!
Louisa: Well someone has to dance with him. We shouldn't make poor Aurelia dance with him, so SOMEONE should...
Bridget: And it won't be me! As you said, I shouldn't dance with anyone but Papa tonight.
Aurelia: Well I think-
Louisa: I'll not speak to that fool after he called my hair wooly last October. After Papa put him in his place he tried to play it off as a joke.
Aurelia: What? You never told me he-
Louisa: Yes, well you weren't yourself that much then. I didn't want to burden you with more stuff that could upset you..
Aurelia: *frowning* Oh.
Louisa: Oh, please take no offense Aurelia, I would've told you, believe me.
Aurelia: I know. I just wish I wasn't like this. Or rather, how I was last year. *sniffling* I'm sorry I hurt you both, please forg-
Bridget: NO! No tears today Aurelia, it's your big day and you will be happy and smiley if it's the last thing we have to make you do! You're almost truly of age!
Louisa: Yes, you will be very happy tonight! Why shouldn't you be, you'll be dancing with your whispering secret, not so secret lover again!
Bridget: Yes! Then he will propose by next week and all is forgotten, and then you'll have plenty of babies and be happy and Louisa and I will be their governesses as no man shall have either of us for we are both silly and ridiculous!
Aurelia: *wiping eyes* Do you think so?
Bridget: YES! We KNOW so!
Louisa: Yes, we do!
*Bridget and Louisa start frantically kissing Aurelia*
Louisa: inmitating Frederick* My dearest Aurelia!
Bridget: *imitating* Frederick* My dear darling!
Aurelia: cackling* STOP!
Louisa: My sweetheart!
Bridget: My pretty lady!
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justastarholder · 1 year
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Gonna start putting whatever SH asks end up in my main blog's inbox over here.
If SH didn't go to the temple? Very good question. I think it REALLY depends on if they just refused or if they weren't permitted but I'm gonna work on the assumption that Eclipse doesn't know which of these it is- he'd assume the latter.
So Julian would have died. The man was on death's door and he would not have made it long enough for Eclipse to send for a different healer. This would make Eclipse hate Sun EVEN MORE.
After that, I think Eclipse would likely have started the war much sooner. He'd have made the decision that Sun is hiding the Star Holder because they can't use the star yet. YET. Which means if he wants Sun to surrender, he needs to move fast. (That's the mentality.)
On the other hand, Eclipse not meeting SH means SH doesn't get to go to the Luna Ceremony because Sun never realizes they need to be socialized. And Moon never prods Sun about why SH is so shy- the two just keep on believing that the poor darling is just awkward and never investigate the temple's treatment of SH.
So the Star Holder just keeps working. Getting weaker by the day as their connections to the other gods wither to nothing.
Here's a fun fact I've yet to reveal in story: Pluto has been praying for the Star Holder since their first conversation. It's the only tie SH has to any of the gods.
Now because Eclipse makes his first move early, Sun and Moon make the decision to move Pluto back to the forge much earlier. Pluto and SH didn't meet at the ceremony, but SH still meets her and Lunar.
And Lunar still threatens SH, but ultimately warms up to them because Pluto loves them so much. Since there's no Eclipse to be overly affectionate and stir up SH's butterflies, Lunar has no competition for SH's affection.
He's goofy and nice and although he's moody, he brings SH hope. He talks about his travels and dragons and the world SH desperately wishes to explore.
So of course they fall in love with him.
And since Lunar is under Sun's employ, Sun has no real issue with the two of them canoodling or what have you :)
Also Lunar probably would have killed Aurelia
Then there's Sun.
Eclipse is decimating his smaller temples. Leaving nothing but ash is his wake. He's lost his best friend and feels he has nothing else to lose. Sun is stressed. So stressed. So tired. His focus is entirely on getting Eclipse under control so he becomes less amiable with SH over time.
Moon is there to help, of course, but he's angry with Sun for letting Pluto go. And since Moon isn't friends with you, he doesn't receive the reassurance that she's not the monster he views her as. And since he has no reason to peer into any dreams, he never discovers that Sun is actually possessed.
So Afton does manage to gain control of Sun's body. And he uses this freedom to further his own plan- which I can't get into because that's not been revealed in the main story ^^'
In the end, I think it would be a much rougher time for everyone (except Lunar). <:( The story has a very VERY delicate balance and everything has been arranged just so for the best possible outcome... I wonder who could have planned all that? (Star Mom. The answer is Star Mom.)
At any rate, this was a fun question to answer, hope you enjoyed reading this!
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foxounderscorecube · 6 months
1, 4, 14, and 31 for the ask game!
1 - favorite character/s and why
I love The Arbiter from Halo and not just because he is very attractive, although that helps, I suppose. In the games, at least - I hear the novels don't tend to support my interpretation of him, sadly - he comes across as someone kind-hearted and loyal at his core. He and Master Chief unite toward a common goal initially, but their relationship becomes one of genuine fondness and deep respect and he even accompanies Master Chief into serious danger to try to save Cortana, which he has no obligation to do at all - but he isn't one to abandon a comrade!! He is full of Catholic guilt (Covenant guilt?) and is but a cog in a horrendous machine, poor fella. My knowledge of Halo lore indicates he was able to go on to do good things for the Sangheili outside of Covenant rule, and if I'm wrong then that's canon to me <3
All the characters I've mentioned so far have been guys, which is unfair, so I think I will talk about Roderika, who is probably the least spoken about Elden Ring NPC ever outside of, like, Nameless White Mask #2, which I find a real shame. I know she isn't one of the more lore-dense characters, but she's genuinely lovely. I mean, she gives you Aurelia, who is precious and my go-to Spirit Ash even if I know there are better ones out there (although I prefer that she just kinda... supports a bit instead of soloing bosses, to be honest?). I think her storyline, though simple, is really heartening and a rare treat in a game full of sad storylines. She has lost her home and all those dear to her, but finds her talent and a father figure and really grows into herself. She's seen horrors beyond her comprehension but she stays soft and sweet and even finds happiness in her new life, in the capacity she's given.
4 - favorite underrated band
Got to give a shout-out to Nasty Fishmonger which is a folk-punk group that consists of some very cool people I went to uni with!!! They are SO good live and have an album called "Band of Common Folk".
Also, I don't know most of their music but the EP by Shoe, "Giant Demonic Grub Seeks Shallow Swamp Can Pay $200 A Week" is a favourite of mine and nobody except to the friend who (inadvertently) showed it to me seems to have heard of it.
14 - favorite genres to read or watch?
I like reading non-fiction, mostly about natural sciences and history (nice and vague, I know). But basically, give me a book about fish or some shit and I am HAPPY. In terms of fiction, I read more or less anything. Magical realism and stuff that's a bit fantasy or a bit sci-fi is good, but really dense SFF I need to be in the mood for. I'm not a big romance person overall, but if I get invested in a romance storyline it really gives me brainworms.
31 - something your mutuals/followers didn’t know about you
My top three beverages of all time are: 1) mango nectar, 2) soy milk, 3) root beer.
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captainofthefallen · 5 years
🔥🌼🌗💕 for whichever two of your OCs you most want to talk about right now, please ^_^
I’ve legitimately been sitting here debating this for a solid five minutes. I think I’m going to go with my latest SWTOR character, my trooper Cimbri, and my brand new shiny D&D character Aurelia, who if I had to describe her in a sentence, would be, “I took this sweet innocent little elf girl and asked myself how much trauma I could reasonably heap onto one person.” The answer was a lot. (I’ll find a questionnaire or something to do for both of them later since I haven’t actually introduced them yet but I can start with this.)
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones? 
Cimbri: She’s generally pretty good at being cool-headed. The main exceptions to that are a) when people are threatening and/or condescending toward the people she cares about, and b) when people are being hypocrites. Havoc defecting to the Empire in response to the Senate not caring about their soldiers/seeing them as cannon fodder was a big one. When she starts getting angry, she usually tries to rein it in, but the angrier she gets the less control she has. Not that she turns to violence, but that she can’t really think straight anymore. She gets to the point where she’s so mad she can’t form coherent sentences, which is not super great for her stance in an argument usually, which is one of the main reasons she tries to keep a lid on it. But there’s only so much she can do.
Aurelia: (Keeping in mind that she’s basically a brand new character and has a great deal of developing to do, but I like her too much to keep my mouth shut.) She’s been trained for about half her life that her emotions are secondary to her duty, if they even matter at all, so she doesn’t have a whole lot of emotional processing available. So far, when she’s angry, she goes absolutely silent. Cold, somewhat calculating, and trying to figure out the most efficient way to get rid of whatever’s pissing her off. She also has been taught/taught herself to respond to fear with anger, to the point where the two emotions are nearly indistinguishable for her.
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!) 
Cimbri: I created Cimbri wanting to romance Jorgan again. Cimbri decided to be uncooperative and fell in love with Elara. It was very inconvenient. That said: I don’t feel like looking up the actual dialogue so I’ll do first impressions: respect and admiration, and then very shortly thereafter a sense of ‘if you’ve got a problem with her you’ve got a problem with me and my assault cannon.’ She has a huge amount of respect for Elara’s decision to defect and the courage (and moral courage) it took to do so, she admires her dedication and efficiency, and later on she definitely thinks she’s cute when she’s nerding out about requisition forms.
Aurelia: Since we’re one session in, she doesn’t have a LI, so I’ll do her impressions upon reconnecting with her best friend (the entire party knew each other as children): She was never expecting to see any of these people again. Saphir was the only one she recognized right off the bat--she’d been older, the last time they met, and time had been less cruel to her than the rest, it seemed. Saphir didn’t recognize her. None of them did. But they were going to find out eventually. Saphir’s voice changed when she talked to her, as it always did. Aurelia was the only one she was ever soft with. Saphir had been her protector, her sister, and now... She wasn’t a child anymore. She didn’t need a protector. Saphir’s presence made her feel... small. She wasn’t small. She was a weapon, she was strong and skilled, and she didn’t need her. But she didn’t have the heart to reject her outright. Apparently there was enough of that child left alive for that. So she kept her distance. It was the best she could do.
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours? 
Cimbri: Mornings, thanks to that military discipline running in the family. She likes to have quiet time to herself for at least a few minutes, have a cup of caf (if it’s available), collect her thoughts. She makes sure she’s prepared for whatever the day has in store, then she’ll address the squad.
Aurelia: Mornings as well. Her training was on a similar level of discipline to the military (she’s basically a Navy SEAL monk, is about the closest I can get to describing it). She’s not used to be able to take time to herself, though, or really to develop her own routine. She just does whatever’s required to prepare herself for the day ahead. When her team was undergoing their trials out in the wilds, they would talk together sometimes, get to know each other. But now she’s been thrown into a whole new situation with people she knows but doesn’t know she can trust, and she’ll be keeping to herself at least until she can get a read on them.
💕 How is your OC with physical affection? What are their boundaries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this? 
Cimbri: She’s not huge on physical affection, but she’s not opposed to it once in a while. She will usually let someone else initiate if they want to--she doesn’t initiate physical affection, as a general rule, but she enjoys it when someone else does. No particular reason--she has a forceful personality in a lot of ways, but this is one of the things she’s more relaxed on.
Aurelia: She has been hugged twice in the last 24 hours, and before that she hadn’t been hugged in at least 8 years. She’s not technically opposed to it, but she’s so unused to it that she kind of freezes up at anyone else initiating it, and does not know how to respond. She will... tolerate it, if that’s what’s necessary for group morale (and in both of those cases it seemed to be helpful at least to an extent), but she is not really a big fan. And that’s mostly due to her training, personal needs and emotions were always secondary and attachment/affection was generally discouraged (it’s kind of like all the worst parts of being a Jedi combined with a few of the worst parts of being a Sith, with a religious cult of personality who worships the ruler of their nation as a god-king and abhors all magic. It’s real bad.)
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an-empty-wallet · 2 years
• I shall join the world of people with TaSte •
: It’s honestly the Daddy Issues talking but hey- I see Ya’ll there 👁👄👁
Silco AU of sorts- juuusttt something I do when I get bored.
Cheers to chapter 1 🥂
Cheers to chapter 2 🥂
Cheers to chapter 3 🥂
Chapter One: “Jinx, What on Earth Did You Bring Home This Time?”
When Aurelia thought that all hope was lost for her and decided that if she was going to die, she would rather give her life in exchange for one to continue living.
That was today.
Nine year old Jinx, of course, unknown to Aurelia Snowlime, crossed a busy Zaun train rail without watching out for the inevitable.
She froze right in the middle as she saw the bright white lights practically screaming at her face.
Aurelia was simply passing by, just after submitting an application form to different Zaunites in need of a guard, security, or positions of any of the sorts- most of them going downhill more than she anticipated. Her head was locked with the ground as she walked around the busy night. Until she saw the shadow of a girl. Immediately, she raised her head, locking from the ground to the little girl frozen in place.
Without thinking much, she dropped all of the papers she was holding; jumped into the direction of the blue haired kid, getting her leg scraped by the impact of both train metal and rough grout.
Aurelia protected the little blue girl's head by wrapping her bigger form over her entire small body.
No one seemed to have noticed the incident - despite being a very crowded night.
"Are you alright?" Aurelia coughed out the sand that entered her mouth as she dusted off the little girl's clothing.
The kid stood and stared at her; blankly. Aurelia held on both of her arms, kneeled in front of her, and looked at her eye.
"Look, you can't just cross rails like that willy nilly. You could've gotten hurt!" She exclaimed, totally forgetting about the red liquid running out of her thighs and knee; which little blue hair has been staring at.
"You're hurt." She croaked out.
Aurelia followed her eyes and unsurprisingly landed on her legs. It looks like the impact pierced through her pants-
"MR. SILCO!" Little blue called out as she dragged Aurelia in the venue.
"Jinx, what on earth did you bring this time?!"
A man's voice boomed across the room.
This is a living room, I presume... Big. Aurelia thought as she looked around. The little girl, Jinx, was still holding her hand, like you would a doll.
While looking around the place, her eyes stopped when they met another pair.
Jinx happily dragged her closer to the man and showed her off like a new toy.
"Mr. Silco, she jumped into a train and hugged me." Jinx smiled; widely.
He shifted his eyes from the little one and dragged it to Aurelia's.
Since Jinx was holding on to her hand, she was already bending over due to the high difference of the nine year old - but because of how intimidating this - Silco - person was, she bent down even more. Hurting her bed leg in the process.
"I- I... I mean, you should really tell your child not to stand right on the rails of trains..." Aurelia whispered. Never looking the man in the eyes and finding the floor ever so interesting.
As she turned to tell Jinx she was going to leave, the blue haired kid was already looking at her with admiration.
"I- are you alright?" Aurelia asked worryingly.
"I'm Mr. Silco's kid?" She asked excitedly, pulling Aurelia down even more.
Poor girl flinched at the friction her wound is getting but placed a hand over the blue mane and smiled.
"Y-yes. Yes of course."
Her smile was crooked. The pain on her leg was becoming unbearable. And if she remembered correctly, she did hit her head trying to protect the smaller one in her arms.
"Alright Jinx, I'll tend to your— guest. Go wash up, I will have a word with her first and you come right after." Silco said with a sigh as he roughly grabbed Aurelia's arm, leading her to his office.
"Who are you? State you business with Jinx or me." He snarled at her as he practically threw Aurelia to the couch.
She winced and took a sharp inhale as the vibration of the impact of her body and the bad leg, made the wound open even more.
"Look-" Aurelia paused as she was cut off with a grunt she unconsciously made, " I'm Aurelia Snowlime. I have no business with you or your daughter. I simply saw her standing right in front of a moving train and pushed her away. Because I am not from here, I don't know you, or her. I don't really mind dying here, but I don't want to die with something as ridiculous as blood loss." She explained sternly.
With the silence she was given, and the fact that her lids were slowly closing, she took it upon herself to stand up and leave - at least, she would. If she could.
When she forced herself to stand up straight, everything went black and she felt herself falling...
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claptraprights · 4 years
Look we both know what I'm going to request so I'm going to not request that and instead ask for some Aurelia headcanons
the og girlboss!
- I imagine her childhood was very ‘icy glares and silent treatment-y’-kind with a side-serving of ‘any one who addresses problems is the problem’ from her parents (and also that they just weren’t around a lot bc - business). 
- Also she was taught from a young age that the servants were really just some pointless beings not worth talking to. There was however one governess she actually really felt close to and who actually cared about Aurelia and she asked her to take her to see the city down the hill once so that she could see how people live there and she did. But when Aurelia’s parents found out that she had taken Aurelia away from Hammerlock-owned premises, she was fired and shamed and could no longer hold a job as a governess anywhere. And in fact, Aurelia never saw her again.
- As a kid, she often felt jealous of her brother bc with his outdoor-sy activities and bug-searching habits (which is all very rebellious by Hammerlock standards) he got a lot of attention while the few times her parents noticed Aurelia was on the rare occasions that she did manage to fall out of her role or act untoward in a situation and the response to that was usually a stern talking-to about how she embarrassed the family - bc that was pretty much their parenting: You can do what you like, as long as you can do it quietly. But there wasn’t a lot of positive reinforcement. This kind of lead to being ‘evil’ becoming one of her favourite past-times. 
-  She’s a brilliant chess player with an Elo rating of >2000
- Both her and Alistair learnt to play various instruments as children. Aurelia is particularly good playing the violin. She likes to put her own, very theatrical air to her interpretations. 
- She was actually married before, in her mid-to-late twenties and her wife was from ...wherever it is that Ember is from. They actually divorced pretty amiably and her ex-wife is the reason why Aurelia peppers so much French words into her conversations (also bc it sounds fancy but pssh) 
- Her own planet is...surprisingly habitable? Freezing cold, of course, but her policies aren’t half-bad. Not so much bc she really cares about making life good for her subjects but because she realised that she will actually make more money if she gives the inhabitants the means to stay productive and as long as she treats them better than the corporations do, they actually come to her planet so the economy grows.
- Listen, while she might not like her brother she would still have left a very offended message if she had still been alive and he hadn’t invited her to his wedding. That’s just poor etiquette.
Despite her posh demeanor, she is actually very uninterested in the stuff that most other people in her social circle talk about. And tbh the fact that she was raised to think that ‘oh no my servant ordered my new space yacht in purple and not in burgundy’ and ‘my polo pony bit its art therapist!’ were the depth of human despair paired with being told not to talk or interact with any poor people led to her lack of interest in other people’s lives and feeling removed from most other people. She just thought they were all boring and overly concerned with nonsense that she couldn’t relate to.
- Yes, she can fence and she has settled various high-society disputes she got involved in with a duel.
- One of her favourite books are The Brothers Karamazov (or some cultural equivalent there is in her time. But then, she also knows King Lear so she probably knows Earth-time literature). When Alistair is being particularly self-righteous, she compares him to Alyosha.
- In turn, her time on Elpis was the first time in her life that she worked alongside people from outside of that social circle and that’s part of the reason why she becomes more invested in other people’s fate and grew as a person throughout the game.
- She is the definition of: “How much could it cost? 10 Dollars?” and back on her Elpis, her team frequently had to save her from being scammed by the locals.
- After she left, she actually offered a hefty sum of money to buy Timothy’s contract but she never received a response.
- She loves the opera and theatre. In her boarding school she got to act in plays sometimes but her parents mostly discouraged it.
- One of the reasons she likes ice so much is because it’s elegant. Fire and corrosion and explosions are all big messes - ice is a slow, silent killer that does not make much of a mess.
- She begrudgingly came to admire* Athena and even offered her a job as her bodyguard after she left (not that she really needs one but having an ex-Atlas assassin as your personal bodyguard sure has class). But that would have meant that either Athena would have left Janey behind which she didn’t want to or for Janey to resettle her entire business which Janey didn’t want to, so it didn’t work out (Or at least...came as close to admiring her as she could possibly be.
- This is not so much an Aurelia-specific headcanon but I like to believe that the Hammerlock dynasty and the Jakobs Corp. have had an allegiance since the times of the Corporate Wars when Jakobs got into a dangerous situation and managed to just about safe its neck by allying itself with the Hammerlock family. That’s also part of the reason why Aurelia was so eager to take over Jakobs (other than to piss of her brother and his  fiancé of course.)
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