#i'm personally gonna go to malmö and wrap L8 in bubble wrap at this point
nadianadims · 7 years
I don't understand swedish very well and I read something about lotta being injured and playing all games at the euros but I'm not sure. Do you know what happened?
so in one of the last league games before the euros, L8 took a hit to the neck which apparently resulted in her playing all the euro games on painkillers (which ultimately was her own decision, i feel like i need to add since jack does make it sound like pia somehow forced the painkillers down her throat as she held a gun to her head) and now the neck pains have developed into migraines which she’s struggled with for years so she won’t be able to play the cup final. and as per usual, jack blames pia for this. i do feel like it should be added that jack himself actually let her play on AFTER she’d hurt the neck, well aware of her history of migraines – so perhaps if he’d taken good care of his player to begin with, they wouldn’t be in a shit situation like this right now
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