#i'm patient and understanding; yet the slightest misstep or questionable vibe and i completely close off
there is something so deeply human about a person character collapsing from exhaustion. And I don’t mean “lying down after a long day,” I mean that they’ve been stressed and overworked and taking care of everything and acting as if everything is okay and working so damn hard for days, or weeks, or months until they just... can’t. As someone who’s made a career out of lying real well, and who’s had to put up with more than my fair share of bullshit, there is something deeply amicable in physically being unable to lie; in the truth of the matter overwhelming the image and facade i’ve crafted. And “break down, sobbing, and tell someone everything” doesn’t scratch that itch for me, because I don’t really have a breaking point in that way - I will keep a straight face until the moment I die if i so damn well please. 
I’ve been reprimanded and berated for emoting so i’ve learned not to, but it means that people have nothing to pick up on, even if my entire world is collapsing around me. So when I won’t betray myself - for better or worse - it does leave me at times to fantasise about my body refusing to allow me to continue for my own benefit. I often return to the notion of trying so desperately to maintain an individualist perspective and being forced to allow someone else to take care of you - if only briefly.
The loudest and oversimplified difference between Shakespeare’s tragedies and comedies is that in a tragedy someone dies, and in a comedy there’s a wedding. In mine, the defining question is “who picked them up off the floor? Someone else, or themself?”  When you passed out on the bathroom floor, did you wake up in a bed with a blanket and a cloth pressed to your forehead, or on the same, cold tiles?
I don’t want to beg for love, I’ve tried that. As someone who’s tried so freaking hard, what i want is to be loved, even when i actively avoid seeking it. I want someone to be upset that i didn’t say something rather than apathetic. I want someone to care. 
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