#i'm not upset about his redemption arc. i enjoy a happy ending.
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americankimchi · 1 year ago
some days i think to myself about the wasted potential that was essek criticalrole and feel a headache form behind my eyes.
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tylrgalpins · 2 years ago
so thoughts on the ted lasso finale since you reblogged to say you enjoyed it.
i'm going to put them undercut just cause it will contain spoilers!! but yes, i did like and enjoy the finale.
so my thoughts on the ted lasso finale, why I enjoyed it and why I felt the majority of the characters ended up where they should be.
so first let's address ted because so many people didn't like the fact he went back to kansas and left his found family just for henry. I saw loads of people say it was very out of character for ted but I got to disagree.
in s2 we found out that a lot of ted's issues and struggles stemed from the fact his father committed suicide when he was only 16 and that resulted in him feeling like his father abandoned him.
with ted having carried that all his life I understand why he felt he needed to go home to be with his son and be more active in his life. he never wanted henry to feel like he had abandoned him and so he went home to be with him even if it meant sacrificing his life in richmond. ted put his son first. and yes, it's nice to think 'well Henry could come to England' but realistically, to uproot his life like that and take him away from everyone in his life would be a lot for a teenager to go through.
Now let's talk about Rebecca.
I know loads of people are angry about tedbecca, which personally I don't ship so maybe that changes my opinion but I generally don't think the fact them two not getting together spoilt her story or her arc.
To me, the entire arc of Rebecca was for her to finally stop caring about Rupert and what he thinks, to get out of his hold and actually realise how much she loves and care for the club.
And she did that, she stopped caring about beating rupert and cared about the team instead. she realised how much good she had done with the club and how important it was to her and how important she was to the club.
That was her story arc done, and to me it was satisfying.
I know tedbecca shippers are upset and yes it sucks when your ship doesn't happen but to me there was no way they could have worked. ted needed to go back to henry, and rebecca needed to stay. imagine how angry everyone would have been if rebecca gave it all up to be with ted. just look how much everyone hates ross & rachel for the exact same reason.
So the roy/jamie/keeley part.
So this was maybe the part i was least happy about but also I don't think it was that bad.
I loved roy & keeley and it sucked so much that they didn't end up together but I do feel that was best for the characters at this moment.
they broke up because roy didn't feel worthy and then he did nothing to help change that mindset. we finally saw him making strides in the last few minutes and i do feel he needs to sort himself out before him & keeley give it another go because at the moment nothing has changed.
I also kinda liked that Keeley ended up single, for the entire series she's pretty much always had a partner. I like that she's decided to focus on her career for a while.
Sure it would've been nice if they had done the previous two bullets throughout season 3 but they didn't, and I think they are important for the relationship to work.
Now jamie, i do largely want to ignore the comment he made about keeley because he's made the best character progress of the season and I love him. at the same time, while the comment was out of line, i do sort of think it's on brand. a lot of the roy/jamie friendship is based on trying to out do each other and I just don't think jamie thought before he spoke which I also thought was on brand for jamie. that said I don't agree with the stuff he said.
I still love jamie and i don't think that one comment ruins his entire redemption.
other stuff.
I was really happy colin got to kiss his fella even if we all saw it coming. i've really enjoyed his storyline and I thought it was done well.
I am really pleased with where the team ended up at the end of the season.
I loved that sam got to play for nigeria.
i've seen a few people say they hated that nate didn't really move forward, especially as he came back to richmond as a kitman. but i felt this was the whole point of his story. he reached the top and it sucked for him, he lost everything but then realised that actually, that didn't matter anyway.
YES for roy kent as manager.
a little gutted they didn't end up winning the whole fucking thing.
happy with where trent crimm ended up.
loved that beard stayed but not so much that he married jane.
i think that covers everything but come talk to me about anything you want regarding the final.
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semiweirdshipper · 11 days ago
Not sure if your still taking questions but here I go.
What made you decide to do pily ships in your stories? (I really love this and am upset there isn't more content like it around)
What inspired such different depictions of Danny in your stories? (In the bully fanfic he's a huge ass in the beginning but in the fic about the killers being abused with the help of the pestula he's alot more caring and soft)
Will you ever do more with the oni in pics?
I don't know if you read killers lore but Caleb was sort of not a scab but he did turn on others for his own good so mabey you could work that into a story or make him need a redemption arc of some kind.
And thank you for your portrayal of the clown, I've always had an obsession with clowns and they way you write him just made me love him 10x more!
Hi @blueberry-bastard-boy!
I decided to do poly in my stories as more of an option for viewers. In a lot of my stories, I allow viewers to vote for which killer they want the reader to end up with. Poly and/or harem is an option for voting. There are some stories like Reverse The Dancing Knights and Miracle of The Moonlight where I chose the primary relationship myself, but I still gave viewers a chance to make an impact. All in all, I do it for my viewers.
The different depictions of Danny is a personal issue on my part. I've made a post about this before, but to put it simply... Danny's appearance reminds me of a bad person in my life, and therefore I struggle to write him. It's a personal issue. I'm trying to work on it. I apologize for any inconvenience.
The Oni is one of the hardest killers for me to write because of the language barrier. Killers who are thousands of years old or unable to talk at all like Blight, Adiris, Charlotte and Lisa are extremely difficult for me to write. I can't tell you how badly I want to write Adiris in my stories, but I just don't know how. Same problem with Oni. It'd be fun though!
Caleb has always been one of my special favorites. I definitely don't write enough of him, but I can think of some fun ways to use his personality to my advantage, especially the redemption aspect *evil grin*.
And here I go again... *Victory clown dance*. The looks people give me when I randomly start dancing 😐 Thank goodness I'm alone right now! Lol, but seriously, I'm sooooooooo happy you enjoy my version of Jeffrey.
Thank you for your questions. I hope you have a good day ❤️
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shadyreviewengineer · 3 years ago
Sweet Magnolias Season 2
Its here! I have so far watched it twice, and here are my unasked for thoughts, hope you enjoy
So in no particular order -
- Somehow it didn't feel like SM, did anyone else get that? I still enjoyed it, and I don't know what it was, I think maybe because they used different music during transitions, but something felt off (still good though)
- Ok, I find it annoying sometimes when writers need to add something in to a show after the firsts season, but end up doing it jarringly, however I liked that anything they needed to add in the s02 they definitely did due diligence throughout the season, it didn't come out of the blue when Cal lost control and got arrested.
Eg - Cal's anger management issues. They defiantly hinted at it throughout the season, many times, even if they did do it a bit clunkily
- Dana Sue's health issues mysteriously vanishing, I get them not being a main plot point, but the fact they weren't mentioned once? Sus
- Annie and Jackson. Dare I say, maybe one of my favourite redemption arcs since Zuko lol. So, I am definitely team Tyler, however I love this paring, I love Jackson's actor and their storyline.
My issue with the storyline though is that one of my least favourite troupes is when they have two characters cheat on their partners with each other and we're supposed to root for them because they're 'endgame'. It always completely turns me off the characters and I really hope that Jackson and Annie don't end up in that situation and their breakup feels organic. I kind of hope Jackson's family have to move when his Dad's been disgraced and is no longer mayor and thats why they break up.
- I felt like the adult side got more love and screentime this season, and I'm not happy about it. I don't know if the demographic is mostly older so they wanted to lean more to that, but I wish the youngsters had had more screentime.
- Esepcially Cece. How could they do her dirty like this? She was iconic in s01 and she was hardly there in s02. At least her reasons for breakup with Ty felt in charcter for her, but it did bug me when Ty said 'you hurt me' and Cece said 'no I didn't'. Like, yes, Cece may be more hurt and have more right to be hurt, and yes Ty might have blown her off for a bit too, but you can't decide when you've upset someone or not Cece.
- my faves Aunty Helen and Annie had like no scenes together #werevoltatdawn
- Kyle, Ty, and Annie weren't talking for awhile, and I get that things ended weirdly, and we did have Kyle blow up at Annie, and Annie mentioning that there was too much drama with her usual group, but I wish we'd kind of got more explanation on screen? Like seen them together being awkward a bit more? idk, it just felt jarring that these kids that were supposed to be like siblings wouldn't manage to band together after such a big shock and one of them almost dying?
Also wish we'd gotten more of them coming back together? They just kind of made up in one meeting again. Yes it be like that when you've known someone forever, but also, it would have been nice to see a few more meetings
Basically it felt like the writers didn't know what to do/where to take them/didn't want to give them too much screen time and so separated the kids for practically the whole season idk, it might be just me
- Although I did like how they made Kyle and Tyler argue and make up, and Tyler taking the reins as the oldest kid and trying to make nice with everyone was sweet.
- Also Kyle, Sophie, and co making the video game was so sweet and fun
- Although I completely misread Sophie, I thought there was gonna be drama with Nellie and her for Kyle, but actually Sophie recognised Kyle's feelings and encouraged them. Good for her.
- Gutted for Helen, I just wanted to give her a hug.
- Also, Helen's set up for next season is killing me.
OK, s01 Helen was kind of with Ryan, kind of flirting with Erik, and s02, she's with Eric. We've done the Eric/Ryan who will she chose thing, and then Ryan reappears, and I don't know if I'll be more annoyed about them making an unclimactic cliff hanger like this time, or dragging it out all season and basically give her the same storyline as s01 but with more complications, but Helen should've told Ryan about the baby if she wanted to and drawn a line under him and that shoudve been season 2's Ryan, gone for good.
- Also, s01 Jackson makes me completely understand why Tyler would be suspicious of him and Annie hanging out. Jackson sent Annie's drunk, love declaration voice note to the whole school. Tyler being weary of Jackson because he hanging out with Annie is entirely plausible in a completely platonic way. Yes, I want it to be because Tyler has realised his feelings, but also, I think Cece assuming it was just co Ty liked Annie was a but ott, maybe if there had been other instances that could have rose suspicion, but in s02 there wasn't really, and I can't think of many on s01. And I do understand sometimes when you're dating someoen or kow them well you just know when they have feelings or whatever, but we're talking about a couple of 17yo with very little prior expericne (if any) with relationships who've been dating a few months at most.
- Also, no married, never been in a relationship, but I don't understand Maddie's reaction when Bill tells her about Issac? Like, yes I can understand her being upset and furious, but because of the her kids, but she says things which I understand, except that Bill didn't know. He had no idea, and so yes he made the same mistake twice and he is an idiot and moron, but if you didn't know you'd made the mistake the first time, can that really be held against you? and i personally think we can see from the Noreen situation that if he had known he would probably have done his best to do right by Peggy instead of his existing (if 'not serious') gf maddie
I mean, I'm not mad Bill got yelled at, because he can never get yelled at enough , but just some of the arguments I didn't understand where Maddie was coming from
- THE COFFEE THING at least we got to see Aunt Helen with Ty, even if there was no Aunt Helen and Annie
- the costumes were on fire. why am i, a 21 yo, vibing with Helen and Maddie's outfits so much?
- Finally can we takl about the grown up adult woman walking up to a teenager her insulting her? That is so funny
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serafim · 3 years ago
Sephiroth/Cloud for the ship thing (:
The ship is my: One of my favorites.
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together | Unhealthy
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
General Opinion: Boy there's a lot to unpack here. For the sake of brevity, let's say we're looking only at the official compilation timeline and not "what-ifs." One major problem with this ship, especially when centered around the CC-timeline: there's a 6-year age gap between them. When Cloud is 15, Sephiroth is 21. I don't know about others but...yeah, 15 year olds are children and irl super gross and I have 0 interest in that hahah.
Beyond CC, you run into issues with autonomy, disrespect, straight up abuse, and general dubcon scenarios. In the On the Way to a Smile novella the Lifestream Black chapter literally states that Sephiroth retains his individual self in the Lifestream by hating fixating on Cloud in a negative way. I thought it was kind of silly, but Cloud is probably the most accessible anchor to Sephiroth at the time.
In my heart of hearts, I would love some evidence that these two could ever have a healthy relationship (romantic or not) but I don't see it at all. I also don't see Sephiroth ever getting a redemption arc and if Remake actually goes that route I'm going to be so upset because they'll totally cheapen his character lmao.
Not that I don't enjoy exploring the darker aspects of their relationship. I'm just a schmuck for happy endings, so this ship firmly lives in "what-if" territory for anything positive.
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