#i'm not tagging anyone in this because i get shy 🫣
aphrogeneias · 25 days
we've reached a new milestone (there are now a little over 3.1k of you here, which is an insane number if you ask me) and i always say i'm not one to celebrate these things, and i really am not, but i feel like being sappy on main tonight
i've been through a lot of phases in this website, and none of them were easy. mostly because i'm never easy on myself, and partly because i felt overlooked. unseen, ignored, unheard. the last time that feeling took over was when i had decided i would quit for good, and deleted all of my fics from this very blog you're reading right now.
that was two years ago, and shortly after i decided to come back, because giving up is simply something i don't do — and when i did that, i said that perhaps the third time, my third attempt at sticking to being a writer, would be the charm
and as it turns out, it was. and that is because of all of you, who believed in me, who have seen me, and heard me, and made me feel like i belonged. sometimes i still doubt that i do, sometimes it's difficult to go on, but you (all of you, my mutuals, the followers who are always in my notifications, the people i interact with once in a while, the friends i made along the way) made me feel like this can be my place too, and i'm forever grateful for that
thank you for being here, thank you for all the love and the kindness, thank you for always listening. i'm not the best or the brightest, but you make me feel like i can do anything <3
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mimiyewaffles · 4 months
Just saw you reply to an anon talking about how cute you and your bf are and I wanna butt in a little🤭
I would love to know how you guys met! Did you kind of manifest the relationship completely like shifting, or did you bump into him somewhere
Hehe 🤭 okay, I'll tell you~~~
I never manifested anyone because I never wanted to at that time but yea, I had always wanted to have this specific relationship and I would play out the relationship with taehyung in my mind. Like I would read ff and put myself in the place of y/n and visualise myself with tae 😭
I always remember saying to my friends that I'll have a "hot, rich and CEO bf" That's it!
Our love story falls under the "love at first sight" trope. (We literally didn't fall in love, it happened gradually but there was a spark in the first meeting itself and the feelings were mutual)
I was actually out with my friends as our exams were over and then, I saw this new cafe that has opened in our area and then I saw this cute guy and lemme tell y'all, he was so fucking gorgeous 😭🤌 (I wish I could share his pics but privacy 😩)
I was in my "fuck men" Era and wasn't even searching for a relationship but when I saw him, I was like, "nah, I have to get him. I need him now" 🤭😭
And then yea, I made the first move. I asked for his Instagram ID. and he was so shy back then, (he still is) he would blush even on having an eye contact.
It was his cafe actually, he's into business. I walked into the cafe and y'all we both were blushing, he was fucking red. I blushed even more 🫠🫠🫠 I melted there. And then I came later and then made my move. He kinda denied saying that, "relationship might hurt both of us if it doesn't work out well" but I didn't stop there, I needed him so I still talked to him and soon after denying twice, he agreed and it happened over a random text at fricking 1 am in the midnight 🫣
He told me he liked me from the very first time too but he wasn't sure about it.
So, we met only thrice before we started dating and we knew each other for less than a month only prior to dating. I can't fcking believe that I pulled out a gem in less than a fcking month, he so loyal.
And the great thing is I'm his first girlfriend 🫠🫶 so is he to me, if we don't count the bf that I had when I was 13, we weren't serious— it was just the tag "gf, bf" So yeah, my current bf is my first ever serious relationship. And we have been together for over a year now and going strong~
He's literally the Wattpad bf, he's shy yet a freak 🤭 couldn't ask for more. Two strangers fell in love in less than a month 🤭❤
It got so long because I got so excited 😭 sorry for the long paragraph~
I love him so much and he does too, you can see it in his eyes. He fricking loves me, oh to be loved by the one you love 😭🤭💗 that's why I'm trying to revise his d3ath, never gonna give him up 🥹🫶
I'm typing all these in the present tense because I believe he's alive. I hope you don't get confused!
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sukehiroselei · 1 year
hiiii!! for the fanfic writer ask game could u do 40 59 and 60? :D
Hello anon!
40: If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
First of all, I would cry out of pure happiness, and two, I would love for Operation: Parent Trap to get artwork, specifically the scene where Anya is holding both Yami's and Charlotte's hands while walking through a carnival. Just pure self-indulgence 🙈
59: Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
Yes! Many people know I write fics, although none of them, not even my boyfriend, have ever read any of my works. I'm way too shy to share them (esp because I'm venturing into smut), although I'm sure if any of them were brave enough to venture through the YamiChar tag on AO3, they'll quickly figure out who I am. lmao 🫣
60: Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
Oh my god, yes! A few times, to be honest! I took screenshots and texted my boyfriend about it and basically rode a high for the rest of the week, so yeah. It's awesome.
As a writer, it means a lot when people leave comments, and I truly love reading them. 🤍
Thank you for the ask!! 🥰
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