#i'm not saying that femininity is the main reason he hides the claw
uten4 · 1 year
Gordeau has a reluctance to use his claw unless necessary. There's basis in the story for it being a pride or fairness thing-- he loves fighting, but he dislikes group-fighting. He finds it embarrassing and awkward to look like someone who would need to rely on someone else's strength to win battles. Similarly, the claw requires no physical strength to use, has the magical effect of paralyzing his opponent, and he can just stand far away and activate it. He doesn't want to do that; he wants a fair fight!
His "claw" doesn't look like quite like a claw. Most popular human-looking male characters who have claws have them as a metal appendage (like Wolverine for example) or if they're nails they at least look clearly animal-like due to a fur texture or something around them.
But Gordeau just has a normal hand, with very long, purple nails. He basically has a manicure.
This builds on his character trait of having a patriarchal masculinity complex. I haven't posted about this properly yet but in the original Japanese, Gordeau has several instances of accusing men of being gay for him and acting annoyed about it, even though it's obvious (to us at least) that they're not gay and he simply wants to assert his own masculinity and straightness. That's probably the most obvious sign of his toxic masculinity, but I'm sure you could find other ones even in the English.
For instance, the fact that he's so fixated on his perceived weakness that allowed Roger to be killed by someone else, and the fact that even though he knows Wagner didn't do anything wrong, he needs to find her and beat her up anyway, just to feel like he's strong and managed to do something, anything. His reaction to emotional turmoil and self-dissatisfaction isn't to think it over carefully and act on it logically, and it certainly isn't to work on himself in a holistic way. It's to go beat the shit out of the girl who upstaged him.
SO to have such a feminine-looking weapon which he's always hiding in his pocket... It's a representation of his masculinity complex that is BAKED INTO HIS CHARACTER DESIGN! It would help him a whole lot to sometimes not do these things the hypermasculine way (avoiding the pretty purple fingernails), but he can't let himself do that. And as a result it disadvantages him in battles, just like it disadvantages him and those around him in his everyday life to not be able to focus his energy inwards (rather than toxically blaming others and internally hating himself for not being strong enough to kill his friend), and to not be able to tell his friends straight-up that he cares about them (rather than being "masculinely" stoic and letting Hilda become a Re-birth).
A little hint of "femininity" is this man's most powerful weapon, but only when he gives it a chance.
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randomuser678 · 1 year
Things I'm obsessd with from Eltingville club:
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-Pete is obsessed with chicks covered in blood meanwhile him and his friends are often covered in blood but from actual fights with each other
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-Pete is apparently into the old sexy dracula movies and Josh takes note of that
-Bill's nightmare starts as basically a wet dream with sci fi babes (sci fi being Josh's thing) until it devolves into a dream of being drowned by a white liquid that comes out of Josh, pardon my Freudian dream analysis but I think something gay is happening
-Jerry who is the DM for this session has a princess with the same colors as his main ones and his friends remark how pretty she is.
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And later Jerry dates a girl who looks really similar to him, and once again the other guys comment how hot she is.
And idk if this is anything but they all call themselves Secretary of their respective interests, which 1-is cute and 2-why not president or whatever? Most ppl see secretaries as a feminine thing, specially misogynist toxic fans from the early 2000s. I really feel like they are exploring things with each other, they roleplay as secretaries and princesses, they rough house a lot, they say they hate each other but always stick together even for their detriment. It feels like they all have underlying feelings for the others and can't express them from under the 10 layers of nerd culture as a way to be at the top of a social hirarchy and need for superiority most of them equate to happiness.
Jerry is the only one that managed to get out of that loop bc he used his interest in the Tragic cards as a healthy tool for him to express something he likes among people who don't feel the need to claw unto eachother to see who knows more trivia or whatver, it's a genuine competitive game he is passionate about instead of a thing he has to know all about to feel superior to other fans. It rly shows a good distinction between healthy engagements with media (playing cards together) and u healthy ones (everything else)
And also I interpret some things as being closeted trans girls, Jerry roleplaying as the princess with his color palette, Pete liking chicks covered in blood when he gets converted in blood a lot, Bill denial on letting any woman on his team and claiming he never cosplayed bc he never flaunted his boobs which just makes it sound like he wants to live those thing, he is shaming others but also repressing himself through all of that.
Also the reason Josh lost the trivia off on the pilot was because he his first thought when asked about whose catchphrase something was his first thought was his friend Jerry. Which is just sweet, he has taken note that he has been doing the catchphrase almost as a vocal stim and now associates the sound with his boy friend.
I genuinely believe deapite everything despite their need to feel superior, their need to indulge on whatever and how horrible they are to each other, they actually care.
I genuinely believe that they love each other, they are just not in good spots to communicate that and use their personas and interests to hide that love and sincerity
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Anyways here's Pete defending homoeroticism good for him I guess
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fen-vyrus-fr · 6 months
Interview with an Abberation (oneshot)
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Ollie goes to interrogate the gruesome "Abbadon", who had been the main catalyst for the Voltair Clan's spiral into fear. However, when the interrogation turns inward, things become complicated for Ollie and his previous feelings of malice towards the monster.
"Please, spare me the threats and theatrics, just explain to me your reasonings and we can call this day done." The garishly pink front liner sighs and massages his temples. His teeth had become sore from the force of his clenched jaw. Stressed was an understatement. He has been interrogating the gnarled Abberation for hours and this was getting nowhere.
The right head croaked. "Reason...nings? None of those. Did as We should."
" 'As you should?' Can you give me more context? Elaborate."
"Con...text. None of those." The left head wheezed.
"God-alright. Okay. Let's try this from another angle..."
The perturbed Wildclaw drug his clawed hands down his face. 'We've gone in circles for hours and I'm all out of ideas. I've got no leads and a migraine... what exactly is 'Abbadon'?'
The chained-up behemoth turned both heads to the Wildclaw.
"You...seem... irate." The right-most hissed, her broken sentences and creaky voice further irritates the already cranky dragon.
"I am. You've done nothing this entire interrogation but give me empty threats and speak in riddles. In order to find out what you are capable of in terms of danger we need to know everything. Why conduct a massacre upon Voltair?"
The monster seemed to be thinking of an answer. A real one this time. Their tails tightened together and relaxed as if clenching a fist, and their claws dug into the earth. Sadness crept upon the left head's face as he somberly spoke.
"I-used to be...beautiful...we want to be beautiful again...why aren't we...? Why can't we be..? Alike...you and me." The two heads conversed amongst each other, a cacophonous sound. A look of brief but deep sorrow crossed the left-most head's face, the other grimaced and turned its gaze to the Wildclaw.
The right head spoke: "We...are all the same...we...are alike," she thrusted a curled claw in Ollie's direction. "You...are just like me. You hate...just like us. You used...to be beautiful...wonderfully made...just like us. Like me?"
A awful fear and sickness washed over the interrogator. He turned his head to hide his pale face. He didn't dare to look back at the other's faces.
"I don't understand what you're saying. Beauty? Alike? What does any of that have to do with you, let alone me? Being Shadetouched is the last thing that should be considered beautiful!"
The right head glowered and snapped her jaws at the wildclaw, while the left turned his equally rageful yet wet eyed gaze to his counterpart, as if pleading with the other half to put him in his place, and to do so with severity.
A low rumbling sound came from the Abberation. And then the sounds of snapping sinew and cracking bones. The two necks wrung together in an awful manner, like the twisting of a wet cloth between two hands. The sound of shifting bones were unbearable to the now panicking wildclaw, as he scrambled in a rare moment of weakness. The right most head rested atop the left, and the body slumped down in one heavy motion akin to a burlap sack of rotten fruit.
The sounds stopped. And the Abberation sat up.
Then, in startling clarity, "Abbadon" spoke. Something was different however. The two voices, one feminine and one masculine morphed together in a warbly, disharmonic tone.
"Labyrinth-Walker, I was like you. I hate just as you do. I loved the Shade, as you did. Born and placed warmly in it's Holy Cradle. We lived in communion with it. And you seem to misremember how divine we used to be. You can come back and bask in it's darkness, it is a Forgiving Mother and a Guiding Father. We can be beautiful again."
'No, no that's just-it's just messing with me. I was never a part of the Shade, I wasn't a follower! I'm a Child of the Arcanist!' Ollie contested, he knew- or at least he hoped-that none of what "Abbadon" had said was true.
"Abbadon" begins again.
"I delved into the brine of my New PlagueMother to appease the other. And became the wonderous vessel that is upon you now. Yet, I am shackled and humiliated. Ostracized and battered, and yet my faith has never been shaken. What can you say about yourself? You hide amongst the earth and it's glorious foliage granting you solace from the heat and the brutality of storm. But in the Arms of the Shade, our exquisite Shade, equilibrium. And you rejected it. And you hate that you did."
Ollie didn't speak.
"I fought to get you back. Mother missed you, and I did what I could to stop her tears of ichor. I demolished whatever lay in my wake. And this clan was no exception."
Confusion, anger, fear, and illness filled the poor interrogator, his mind racing with theories and conclusions.
'There's no way, there's no way that I was in contact with The Shade! I'm not Shadow aligned, I can't be!!' And then Ollie thought some more.
It wasn't just Shadow that could be affected. Arcane was just as likely. And as a child of the one who found the Shade, he too was Shadetouched and thus infected. The Shade was hunting him, and he had nowhere else to go.
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