#i'm not really a movie geek or sth
rainbowsuitcase · 5 months
ca:cw - steve not telling tony about his parents was not a right thing to do but it made sense for his character. tony wanting to beat up bucky was not a right thing to do but it made sense for his character.
the reason you cannot make me, personally, take tony's side in this, is that i see his reaction as too agressive and i get that he was mad and he had every right to be, but bucky killed his parents while he was barely bucky, while he was being tortured and brainwashed, and i will never see it as appropriate to try and beat him up for it. (maybe get a punch in and never talk to him again, sure, but not whatever that was)
but again, it makes sense for tony's character. and there was foreshadowing! there was a brilliant piece of foreshadowing! during the airport fight!
when vision blasts rhodey out of the sky, who does tony take it out on? sam, the original target! which shows that when someone tony loves gets hurt, when he feels hurt and angry, he needs to take it out on someone, preferably someone close and available. and he won't really think through how much they deserve it, if at all.
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dinogoofy · 4 years
I'm back darling~ this time I'd love sth for Cassie & her female bestie 😁 bc the xmas is near so Imma give u these prompts: 'I’m a grown adult. I don’t want to take a picture with Santa Claus', 'Hey, want to help me get my parents off my ass about not having a date?'. Have a good day!
Had a ton of fun with this one, hope you enjoy!!!
Cassie Cage x F! Reader
Meeting the parents- I mean, meeting Santa.
It was a cold, quiet morning in your apartment. You were enjoying a warm cup of coffee in the early hours, a cheezy hallmark move playing on your TV as you try to work yourself into the holiday spirit. It had been a long year. Your phone dings once, but you ignore it, too focused on who was going to marry Santa. When it kept going off you finally checked it with a sigh.
Hey, can I ask a favor?
Stop watching Christmas movies and answer me
Cassie was your best friend, but you weren't sure if you liked where this was going.
How did you even know that?
Anyway, whats up?
My parents are throwing a Christmas party this week and are hounding my ass about a date.
Do u think u could pretend to be my gf, just for a day? Just to get them to leave me alone.
You almost choked on your coffee when you read the text. Damn, hallmark movie coming true? Your heart fluttered a bit. Cassie was your best friend. You didn't have feelings for her! That was ridiculous. All she needed was a... friend-to-friend favor. Plus, her dad was super rich, they were totally going to have good food.
Sure, when?
Uh, today good?
The lack of planning was exactly what you should've expected from Cassie. You laughed and drug your hands across your face, she was so lucky that you had the day off.
Bleh, ok. Ur dad better have some good food.
U bet ur ass! Pick u up at 6.
You laughed, and slowly picked yourself off the couch. You hoped that you still had an ugly sweater somewhere in your closet.
The time flew by unfortunately fast. You were rushing to gather your things as Cassie at outside in her 1965 red stingray corvette, (with a mako body) you loved that car so much. You couldn't help but geek out everytime you see it, but alas, there was definitely no time for that today. You frantically locked your apartment as you ran down the steps.
"Sorry I'm late!" Cassie laughed as you got in the car, and that awful flutter feeling returned. Oh no. This is not happening.
"Its chill, I doubt Dad will care if we're late to his party anyway." Your eye twitched, smile still wide on your face. You liked to be on time no matter where you were going, and by the look she was giving you you knew that Cassie said that just to annoy you. You rolled your eyes at her as she took off, the rumble of the car's engine instantly calming you.
Damn. You had never seen a house that big. As Cassie rolled through the big gates you continued to gawk at the beautiful architecture.
"I knew your dad was rich but, seeing how rich he is... is..."
"I know right? He moves into a new house almost every 6 months almost. Each one is bigger then the last one." You felt light headed just imagining how it must feel to have so much money. By the time Cassie parked and the two of you walked to the big doors, you could hear people loud and clear inside the house. This was way different then the tiny little Christmas reunions you were used too.
"I might throw an arm around you and call you nicknames a bit to make it seem legit, are you ok with that? I'm already asking a lot by getting you to come with me in the first place, the last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable." You laughed.
"Cassie it's fine, all that comes with the 'pretend girlfriend' package." She sighs in relief, knocking on the door.
"Just making sure."
The door opens after a few moments, Cassie's mother answering the door, delighted at the sight.
"Cassie you made it just in time! Your dad just got his Ninja Santa costume out of storage. You should- oh, who is this?" You shyly waved, face flushing more from the situation than the cold. You were glad you were already blushing when Cassie links her fingers through your own.
"Mom, this is my girlfriend." Her mom's face lights up, but you would be lying if you said her obvious military posture and build didn't intimidate you. You introduced yourself and shook her hand with your free hand, making sure to shake with a firm grip.
"Its great to meet you. I was wondering when Cassie was going to bring someone home." Cassie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as you awkwardly laughed. Her mom, Sonya, invited the two of you in. Your jaw almost dropped at the inside of the house.
The house was incredibly decorated. Wreaths, lights, an army of elves on the shelves, everything you could think of that spoke Christmas. A giant buffet on the right side of the room and a giant tree in the center of it all.
"Holy shit Cas," you wispered, she giggled squeezing your hand.
"I know right. They overdo it every year."
The rest party was amazing. You met many of Cassie's friends and family friends from the special forces. Kids were livey and running around the place. Even though the mansion and beautiful and intimidating, everything seemed to speak family to you. Every once in a while you would catch Cassie staring at you, but she would always wave you off, face flushing. It couldn't be an actual blush though, this was all an act, right?
"Ho ho ho, Ninja Butt-kicker Santa Claus has arrived!" A voice boomed from the center of the room. Adults laughed while children screamed with delight, booking it towards the gaint tree. Cassie sighed in embarrassment.
"I was beginning to wonder when dad would show up." You tried hard not to laugh when you dragged her to the middle of the room, catching a glimpse of her dad's "holiday spirit".
Kids hopped on his lap one by one, telling him what they want for Christmas, and (probably thanks to their parents,) each one was giving the wanted present and a fake ninja-star. You had thought every child was given a present and taken a picture, so surely he was going to "retire" for the night, right?
"Ho ho ho, Santa thinks that one, special little girl has yet to take a picture." He looked straight at Cassie and winked. She immediately recoiled.
"No. No no no. I'm a grown adult, I don't want to take a picture with Santa Claus." Everyone chuckled around the two of you. And Sonya walked over to push her into the center of the room with her dad, camera firm in her hands. Cassie sent an embarrassed look your way as she was forced to sit on Santa's lap.
"And what would you like for Christmas Cassie Cage?" Cassie looked like she wanted to melt away form her spot. Only answering because she had to.
"I don't want anything Da- Santa." Her Dad let out another Jolly, fake laugh.
"Sure you do! Santa knows everything, you know!" He hands her a small box, and winks at her.
"You know what Santa wants for Christmas? Grandkids." The crowd laughed, and your face immediately flushed a dark red, Cassie almost looking the same way. She covered her face as she hopped off her Dad's lap and speedwalked back to you without even opening the box.
The rest of the party went by so fast, and before you knew it, the two of you were walking back to her car in the cold.
"This was a ton of fun cas," She laughed, you wondered if she knew that you were still holding hands.
"Yeah, I'm glad you came with me. Sorry if my parents were a little overbearing." You shrugged, letting her know that it was fine. The silence after was unbearable. You wondered for a moment if you should ask her out. The party was nice, really nice, but it was honestly just because you were 'pretending' to be her girlfriend. You think she might've thought so too. You opened your mouth to speak, but she beat you to it.
"Hey, so, what if we made this whole... 'fake girlfriend' thing, a 'real girlfriend' thing?" You blushed, giving her hand a comforting squeeze.
"I think I'd like that." Her face lit up with a smile, squeezing your hand back. She stuck her hand in her pocket, and looked surprised for a moment, stopping in her tracks to pull out the box from earlier.
"I forgot about this thing."
"Mabye you should open it?" She let go off your hand to gingerly untie the bow, taking the lid off the box and tucking it underneath it. Her face flushed.
"It's mistletoe." Your face flushed in return. So thats what he ment. Cas started to nervously mumble something, closing the lid on the box, but you held a hand over hers before she put it away.
She instantly kissed back when you leaned in to complete the tradition. The gentle moonlight kiss becoming the only Christmas miracle you needed.
You were definitely living in a hallmark movie.
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