#i'm not ready to abandon shou as my brand
hoe-doroki · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I’ve finished my rewatch of the bnha anime and finally read up to that point in the manga, and I’ve decided it was time to do a character ranking (site here). Now, I did one of these back in September--a week after starting this blog and only weeks after finishing the anime. So I thought it would be interesting to do it again now (since the anime starts up again tomorrow), having consumed this much of the story a couple more times and spent 6 months  reading and writing in the fandom, and see what’s changed! Spoiler: it all has.
This is the original from 6 months ago:
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This is interesting looking back, because I don’t remember being particularly taken by Mirio, but he’s pretty high on the list! And obviously fandom had influenced me towards Shinsou, but not as strongly as it has by now. You’ll notice someone missing, though. First time around, a certain Boom Boom Boy was sitting pretty at 20th place.
Let’s go again, shall we?
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I have not abandoned my love for Shouto. I swear to god, I haven’t. But the thing is...the thing is two fold. First of all, my love for bkdk has taken over my whole life and soul. It might very well be my otp now, even above the ships I’ve had for Pokemon for half my life. More than Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl. And some of y’all might not know this, but I will always put ships before self-ships. Do I enjoy self-shipping myself with Shouto and Katsuki? Sure. But it a is nothing like my love for ships. I’d drop self-insert in a skinny minute for my ships.
The second thing is that I, generally, just like whatever characters we spend the most time with and get the most story from. The truth is that Shouto, post-Hero Killer Arc really falls out of the story and we just spend more time with Katsuki. And, look, I’m demisexual: I love the people I spend the most quality time with.
That is also to say that I’m certain that this will change as I keep reading the manga. First of all, Hawks is already higher because I’m a couple chapters past the anime and getting to know what’s up with him. Endeavor is higher. Miruko might get higher--I just don’t know her rn, haha. Shiggy will probably get higher.
But this was fun! The only thing that didn’t change is that Deku is my #3. But it’s in a totally different way now. Those three boys are so far above everyone else at this point. The bottom of the list is different too! The first time around, I rated Gentle Criminal below Mineta 😂 I went ahead and put Mineta at the bottom this time.
I can’t wait to see what changes in another 6 months!
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