#i'm not one of those weirdos who dislikes kids just for existing but i know i could never raise a baby or toddler
spacestationstorybook · 8 months
i truly don't have any sort of personal vendetta against people who share with me, like i'm happy for us to just do our own thing and i'm sure they're all perfectly nice people even if i can't interact for my (or their) mental health but sometimes people will just have an objectively Wrong take on a f/o and it pains me. this is about the person‏‏‎ ‎who‏‏‎ ‎made‏‏‎ ‎her‏‏‎ ‎oc‏‏‎ ‎have‏‏‎ ‎biological‏‏‎ ‎kids‏‏‎ ‎with‏‏‎ ‎mordecai.‏‏‎ ‎girl he is sex repulsed and CANONICALLY bad with children! even if it wasn't confirmed he doesn't know how to deal with them children are famously loud and messy (two things he hates) and disrupt one's routines (also something he hates!!) like yeah he grew up caring for his sisters but never in a million years would he sign on to create babies with anyone ever
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demivampirew · 5 months
I don't understand why people are so mean to you. Everyone is allowed to have opinions. You're neither spewing hate directly to them, nor you clog his tag. You dislike his partner? So what? Everyone is entitled to their opinions! We all don't have to like the same things/people/news.
I am so happy for henry because he said he wanted it for a long time. Do I like NV? No. Does it matter? No. Does Henry even know I exist? No. So who cares?
People call you names for not liking someone's partner, but wouldn't shy away from doing the exact same thing with you, coming to your blog, reading your anons and sending you asks. Anyway, I'm sorry you were bullied. I hope you heal from that one day :)
I couldn't care less, to be honest. I just shrug whenever I hear mean comments.
That's what I found hilarious and annoying. I've been told more times than I can count that I'm a weirdo for caring so much about his personal life, yet no one says sh*t about the Andreas, the Riot..., and all other stans who are way too supportive of a woman who's existence they didn't even know until she became Henry Cavill's girlfriend on Instagram (unless the haters are true and those accounts are run by her friends). In the last three years, they've spread so many rumors of an engagement and pregnancies (Natalie should have like 5 kids by now). But sure, I'm the one who cares too much about his personal life because I pointed out how she has used him for clout and how she's the complete opposite of what he used to say he wanted in a partner. https://demivampirew.tumblr.com/post/710333419284021248/reasons-why-ill-never-accept-natalie
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Reasons I Dislike The Obi-Wan Series
So I've seen an influx of Tumblr posts saying that people who don't like the OWK series or critic it a lot are just delusional, Star Wars haters, weirdos or better yet 'cis het white men with no life and can't let other people enjoy the content' .
I'm not gonna lie and say that there really aren't those type of people in the fandom but considering most of us who express our criticism of the series 'jobless whites' is a stretch too far. And as a brown woman who's a non-star wars hater and currently with a job (😅), I'd like to critic the show and give a few reasons as to why I dislike the show.
As people who follow me (NOT YOU, P*RNBOTS!) might know, I'm a huge Obi-Wan Kenobi fan. I have been since I've read John Miller's Kenobi (if you guys haven't read it, then please do. It's really good!). I love the prequels Obi-Wan, but the novel really kinda made me go insane about Obi-Wan- his strength, his compassion, his will power, his suffering, his loneliness...... And for every thing he's been through, he's always firmly stayed on the light side. He's a dedicated, hardworking jedi who has sacrificed and served unconditionally; to the order and the republic and to Anakin (yeah no, you can't convince me otherwise).
So imagine my happiness when the first trailer of the series came out. I was SOOOOO excited! I loved the trailer. The hopelessness when Obi-Wan says 'The fight is done. We lost. Stay hidden', the tension in Obi-Wan's and Owen's interaction and the terrifying ominousness of Vader's breathing (I think that's when the whole Star Wars fandom just exploded)
But alas, after the series ended, my view on the series had done a total 180°. It wasn't the worst show I've seen but the plot conveniences, the plot itself, the OOC-ness of some of the characters and the multiple times they broke canon to have the "epic" final fight between Vader and Obi-Wan aren't really unnoticeable or forgivable. Some moments and issues stuck out of the show like a sore thumb and made the whole viewing experience a bit terrible tbh.
Here's a few of the many that i just can't help but mentally scowl about:
Why does Obi-Wan leave Vader to live? After hearing from Vader's own mouth that his beloved former padawan no longer exists. That he was "killed" by Vader. At this point, Obi-Wan knew that Vader had committed heinous crimes, murdered children and innocents, one instant of which Obi-Wan was a witness to in Mapuzo and that he's powerful sith apprentice and a lap dog of the Emporer. Vader was weak and Obi-Wan had the opportunity to kill him, save the galaxy, especially the rebels. Weaken the empire's forces and take the emperor down to free the galaxy..... So WHY THE FUCK did he not kill him? For the safety of the rebels, the Skywalker children, the goddamn galaxy! But he just.... said 'Goodbye Darth' and left like a coward. #Not_my_ObiWan
Why did Vader not command the inquisitors in the Star Destroyer to go after the rebels when he went after Obi-Wan? I know that Vader "killed" Anakin but I'm pretty sure he hasn't killed his intelligence and I'm also pretty sure that the emperor wouldn't let a fool command his fleet. And moreover, Vader is known for his fierce determination and horrific strategies that would lead to his victory no matter the cost. So WHY, OH WHY did he shut down the third brother when he tried to suggest that they follow the rebel ship? Vader had his own ship and i know for a fact that the star destroyer carries many tie-fighters.... Uggghhhh, moving to the next point!
Why did Reva go off to kill Luke? Like what was her point? 'Anakin killed my kid friends so I'm gonna kill the kid who's probably associated to him'. Really??? All she hears from the comm is Owen-Luke-Tattooine and somehow she pieces it together that Luke is Vader's son? This is more embarrassing if you think that she made no connection to Anakin from Luke at all and just went about trying to kill a kid cuz she heard an idiotic man on the comm trying to reach Obi-Wan.
Bringing me to the fact that Bail Organa is fucking idiot. Not only does he not give a fuck about endagering Obi-Wan and Luke by showing up at Obi-Wan's cave UNNANNOINCED, to ask ONLY Obi-Wan's help to rescue Leia but he does that after Obi-Wan refuses to the first time. Bruh.... There are many people capable of rescuing a kid from silly thugs who struggle to catch a 10 year old when they give a "chase". That includes guess what?Ding Ding Ding.... Bounty Hunters. Ding Ding Ding.... the rebels! Ding Ding Ding.... the other Jedi who aren't protecting Luke.... But nah, he just shows up at Obi-Wan's and forces Obi-Wan to concede cuz "Only they know how important Leia is"..... *deep sigh*. Intricacies aside, it wasn't at all convincing to me why it should be Obi-Wan who rescues Leia rather than anybody else.
The last is the fact that the whole story was about Leia and Obi-Wan, rather than it being about Obi-Wan on Tattooine protecting Luke in a discrete fashion. Now, don't misunderstand, I love Leia. And I love the little girl who played her really well. But think about it. When Obi-Wan decided to become 'one with the force', why was Luke who barely knew Obi-Wan the only one to feel the anguish at his death? If Leia already knew Obi-Wan and connected with him so much during this whole ordeal, why didn't she react at all at this moment? Why didn't she say anything after, in the entire trilogy??? It doesn't make any sense! Also, I feel that it was a missed opportunity by making the story about Leia, when it should've been about Obi-Wan's life in Tattooine. How he was suffering from trauma after ORDER 66. How he still had to push himself to wake up every day, because he had taken the responsibility to look after Luke. How he overcame all tribulations that he faced with his past and his new life in Tattooine. How he finds hope again, with Luke and with new people that he meets. Instead the story that we get is just....meh.
And here's a few more that made me cringe when I rewatched the show
- The whole chase scene where 4 thugs try to catch a 10 year old who slips by them with ease, while they are coming from different directions.
- Making what should've been an epic scene where Obi-Wan fires up his saber after 10 long years into a pathetic one. (Like, I know he was scared, but then what was the point of him lighting up his saber for the first time after so many years when the moment was just made to look dull and unappealing.)
- Again, Obi-Wan himself not being able to get hold of Leia when she was mostly in his fingers' grasp the whole sequence, in another pitiful attempt of a chase scene.
- Leia asking if he was her father and his reply being 'I wish I was'? My brother in Christ, f*cking elaborate that you mean that 'Any father would be lucky to have you as a daughter'. Cuz it comes off as 'I wish I was the one who fucked Padme'🤐
- Roken saying he can't help Obi-Wan, then immediately agrees to help him.
- Tala just leaving a 10 year old to rescue a grown ass Jedi, only for Leia to get captured by Reva.
- Vader just letting Obi-Wan go after he dragged him through fire, Tala Tala and the robot "rescue" him.
- Reva not sensing that the kid is force sensitive when she's trying to mind-read Leia and gets nothing.
- Vader not sensing that there are no life forms in the ship he's stopping from escaping and ignoring the ship full of rebels and Obi-Wan right beside it.
- People not dying when they get stabbed by a goddamn lightsaber. (Although I don't exactly blame the series alone for this as its a reccuring theme in Star Wars)
- Obi-Wan making a deal with Reva then completely betraying her, even after finding out that she was a Jedi Youngling. #NOT_MY_OBIWAN
- Obi-Wan coming out to face Vader in episode 3, then proceeds to run away like a scaried little coward. I'm sry, I know that he's scared to face the kid he loved and that he's not at all strong as he was once. But there must be a reason as to why he tells Tala to take Leia to safety, right? Because he's willing to distract Vader while Leia gets away, right? So he must have some plan or a strategy (however reckless or useless it is) to draw Vader's attention away from Leia, right? So WTF was he doing running away like a chicken? #NOT_MY_OBIWAN!!!!!
- Beru doesn't wanna out other people's life in danger when she learns that Reva is after Luke. So she says she and Owen are enough to defend the house. But dear, oh dear, they decide to keep Luke in the house knowing that he was in danger??? They could've arranged for something, to keep Luke safe. But nope! Ha ha! That's exactly what they don't do.... 😒
Some of the things I THINK (subjective) should've have been included in the series-
Exploration of Obi-Wan's life in Tattooine (they do show it, but they don't go in depth)
Luke's childhood
Obi-Wan protecting Luke without Luke even realizing what is going on or who the man is (Badass Obi-Wan in hand-to-hand fights and using his wit rather than the force or his lightsaber to kick ass!)
More arguments between Owen and Obi-Wan about Luke
People trying to pry into Obi-Wan's secluded life and trying to include him in shit he doesn't wanna involve himself in (This could've been really funny, lol!)
Obi-Wan finding out about Vader but not actually facing him at all (We could've seen how this information actually completely breaks him. But at the same time, this increases his responsibility towards protecting Luke)
Some snippets from the Kenobi novel like how others feel and think about Obi-Wan
Flashbacks from the Clone Wars era where Obi-Wan and Anakin fight side by side, protecting and being there for each other. And Obi-Wan in that armor 🥵(No!!!!! Why wasn't this there!???)
The writers wanted to subvert our expectations, so they made the story to be about Leia and Obi-Wan, rather than about Obi-Wan, Luke and Tattooine. I'm not a fan of this, but i understand if many people liked it. Vader could've been shown to be terrifying and evil outside the plot. But the writers didn't bother showing anything else about him other than his obsession with Obi-Wan. They could've expanded on Vader and Reva's stories to go in depth about Reva's motivations and her hatred towards Obi-Wan and Vader.
It's not just the writing that's the problem here. The cinematography also sucks. Why are most of the places the characters go to so damn bland and lifeless (metaphorically)? The duels between Obi-Wan and Vader were made to be a dull affair because there was nothing environmentally to influence the fight scenes. Compare both the duels with the Mustafar one. That one was dynamic, bright, engaging and a spectacle tbh. While the fights in this show looked literally dull.
Coming to the fights itself.... Deborah Chow cannot film any to save her life. She's done well with the other scenes, but when it comes to action sequences, they were horrendously done. The shaky cams, their weird moment around the characters, the not-so-great fight choreography, the dull environment and the borderline OOC-ness of the characters fighting. (Be honest. Do you really think Obi-Wan would start throwing rocks at his former padawan with a smirk on his face? As if to show his power over him. Cuz Obi-Wan doesn't care about power. He cares about saving people!)
So yeah, I didn't like the show at all. Even if I consider it a standalone one, it would still be bad. Most of you might say I'm nitpicking, but we all have different boundaries and limits.
That doesn't mean I'm not open to different perspectives and that I'm shitting on your opinion. If you loved the show, you loved it and I respect that. So don't hesitate to comment your opinions on this post.
My NEW rating for the show- 5.5/10
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
can i know why the tumblr football community does not like ronaldo and his family? i've been in the midst of twitter football community for too long before joining tumblr so i'm genuinely curious.
sorry if i come off as rude but i genuinely am curious :")
JDNSJDMEKD LOL ITS OKAY!! twt and tumblr r VERY different environments primarily bc most of the toxicity we get on here has transferred from twt. but also most of us r not weird cis men w lil dick syndrome that must unhealthily idolize/defend rich male athletes/celebs.
so to start off w ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against their children okay. kids r innocent to the faults of their parents. u cant choose who raised you. i just hope they're happy and healthy as all children should be.
there's a whole laundry list of things i can say about cr7 including admitting to r*pe, being an egotistical weirdo (slamming his old teams, acting out when he doesn't get minutes, etc.), and other generally weird rich person cringe that a man nearing 40 should not be acting like.
georgina on the other hand idk know much about other than my general distaste for celebs and out of touch weirdos who get their own netflix reality tv series by doing absolutely nothing. i dont like athlete family gossip especially about families so i generally ignore their existence unless the athlete shares that part w the public or it affects my games. she's also just a rlly weird person? i havent watched the "documentary" but from some clips ive seen im like? rlly?? this is what got renewed for a second season but my series got cancelled why??? ik a mutual of mine hate watches the series tho. anyways many ppl just dislike her by association to cr7. they also recently both got an exemption from saudia to live not married to keep them there. like they changed the countries LAWS to fit them bc cr7 can't put a ring on it. whether u agree w the law or not that weird as hell right?? not that im surprised saudia allowed this bc those fuckers r the worst.
at one point (2016ish?) she represented the dream wag life. she met a famous athlete working in retail at a luxury store and then started a life w him after. a lot of ppl still like her. what was her wording again: "i went from riding busses to work to leaving in lambos"
so yah that's just my reasonings on it tho. like there r other ppl in football i wouldn't mind seeing docu series on but that's bc they actually do things that aren't philanthropic events for tax write-offs.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
Sinnoh has massive flaws as an era, although it's starting to feel like the good old days compared to the present piss-poor offerings.
The major drawback is the amount of 'recurring characters', ones not good enough to be in it fully, but inflicted upon us nevertheless.
I did care about Ash. I did care about Team Rocket.
I was prepared to care about The Misty Replacement, as in the girl shipped with Ash.
I was prepared to care about The Brock Replacement, that is the older brother figure who does all the cooking, carries the medicine, and knows about Pokémon.
I don't give a toss about extras who outstay their welcome.
Hoenn only had Drew and Harley. What was wrong with that?
There are just too bloody many.
Why does Dawn require so many opponents, as if she's of the greatest importance? Why won't Jessie suffice?
I accept the necessity of Paul as The Rival, and we were at least permitted to resent him initially, before the writers fanboy'd like there was no tomorrow.
I admit I liked two of them. They therefore featured the least.
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The Blondel of Iberia
A softly-spoken, raven-locked troubadour, roaming the many pathways of life, playing his songs for those weary travellers he encounters on the road.
He's wearing a cloak! The finest use of material to ever be invented!
All this ethereal grace considering the dub lumbered him with the most appallingly unsuitable name possible.
It could've been Raphael, or Dante, or Leonardo.
Oh no, let's name him after a restaurant chain. That adds gravitas.
His lyre pays tribute to Mew, because Nando knows she's The Rarest Of All Pokémon, thus refuses to be impressed by any deformed horse like Arceus throwing its weight around.
Damn straight.
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A pretty girl with lovely clothes and the spark of a proper personality.
You're not wanted round these parts, love.
I have no particular animosity towards Dawn, but it irritates me how the world revolves around her whims, where if she's lost in the woods, it's a major disaster, and if an attack heads in her direction, she must be protected in case she shatters.
It makes a refreshing change to find someone firmly inoculated against the lures of the temptress.
Also, alongside Ursula from Dinosaur King (the real Jessie), I'm glad of any attempt to reclaim that name, considering most of my generation, upon hearing it, think only about evil old octopus women.
As for the rest?
It's that bad I prefer the Unova bunch to these.
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Reggie is even more of a knob than Paul. As above, being Ash's enemy meant that, if only by narrative, he was intended to be somewhat disliked.
Not Reginald. No, he's the kind one.
Oh really?
When Ash and Paul have their showdown, Reg starts wittering that it's just as well Chimchar took up with Ash, since he wasn't suited to Paul's 'battle style'.
Battle style.
Is the what he calls mental and physical cruelty?
In Reg's amoral cesspit of a mind, there is no right and wrong, so do whatever you feel.
Reggie is quite aware of how his brother tortures Pokémon, and not only is he unconcerned, he excuses it with euphemism, hoping the audience will obligingly forget too.
What's more, he implies it's Chimchar's fault for not pulling his weight, and Paul abandoning him was the compassionate thing to do.
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Suffering severe Bridge Nose Syndrome.
She may be Champion, but I don't remember Lance turning up all the time where he wasn't wanted.
She doesn't even use her influence properly. Rather than give it straight to Paul, order him to shape up and stop spanking the monkey, she fannies about with her cod mysticism, emptily preaching about how Ash and Paul are spiritually linked, with magical, beeyewteefull events taking form just because they met.
That's right, don't bother about Paul clearly being a psychopath, for 'tis ART!
It's the same as trying to convince me that Ash, Dawn and Brock were the Divine Trio because they all saw Something Nasty In The Lake District, as if they have an intrinsic bond foretold in ancient prophecy.
The writers pull this knowing two thirds of the Holy Trinity, plus Paul the Fallen Angel, will be leaving, at which point we'll be expected to stop being overawed at the great majesty they all apparently possess and transfer allegiance to their usurpers.
What's the point?
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Yet another smackhead from that lunatic stare.
What shining genius decided giving all the characters contracted pupils was a good idea?
She looks like one of those kids whose parents dealt with nits the traditional way:
Shaving the entire head and painting it purple.
A barnet resembling privet hacked at by a paralytic gardener before he conked out.
I've seen her arc three or four times, and I still remember nothing about her, except for the amazing skill she possesses to make Ash sneeze on command from a distance.
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One word: nonce.
A clichéd weirdo fitting into Pokémon's Four-Eyed Freaks fixation, where anyone with a slight visual impairment is a weedy, know-it-all bastard or on a register.
Oh yes, and this lad comes with hidden delights, because his glasses gleam like a giant cockroach, just in case he wasn't creepy enough.
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The human black hole. Has the incredible ability to suck all the joy out of a room just by appearing. A personage of absolute lead.
Too nice and over familiar, lacking a single detectable personality trait.
Bland, empty, and with the charisma of vomit-sodden cardboard.
Sinnoh is a prolonged saga as it is, padded with nonentities like her and Kenny.
Alright, episodes must be devoted to Dawn's Contest career, however tiresome it is, but why exactly do we need any about Zoey and Kenny? Why should we care?
Every time I sat through a competition Dawn lost, I resented that she was no further along on her quest, equating to another episode eaten away by this shallow, blackened hymn to superficiality.
Compare this indulgent treatment to the sneering disrespect shown to Jessie, an actual main character, who not only had to win her Ribbons practically off screen, but the writers delighted in hammering home how worthless she was in only scraping into the Grand Festival because Princess Salvia took pity on the deluded wretch.
They favour their own inventions over the original cast, then dump 'em as soon as the next generation arrives, so how could they ever matter if even the creators eagerly cast them aside?
After all the effort on my part to put up with the entire witless farce, Zoey beats Dawn in the finals!
I understood the unspoken law of Ash not being allowed to win a League until the very last series, for fear whatever came after would be anticlimactic, but why should this deadening failure apply to May and Dawn?
By the culmination of the Contest rigmarole, it's obvious they'll be making their exit for the next region's Girl, so why couldn't either bid farewell to the fans with a victory?
Why must they be incompetent too?
Even if achieving their dream dampened any hunger to carry on, they're departing anyway, so what difference does it make?
At least Ash will continue, but for May and Dawn, it's the end.
How could any fan be satisfied with a smarmy vacuum of a creature like Zoey succeeding instead?
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Eyes of molten evil.
The second-worst character ever created (Iris is top of the ranks), Barry is a smug, arrogant, screeching dweeb jabbering his oh-so endearing catchphrase about fining anyone who slightly irks him, so sure is he that his feelings should come above everyone else's
He truly believes he has a God-given entitlement to demand lesser lifeforms should arrange themselves to suit his pleasure, that they are morally compelled to shield him from  meagre inconvenience.
Knocking the little geck out of the League was the most noble thing Paul ever did. It practically redeems him.
This is what I cannot comprehend:
Ursula is openly conceited, rude to Dawn, and brags about her own excellence even after losing.
We're asked to dislike her.
Barry slags Ash off constantly, is convinced of his own divinity, and jeers at Team Rocket.
We're supposed to see him as a 'good guy' and welcome his arrival.
Why? Are Ash and Team Rocket fair game, but offending Saint Dawn's intolerable?
Again, it astounds me how temporary, region-specific stars seem to count for more than those who've been here since the beginning.
Whilst they're here, that is. Once gone, you wouldn't know they'd existed.
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He wears a matador outfit to compete.
It's a crying shame Tauros was never given the opportunity to gore him.
As usual, it's Piplup I blame.
Each generation likes to flaunt the starter Pokémon, presumably in the hope of flogging more games, that's why Ash usually catches all three, or they're spread out amongst his friends.
It's about time Team Rocket had one.
Can't do that, they only appear five times per series now.
Piplup is a whiny attention whore who refuses to evolve. In consequence, he can't advertise the next stages in the evolution chain, so we have to keep seeing Barry and Kenny instead, that's why Empoleon and Prinplup are always walking about.
This equates to three characters having the same Pokémon, albeit in different incarnations.
There's variety.
However, Kenny's true purpose is much more grim than that.
Fans will ship Ash with The Girl, a useless endeavour when it's destined to come to nothing when she's kicked out.
In Hoenn and Sinnoh, an effort was made to wean shippers off in preparation for the upcoming split, so alternative suitors were introduced, with the girls effectively pushed on to them.
May got Drew.
I don't mind that. He had some refinements.
Dawn got Kenny.
What, you want me to cheer for such a revolting couple?
Have I not suffered enough?
What unpardonable crime did Dawn do to deserve such a horrible fate?
She's not a bad-looking girl. She can do better than an ugly, portly, shrunken, pie-faced cretin! 
You do this to me when Nando exists?
Sod the age gap, that never concerned anyone here.
This being the Kenny who spends four years belittling Dawn by constantly reminding her of a humiliating childhood experience, even giving her a nickname too!
Dawn is visibly distressed when he does this, but he's a fine candidate for romance?
She has to settle for a sweaty, lecherous herbert like him, who doesn't even try to atone for his unfortunate mug by being kind?
I suspect the whole Sinnoh adventure was really him wearing down her self-esteem until she believed he was the best available, wanting her to be grateful for his slobbery attentions.
It won't stop there either. He'll trap her for the rest of her life by isolating her from friends, followed by accusations of how undeserving she is of his 'love'.
Such is Dawn's lot: absent father, pushy mother, whinging penguin and abusive boyfriend.
Kenny's already a perv:
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He's not looking at her face.
She knows he's not.
Ash and Pikachu have noticed an interesting feature further down.
Aipom likes it too.
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