#i'm not going to wait until i run out of gas to ask for help with gas.
killbaned · 25 days
sry but you JUST ASKED for 40 dollars for gas earlier. instead of spending 20 on something you apparently didn't NEED why not put that towards gas instead of expecting other people to pay it for you.
So! that was a quick little addition i added in the tags on my lunch break at work after eyeing my fuel gauge and checking my bank that i was like. literally going to expound upon tomorrow when i update my post with my new work schedule that just came out.
i do not need 40$ for gas right now this instance, like it's an emergency. i also already have money ear marked for gas when i do need to get it.
the "can i get 40 for gas" is intended for /when i need to get gas in roughly 2 weeks/ to go along with the money i already have set aside for gas (money that i worked for btw! since that seems to be your fucking issue!!) so that i can fill my tank entirely and not need gas for 4-6 weeks.
i have a 17 gallon gas tank, it is almost 70$ to fill my fucking car.
also did you miss the part tonight where i also mentioned the 33$ (again, of my own money i worked for because the donation money is sitting safely in my paypal right now.) on more medication? on top of 15$ on a rx copay. on top of 98$ for my car insurance. do you want a fucking itemized list of my expenses? a bank statement?
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drawing-prompt-s · 7 months
GoFundMe: Getting the kitten to the vet...
for a rabies shot, FIV testing, and a possible upper respiratory infection!
So someone sent in the last $305 I needed while I was asleep. I'm transferring it to my account now which means I'm a) shutting off the GFM as soon as the transfers process and b) taking in the kitten as soon as the money becomes available to me - so likely by Friday I'll take her in, or Saturday or Monday (they do half days Saturday, and are closed Monday).
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GoFundMe Link Paypal Link
Venmo Link Cashapp Link
Multiple payment options available because I am typically asked for alternatives to GFM and PP.
$350 / $350
From the GoFundMe description:
So, unplanned, there is a new kitten in the house as of Feb. 22, 2024. (Not Jolene's, she is fixed). When at my friend's house - where I will be moving in a few months - we found out that a cat that comes to visit often is not only owned, but a mom. However, the neighbor doesn't want the kittens, so he always puts them outside and leaves them there. I could no, in my right mind, leave the kitten outside by a trashcan and under a tire in February of all months, so I brought her home.
So far I have treated her for hookworms, given her the vaccines I can do myself, and looked into getting a spay voucher from one of the local shelters. The kitten is roughly 3 months old.
However, current concerns are that she may have an upper respiratory infection (and there is always the concern that she could be FIV+). She has an inflamed eye with a regular and concerning amount of discharge and has for a few days. I have also caught her sneezing and she has started coughing on more than a few occasions. She also has a few other signs of sickness - anemia, the runs, and some blood spotted in it. If it is a URI, I need to catch it as fast as possible because I also have Jolene, my 3 year old cat. She absolutely also needs FIV testing and a rabies shot because of that, and because where we are moving there are other cats.
Jolene and the kitten have both been getting along well. The kitten loves to follow her around and Jolene acts more like the disgruntled big sister (don't let her fool you, I have caught them playing regularly - she just needs her alone adult time too).
I have already altered a bit of my projected finances and removed money from my savings to care for the kitten and help her. But there is only so far that can go as I also need to be able to afford gas, food, and furniture for the upcoming move (I'm going to start buying things soon so I can put it together and move my stuff prior to the official move date). I was trying to put off a full vet visit until sending the kitten in for a spay, but with her eye and the possibility of infection spreading to other cats, it can no longer wait.
I am shutting off this GFM as soon as I reach the goal. The vet said to budget for a little more than $300, between the base cost of a visit, FIV testing, rabies, and potential treatment for an Upper Respiratory Infection- assuming it's nothing too major. And I added a little more to what I am expecting because GFM does take a fee from donations.
If the kitten does end up being FIV+ we do have rehoming options available or I will find someone better suited to handle an FIV+ cat (either already having one of their own or a home with no pets).
I tried to take a video of the eye, but as you can imagine, a 3 month old kitten isn't the most keen on staying still, haha.
Let me add in the breakdown as well, now that I think about it:
Base cost for my vet to see a new cat (even as a pre-established client with other cats treated there): $100
FIV testing: $40
Rabies (and other vaccines I may be missing I was unable to do myself): $35 - $45
And the vet recommended budgeting about $100 for medications depending on what they find (if she still has worms, if she has other parasites due to being outside untreated, if she has a URI like the current concern is): $100
The rest is tax, the % upcharge for using a card, and to negate the fees that GFM with-drawls from each donation.
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countrymusiclover · 7 months
1 - Matching Marks
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Part 2
It’s About Time
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall l @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
What defines a Best Friend. A best friend is somebody who is always there. A best friend will do the most stupid and dangerous stuff with you most of the time. A best friend relationship however will make things rather complicated when you start developing feelings for them…for me that was around age 15 -16. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's go back to age 12.
Georgie and I were running around the backyard of his house chasing each other. My parents were out on a date night so I was staying over at his place. We were in middle school during that time. “Y/n, I’m gonna get you.” He called out to me while he was nearly on my heels.
“Yeah right, Cooper - ah ow!” I suddenly tripped on a part of the swingset. I held my wrist seeing some cuts across my right wrist but it didn’t seem dislocated or anything.
Georgie came rushing over to check on me. “Y/n, are you okay?”
“I think I’m gonna be okay. But this is all your fault.” I snapped showing him the scrapes on my wrist that weren't just a little cut.
He slumped his shoulders. “I’m sorry but what do ya want me to do about it?”
“Make me feel better.” I answered him with a snarky remark.
Georgie bites his lip for a second thinking until he saw a somewhat sharp rock on the ground by the swing which was what I had tripped on. He picked it up drawing it across the same wrist as mine doing his best to copy the marks I had. “There now we have the same mark. We are even.”
“Ya know only a real friend would do something like that, Georgie.” I said when he helped me up off the dirt ground looking up into his eyes since he was barely taller than me.
He sent me a cheeky smile, bumping my cut wrist with his own. “We’re best friends. Always have, always will be.”
Laying on the couch in the living room of my house I was on my own until my parents came home from work after getting done with school for the day. Somebody knocked on the front door and I bolted upright knowing who it was. Opening the door, Georgie stood on my front porch. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought you’d be bored and my Meemaw sent me for beer and said she’d tip me in fire crackers. You wanna come with me?” He asked me.
I shake my head grabbing my coat at the same time. “I don’t know. Can’t we get arrested for this?”
“Possibly but only if we get caught and I think I can be pretty convincing.” Georgie didn’t see my worry with it.
Shrugging on my jacket I followed him to his meemaw’s car knowing she trusted me to drive. I was only a few months older than him so she knew I was closer to getting my drivers license then he would be. “Okay, I’ll drive but you go into the store. My parents will have my ass if they find out.” I warned him starting the car and we headed to the store.
We pulled into one of the closests parking spaces since she had handicap plates giving me a view of the cashier woman who looked to be his meemaws age. “If you’re lucky she won’t ask too many questions. I’ll be waiting here.” He shut the car door and went inside. I kept a close eye on the women while he was in the back getting a case of beer that she liked before going to the counter.
Georgie and the cashier were chatting up for a few good seconds then coming out with the case in hand. He came outside putting the bag down on the floorboard looking at me. “I can’t believe my accent worked.”
“You’re what now?” I raised a brow at him.
He looked back at me. “I used an Italian accent.”
“Georgie…” I groaned, hitting my head on the steering wheel where the horn went and the front entrance of the store door flung open with the elderly woman shouting at us.
“Give me back that beer!”
Georgie whipped his head around to me panicking. “Go, go!” I slammed my foot on the gas and spun the steering wheel around until we were out of the parking lot and away from the store. I wasn’t sure how fast I was going or if the cops were on us because I didn’t stop driving until we got back to the Cooper house.
“I can’t believe I just did that.” Sliding down in the driver’s seat to hide from someone’s view.
Georgie chuckled, reaching into the bag taking out one of the beers pointing it in my direction. “You wanna celebrate. I doubt she’ll know it’s missin’.”
“No! We’re only 14.” I raised my voice at him quickly getting out of the car. Going inside the house I covered my ears hearing music blaring through the house and figured it was coming from his sister's room she shared with Sheldon. When their memaw babysat there were no rules.
Sheldon, who was playing cards with his memaw, saw me standing by the kitchen backdoor. “Y/n, are spending the night?”
“I’m not sure. Why do you ask?” I questioned him.
He replied looking back at his cards. “I am just making sure that you won’t mess up my bathroom schedule.”
“I don’t think I will.” I lowered my hands from my ears the second the backdoor opened and Georgie came in carrying the bag.
Memaw turned in her chair across from Sheldon when he handed her the bag. “They give you any trouble?”
“Nah. Oh yeah, change.” Georgie reached inside his pocket holding it out to her.
She held her hand up., handing him some packs of firecrackers. “You keep it. Here you go ... .hey unless you want me to take them back you better give me my missing bottle.” She paused searching through her bag noticing the bottle.
“Fine…” He grumbled hearing me chuckling behind him. “Be quiet Y/n.”
“I told you she’d notice. I tried to warn ya.” Shrugging my shoulders we both walked outside into the backyard.
Georgie lights off the first firecracker throwing it in the grass and it made a loud boom making contact. He hands me the next one nudging my arm. “Give it a go.” I nodded, throwing it up into the air and it hit the grill creating the same boom.
“Wow…Georgie, can I ask you something?” I spun on my feet throwing my hair in my face.
He stands close to me still holding onto the pack of firecrackers in his hands. “What is it, darling?”
“Are we always going to be my best friend? I mean I know we have these marks but does this mean the same to you as it does to me?” Rolling up my jacket sleeve I showed him the familiar cut mark.
Georgie smiled, putting his wrist with the mark up against mine. “We’ll always be friends.” I nodded but I had hoped he would be able to read between the lines someday that I maybe wanted more.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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cyberluvzu · 2 months
Hi! Could you do some head canons for dating x-virus?
X-virus x reader
- Likes to keep you around when he's working in the lab
- Calls you his "little assistant"
- Might give you a little job here and there, never something too dangerous
- Washing lab equipment, measuring different things, stuff like that
- Definitely has a gas mask just for you
- Just likes to keep you with him
- Especially if he's working long hours
- You can be quiet, talk, or do whatever. He's just happy you're there with him
- Absolutely collapses into bed with you after
- Honestly I feel like he'd do that no matter what
- He works hard, ends up burning himself out and just wants to sleep in your arms
- He would definitely get you little gifts
- Would get you a stuffed animal to keep you company when he's busy
- One of his main love languages is gift giving
- Also quality time with you
-He would show you cool science tricks
- If you aren't already interested in science, Cody will make sure you are now
- Tells you little science facts every now and then just to info dump
- If you have an interest that somehow has a science aspect to it, Cody is ON IT
- Learns everything about that subject just to tell you and see your reaction
- Like a certain type of bug or animal?
- Here's a billion science facts about it
- He also likes to listen you rant about your interests while he works
- It's like white nosie to him, your voice calms him
- But when he really needs to focus he will ask you to shut up 😭
- Or asks you to help him with some other task to keep you busy
- He also really likes to just be in your general vicinity
- Just being in the same room as you for a while is enough for Cody
- He also gets paranoid about you getting sick
- Mega germaphobe
- He'll make you wash your hands 24/7
- He just doesn't wanna see you get sick
- Also doesn't wanna get sick himself, but it's mostly to keep you healthy
- Likes to watch you sometimes
- Mentally takes notes of little things you do
- He thinks it's cute that you have your little quirks
- Pretty observant
- Really likes learning about you
- He's just curious about everything you do
- Smiles when he thinks back to the little habits you have, the way you smile, laugh, look, your touch, literally anything about you and he's smiling
- His mind drifts off to you while he works, but then quickly gets focused back on work
- He has a hard time expressing how he feels so he'll show it to you in his own little way
- Running his hand through your hair, asking you to keep him company, including you on little experiments
- Doesn't wanna cross any boundaries you might have, but is also too scared to ask you about anything
- He just waits it out until you try things with him
- He just awkwardly pauses if he wants to do something to you, debating on doing it
- He's a little (a lot) awkward
- Not in like the "omg I'm so awkward guys" way
- More in the "I'm gonna stay in this corner the whole party" awkward (real)
- You get him to open up a little and he's all yours
- He likes who he likes, and keeps a small circle of people
- Doesn't like going out on dates where there's a lot of people
- More of a picnic in the park kind of guy
- Library dates, museums, slender forest, places like that
- Doesn't wanna worry about other people interrupting
- He just wants to be with you, his little lab assistant
- Sometimes he can be a little neglectful to you if he's really focused on work
-If you tell him that you feel ignored, he'll snap out of it and pay more attention to you
- Or if you don't tell him, one day he'll be like "Hm, I haven't really seen them in a while"
- And then it hits him like a freight train
- He feels bad about it, tries to finish his work ASAP to go check on you
- Doesn't address it directly if he's the one who notices it first
- Just gives you more attention, tries to remember to check up on you, and take breaks
- He's given you full permission to remind him to take breaks
- Likes hearing it from you, makes him feel better for some reason
- After the first time he forgot to pay attention to you, when you first started dating, he started to include you more in his lab experiments and keep you with him more
- He just gets really into in his work
- You'd probably have to remind him to eat and drink
YOU'VE AWOKEN MY CODY OBSESSION AGAIN. I love him sm and more content of him is NEEDED. X-virus fans are BEING STARVED. 😭
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love-toxin · 2 years
Coming over to worshipper Eddie's after a bad day, and asking him for help fixing your car. "Eddie knows cars, he can help, right?" Is your thought process. Meanwhile, Eddie is just over the moon to help you.
(cws: worshipper!eddie, f!angelface, fluff, mutual pining, a bit of crying and panicky protective eddie)
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"Eddie, I need help."
Your sniffles destroy him in a matter of seconds. Your timid voice coming through the crackly receiver is the last thing he expected to hear tonight, so late that he'd finally started thinking about taking a shower before he crawled into bed. But now he's alert, awake, and begging to know what's wrong and how he can make whatever problem you have go away.
"My car broke down. I'm–I'm down near the highway, by the first backroad off the turn. It's really dark, I…I'm scared, Eddie."
He has to breathe. And he has to remember that he can't teleport, even though every fibre of his being wishes that he could, so he could appear in front of you this very second and reassure you that everything's okay. But since he can't, he cuts out every unnecessary second by squeezing out of you the name of the gas station whose phone booth you're using, and rushing through his spiel–"I'm coming right now don't move stay inside I'm coming I promise" and waiting only until you're calm enough to hang up before he's sprinting and scrambling for the necessities, his keys and wallet and jacket, and doubling back to nearly crash into his desk as he yanks the handle of his toolbox out from underneath it and makes a break for the van.
You're not far, but he peels out of the driveway and kicks up a flurry of gravel anyways, tires squealing as he swings around and throws it into gear so fast the van hits the air as he skids out on to the road. He couldn't be less fucked about a speeding ticket or a reckless driving lawsuit, he needs to get to you and he needs to save his princess.
The first time he actually can take a breath is when he passes by what he knows is your car on the side of the road, headlights out and seats empty. But even so, it's been at least five or ten minutes since he left his phone dangling off the receiver back home, and he won't relax until he sees you as he's pulling up to the well-lit gas station not far from where you'd stopped. While it's barely any time for him, every inch of that space between those two places hurts him, it hurts him to think of every step you took with the cornfields on one side and nothing but forest on the other, cold and alone and scared. It makes him never want to leave you by yourself again, but if nothing else, at least he takes comfort in the fact that he was the first person you thought to call. And when you come running up from the curb outside of the station, and he finally brakes to a stop to roll down his window, Eddie could just kiss that sweet mouth of yours that bears a chill from standing in the night air. You wear your relief so clearly on your face, and oh, how he couldn't be happier to see your skin warm against the breeze and alive.
"Are you okay? Get in! Get in, get warm," Your hands clasped over his feel so good, glorious, but the coolness of each of them worries him and he sucks in a breath when you nod and hurry around the front of the car, and he reaches across the console to open the side door for you and watch as you climb in. "Why were you outside? It's so cold–you don't have gloves!" He exclaims as if the realization just hit him, and as you pull the door shut and buckle yourself in, he pats around the console and glovebox before finally producing an old, holey pair of mitts from his jacket pockets and placing them in your lap.
"I…I used up my change for the phone, so the clerk wouldn't let me stand inside. I wasn't buying gas either, so-" He can tell by the shivers and shaking of your teeth that you've been out there longer than you should've. Way longer.
"You don't let a girl stand outside in the dark at night! That's so fucked!" Some kind of deep, unsettling fury rises up in him as he swivels his head and turns to glare at the unsuspecting station attendant through the clear glass windows, fingers braced around the handle as he clicks open the lock to get out-
"No, no, Eddie! Please," You grab his arm though, and he freezes, eyes totally softened as he looks back over his shoulder and slowly slides back down into his seat. You let out a breath of relief when he shuts the door again, and yet you still don't let him go and somehow move even closer into him. "It's okay. Please don't go. I-I don't wanna go back, don't leave me, please?"
It takes an embarrassingly long minute for Eddie to recover from the way you look into his eyes. The sweet, longing warmth that runs right through him at the sight of your pretty face, the desperation in your touch as you squeeze him and silently whimper for him not to abandon you. How could he? He would never do that to you.
"I…yeah, of course, sweetheart. Yeah. Let's just go get your ride looked at, kay?" With a nod from you the air settles, and he can bring himself to shoot a smile your way as he puts the car in gear. In the meanwhile, you delicately pluck the pathetic pair of mitts off your lap and slip them on each hand, sweetly thanking him over the rumble of the engine as he pulls out and starts puttering down the road towards the spot you had pulled over on.
"Thank you, Eddie. I owe you…just, the world. The world. You mean so much to me." A stifled chuckle erupts from him then, only thinly masking the deep and intense desire that bubbles up inside him in that moment to blurt out how much he loves you. He couldn't, not now, not when you might feel as though you owe him something more because you don't. He owes his life and every ounce of happiness he has to you–but he just smiles to himself, and glances over at you when he has the chance.
"I'd do anything for you sweetheart, I promise. Anything."
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angelsanarchy · 10 months
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Tangerine Skies: Possum x Y/N Series CH 4
Tagging: @svgarcaine @icarus-star @romanroyapoligist @tempt-ress @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @liquidsmoothdomme @auggiethecreator @ethical-cain-vinnel @blacksoul-27
TW: Fucking, P n V, Fingering, Squirting
"Wait, John! Where did my tips go?" Y/n looked for the jar that sat on the countertop.
"You know those have to be split." He snorted.
"I'm the only person working doubles. Who the hell am I splitting them with?" She asked confused and he held up the cash in his hand.
"You know the rules darlin'. I let you work here, you've got to pay me." She hated John. He was a scummy, perverted trash goblin who constantly took advantage of the women who worked at the diner. The one time he made a pass at her, she almost broke his wrist and threatened to cut his pecker off if he ever tried again. Now he's an absolute prick about paying her.
"This is bullshit and you know it." She took her apron off and tossed it on the counter.
"You could always quit. Plenty of broads around here looking for pocket change." Y/n gave John the finger before getting in her car and heading back to the campsite. She must have startled Possum because he ran out of his tent with wide eyes.
"I thought you were a cop...sorry." He admitted. Y/n ignored him and stormed into the RV. Possum stood confused until she burst back out of the RV with a change of clothes in her hands and slammed them down on the picnic table.
"I'm so fucking sick and tired of having to put up with the bastards of this stupid town and making it seem like anyone who wasn't spit out here is some sort of loser." She tore her nametag off her blouse and Possum continued to stand silently, listening to her rant.
"I work really fucking hard to be able to live how I live and all I wanted was to save enough for me to get out of here and back on the road for my next adventure." She kicked her shoes off and started to take her pantyhose off.
"I shouldn't have to work twice as hard because I have goals beyond this place. It's not fair." She started undoing the buttons of the uniform and Possum's eyebrows went up. She peeled the uniform off and stood in her bra and panties now as she raged.
"Why does it seem like I'll never get out of here? Why is it acceptable for perverts to hold the power of a paycheck over someone's head?" She stepped into a pair of shorts and Possum nodded his head.
"Sounds like you had a bad day." He finally spoke lighting a joint.
"I did. I had the worst day and I wanted to quit so bad but I only need another grand before I can get out of here and go where with enough gas." Y/n explained throwing a big shirt over her head.
"I can't help with that but I can certainly help take the edge off." He held up the joint and walked it towards her. She slouched feeling the tension leave her shoulders and Possum smiled, reaching up and pulling her hair down so she was now fully relaxed. Y/n shook her hair out and Possum laughed. She liked to see him smile. She took the joint from his hand and took a long drag of it, stepping back and looking him over.
"How high are you right now?" She asked curiously.
"I'm lucid...why?" He asked equally curious about her questioning. She moved towards him carefully and extended her hand with the joint in it but when he reached for it, she pulled it back towards herself slowly causing him to step towards her. She used her free hand to touch his neck and kiss him carefully. Possum moaned against her lips for a few moments before pulling back.
"Would you object to taking the edge off a different way?" Y/n pitched. Possum moved his lips trying to form words but then made a noise like he was trying to calculate something in his head.
"Are you suggesting that we fuck?" Possum asked casually. Y/n nodded her head and Possum mimicked her nod.
"Yeah yeah that could work." He was the one to grab her this time, taking her by surprise as he kissed her once more. Running his hands up the front of her shirt and gripping her breasts roughly. Y/n felt him backing her into the picnic table until her legs hit it.
"W-wait, the joint." She held it up and ashed it out on the table and put it in his pocket before pulling his vest off. Y/n yanked her shirt over her head and Possum picked her up off her feet by surprise.
Possum buried his face into her tits, still tightly snug in her bra. He sat down on the picnic table and brought her to straddle his waist.
"You don't- you don't want to fuck in the RV?" Y/n asked breathlessly.
"No I enjoy being outside, in nature." He unclasped the bra and let her tits fall into his hands, cupping them and bringing them to his mouth to suckle and bite. Y/n moaned, throwing her back to expose her neck. She could feel Possum hard beneath her and she put her hand down to rub him through his jeans.
Possum stopped abruptly.
"I did this backwards." Possum confessed standing back up and putting her on her feet. She wasn't sure what he was talking about until he started to undress himself. He yanked his shirt over his head and Y/n pushed her shorts to the ground before reaching forward and pulling his jeans to his ankles. He pulled her by the waist towards him as he shuffled his feet now trapped by his jeans and boots. He spun her around to grip the table and pressed himself against her ass.
"Fuck...go slow, I haven't...I haven't done this in a while." Y/n was nervous. Possum's length alone would be a new sensation. He ran his tongue down her back leaving little bite marks on her bare ass cheek before reaching between her legs and feeling how wet she was.
"I won't hurt you. I promise." Possum kissed at her neck, letting his cock rub against her skin before using a free hand to bring his cock to her pussy. He eased in slowly feeling her tense slightly and reaching back to touch his thigh. He cooed in her ear making sure to stay at the pace she wanted him to before he had finally made it most of the way inside of her.
"Fuck you're so big. I feel so full." Possum let his hand fall on top of hers as it rested on his thigh.
"That's a good full right? No pain?" Possum asked making her turn her head to see him.
"God no it feels good. Really good. You can move, please." Y/n begged. Possum took her breasts into his hands from behind and tried to keep a tight grip on them as he started shallow thrusts. He groaned and waited for her to push back onto his cock before he really started pistoning his hips upwards.
"Fuck! FUCK! You're so fucking tight." Possum whined trying to catch his breath. Y/n didn't hide her moans. Possum was right. Fucking outdoors was liberating. She could feel everything all at once and she fucking loved it.
"Fuck, fucking fuck." Possum's pace was becoming sloppy and he pulled out suddenly, making Y/n gasp as he pushed his hand in the middle of her back so he could cum all over her ass, shooting nearly halfway up her spine. He shuttered, stroking his cock carefully, pulling every drop of cum out of himself before using his finger to slide his cum off her skin and onto his fingers. Y/n wasn't expecting to finish but when Possum replaced his cock with his two cum-covered fingers.
"Oh fuck Possum, don't stop." He used this as motivation to spin her around and use his thumb on her clit as he continued to pulse his fingers in and out of her pussy. She gripped him by the shoulders and he leaned against her, letting her pull on his hair and bit his collarbone until her legs started to wobbling and she was squirting down his wrist, screaming. He slowed his hand down, not stopping completely until she put her shaking hand on top of his to halt all movement.
"I've never...I've never done that before." Y/n blushed. She had never actually squirted before or really cum without helping herself along. She blushed and Possum smiled.
"I can show you how to do it all the time if you want." Possum offered and Y/n laughed.
"Right now, I just want the feeling back in my legs first." Possum used his shirt to wipe the cum off her and clean himself up. As they put themselves back together, Possum re-lit the joint and sat down next to the fire he had built early. Y/n walked onto the RV and grabbed a blanket to wrap around herself before plopping down next to Possum with a smile. He silently held out the joint again and she took it, shaking her head.
This was the kind of evening unwinding she wished she had every night.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
The Right Place in Time
Summary: What if Steve was in the woods with Chrissy and Eddie getting weed for his headaches?
@disrespectedgoatman @estrellami-1 @darkrose517
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Eddie's POV
Eddie was cursing himself every way under the sun. This was so stupid. This wasn't going to work, but he'd rather be in custody than be dead, and even these idiots wouldn't try to kill him around a bunch of cops. Hopefully. His stomach churned at the thought of Fred's body twisted up like that. . .that it could have happened to Chrissy. . .that it still could happen to her. It could happen to Steve, too, and to Max. They needed to find a way to stop Vecna, and in order to do that, they needed these goons out of their way.
Eddie was driving faster than he had ever done in his life, and he was always pretty risky with his driving. They were getting close to him now, almost catching up with him. Now he was cursing his stupid piece of crap van. They were going to catch up to him, and they were going to kill him. It was like a punch to the gut. The image of his uncle crying over his body and that once again, he had let him down. He had disappointed him just like his father had done so many times. No, he wasn't going to be like his fucking father. Eddie screamed as he pressed his foot so hard against the gas petal, tears falling down his cheeks as he let out a furious sob. He pulled into the parking lot of the police station and spilled out onto the pavement as he climbed out of the van, his legs shaking. It was Officer Moore who found him.
"They're going to kill me," Eddie cried.
Jason's car screeched into the parking lot, and the jocks stepped out. It seems as though they were stupid enough to still be carrying their weapons.
"Gentlemen, I'm going to have to ask you to put your weapons down," Officer Moore said as he put his hand on his gun.
"You don't understand, officer. Munson is a monster! He killed Fred, and he broke Chrissy's arm with the power of his mind," Jason said.
"Isn't he a third time senior?" Officer Moore asked.
"Yeah," Jason said.
"So you're telling me that he killed someone with the power of his mind?" Officer Moore asked. "His mind?"
"Man's got a point. I am a little dense," Eddie said.
"I know what I saw, Officer!" Jason screeched.
"I think what happened here is that your girlfriend left you for Munson, and some poor innocent kid got caught in your crossfire!" Officer Moore yelled. "Put. Your. Weapons. Down. NOW!"
"He's a killer!" Jason screamed.
Moore pulled out his gun and pointed it at Jason, as he radioed for backup.
"Munson is a lot of things, but he's no killer. I know because despite everything, when I got shot, he could have left me to bleed to death, but instead, he let his father place the blame on his shoulders and walk away while doing everything he could do to save my life," Officer Moore said. "Put your weapons down now!'
Chief Powell and the other police officers came running out of the station. They pointed their guns at the jocks who had no choice but to put their weapons down. They were quickly put in handcuffs.
"Man, Patrick was right in saying no to you," Connor growled as they handcuffed him. "You're fucking crazy, Carver."
Officer Moore waited until they were all inside and helped Eddie up.
"You're not under arrest, kid, but you're going to have to come inside for questioning," Officer Moore said.
The questioning didn't last as long as he thought it would, especially because most of the jocks threw Jason under the bus. The only who remained loyal to Jason was Andy, but Eddie figured that it was because Andy was crazy himself. Eddie was walking out of the station just as Wayne was about to walk in.
"Boy, you weren't at the trailer this morning, and I was about to send out a search party when they called me to come down here," Wayne said.
Phil Callahan and Chief Powell, along with another squad car, pulled out of the station's driveway. Their sirens wailed. Eddie figured they were probably headed to the driveway. He turned away from them and looked back at his uncle.
"Shit, everything happened so fast. I meant to call you this morning. Chrissy's arm got broken last night, and then I was at the hospital with her, and then I went with her to her uncle's house. Steve was there, too, as well as her cousin, Vickie, and Steve's friend, Robin. Jason thought that I had broken Chrissy's arm, but I did not! He gave me a black eye and tore off part of my eyebrow," Eddie rambled on.
"Hold up, slow down, son," Wayne said. "Is this Chrissy girl your fiancee?"
"Oh God, you heard about that?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, sure did," Wayne said.
"That's just a misunderstanding. We're just dating. . .me, Chrissy, and Steve Harrington," Eddie said.
"You happy about that?" Wayne asked.
"We haven't even gone on a first date yet, but yeah, pretty happy," Eddie said.
"Good," he said softly. "Tell me about the dead kid."
"I don't think you're gonna believe me," Eddie said.
"Try me," Wayne said.
"Okay, well, not here. Let's get in the van," Eddie said.
Eddie knew he probably shouldn't be telling Wayne this, but after the incident with Al, he didn't want to keep anything from him again. So, he crawled into the van while Wayne got into the passenger's side and told Wayne everything. When he finished, Wayne was silent and staring straight ahead.
"Things have always been weird in this town, even since Victor Creel," Wayne said, after a long silence.
"Victor Creel?" Eddie asked.
"He's the one who killed his family and gouged out their eyes in 1959. Eventually, he tried to do the same thing to himself, cut out his eyes, that is. He's still up in Pennhurst," Wayne said.
"Fred's eyes. . .they were. . .," Eddie trailed off. "Do you think Victor escaped?"
"Don't know. I figured we would have heard something if we had," Wayne frowned. "You kids are dealing with this stuff without any adults?"
"Well, they did have Hopper before, but he died, and Joyce Byers moved to California. Technically, Steve, Chrissy, Nancy, Robin, and I are adults," Eddie said.
"Only legally," he said with a snort. "Jesus."
"Oh, and there's this weird reporter dude who lives in Illinois who lives in like a bunker," Eddie said.
Wayne sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I'd rip out my hair, but I want to keep what's left of it," he said. "Probably going to fall out anyway. What's the plan here?"
"Well, we find out where this guy's projecting from, and then we kill him," Eddie said.
"This guy is using his mind to kill people, and you think a bunch of kids are going to take him down?" Wayne asked.
"Yeah, I really didn't want to be the one to question it," Eddie winced. "Besides, our plan so far involved finding his other victims, and we did that. Unfortunately, we were unable to save Fred, so we need to stop this guy as soon as possible before it gets to Steve, Chrissy, and Max."
"That girl's been through enough," Wayne said sighing. "How did Chrissy snap out of it?"
"She heard me and Vickie scream," he frowned.
"So, maybe it's her connection to you both combined that did it. Is Vickie this cousin you mentioned?" Wayne asked.
"Yeah, they grew up together," Eddie replied.
"You knew Chrissy since that talent show. I remember you couldn't stop talking about her," Wayne said. "Eddie, what's always been something you've been able to connect with?"
"D&D?" Eddie asked.
"Well, you can't do a whole campaign, son," he said. "It has to be quick, right?"
"Oh, music!" Eddie exclaimed and looked thoughtfully at him. "So, maybe if we find out what their favorite song is. . . "
"When you were a baby, that was always what used to get through to you when you were upset about something," Wayne said.
"I guess this means you're involved now, too?" Eddie asked.
"Like hell I'm letting you kids do this on your own," Wayne scowled.
A knocking on the window startled the both of them, but only Eddie screamed. Dustin's excited face pressed up against the glass.
Chapter Nine
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hornyhornyhimbos · 11 months
"Love Potion No. 9" ~ J. Byers
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Summary: When you and Jonathan visit a witch on your hunt for something supernatural, you don't expect to leave with ever-growing arousal between your legs.
Pairing: Supernatural Hunter!Jonathan Byers x Supernatural Hunter!AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,106
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) unprotected piv sex, cowgirl activities, car sex, love potion/aphrodisiac consumption, dry humping for a second, explicit language, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: does this read a little bit like a Supernatural fanfic? maybe. but i can't be blamed when Jonathan just feels so Winchester-coded.
Originally Written: 10/12/2023
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
halloweek masterlist can be found here!
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Neither of you were quite sure how it happened, but your latest hunt had led you into the home of a witch. Low-hanging ferns and wind chimes and twinkly lights filled the area, the scent of frankincense heavy in the small space.
"Don't mind the smell," she'd said, "Figured I should cast some sort of protection over my home with that thing running loose."
After talking with the woman for a while, you and Jonathan had both silently come to a mutual conclusion: that this thing was a werewolf, and a rabid one at that, and it wouldn't stop until it had consumed as much blood as possible.
"Would you mind if we grabbed a bottle of water?" you asked, standing up from your spot on the lumpy sofa.
The witch shook her head. "Not at all, dear. Kitchen's just through that doorway. I think I'm gonna go have a quick smoke out on the porch." Your brows furrowed at her statement, but she quickly rebutted, "I'll be fine. I keep a gun by the door and I'll use my frankincense spray to help ward him off."
And with that, she was headed out the front door, leaving you and Jonathan to yourselves.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jon asked, leading the way into the kitchen.
"Werewolf?" you asked, arms folding in front of your chest.
He gave you a quick nod, opening the fridge and pulling out two water bottles. "Yeah, and a rabid one at that."
"Which means there's probably another one close by that gave it to him," you commented. You quickly grabbed one of the bottles from him and took a long drag of the liquid. It had been hours since you'd stopped for food or drink or gas, and the water was like nectar from the gods to your desperate and deprived taste buds.
Jonathan chuckled at your behavior, but took a long drink from his own bottle. After gulping down the liquid, he concurred, "That's what I'm thinking too."
"So, how do we find them?"
He shrugged. "Wait. The wolves around here only come out at night so we wait until sundown, then hope to God that we're right about where they're hunting."
After a few minutes had passed, the lady had joined you back in the house, leading the two of you back into the living room. As the conversation carried on, you started to feel a strange, warm tingle in your belly. You attempted to shake off the feeling, but your body heat picked up and the feeling grew stronger.
"Jon," you whispered into his ear, "can we please go? I'm not feeling well."
Jonathan had a sort of flushed look to his face, and you assumed he must've been experiencing a feeling similar to yours. As you stood, he quickly side-stepped behind you, almost strategically placing you in front of him.
You both managed a rushed goodbye before heading out to the car, the warmth in your stomach quickly turning into a feeling you could identify— arousal.
The ride was silent, save for the tape playing quietly on the radio. Your legs clenched together involuntarily as a familiar wetness formed between them. Curiosity got the better of you as you looked over at Jon, who was white-knuckling the steering wheel like his life depended on it.
You came to a stop at the end of the nearly abandoned road, no other cars in sight as Jonathan approached the stop sign. He shot you a quick look, trying to act as casual as he could. "You alright?"
You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, nodding much more enthusiastically than you should have. "Yeah, I'm totally fine." A heavy silence took over the air for a couple seconds before you awkwardly asked, "What about you?"
He quickly nodded as well, avoiding eye contact with you. "Yeah, I'm good."
Another round of heavy silence came over the small space, Jonathan opting to break it by clearing his throat. He mumbled something to himself as he started to take off again, the car gradually gliding toward a speed bump.
You tried your best to hold it in, but it was almost compulsory the way a moan flew out of you when the speed bump caused your jeans to hit your core in just the right spot.
Jonathan hit the brakes right there in the middle of the road, an erratic look coming across his face. "You too?!" he asked in surprise.
You knew it would do you no good to lie, not after the way your mouth had just betrayed you. "You think she put something in that water?"
Sweat was cascading down both of your faces, each of your breathing already speeding up. "I don't know," he answered, his expression changing to one of shyness. "What are we gonna do?"
You thought for a moment, quickly going over your options. You could wait it out, but that might be miserable. You supposed you could pull over and one of you go into the woods, discreetly giving you both time to get yourselves off, but that would chance one of you getting taken by something in that clearly haunted forest. The third option was one you truly hated to think, but you supposed it might be your best bet.
"Quick, get me that dropper out of the trunk. It's in the case with my dagger."
He pulled off to the side of the road, giving you a questioning look. "Why-"
You all but pushed him out of the car, urging him to not ask questions. While he grabbed the dropper, you unscrewed the lid to both bottles of water. When he got back, you dropped a tiny dab of the liquid in the tube down into the bottles of water. You watched as the water turned a bright sapphire blue, knowing all too well what it meant.
"Fuck," you exclaimed exasperatedly, your hand meeting your temple.
Jonathan met you with a confused look, brows furrowed tight together. "What? What does that mean?"
"That bitch gave us a serum of desire."
"A what?"
You sighed, though you couldn't ignore the growing feeling of arousal as you looked into his eyes. "It's a potion to make us realize our deepest desires."
He went from confused to downright dumbfounded. "So, our deepest desire is… each other?" You nodded in reply. "Well, what do we do?"
"We have no choice but to confront our deepest desire. It's the only way it'll wear off."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, shock and lust wafting through the air as heavily as the frankincense had earlier. You tried to think of any other way to make the potion wear off, but deep down, you knew there was only one way to get rid of this feeling.
"So…" he said, the word lingering.
"So…" you repeated.
Jonathan was the first to make a move, which surprised you, given his hatred of confrontation. "Can I… kiss you? I-In the backseat?"
He didn't have to ask twice. You were practically shoving him into the tiny backseat, climbing on top of him in record speed. The idea of doing this with him had you embarrassed, given your practically life-long crush on the man, but at the current moment, the serum was working hard to dilute all thoughts of rationality.
Your lips connected, heavy breaths flowing out of your mouth and into his as his hands landed on your waist. He pulled you down the expanse of his thigh, guiding your center along his denim-clad leg. Your hips were grinding all on their own, a moan slipping from your kiss-swollen lips as your jeans brushed your clit just right.
"Do you wanna," he started to say, being cut off by a needy kiss, "get off like this? Because this," another kiss, "is perfectly fine to me."
You shook your head, your tongue slipping between his parted lips as you continued humping his leg, your pleasure already nearing its peak. "Need more, please."
Your fingers slipped into his hair, tugging at the light brown strands and eliciting an absolutely beautiful noise from the man underneath you. You wanted to bottle that noise up and play it on repeat for hours, music to your ears.
He made quick work of his jeans, sliding them down just enough to release his cock. You moaned at the sight, torn between taking it in your mouth or putting it exactly where you needed it. The latter won as you made quick work of your own pants, Jonathan letting out another one of those gorgeous sounds at the sight of your wetness.
Without any resistance on your part, he was lowering you down his length, his head falling back against the car door. "Oh, holy fuck," he sighed, his eyes going glassy. Your hands moved to his bangs, moving the sweat-sticky hair away from his eyes to give you both an unobstructed view of each other.
You were the first to move, nearly cumming right then as the head of his cock brushed against that wonderful spot inside of you. Labored breaths filled the air as the two of you began to create the perfect rhythm between your bodies, his balls slapping against you every time you slid back down his length.
Your lips reconnected as you rocked up and down on him, tongues roaming freely inside one another's mouth. The car was undeniably rocking, anyone who drove past would know exactly what you were doing, but the slight movement had him bucking up into you even harder, and secretly you were thankful you'd decided to do this here.
Your hand roamed down to one of his, bringing his calloused fingers to your clit. "Touch me, right there, please," you all but begged, guiding his fingertips in the exact rhythm you craved them.
The pad of his thumb was rough, but only brought your orgasm closer. His opposite hand moved to grab the supple skin of your hip, guiding you along his cock and bringing him closer to the edge as well.
Your own hands gripped his shoulders for dear life as your climax washed over you, your cunt sucking him deeper inside you as your legs began to shake. "Shit, Jonathan," you whined, your hips speeding in hopes of bringing him to his own release.
"Fuck, where do you need it?" he groaned, his dick throbbing inside of you.
"What?" you breathed heavily, still working yourself through possibly the best orgasm you'd ever felt.
"Can I cum inside you?" he asked, somewhere between begging and demanding.
All words left your body as his finger continued to work at your swollen clit, so you simply opted for a nod of the head.
As if on cue, he was filling you up with every last drop of his seed, both of your bodies falling limp against each other. "Oh, my God," he sighed, his breath hot as it fanned around your ear.
The serum was already wearing off your body, realizing what you'd done. You wanted to enjoy this moment, to just be with him, but you couldn't deny the logical thoughts that had started to flood back into your mind. "Oh, my God," you repeated, nearly a whisper as you lay on his chest.
"We really just did that, didn't we?" he asked, a hand moving up to brush softly over your hair.
You let out a soft, amused huff as your eyes finally met his again. You swore you saw his eyes sparkling as he looked at you, an expression of adoration coming over his features. "I guess we did," you laughed lightly.
"Are you mad about it?" Jon asked, his tone seeming genuine.
This time, your brows furrowed. "Why would I be mad?"
He chuckled, leaning to kiss your cheek. "Just checking to see if you'll kill me the next time I ask to kiss you in the backseat of my car."
Another amused giggle fell from your lips. "I wouldn't dare. You're too valuable to kill, no matter if we enjoyed ourselves back here or not."
A playful pout flashed across his face. "Are you saying you didn't enjoy yourself? Because it seemed to me," he paused, moving to suck a harsh kiss on your collarbone, eliciting a gasp from you, "like you were really, really enjoying yourself."
"How long until sundown?" you asked, all breath escaping your lungs for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
Jonathan spared a quick glance at his watch. "Probably another half hour, maybe forty-five minutes if we're lucky."
"Better make it count, then."
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-> taglist: @ducky-died-inside @aftermidnightwriting @esoltis280
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siriusleee · 1 year
adamantine chains | part 3
"Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus." "What does that mean?" "Love is rich with both honey and venom." "I suppose that is true." Or which in König finds you broken in the mountains. A (brief) retelling of Cupid and Psyche. König | Reader
tags: no tw for this chapter, eventual smut, eventual death, idk yet request a fic here | buy me a coffee so I don't have to work overtime and can write more
a/n: we will not delve into the full cupid psyche story this month. this is just part 1. the rest will come later.
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
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The days pass slowly. You rotate through reorganizing and cleaning König's house, hands searching for something to keep them busy and from worrying about where your fiance could be and running errands for Oma. On the tenth day, it finally happens. You're trying to figure out what to cook yourself for dinner when a knock on the door startles you. 
The policeman, the same one König spoke to just eleven days earlier, waits for you outside, hat held tightly in his hand. He doesn't look you in the eye. Beside him is another man, one you've never seen before. When this new man speaks, his English is quick a hint of a British accent behind his Austrian one. 
"I am so sorry ma'am."
They help you up from the ground; you don't remember falling, but you know that his words have taken everything out of you. They help you settle into the chair by the fireplace before the man starts speaking again.
"I know this is difficult, but we do need to…ask you some questions."
You barely hear them, as they ask about the hiking trip, about your fiance's job, about how you got separated from the group that day. It isn't until the questions are over, that your brain starts to move again, and starts to ask questions again.
"Where is his body? Can I see it?"
The policeman who is speaking English shifts uncomfortably in his seat, and whispers something to the second policeman before speaking again; this time he can't look you in the eye.
"I am sorry, miss. But his body was taken by the United States government. We told them about you and how you were here with him, but," he pauses, clears his throat, "we were told you didn't have permission to be with him on his trip to Austria and that the government has no need to get you back home because you shouldn't be here."
For the second time, the floor falls out from beneath you.
When König arrives back home the next day, he finds you on the couch. You're wrapped in a blanket and fixated on the empty fireplace. He doesn't speak to you, doesn't even acknowledge you on his way past. 
The shower kicks on from down the hallway; the sound grates on your nerves and you curl in tighter to yourself. When König arrives back into the living room he brings the scent of cedar wood and clary sage and underneath it a scent of something heavier and iron-tinged. You can feel his eyes on you, boring into you but he doesn't speak. Instead, he goes to the kitchen and starts banging around, pots slamming onto the stove and the sound of the gas clicking to life. 
He doesn't speak to you until he sets down a bowl on the floor in front of you, the scene of garlic and tomatoes pulling you from the cocoon of blankets. 
"I have heard what the police said, and I am sorry Taube. "
At his words, you start crying again - you can see the panic behind König's eyes and he presses himself into the chair, trying to get as far away from you as possible. You finally catch your breath enough to choke out what's been eating at you for the last 10 days. 
"König I'm a terrible person."
" Nein, Taube . Why do you say that?"
Everything that has been bubbling inside you since you woke in Oma's house finally breaks through, and you sob between your words. 
"I'm horrible König, I didn't even care that he was lost in the mountain - I just wanted to go home. And now I can't, now I'm stuck here the government didn't even care they just left me here. And now I will never get home; it's my punishment for not caring about him."
When König speaks to you, it's quiet, calculated. 
"Why did you not care about him? He was your fiance?"
You press your hands to your face, trying not to puke all over König.
"I was only marrying him because I didn't know what else to do. He asked and I said yes, I thought it was what people just did. I thought I could love him, but I couldn't make myself feel it. And now he is dead, and all I feel is grateful that you found me and that I'm able to live."
You're hyperventilating, you can't breathe. Your hands press painfully into your face, trying to push the thoughts away from you. A pair of large hands wrap around your wrist, and König pries your hands away from your face slowly. He's knelt down in front of the couch, eyes trained on yours. 
"You are not terrible, Taube. Trust me when I say this. I know you are upset you cannot go home right now, but you are welcome to stay here for as long as you like. I know it has been nice for Oma to have you around when I was gone."
This makes you cry worse, and the crushing feeling of being a burden grows around you.
"Hush, Taube. I will take care of you."
You let him wrap the blanket back around you, and let him use the corner to wipe your face clean. He presses the bowl of food, spaghetti with so much cheese on top it's nearly ridiculous before he leaves you again to start the fire and warm the room up. 
You don't know how long it takes you to calm down, but your heart feels lighter, finally admitting the horrible thoughts you'd been having for months. 
The relationship had started innocently at first; you'd met your fiance at work. You did IT work for a banking company and he was a customer who had accidentally wandered into the wrong part of the bank. It had been a whirlwind, him sweeping you away and convincing you to quit your job and move with him. The entire relationship had been rocky, but you had no way of knowing how to leave, and when he finally asked you to marry him you didn't know how to say no. There had been the worry that if you did, you would have nowhere to go - you didn't even know where your dad was asking him to come to get you (not that he would, but it had always been a hope). And then there had been dress fittings, and cake tasting. Finally, the trip to Austria, a honeymoon before the wedding because your fiance would be gone for work the day after your wedding. 
To finally admit to someone how you felt was liberating, even if it did make you feel like a horrible person. 
You don't know how long you sit there before you finally manage to eat. The pasta is cold, but the sauce is still amazing. König sits in the chair, eyes boring holes into the wall before turning towards you. 
"You've never said, how you speak Polish."
You stir the leftover sauce in the bowl around as you think back.
"My grandfather was from Poland. He immigrated to the United States after the Nazis started taking over. His father sent him to the United States alone, he was really young too. Anyway, he lived in the United States for the rest of his life. My mom died when I was born, and my dad left me on his doorstep before I could even cry for help. So my grandfather raised me. We only spoke Polish at his house."
"And he is dead now, no?"
"Yeah. He died when I was in college. He owned an orange grove and, I didn't know this, but he was selling off parts of it to send me to college. So when he got sick, there was no money to pay for his treatment and no land to sell for it either."
"I am so sorry, Taube. "
You set the bowl down beside you, changing the conversation to something that isn't eating you from the inside out.
"What does that mean? Taube ?"
König shifts in his seat, slouching down so that his legs are spread out in front of him and his head can rest on the back. 
"It is just a polite word for a young woman."
"Enough, Taube. "
The weeks at König's pass by easily. You find yourself slipping into a comfortable pattern, the two of you rotating around each other like planets caught in each other's orbit. When König is gone, you figure out how to entertain yourself: helping Oma take care of herself, developing your film in the dark room König set up for you, and selling the prints of the local scenery in one of the local cafes. 
When König finds you after his last work assignment, you're in the dark room, developing your recent prints. You don't speak as he folds into the room and presses against the doorway.
"You know König I don't have a disease. You don't have to keep yourself so far away from me." 
He doesn't speak to you as you clip your next print to dry, solution dripping down your fingers. You're taken back to that day in the mountain when the rain fell onto your skin, and you have to take a deep breath to steady yourself against the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to break through. You turn your attention to König to distract yourself. 
"Are you going to speak, or are you going to stay there staring at me menacingly?"
"I am not staring menacingly."
"You wear a mask König; you are the definition of menacing."
König grumbles but doesn't say anything to refute you. Wiping your hands on your jeans, you turn to stare at him, hip cocked against a table to mimic his pose. König shuffles his feet, eyes turned down at the floor. His hands are behind his back; his forearms are tight. 
"König what is wrong?"
"I was," his voice catches, "I was wondering if you wanted to go get dinner tonight so that we did not have to cook."
His voice is cracked, lilted in a way you haven't heard before. You frown at him, trying to figure out what is wrong. In a second, his demeanor changes; he shrinks in on himself and gives you a curt nod. 
"I will leave you alone then."
He's out the door before you're able to catch up to him, hand wrapping around his elbow to stop him. His eyes crinkle on the edges when he looks down at you, and you know he's frowning beneath the mask. His muscles are rope tense beneath your hand; you realize with a skip of your heartbeat that this is the first time you've ever touched him.
"What's up with you? Of course, I want to go out with you."
The muscles under your hand relax incrementally and you expect König to step away from you like he always does. But he leans just an inch closer when he speaks.
" Perfekt. "
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princessconsuela120 · 5 months
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Chapter seventeen: Vienna Waits for You —✧
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: cursing, labor, pregnancy
Author's Note: Last chapter guys!! This story has been a whirlwind, I almost don't want it to end...I love this story with my whole heart. Leave comments let me know your thoughts and feelings, and send in requests, I'm going to post more about Kyle and Juno in the near future!!!
I think if there’s one thing in this world I love more than Kyle, it was Dirty Dancing. I may have just watched this movie 20 times before and never got tired of it. So being able to relax and sit with my brother in our living room, in our new house, our own house. It felt better than anything ever had. Kyle had a final game today, a huge one in the playoffs. They’d have college recruits and professionals there. But of course I couldn’t go. I had been on bed rest since leaving Kenny’s house a week ago.
“I just don’t understand why she wouldn’t just tell her dad?” Stan said, holding his hand out angrily at the tv screen. I rolled my eyes, shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth.
“She wants to, he made her too afraid to. She loves him so much, she doesn’t wanna loose him.” I explained, shaking my head at the emotional scene that took place on the screen. Stan nodded, getting up carefully and dusting his pants off as he did.
“Makes sense. I’m gonna go grab a water you want anything?”
“Waters good, thanks brotha.” I said thankfully, doing a quick handshake with Stan before he walked away into the kitchen. I indulged in shoving my face with popcorn until a strange trickle of water started to soak the blanket, catching my attention.
“Umm…Stan!” I yelled, looking down as I pulled the popcorn off my lap, not caring about the popcorn that split all over the couch.
“Yeah Junebug?” Stan yelled back from the kitchen. I stood up, with much difficulty but I got there.
“Either I just pissed my pants or..” I paused, seeing Stan shoot his head out from the kitchen.
“Or?” He said, quickly coming over to me. We both looked down at the puddle on the floor, then back up at each other.
“Thunder cats a go!” I shouted, gesturing for Stan to go grab my hospital bag as before he came back, holding my arm to help walk me to the car.
“Cartman!” Stan yelled, earning a snarky shout back in response.
“What do you want!” He yelled annoyed. He came to the edge of the steps, his eyes widening when he saw Stan and I with my hospital bag.
“It’s go time!” He yelled, making Stan and I nod.
“It’s go time!” Stan yelled, calling Kenny as well as we all made our way out to the car.
“Fall out! Fall out!”
“Oh fuck!” I shouted, making Stan stop to grab my arm.
“You okay?” He asked, making me glare at him.
“No I’m not fucking okay! I have a baby trying to claw it’s way out of my vag!”
“Where’s Kahl?” Cartman asked, me sighing as he did.
“Basketball game, big game, don’t call him.” I explained, running my hands over my stomach to try and soothe myself.
“And risk being cursed by his Jew magic? Um, no thank you.”
“Glad you're back to your old self again Cartman.” Stan said, patting Cartman’s back as Stan and I went through a list of things we needed.
“The admittance forms?”
“Got them.”
“Parking stickers?”
“Got them.”
“Ow fuck!” I groaned loudly, causing the boys to look at each other and nod, both of them holding one of my arms to help me walk as Kenny ran down with the rest of our things.
“Yeah. Here we go.” Stan said, helping me into the car as Cartman and Kenny sat on either side of me in the back, holding onto my hands.
“All right, go.”
“Gas! Gas!” Kenny shouted, causing Stan to snap at him angrily.
“Shut up Kenny!”
“Drive damn you! Why aren’t you fucking driving!?” I shouted, throwing my head back as I kicked my feet from the pain.
“It’s a red light..” stan said, but I moved to be closer to him, pulling his collar.
“I don’t give a fucking damn if it’s a red light Stan, fucking go!”
“Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Out of the way. Out of the way. Hold on.”Kenny cheered, running around pushing me in my wheelchair as we laughed.
“Kenny, stop it. For God's sake, stop it. Don't do that.” Stan said, rolling his eyes as he grabbed the wheel chair and holding it still.
“What? But it's fun.”
“Don't. You're making Tweek nervous.”
“Ugh, oh my god.. Stan where’s mom, where is she?” I asked angrily, trying to breath even though it wasn’t working.
“Mom and dad are on their way.”
“Ugh, dads coming? Ughhh.”
“I know Junebug. It’s okay just breathe.” Stan soothed, holding mu hand, kissing my palm to desperately try to calm me. It seemed to work, my breathing slowed and i smiled at her twin.
“We’re here!” That is until Randy came into the room shouting. “Emergency! My daughter is in labor, I demand to know where she is!”
“Mom, dad!” I called happily, the marsh’s running over to me quickly.
“Oh honey. How do you feel baby?”
“Not good. Not good at all.”
“Welcome to the wonders of child birth.”
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up, pass out and have explosive diarrhea all at once.” I say, making Randy sigh, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“That happens to me when I eat too much chipotle. I get the feeling.” Everyone turned to Randy, glaring at him as he looked around at the group. “Yeah I’ll just stop talking.”
“Where’s Kyle?” Sharon asked, making me sigh.
“He has a basketball game, it’s the finals.” I explained, making Sharon and Randy share a look.
“You didn’t call him?” She asked, making me sigh.
“I didn’t want him to miss this because of me.”
“Juno honey..”
“Just leave it mom.” I yelled, shaking my head as i held onto my stomach. “Please. I can’t let him miss more opportunities because of me. There’s big coaches there and college recruits.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Juno Marsh?” The doctor called, causing everyone with me to look over.
“Yes, that’s me.” I said, smiling at the doctor as my mom sighed.
“Your room is ready for you.”
“Oh thank fucking Jesus.”
It had now been a couple hours of simply waiting. The baby was taking their time, it was evident now after the 5th hour and I was only 2 centimeter dilated. Stan and I had been walking back and forth around the room, them only letting family stay with me yet sonehow Kenny had managed to stay. They said walking helps, which is a load of bullshit because I couldn’t even walk without Stan and it didn’t help.
“When do I get that frigging spinal-tap thing?” I asked, turning to my mom who was watching us pace.
“It's a spinal block, and you can't have it yet, honey. The doctor said you're not dilated enough.”
“Oh, come on. I mean, it's like...I have to wait for it to get worse? Why can't I have the thing now? It’s been five fucking hours of this.”
“Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream.” Dad said, making us all look over at him until another contraction hit, worse than the last.
“Oww! Fuck fuckity fuck fuck.”
“You were right, I do hate this experience.” Kenny said, earning a glare from Stan who’s hands I was squeezing.
“Just, in through your nose out through your mouth. I got you Junebug.” He guided, but it wasn’t working.
“Ow, Stan it hurts so bad.”
I decided not in call Kyle to tell him I was having the baby. He had a big meet against North Park...And I didn't want him to get all worried about me. But he figured it out anyway.
“I came here as quick as I could!” Kyle yelled, running into the room and grabbing my hand. My eyes widened when I saw him, my heart breaking yet so happy to see him all at once.
“Kyle? Kyle honey, you’re game..” I begged, but he just held my face before pulling me into a hug.
“I knew when none of you were there that it must have meant it was go time.” He said, holding me closely before pulling away. He frowned when he saw tears in my eyes, wipping my eyes with his thumb. “Why are you crying love?”
“Im sorry, I should’ve told you I just.”
“Shh, it’s okay, I know.” He nodded, I nodded back. He kissed me quickly before helping me sit back in my bed, sitting beside me, his hand never leaving mine.
“Hey sweetie, how are you doing?” Mrs Broflovski said, having followed Kyle in, smiling sympathetically.
“Not good. Good god, I don’t know why it’s taking so long. I've already been here for three hours.”
“I know honey, you and Stan were 12 hours.”
“Kyle was 22.”
“Oh god..” I groaned, hiding my face in Kyle’s shoulder as he glared at his dad.
“Not helping dad.”
We sat back together on the bed, and I screamed loudly, hiding my face in the mattress. I grabbed the first hand I could and squeezed, which just so happened to be my father.
“Excuse me. Hey, can we give my kid the damn spinal tap already?” He shouted, sighing happily when I pulled away from the pain I was causing him, making him wince as he shook his hand.
When it came time to final deliver the baby I had practically begged the doctor to lie and tell my family only Kyle was allowed in the hospital room. Of course, Stan and Dad over heard and argued they’re way inside, somehow Kenny managed to sneak in here and my mom was welcomed by me with open arms.
“Breath and push. That's good.” The doctor said, making me scream in pain as they coached me through.
“Push. Keep pushing.”
“Come on, Juno, keep pushing.”
“Keep pushing, keep pushing.”
“I can’t, my god I can’t push anymore.” I said breathlessly, not even able to tell who was talking anymore.
“I can’t watch this.” Kenny said, turning away at the pain his friend endured.
“It’s okay honey you can do it…”
“You try pushing a watermelon out of your ass dad then you can tell me what I can do!” I shouted at him, making him raise a hand hesitantly.
“Randy Marsh if you say anything about PF Changs right now I swear to god…” my mom shouted, making him frown and sit back down.
(if you get it you get it)
“Juno you’re the strongest woman I know, you got this.” Kyle whispered, being the closets person to me, letting me cry into his shoulder.
“It’s hurts Kyle, it hurts so bad, please. I don’t wanna push anymore, I’m scared.”
“What are you scared of? Baby I’m right here next to you.”
It was as if the world paused, and Mr and Kyle where the only ones in the room still going.
“What if I can’t, what if I can’t do it?” I cried, making him sigh, kissing my temple regardless of the sweat.
“You, Juno Marsh, my sun my moon. My sky and stars, whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish. And no matter where you go I will always be right here, holding your hand.”
And then reality came back.
“I see the head!” The nurse yelled, causing the pain to become even worse.
“What?! The head? Oh fuck..”
“Oh my god..” my dad said, before promptly fainting onto the ground.
“He did this when you two were born too.” My mom said, making Stan chuckle.
“A few more big pushes.”
Next it was Kenny’s turn to faint.
“Oh my god! You killed Kenny!” Stan said, looking over to where Kenny was being checked out by nurses after having fainted.
“No I didn’t you bastard he just passed out.”
“That’s why I’m not looking below the stomach.” Stan said, before I could laugh another scream came out.
And then, out of nowhere, there it was. There she was.
“It’s a girl.”
And then came the tears. They placed her on my chest, and once again the world stopped. And it was just her, eyes closed, and so damn beautiful.
“Hi there little one.” I whispered, afraid I would wake bother her if I spoke too loud. She was crying, but I didn’t care. “Oh my god Kyle she’s so little.” I said, holding onto her tiny fingers.
“I know.”
“Oh Juno, she's precious.” My mom said, leaning over to look at the baby. I smiled over at her, my dad getting up just in time as everyone surrounded us by the bed.
“Did she just come outta me?”
“She did. You did it.”
“Oh my god. Hi, hi you.” I cried, Kyle wipping my tears as he laid his head against mine.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“Alright, where are they, where’s my grand baby!” Shelia cheered, running in the room frantically with excitement.
“Over here ma.” Kyle said quietly, making Shelia squeal.
“Oh my goodness. Oh how precious.”
“I knew it was gonna be a girl.” Randy teased, making Juno tease him back.
“Oh Juno honey she’s so beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“She looks just like you Kyle.” Gerald complimented, making him shake his head.
“No, she has Juno’s baby blue eyes.”
“It’s those strong Marsh genes.” My dad said, patting my shoulder proudly.
“Gimme my grand baby. Hello little bubby.” Shelia said, taking the baby in her arms happily.
“Ma, be careful.”
“Aww look at you, already a protective father.” She teased, pinching his cheek making Kyle blush.
“Ma, stahp.”
“Okay my turn, my turn! I was in the waiting room getting my blood pressure done when she was born.” My dad said, taking the baby from Shelia. She immediately snuggled into his arms, babbling lightly. I’m sure she thought he was Stan.
“I can’t believe you passed out.” Kyle’s dad joked, making my dad roll his eyes.
“Shut up Gerald! You watch a baby come out of your daughter then you can judge me!” He looked down at the baby happily. “Hi, hey little one. Oh my god she’s so little, yes you are you’re such a little girl. My little buddy.”
The baby smiled at him, as if she could understand.
“Aww, Randy I think she likes you.” My mom said, dad smiling happily.
“Smart kid.” And on queue, she started crying. “No, no you like me!”
“It’s okay dad, I think she’s just hungry.” I said, holding out my hands so he would hand her back.
“We have to try breastfeeding again..mom?”
“Right, yes.”
“Alright we’ll, we’ll leave you guys too it.” Shelia said, the two walking out the room.
“Thanks guys.”
“Before we go..What’s name did you decide on?”
Kyle and I smiled at each other, before telling.
(You’ll find out soon)
Everyone came in shortly after. And when I say everyone I mean everyone. The room could barely hold us all. But yet they were here, and each and every person got a chance to hold the new baby, with happy smiles on their face. Stan may be her only blood uncle, be man would this baby have so many aunts and uncles to love her.
“Hey, come on in.” Kyle said softly, calling everyone into the room.
“Oh my god.” Wendy gasped, making me chuckle.
Would ya look at that? “Oh my god Juno she’s so tiny.”
“I know right?” I said, gesturing the baby out for everyone to see.
“Look at her little fingers.” Heidi cooed, holding onto one of her hands gently.
“Oh she’s gonna be so spoiled.”
“I can’t wait to spend so much money on you, make you the biggest fashionista ever.” Bebe cooed next, making us all chuckle at her words.
“Aw, Juno can I hold her?” Wendy asked, causing me to nod.
“Of course you can. Kyle?”
“Here, cradle her head, and hold her there, perfect.” He explained, placing her gently in Wendy’s arms.
“I think I’m gonna cry. She’s so precious.” Wendy said, making me laugh. “Kyle she looks just like you. She even has your ginger curls.”
“The only ginger I’ll ever like.” Eric teased, earning a light shove from Stan.
“I can’t believe you made this.” Craig teased, holding Vienna next. Then she was passed over to Butters, who already fell in love with her chubby cheeks.
“Hey little buddy, you’re just a little lady aren’t you?” He said, cooing at her as she shifting gently in his arms.
“Look at those eyes, they’re gorgeous.” Heidi compliments, making Wendy shove Stan lightly.
“Aw Stan she has your eyes.”
“I know, isn't it great?” Stan said wiggling his eyebrows.
“Hey, those are my eyes too, give me some credit.” I joked, causing Wendy to look at me with a pout.
“How to you feel mamas?” She asked sympathetically, making me sigh.
“Okay. A little sore.” I shifted my position, wincing at the pain in my abdomen. “A lot sore. But I’ll manage.”
“You did so good. I'm so proud of you.”
Kyle placed a soft kiss to my cheek, leaving a smile on my face as the group smiled at me.
“We all are.”
“I can’t believe you made this.” Kenny said, looking down at the baby in his hands.
“I know, right?”
“So, what’s her name then?”
Kyle and I looked at each other, smiling.
“It was a hard decision, but we came to a decision. Vienna Lianne Marsh-Broflovski.”
“Lianne?” Eric asked, his head perking up at the name.
“You may not know it Eric, but your mom touched a lot more lives then you both knew.” Kyle explained, making Eric smile.
“Yeah, and so will she.”
“Do you wanna hold her Eric?” Butters offered, now being his turn to hold Vienna.
“Not yet, I don’t wanna bruise something so precious.”
I smiled at Eric, butters handing me back Vienna as I carefully shifted her in my arms.
“How do I look?” I asked, making Stan smile.
“Like a new mom. Scared shitless.”
Kyle was up, I don’t think he’s slept since the baby was even born. There was a chair beside our bed, he hadn’t left that spot either. He helped me sit up with the baby, practicing walking myself over to the chair to sit in his lap.
“That’s it, you got it.” He reassured, helping me sit back as I cradled the baby in my arms.
“Careful. I don’t wanna wake her.”
“It’s okay, I got you love, just sit back.”
We both seemed to sigh with joy, before looking down at the baby.
“She’s perfect, you’re perfect.” Kyle kissed my cheek, holding a hand on the blanket carefully.
“She looks so peaceful.” I said, rocking her gently.
“How do you feel?”
“Like I’m home.” I said, my eyes never leaving the baby in my arms.
It ended with a chair.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
May I ask for a romantic tfa swindle with a human oneshot? I absolutely love transformers x human!
This is going to be based on one of the lines in my Swindle concept :) I hope you enjoy! Using the design of TFA, doesn't actually take place in a futuristic time period.
I could've taken this a lot of ways but this is what came to mind first, sorry if it was poorly executed-
Out of Gas
Yandere! TFA! Swindle with Human! Darling Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Threats, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Implied forced relationship, Transformer/Human pairing, Murder.
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How long were you on the road? By the time you left your home in your car it was daylight, wasn't it? Now the sun was setting... your heart kept hammering in your chest like a rabbit's kick.
You wondered if you were still being followed? That greenish vehicle with the purple windows was still following you. You first encountered it circling your home hours ago, then you thought it was following your every move-
You had no idea what they wanted from you! Were you targeted by something? Either way, your instinct was just to drive.
Drive until you can get someone to help you.
As a result you had no idea how long you were driving. You were scared to get out of the car. All you wanted to do was drive until they lost interest... or ran out of gas.
You tried to slow your breathing, looking into your rear mirror. Nothing was there anymore but that still didn't calm you. That car was still out there.
Your grip on your steering wheel doesn't relent as you look at your gas gauge. Your heart sinks when you realize it's near empty. Speaking of running out of gas... you sigh.
Your next stop was a gas station where you could hopefully get help, rest, and relieve yourself of this issue. You bite your lip in thought before executing your plan. Using the fact your stalker has parted from you to your advantage, you look go to the closest gas station.
It's relatively quiet with very few cars in the parking lot. You quickly park your car and tap away at the pump. Your eyes dart to the road periodically to scan for purple windows and new headlights.
Once you were done you park your car and quickly head inside. You make your way to the front counter and motion for the cashiers attention. They catch your worried face.
"Can I help you?" They ask.
"Someone's following me, they've been doing so all day. I need to call the cops."
"Sure, sure... here, I'll get you the phone."
The wait is an agonizing few seconds before you're passed a phone. You focus on typing the emergency number, barely hearing the heavy footsteps as you answered the phone and gave your details. Until they got close enough to shake you.
"Hellooo~ Anybody in there?"
Glowing purple eyes, large ones, peer through the glass of the station. Oh you couldn't believe your eyes... no one in the store could. A large robot scanned the store.
Then those eyes landed on you.
"Oh there you are, doll! Gave up on our game of chase? Ran out of gas? Poor you... now you're sheltering with all those humans."
You stand still, paralyzed with fear.
"How cute..." The... robot (?) purrs. "But you're coming with me still."
The cashier gives you a fearful look. The cops were on the way, but what could they do against this? His colors were very similar to the car...
Was he...?
"Now humans... I have a deal for you." The purple con starts. "Give me that human right there..." He points to you. "and no one gets hurt, okay?"
You feel eyes staring into you... you feel your skin crawl. Did it just turn everyone against you? Could you hold out?
"Doll..." The con drawls. "Won't you come out? I promise I'll spare their lives if you just come with me...."
Fearful silence.
"Do you think I'm bluffing?" He pulls a large laser canon and points it at the building. "I'm fully capable of danger, dear...."
"Who even are you!?" You ask, still unable to move.
"Call me Swindle, doll... Sorry I never told you. Hard to do when I have to be in alt mode all time...."
"You've... been the one following me-"
Swindle is clearly impatient and vents, tempted to just smash the glass.
"Of course! I thought you'd be a great partner for me. It was just so hard to talk to you with all your paranoia! Now... come out, will you?"
"Oh, you humans have so many questions.... Yes, partner! You are quite the cute little human, you know that, doll? This may sound... sudden to you, but I've picked you to travel with me! If you just come with me... I won't hurt any of these humans! I'll just acquire you and we'll leave."
Swindle sees your face of confusion and realizes he's only going to hear questions. He just wasn't sure how to explain this to you. How does he when he's a Cybertronian whose fallen for a human? How does he exhibit the internal conflict you create within him to the point he wants to take you away?
You don't.
You simply take what you want.
A robotic hand crashes through the gas station. Screams fill the air, yours being the loudest when you feel the cold appendage wrap around you. Swindle ignores it, simply picking you up as if you weigh nothing before glancing around the area.
The Decepticon scoffs, running away from the scene before aiming his laser cannon. You look horrified at his actions... get used to it, doll. This is punishment.
The sound of an explosion nearly bursts your ear drums, the sound of ringing blocking your hearing as Swindle watches the carnage he's caused. He's grinning. No evidence.
"It's what happens when you don't hear an offer out, doll..." The con chimes, purple eyes flicking over you. You can't hear him... you only stare. Swindle then gives a closed eye grin before opening a drawer on his chest. "Now I think it's time I claim the merchandise, right?"
Your fear rises when he hovers you over it. It's... hard to see what's inside. Swindle gives you one last look... one of triumph... before letting go.
"I'll let you out later, okay, partner?"
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crackedegotheories · 7 months
thoughts on the poppy playtime pt. 3?
I'm so proud that Mark is learning to read. It's tough to struggle through words you don't know, but the more you try the more you learn and the more you know...something about half the battle I think?
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Sorry, couldn't help it. I'm guessing this is a follow-up on the last ask about the ego hints, in which case: I thought it was interesting.
I guess the big thing was about 7 minutes into the video, where Mark tells Ollie/Gregory "Things are just happening a little out of order for me at the moment, I'm kind of experiencing multiple realities all overlapping." (Sounds like a typical Thursday to me.)
More under the cut which I had to move up to here because Tumblr keeps rearranging all the photos and putting them one by one instead of a cluster like in the draft. It also keeps moving the read more link around, so who knows if it'll actually be here.
And then we get several cuts, each about a frame each, all from ISWM:
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In order, we've got the guy in the woods from the Hee Hoo universe, Cecil H. H. Mills, Cryptid!Mark from the timeline where you mocked him for crying (how could you, Captain?), Abe, Chef, Old Man Mark at the restaurant at the end of the universe, Dorene Whitacre in the void, the campfire scene, Lady aiming a gun in your face, and the Invincible II seen from the outside.
I think the reasonable response would be to assume this is one of the editors slipping in a bunch of ISWM references after an off-the-cuff remark. After all, the second year anniversary is coming up in a little over a month, and Mark's been known to drop hints to go back and watch his larger projects before ("When's the last time you visited Yancy? He misses you, you know" or something similar.)
But eh, let's have fun with it and keep going.
Because I think we could tease out some more (very probably unplanned) references to ego stuff.
Take the very beginning of the video, during the elevator bug that started Mark's spin off into other realities. While Poppy and Kissy Missy have trouble with gravity, Poppy continues to speak to Mark--her voice seemingly coming out of nowhere as he gets farther and farther away. Cue Mark begging her to "Get out of my head!"
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A similar scenario actually happens in Wilford Motherlovin' Warfstache, where Abe is monologuing to himself while driving and Wilford, in the backseat, intrudes on his thoughts. Abe tells Wilford to get out of his head and Wilford tells him to stop shouting without either one actually saying a word out loud, then Abe almost runs into a truck. During a series of red gas induced hallucinations about 11 minutes in, Mark responds to "Poppy's" question and says, "I don't know, how am I alive?"--something Abe also questions during WMLW, until Wilford snaps him out of it.
During the multiple realities reference, Mark mentions not being able to separate fact from fiction, something that comes up again later during a second round of hallucinations when "Poppy" asks, "Do you even know what's real?"
Difficulty separating fact from fiction is a recurring problem for Wilford, and even makes up a central theme when the WAIA is speaking to the viewer during The Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton video.
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About an hour and a half into the video, after Mark, eh, successfully defeats Catnap, he says, "Remind me why I was doing this in the first place, because I don't recall," slipping into the Warfstache voice as he does so. Wilford doesn't exactly have the greatest memory, or really know why he does most things it seems like.
(He also slips into the Warfstache voice after he gets the finger gun, but that's par for the course every time Mark gets a surprise gun in a video game and starts getting shooty.)
Back to ISWM, we have the Catnap fight. Or more specifically, Mark's unfortunate choice of words, "And I wait to do it all over again." Cue it becoming the recurring phrase during a montage of Mark's failed attempts to beat the boss until, after an unknown number of retries, finally succeeding.
What is that, if not the exact same thing that the Captain goes through In Space? Whether it's the ultimately futile attempts to save the ship in Part 1, or your choice in the warp core that sends you all the way back to the beginning to try again?
When Mark is greeted by Ollie/Gregory who has the audacity to say things like, "Wow...you did it," "You must feel pretty good," and "This win is yours," he immediately breaks out into a storm of cursing.
Very much the same reaction we see in the Captain after failing and being sent back early in Part 1, but especially after obtaining an "ending" only to go into the light and find themselves right back in the cryopod again.
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This is the hand gesture of someone (silently) cursing their existence.
Mark slowly turning to stare into the camera while going through the vents (twice) and suggesting he could come crawling out of the screen is just normal Mark behavior though, not sure what else to say about that.
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final-girl96 · 11 months
Broken World: Chapter Seven
By this time, Daryl was stomping towards me and grabbing me by the arm and dragging me off down to the lake. I pulled away from him and slapped him across the face. His head snapped to the side. He took a deep breath before looking at me, his blue eyes blazing with anger. "Don't you ever fucking touch me again!" I yelled. "The fuck is wrong with ya?! Air our business to everyone like that?!" He yelled back. "Oh, fuck you, Dixon! They all have a right to know! They have a right to know who they brought into their group."
"What the hell ya doin'?" He asked. I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean what am I doing here?" I asked. He pulled his lower lip in between his teeth and started chewing on it. "I went to your apartment the next day. Charlotte told me ya left, but she wouldn't tell me where you went. Ya been here in Atlanta the whole time?" I looked down at the ground, crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah. I moved here to get away from that town. To get away from you since you no longer wanted me in your life. After all, I'm just some pig now."
I turned around and walked back up to the camp. Everyone was acting like nothing happened, but I could feel eyes on me as I walked past them all and went to my tent. I pulled my badge over my head and threw it at the cot. My hands found themselves locked together and raised to rest on the top of my head, my eyes were closed, and my head tilted back. "Knock knock." I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Is it alright I come in?" Shane asked.
"Yeah, what's up?" I asked. He stepped into the tent, taking his hat off. "You wanna explain to me what just happened?" He asked. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Well, Walsh, you let a criminal into your group, and I just outed him. I get he can hunt, and that's a vital skill to have in this situation. But he had no intention of sticking around. They were going to rob you. Now, don't get this twisted because Daryl…"
I took a deep breath and dropped my arms down at my sides. "Daryl is a good person. He's nothing like his father or his brother. He never got in trouble with the law. He had a job, but he would do anything for his family. It doesn't matter if he doesn't want to do what Merle wants. He'll still do it. Merle messes with his mind. He puts him down and tells him shit that's not true. Daryl might seem like he's an asshole and he sometimes is, but he's a completely different guy when Merle isn't around. If they're going to be here, then we need to keep a very very very close eye on Merle.
He nodded his head, "I've been keeping an eye on Merle, I figured he had a bad past he makes it known. I keep him around only because he and Daryl have the skill to hunt. Can I ask you something? It's kind of personal." I raised an eyebrow at him and took a step back when he stepped further into the tent. "What would that be?" I asked. "You and Daryl…were you two…a thing?" He asked.
"Not that it's any of your business, Office Walsh, but no. Daryl and I were best friends until we weren't. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go back out and help the girls finish dinner." He nodded, turned around, and walked out of the tent. I waited a few minutes before leaving the tent and going back to the girls.
Later that night, we sat around the fire, ate, and talked for a while. There was talk about whether we should put up signs on the highway into the city to warn people of how bad the city was. In the end, it was decided that it just wasn't safe and we shouldn't waste the gas we have. We also talked about getting more supplies. I learned that Glenn would always go by himself. He was the fastest of everyone and could get in and out with no problem, but he could only bring back so much at a time.
"Hey, Glenn!" I called, catching up to him. "Why don't you let me come with you on the next run. I know the city just as well as you, and I won't hold you up," I suggested. He took a moment to think about and let out a sigh. "Yeah, okay, but I don't want anybody else coming. And we don't go too far into the city." I nodded in agreement, "I'll follow your lead." After that, we went to our tents. Of course, I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was that Daryl was here, in Atlanta, and we somehow ended up in the same group of people.
Eventually, after laying on the cot for a few hours with no luck of sleep coming anytime soon, I got up and headed outside. Dale was on top of the rv, so I walked over and headed up on top with him. "Want some company?" I asked. He smiled at me and gestured for me to come sit beside him. I went over and sat down on the cooler they had up here. "Couldn't sleep, I presume."
I hummed in agreement, "Yeah, have a lot on my mind," I said. He looked out over the camp, directing his eyes at the Dixon brothers' tent. "So, you knew Daryl and Merle?" He asked. I looked down at my lap, "Yeah. Daryl and I used to be best friends. That was until I graduated college and went to the police academy. After that, he didn't really want anything to do with me," I told him.
Dale was an easy person to talk to. I hadn't known him for more than a day, but I knew I could trust him. I told him about my life before I moved to Atlanta, and he told me about his wife and how they used to live traveling all around the country. He told me about her cancer and how it progressed pretty quickly. That's how it went for the rest of the night. He gave me advice before he eventually left me, take over, keep watch, and go to bed.
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vexy-hexy · 1 year
I'm finally watching Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey...
I've been waiting for the longest time to watch it, and I think it's a good cheesy horror movie. Here's some of my thoughts
Spoilers, obviously:
- I love the sketchy art. IDK what it is, but it's soooo good
- The Winnie the Pooh mask is so cool. Just... it looks so creepy, especially the close ups. The almost permanent smile, the creases and the fucking glowing eyes
- Chris is a fucking wimp, just stood there and screamed as his gf was killed
- Pooh just watching that red head, standing still, before just breaking into a run made me laugh so hard, and I don't know why
- the way Pooh was just standing there when she got up
- Why did Pooh tear her shirt off? Was it just for the titty shot?
- the wood chipper was brought in much earlier than I thought it would
- I was not expecting that stalker creep flashback holy shit
- Piglet peddling for power was weirdly hilarious to me
- Why the whip???
- I think they ate the gf???
- I guess it's not a cheesy horror movie if the hot and kind of horny girl doesn't die quickly
- no, but the way my ass would have bolted from that hot tub
- where'd Pooh learn to operate a car??? I thought they gave up on their humanity? On that note, why do they wear clothes???
- NGL, a bit disappointed Owl and Rabbit weren't a part of the killing team
- Where'd the bees come from?
- forget the back door, barricade yourself in a room! You even have weapons
- Freak was the wrong word to use
- what was the point of the chain fishing
- Piglet coming after her in the pool reminded me of the one scene from Deadpool with the Zamboni
- I guess it's also not a cheesy horror movie without the "bury the gays" trope
- did Pooh just bitch slap a girl into unconsciousness???
- Hey, gas station wallet lady
- "What happened to you?" GEE, I WONDER?!
- I thought they vowed not to talk?
- I thought Pooh was going to push her into the fire
- yet again, Pooh just starting to run is so funny to me
- Hah! Hit with your sledgehammer bitch!
- stop talking so fucking loud
- at least one of them was able to kill one of the bad guys
- the machete scene reminds me of the lollipop scene in The Banana Splits movie
- I admire the chivalry, but just get the girls out of there
- Stop talking and start beating!
- I like how the girls are trying to find a way to ditch these guys 🤣
- Welp, that didn't end well
-sooo, Pooh controls bees now I guess
- that mask in the red light is so fucking creepy
- this is why you wear seatbelts
- that was a fast beheading
- how the hell did she not get hit???
- oh, Chris finally showed up again
- not Pooh just walking off a beating and 2 car accidents like it was nothing
- Winnie the Pooh is a yandere, pass it on
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My first time taking ten inches!
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So one night I'm scrolling through a hookup app and decided to pay for the extra that let's you filter out and view more profiles. My husband is fucking me doggy style while setting up the filter to get rid of just the people who aren't currently on line and run a search and bam! Just past the cutoff area for the free section was a profile with a pic of a huge black guy a couple of miles away. Caption reads Big black cock.
With just that, I couldnt help but orgasm and cream on hubby's dick.
Afterwards, as hubby and i laid there in bed, we start chatting turns out the guy was just 3 miles away aching to do some fucking. He made it clear he was a Dom and he had expectations of being obeyed at all times. He asked what I was doing I told him I was laying next to my husband, and just had sex. He liked that glad I was warmed up and sent me a pic of his cock and asked if I thought I could handle his massive cock. It was glorious and I had to have it inside me. I told him I was sure I could take it and if it didn't fit he could make it fit. He liked my answer and asked if i could come as i am, no shower. Which of course I can. He told me to not to push out my husband's cum. He was wary of giving out his address so we agree to meet at a gas station halfway between our places. I talked to hubby about it, and he agreed to let me go. Said he was going to nap and wait for my return. I go and he picks me up and takes me back to his place.
It's a quick ride but he can't keep his hands off me rubbing my leg, my arm, and my tiny tits. He is just keying me up. I reach over to return the favor but he slaps my hand away and tells me bitches get told when they can touch. He continues to touch me everywhere but my pussy. Finally we get to his place he pulls into the garage closes the overhead door turns off the car and just sits there staring at me hands roaming. He sees my pussy soaking my panties and I'm quivering in anticipation. He just shakes his head gestures to my pussy and tells me that little thing is going to be destroyed tonight. He laughs gets out of the car and tells me to follow, of course I obey.
I don't even remember what the place looked like I just remember watching and waiting as he pored himself a drink and lit a cigar. The whole time was puffing and drinking, he is just staring me down not saying anything. Finally he's about half way done with his drink and smoke and tells me to strip. I jump to do so, I'm in some sip on shoes, skirt , and crop top so it doesn't take me long. He looks at my with an appraising eye then makes a circular motion with his finger. So I rotate in place slowly, when I'm finally facing away from him he tells me to stop and I do. He tells me to bend over and show him the mess my husband left, once again I obeyed. He leaves me like that until he finishes his drink and smoke then tells me he's glad I can follow instructions. I can hear and feel  him approach then his still clothed hips and his massive hard on grind into my ass. I then feel a huge hand on the back of my neck pulling me up straight and one on my shoulder spinning me around to face him. Now that catcher's mitt of a hand is on my throat and he forces me to look up into his eyes and tells me it's time for him to ruin my pussy.
He drags me by the throat to a bedroom puts the backs of my legs against the bed then knocked me over on my back and tells me to stay. I hear him removing his clothes he tells me to put my hands up like someone pulled a gun on me, I obeyed. Then the bed shifts next to me and he is looming over me. He puts a knee on my arm then throws his other leg over my breasts to put his other knee on my other arm. I feel a weight hit my chin. It's heavy and soft and big. So he has me pinned by the arms while he straddled my chest with his huge dick which is resting on my chin. He tells me to open up I do so and the fattest cock I have ever had in my life even to this day pushes in. And I'm hooked I start sucking for all I'm worth because I need more of the amazing cock in my mouth. I start bobbing my head as much as I can in that position and he starts thrusting. We finally sink up and he is getting hard and bigger in my mouth. I start gagging and he speeds up I can't move my head anymore and is just facefucking me. He leans over so he can get more in my mouth and then it's down my throat and he just holds it there. He just watches as my body tries to take a breath and can't, he sees me start to panic and try to find a way to get a breath. AND HE GETS HARDER! And it goes further down my throat. I'm just on the verge of blacking out and he sits up and rolls off of me. I'm coughing and gagging and sucking as much of that sweet air in as I can get. He waits for me to get myself under control and tells me we have only just started. He tells me to roll over and get on all fours at the edge of the bed, I obeyed. He tells me to get ready because here it comes. Then I felt that monster cock pressing into to me and my mind exploded. I came back to myself to feeling him just laying into me. The next hour and a half is a frenzy of fucking in every conceivable position. At one point he had all his weight balanced on me with his hands on my back while in the air fucking me. I don't know how he did it. Then he was pounding away doggystyle and he stopped so I thought he wanted me to blow him again.  So I started to shift my weight to turn and he put his hand on my back to stop me. Then he jammed his cock back in and fucked me for another ten minutes before he finally unloaded inside me. It was like a massive douching, there was so much cum pouring into me. (I found out later that it was a one week load.) When he finally stopped cumming pulled his cock out and he then ordered me to suck him clean I obeyed.
He tells me to go get my clothes on once again I obeyed. He comes out of the room dressed and ready to take me back to my car. The ride is uneventful he parked next to my car and got out. I thanked him for an amazing time and told him I would love to do it again sometime. He tells me that his cum is to stay in until it's time to feed it to my husband. In my well fucked state I readily agree. It's 2am and I don't have to work. So I drove home and spent the next 18 hours feeding my hubby a huge creampie, and in a fucking frenzy.
Stephanie Sinnz 💋
Ps. My husband loved it. He commented on how much cum was sill in me, and also how beautiful my pussy looked and felt so stretched out and opened.
(This is a fictionalization of a true story)
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fleshengine · 3 months
You click the button and hang up. Dead air fills the car, silent as we rumble down the freeway. A minute later you remember and go to plug your phone back in to get the music going to push back those thoughts another half hour until we get home and you can decompose in your room. Before you can hit spotify I poke the button to turn off my little Fiat's stereo. As you start to react,
"You know it's not your fault right?" I say, more as a statement than a question.
"It's not your fault, what was done to you, what IS done to you every time you answer your mom." There's an edge to my voice that you haven't really ever heard before in our year of living together and years of being friends. Something almost mean stirs in me.
"Yeah I know, can we turn the mu-"
"I don't think you do dude." I interupt you, I feel terrible about it later. "I think you've convinced yourself that you do these things of your own free will."
"Look, let's talk about this later I'm tired."
"No, if I wait any longer I'll lose my nerve." It's true, I've thought about having this conversation a half dozen times this week alone. "I can't put up with it anymore."
"You don't have to put up with anything, I'm not asking you to."
"I care about you." My voice breaks, I pause, you see something there, a glint behind my eye, I'm holding so much back. "I care about you okay, and I can't take seeing the way that you look after she calls you, or when you ask me to come pick you up from her house."
"You don't have to pick me up..."
"Someone does! Someone has to help get you out of there when you finally can't take it. I don't care about how long the drive is, I care that I can't get there immediately. I know you don't like people feeling responsible for you and that you're your own person and all that but I do. I do feel responsible for you. I feel responsible because as far as I know there isn't anyone else who will wake you up on time for classes in the morning, who will cook you breakfast, who will hold you when you finally convince your mom to let you hang up the phone, when you ask for a ride home after things go south up at her house."
My fingers grip the wheel, only breaking to wipe tears from my eyes. The freeway extends before us, thousands of cars between us and home. The car trundles over a rougher section of pavement as we sit in silence. You don't know what to say, scared from me raising my voice. I'm afraid to keep talking, having run out of the scripts I wrote to myself in the shower.
"Look dude, I feel responsible for you because you have like the same problems I did years ago. I want to help you, in every single way I can because I'm probably not going to be there for you much longer. We've got a year left before I have to try and get my life together and you follow A to their medschool."
"I've gotta step up now because I don't know who will have the time or energy in your future. You'll have them, but med students are notoriously busy. I need you to know that there's love in the world outside romantic partners. Because I love you. I love you and I want to help you fix your problems before you move away and stop talking to me forever. I won't be able to manage if all I get is an update about how terrible your life is every six months."
I've run out of steam. The car's gas gauge ticks down another pip. A chevy merges ahead of us without signalling. I tap the brakes and sigh heavily. It's my normal heavy sigh, you used to ask me if something was wrong every time I did that sigh and every time I told you everything was fine and I just make that noise sometimes. I've since learned it's a self soothing method.
"We can turn on the music, we don't have to keep talking but like... I love you dude, you're one of my best friends and I couldn't ask for a better roommate. Please let me help you in a way that matters one of these days."
I click the button on the stereo, and your phone starts in the middle of a Chappel Roan song. I watch the road, you watch your phone. I get us home, we cry in our rooms.
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