#i'm not comfortable with Vash and Knives ship soooo
c-hrona · 9 months
knives and vash, number 4? 🥺
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Hey! Hey! Hey! I just really wanted to say that your trigun writing is soooo good! Especially that of Knives. So could I get Nai and Vash with a plant reader (platonic). The reader is the first independent (they even came before Tesla) and are around 580 years old. So they've seen alot of stuff. They absolutely love humanity but aren't against it if they have to be killed (but only with a good reason). They love their siblings (Knives and Vash) and cares for them. They are just an extremely loving older sibling. I just want these two boys to get the love they deserve. So how about an AU where the ship still cashed but instead of Nai being the cause, it was something normal, like the thrusters failing or something. So Nai and Vash are still on good terms and Nai isn't on his killing stuff. So the boys wander around the desert and meet the reader. They take them in and raise them. I just want a oneshot of little Nai and Vash raised normally and among humans. Bonus points if the reader works at a brothel as a dancer (but if you're not comfortable that's ok too), so Nai and Vash get raised by their older sibling and the female workers there. Just fluffly stuff with the little boys. I hope this is ok. Have a nice day/night!
Ps: If this ask landed in your ask box please give a sign that it did bc sometimes tumblr doesn't send my ask. I hope I'm not too annoying I just wanna make sure. Thank you!
I really like the concept of this, I also really like the idea that Knives might react differently to being raised by a plant instead of a human. Writing this almost made me cry, I'm not even joking I'm on the verge of tears rn.
Wanderers Of the Sands --- Vash & Knives
SUMMARY: After the crash you find Vash and Knives wandering the desert alone and take them in as your own.
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The desert sand is relentless against the twins skin as they wander throughout the barren landscape, ever since the crash they haven't stopped walking. Alone by themselves out here, they stumble upon a lone figure out in the sands. At the first sign of life, Vash grabs his brother's hand and begins to chase after it, knives fights against him. "We don't know who we can trust!" He cries.
His brother ignores him and rushes forward, there in the distance, shielded from the winds by a cloak, is you. Hearing the shouts of a child you turn around, Vash can see the layer of clothing that each him and his brother wear, the designs of a plant wrapping all around.
"Hey!" He shouts. His hand slips from his brothers and he keeps running, scared of his brother being hurt Knives runs after him again. As Vash reaches your side, he collides with you in a hug, his head pressed against your stomach. "Thank goodness we finally found somebody."
You were surprised by how eager he was to latch onto you, yet you welcomed him happily. Behind him, his brother cautiously stepped up to you. "You're a plant too?" He glared at you wearily. With a hand on the top of Vash's head you smiled at his brother.
"I am. It looks like you are too. What are your names?"
Vash steps back to his brother's side. "I'm Vash, this is my brother Naï." His brother suddenly elbows him. "Knives, it's Knives." He stares at you intensely, Vash rubs his side in pain.
You offer a hand to them. "Come with me. I know a place where we can stay."
Vash was eager to follow you while Knives stayed at his brother's back, his eyes never leaving your figure. He didn't trust you in the slightest and even debated hurting you a few times just to keep Vash safe. Between the two, you were overjoyed to have another independent by your side, even more so to raise them as your own. Taking them home was no easy task, people have always been weary of you but most of them trusted you, it would be hard to make these two trustworthy as well.
Being the only face they knew, both of them clung to your side for the first few days. Vash was the first to venture off and meet others, Knives only followed to keep him out of trouble, he never left Vash's side. It only took a few weeks before everyone was absolutely in love with the twins. You honestly thought that at the end of the day they might stay with someone else, but every night the two of them would come crawling into bed on either side of you.
It would be pitch black and then the bedroom door would open. A smile would curl at your lips as you feel the bed dip on either side of you. Very quickly the twins would reach your sides and you would open your arms to both of them.
"You boys came home late tonight, huh?" You would jab. They would quickly settle in, tossing their arms over your stomach and resting their heads on your chest.
"Did we wake you?" Naï would ask. You would chuckle and shake your head. "No, of course not. I was waiting for you. I honestly thought you wouldn't come home."
You feel Vash lift his head from your chest. "Why wouldn't we?" In the dark you rest your hand on the back of his head. "Because, there's more to life than clinging to me at the end of the day." You softly pull Vash's head back to your chest. "One day, you won't have to come home anymore." The idea of them being able to go out and do their own thing one day makes your heart swell with hope, at the same time your chest squeezes and tears begin to fill your eyes.
"We'll always come back." Naï pipes up from your other side, his hand clinging to your shirt. You sniffle sharply and lift your other hand to his head as well. "You'll change your mind someday."
The two fought back with you about it, they swore they would never leave and that they would stay with you forever. Deep inside you knew the day would come eventually so you strapped yourself down and cried all the tears you had to cry while they slept in your embrace. Even as much as you wanted to stay here forever, time moved on, and in just a couple of months the boys were almost as tall as you.
They had chores that they would run for people around town and babysit the children for others while they were busy. Even still, at the end of the day they would curl up at your side and a quiet discussion would follow. Naï was more independent than his brother yet he still slept by your side without any complaints. This was surprising to hear, especially with how he was with Rem. Since they had grown, the rest of them had too.
Naï had unlocked his gate, he could create blades from his skin while Vash had yet to unlock his, you nurtured them both in their differences. It didn't matter to you if one could do something but the other couldn't it was all the same to you.
In only a few months, the boys were parting ways with you. They stood at the entrance to town looking at you with fondness in their eyes. Tears began to sting your own eyes as you opened your arms and pulled them both into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you both so much." You cried. When you pulled away they both smiled sadly at you. "You should come with us." Naï offered. You smiled but shook your head.
"Not yet. This town needs me for a little longer. I'll be sure to join you then." Naï nodded. Leaning forward he presses a small kiss to your cheek and looks back at his brother. They exchanged glances before Naï moves to walk towards his Thomas.
Looking up at Vash, you grabbed his hand. "I have a present for you." You reached back into your small bag and pulled out a hefty pistol. It was the one you were given before you descended upon this planet, the very one you taught Vash how to shoot with. Placing it in his hand, you smile. "This is so you may protect yourself and your brother. I'm counting on you to use it wisely."
"Thank you." He envelopes you in another hug, tears slipping down his face. "We'll see you again right?" He pulls away, a hand firm on your shoulder.
"Once I'm done. Yes." Grabbing his hand, you squeeze. "I'll come find you and Naï, together we can go wherever the sands might lead us. It'll just be us, together as it's always been."
You sobbed for hours after they left, everyone across the town could feel your pain and empathize. They each banded together to get you back on your feet before you finished your business in the town. The time came for you to find your family. There, surrounded by all the people who brought you in and helped you out when you needed it most, you stood satisfied with yourself. You finally returned the favor.
Enveloped by a beautiful white light, two wing-like structures spread from your back. One was like a blade, sharp and shiny in the sun. Intertwined like the roots of a tree, the other was dark with blue spots all about. You said your final goodbye to the people before you ascended into the sky. For seven days and seven nights you traversed the desert searching for two you longed to see. It was finally on the eighth night you spotted them below.
Tears blot your vision as you descend to the ground at their side, both were asleep when they heard you land. "Vash! Naï!" They awoke with a start, tackled into a hug by you. Immediately recognizing you, Vash called out your name engulfing you in a hug. "You came!"
Upon seeing you, Naï froze. "Y... you're here." He stared in disbelief before he burst into tears, hiding his face away in your shoulder. You held them both tight, crying silently between them before you pulled back. You rest a hand on either of their cheeks, a smile tugging at your lips.
"I told you I'd find you."
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