#i'm mostly really proud of this special filter i made
bonesandthebees · 2 months
Honestly, it’s impressive how the Olympics manages to hold my attention. Every morning I look at the planned sports and my brain picks out what I do and don’t care about and every single day I manage to get sucked into watching something I thought I didn’t care about. I’m lucky because I can watch the Belgian, the Dutch and the BCC broadcast (I think we have a French broadcast somewhere too but I am not looking for that channel) so I can switch between them and find different sports (which is how I found things like the BMXing and the women shooting finale where the Argentinian woman won her first gold medal and broke the world record). BBC usually has more swimming and diving (and I think gymnastics too) cuz we don’t have a lot of competitors in those.
Oh I watched some equestrian yesterday! How do you get a horse to do that? The sideways walks? The prancing around? The little hops? Impressive. Like the jumping is cool (and stressful) but I did not expect to be enthralled by a man making his horse do fancy steps for like 5 min straight (our team was aiming for 8 and they got 5th so they were very proud).
Side note: checking the state of the medals is always so funny because we have 4 and meanwhile America currently has 61. Like it’s a way bigger country with like x4 our athletes competing, but the gap is just so big. It’s also fun seeing different people and countries have different goals. Some people just want to get the final, other’s want to win, some are happy with bronze, some are impressed they made fifth.
Sad.h, I don’t really have people how know a lot of sports around anymore. My dad would always watch and keep me up to date, but now I have to keep track of what’s when myself. The commentators usually explain things so you can understand or piece it together yourself and there’s a lot of (mainly cycling and athletics related) rules floating in my scull. (And as the European football cup thought me, all the football (soccer) rules are still in there). So I can follow along.
I would love some people to watch sports with because none of my irl friends seem to be really into sports (except for the Olympic memes).
Anyway, of to read those last 90 pages now.
in the US while NBC is usually hopping between different olympic sports my mom ended up getting peacock for us just for this month so we could have access to everything. it's stupid how peacock still makes us watch a ton of ads but we can literally filter by sport and watch pretty much everything that's going on whenever we want. it is nice that you have multiple tv channel options though I'm sure you also get a lot of variety with the commentators that way
DRESSAGE YEAH!! IT'S SO COOL! now I'm not super familiar with dressage myself so everything I'm going to tell you is just based off what my mother told me. while she did dressage herself she never did it competitively and more just did it as part of her training. according to her though it takes a lot of training to teach the horses how to do all those different steps and movements and it's incredibly complicated. the coolest part to me though is how the rider signals the horse to switch between what kinds of steps they're doing. when you watch dressage I know it looks like the rider isn't doing much except sitting there, but in actuality they're signaling to the other every single thing they need to do. they do this by mostly either adjusting how they're sitting on the horse or using their legs on either side of the horse. it's incredibly subtle but just a simple shift in weight on the saddle can signal the horse to switch to a different gait. it's really really cool to see. congrats to team belgium for getting fifth!!!
(also, I don't know which dressage event you watched but there's a stark difference between eventing horses doing dressage as part of a whole event while specializing in something else like jumping vs specialty horses doing dressage as their main event. like, the dressage specialty horses are incredible to watch it almost looks like they're floating)
american dominance in the olympics yeah 😭 there's too many of us sorry for hogging so many of the medals
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years
Rose hip November, autumn I'll remember
Gold landing at our door, catch one leaf and fortune will surround you
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[ ID: Traditional art colored digitally of Kamal Bora and Dr.Habit as kids from Smile For Me the game.
In the artists interpretation Kamal as a kid is much shorter than Habit. He has short straight hair and thick eyebrows. He wears a special new dress this time. He is seen in two circular gold earrings, a necklace with bells, and a slightly puffy dark purple space-themed frock with planets, stars, suns, moons and galaxies. It sports a pale ribbon at the mid stomach area.
Here Habit is a really tall kid. He has a thick build. He has a muppet-like appearance with yellow-greenish fur, very long rose-pink curly hair in two tones, pink blushing cheek patches with three freckles, ears stuffed with cotton fluff , deep red nails. The palms of his hands are coated with cotton and have a few stitches. His eyes are yellow, indicating happiness, circled below by red ruffles and have some pale purple eyeshadow. He wears a teal buttoned shirt with wavy darker pants that have yet darker stripes on them. Basically it's Kamal’s outfit from the game. Both of them are barefoot.
Kamal poses dramatically best as he can atop a tree trunk. He keeps a hand behind his head, juts the other out, one foot slightly bending outward. He makes some kind of awkward duck face, cheeks rosy. The tree trunk is in shades of yellow, green and brown with slightly rigid looking swirls engraved on it. The very top has more fluid swirls in a ring form. A number of fungi like bready-colored ones with caps, smaller greyish white ones with stringy structures descending from their caps, white bracket fungi with brown accents grow on and around the trunk and even from inside its cracks. Much moss also accompanies them. A few of the trunks leaves and branches also sprout up tall.
Beneath the trunk's sprawling roots there is a cover of lush green grass and small long-stemmed yellow flowers with brown centers, a scattering of some bready mushrooms too. Near it is Habit. He jumps and claps for Kamal's show, butter-yellow eyes sparkling with his wide smile.
Behind them is a tree in much the same shades as the trunk, thin with different patterns of lines drawn on its patchy-colored appearance. Each patch has its own pattern, some repeated. Like diamonds, ovals, short wavy lines. Numerous autumn-hued leaves with many points hang in vivid shades, but green appears too. It is a transition period between summer and autumn. Common wood pigeons perch the trees. Some sleep, some eat, some spread their wings, some sit, some puff up. Some bushes represented by bouncy shapes are seen in the BG.
There is a very warm-toned filter over the whole thing making it appear deeply colored in a honeyed way. The second piece doesn't have this filter. All colors used in both are mostly harmonious with each other. End ID]
---Talk below the cut as always!
YEAH this took a W H I L E
Another piece in the Roseverse AU for their halcyon days!!!
I'm really proud of the unlined look in this one. It's certainly a shitton more effort to put in ( half a MONTH )but the process AND product are both very worth it. I remember being really chilled and relaxed making this. I guess sometimes my hardassery to detail works out pretty good!
There are like a thousand little colors in this and I hope they speak for me more than I possibly can. You know, this was made not that long ago but since I've taken a step back from focusing solely on S4M things and have gotten into OCs due to unavoidable circumstances, its still really really sweet and good to remember. It feels like I AM there, reminiscing with those two old guys, heh heh.
My friend said it'd be silly but they'd like it if Kamal and Habit went back to this same place when they're grown and the trunks still there and I said HELL YEA this is ROSEVERSE where magic REAL bro
Habit still thinks Kamal looks like the stars in a dress.
I think when this actually happened Kamal would be really shy at first but Habby's a great hype man so his posing starts escalating HSHJSJDJS
Catch baby if he falls!!😤( huffing emoji )
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jedijenkins · 7 years
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