#i'm mostly in bed lately and i dont really have the attention for reading. and i fall asleep during movies
disengaged · 4 months
anyone wanna add me on Steam ...
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normansnt · 7 months
As you've likely seen by now, I've been reblogging nearly every Hazbin fic you have, which I apologize if that bothers you at all. I simply see a lack of the x male reader department for this show, which is ironic considering mostly all the characters are queer and so are the creators. So thank you for what you write and how well you write it! I was hoping I could make a request for a part two of a fic I rather liked "(Vox x bar tander!Male reader)" this one specifically. The reader left off having their soul contract bought and offered to be a bartender at the Vee's private bar, and I was wondering what would happen from there?
Im really sorry it took so long😭
Also THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reblogs is doesn't bother me at all IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MY WRITING💗💗
Warnings: Attempted Rape, violance V@lentino
Habit of saving
as a thank you pt.2
Vox x bartender!male reader
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"I just dont fucking understand why the fuck you prefer the company of a lowly bartender over mine"
You hear Valentino's yelling from the other room, again.
This was not uncommon. Since you became the bartender in the Vees manor Vox visited the bar more often than before.
You guys spent hours talking and just because of the drinks either, he barely drunk anything cuz he was busy talking to you.
However, this of course annoyed Valentino. He wanted Vox's attention purely on himself.
"I don't." Said Vox, you know, like a lier.
"Work has just been really stressful lately and I need more drinks than before."
This was all lies. But Vox was not in the mood to be taking Valentino's shit, he would much rather go get a drink with you.
"Bullshit, I know how your work is and you blame everything on it, you dont even want to fuck me anymore are you a fucking moron do you know how many people want to get with ME."
And here he goes again. Vox was a little embarrassed though. It was true that since you arrived he was never in the mood to do it with Val, but he found himself having much more sex dreams with you.
He got red at the thought of that.
"You know what, I don't fucking care, go be happy with your boy toy; but don't you dare forget that you are where you are because of me." Ended the Argument Valentino as he grabbed a bottle from above your head, and walked out of the room.
You were silent during the whole argument. You knew it was not smart to start defending Vox you tried that once and, well, Vox had to stich you up afterwards.
"Care for a drink, sir?" You asked Vox. He was still, just standing in the middle of the room looking at the door.
He felt weird. Well, not weird, happy. But that was strange. Usually he felt guilty or annoyed when Valentino stormed off after a fight, usually he wanted to go after him. But not now. Now he felt...calm. Relieved even. He really wanted to sit down and have that drink with you.
"Yes, I would love a drink, and I've told you multiple times to call me Vox."
"Yeah I know but I didn't want to risk Val still hearing it." You chuckled.
"So, the usual, Vox?"
"Obviously." He answered back.
"Are you ok?" You asked as you poured his drink. You two were close enough for this not to be an awkward question. You were the bartender, you have comforted him after a night of drunken crying and put him to bed multiple times. He always asked you to stay. You never did. You just didn't feel ready yet.
"Getting better by the day, his antics don't affect me as strongly anymore." He commented calmly.
"I'm glad." You gave him his drink and you two continued talking.
And you talked, long into the night. Vox got a bit drunk again.
"All right mister I think it's time to get you to bed." You said smiling softly as you were about to jump from behind the bar and help him to his room.
"I can take care of him." Came a creepy calm voice from the door way. You saw Valentino.
He had a fake smile on his face. You knew this was trouble but he was kind of your boss.
"All right, sir." You just answered quietly, as Val took Vox and started to take him to his room.
"What-no, you-- (Y/N)--I, don't"
Vox mumbled drunken.
When they left the room you had a silent debate with yourself.
Yes Val was your boss. But you knew that taking advantage of someone while they're drunk was not below him.
"Fuck it" you mumbled to yourself as you jumped from behind the bar and tried to quietly run after them.
Thankfully you found them when they were about to enter the room.
When they got in you made sure to put your foot between the door and the frame so it doesn't close.
You peered into the room and you saw Val throw Vox onto the bed.
"You fucking whore, you couldn't keep your hands of the cute bartender boy could you."
He started angrily as he stepped onto Vox's screen, breaking it. You already wanted to barge in there when you saw this but when he started unbuckling his belt, thats when you snapped.
You jumped on Val, literally. And while the man might be powerful he had close to no muscles so he crumbled under you.
You knew you had close to no chance of winning. But you didn't care. You had to save Vox.
You tried to cut off Val's breathing by holding onto his neck for dear life. You might have been physically stronger he was still an overlord. A very powerful one.
You expected to be thrown down onto the floor any minute when the struggling finally stopped.
Your eyes opened widely as you hurriedly got off of Valentino.
You started panicking. What the fuck did you just kill an overlord? No, no there is no way he is so powerful why didn't he stop you.
You kneeled down and checked for a heart beat.
When you felt faint beating a boulder fell off your shoulder.
"Thank fuck" you commented to yourself. He probably just passed out.
But still why didn't he stop you.
You thought about it a but when it hit you. He was probably batshit drunk himself. You saw that when he walked away from the bar he barely managed to walk straight.
You were still panting.
You looked over at Vox and a strong feeling of sadness filled you.
You stepped over Vals passed out form and lifted up Vox.
He was lighter than you thought. You carried him all the way to your room where you knew you had a first aid kit.
Sure you could have just bring the first aid kit to him but you were not going to leave him alone with Valentino jot even for a second. Not even when they're both passed out.
After you put Vox's screen back together and batched him up you laid him down onto your bed.
This gave you time to think things through.
Even you couldn't explain to yourself why you cared about Vox this much.
Its true you have become very close during your time working here.
But there are people who you have known longer yet do not love as much as him.
You love him?
While you were occupied with your thought you didn't notice the time. It was morning already.
"Yeah, Vox?"
"What the fuck happened?" He asked as he started touching his patched up screen.
You told him everything. You also told him that you will very likely have to leave because once Val wakes up...you don't want to know what he'll do to you.
"He can't do anything your soul is mine you are under my protection." He said firmly. He sat silently after that. Like someone who is contemplating something.
"Can I ask you something?"
He asked after a long silence.
"Of course"
"Why did you save me?"
This surprised you.
"Well, I mean I know what Val is like and...I just did what any normal person would do really-"
"No. You know no one in hell would to that for the demon that owns their soul. Not to mention this was the second time you saved me."
"...I honestly don't know why I did it the first time; I guess I just felt like...I dont know"
"And the second time."
You couldn't answer this. You knew the answer but you didn't want to say it.
"Well, you are a nice boss you treat me with kindness and-"
"No one would attack a powerful overlord just to safe their boss who is just 'nice'; try answering truthfully this time."
Well fuck. You knew Vox was a smart man but that didn't help you in this situation.
"I..." you didn't know what to do. You could come up with another lie but he would detect it no problem.
"I love you" you blurted out before you could stop yourself. The moment the words left your lips you smacked your hands onto your lips.
"I'm sorry sir I will leave-"
Vox took your hand in his when you wanted to stand up and pulled you towards him.
With one swift movement he placed his lips on your in a tender kiss.
You have never kissed a screen before but you were pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be like this.
His lips were soft but cold. It was an amazing kiss.
"Oh, you're not going anywhere." Said Vox while he let out a little chuckle.
"Because I love you too."
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tj-shmt · 3 years
A Day of Curation
Unless its Wednesday, it should be around 11am right now when i get up. First things first, put in my headphones and go get some good music! Its Monday - time to listen to my Discover Weekly playlist, which Spotify usually tailors perfectly to my tastes.
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1. 🎶 SPOTIFY 🎶
Fun fact - this weeks "Discover Weekly" suggs. Usually I get the best music from there. I don't really recall the last time any of my friends really showed a song I didn't already know or was adequately good. Tho, I have to give Amelie some credit here, she constanly hits me with great Spanish tunes. (Also to Jasi and Safae which hit me up with some dope music from time to time) I mostly get inspiration from (sad to say but its true) tik tok or by randomly shazaming the world. I also really hate to limit myslfe to music i understand. On the contrary I LOVE LOVE LOVE music arround the world. Trust me i hear Tibetian Throat Singing to Russian Electro and even Islandic and Nativ American Tribal Music. To give you an impression of how important music consumption is for me:
Last Year i spent a total of 210 441 minutes on spotify alone. That is about 9 Hours a day. The average person uses Spotify for about 18 000 minutes a year. (My friend took the freedom to calculate how much money Spotify "looses" by my consumption. i pay $30 a year an Spotify gives $0,004891 per stream to the creator. An average of 3 minutes per song (70.000 streams) means spotify pays $342.37 to the creators. Thats $312.37 of deficit LOL)
Apart form that i cant really give Spotify a certain schedule when i listen to it cuz i listen to it all the time. During gaming, during coding, laundry, gym, work, class, before sleep. ✨Always✨
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2. 💬 WhatsApp 💬
There is nothing better than sleeping for an eternity while everyone is already awake for probably 4 or more hours, working! *laughs in privileged design student* Since everyone is already living its live while I still drool, I gotta get up to date in the morning. Before i even leave bed, i checke my messages there. Similar to Spotify, I use WhatsApp the whole day and can't really tell when I would not use it. Except, my phone is always on silent (casual zennial phone call phobia) meaning i wont notice anything while zoning out or gaming (which usualy is the same).
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3. 👨‍🏫 TEAMS 👩‍🏫
Yeah Yeah i can already hear it. "You wake up 5 minutes before class withouth breakfast or anything..." - bla bla bla. Yeah that is the case! I would usuly go on teams and enter the classroom, while preparing a breakfast (if you can call it breakfast after 12) sit down at my desk and listen to class. Causally everything that is too theoretical with music and whatsapp. Other classes that are interesting I`ll put my full attention to it.
But i hate teams in gerneral. Not cuz its sh**, no, usualy people that do their clases there have a weird way of using it. Finding material or looking up homeworks is such a struggle sometimes. (Props to you Kevin here, I have never seen anybody using teams in such a clean and struktured way than you do. Even tho you dont neccesarily use it as it was meant to be. (which might be the turning point on why its great))
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4. 📺 YouTube 📺
Yup YouTube is usually the place to go after (sometimes during (I NEVER SAID THAT!)) class.
Actually, YouTube is the place to go for me. Relaxation, Entertainment, knowledge - anything! After class I'd usually watch "Cut" or other channels that produce let's plays or entertainment of some sort.
But it's also THE place to go during coding. I rather listen to Lofi or (Slowed, Reverbed) Music that doesnt really distract me. ALSO, during coding watch A SH*TLOAD OF TUTORIALS, cuz I am proud selftaught Zennial. #BestOfBothWorlds
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5. 👨‍🍳 CHEFKOCH 👨‍🍳
I love to try new things and I constantly stalk the web for new recipes. Lately a lot of Asian and Vegan stuff. Chefkoch is the app to go where i also write down my own recipes to have them with me all the time. Great thing here is, i share this account with all my family members (currently 13, including my mom, aunts, other relatives). Great way to share the secret family recipes at any time!
(Cant recommend the recipe in the img, tho!)
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Unlike all my sporty friends that used to hit the gym before covid and not got lazy, I started to use Training Apps like Addidas Training with its free Workout plans. I use it regularly and am happy i finally found a way to stay sporty.
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7. ⌨️ VS CODE ⌨️
Its either Visual Studio Code, where I would code on my current project, or gaming. As mentioned above, I would get most of the inspiration from tutorials or using dev tools on different platforms.
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8. 🎤 DISCORD 🎮
I´ll use Discord as a general term for Gaming since I play a lot but many different games, tho, always use discord to communicate with my freinds while gaming.
A great place to share random BS with friends and talk about anything that comes to my mind. I spent most of the evenings on Discord with my friends. Always did, in fact. Maybe the reason why I don't really feel so affected by the pandemic. I am used to being separated from my friends since they live all over Germany or the world in general. I always enjoy Online Live Events WITH my friends.
For me the web as always been a "with" not an "alone", which is why I never understand why so may struggle with feeling "alone" on live events online. JUST GRAB A FRIEND AND DISCOVER IT ✨TOGETHER✨!
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Since I use both the same amount there is not thos or that. I never Really let anybody recommend me anything, cuz ... trust me, I WON'T watch it. IDK why that is, but I need a specific mood for each show. And nobody but myself can provide that. Probably why most ove the algorithms (esp Netflix) do not have an effect on me. I'm not in the mood for your ****, sorry!
Never the less, i periodically Binge a Series and then feel empty after it ended. Then i need some time to face reality again.
Funny tho, I binged Starwars Rebels on Disney+ and after it ended i just decide to buy 4 books on amazon that expand the story to starwars (#nerd i know). I will spend the next few months reading and probably not watching anything on both Streaming services.
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10. 🤤 TIKTOK 🌈
... YUP.... I grew up with vine ... but TikTok got me. And honestly I don't regret it. It's the perfect algorithm that constantly finds the best videos that feed my thirsty queer ass. I mean ...
LOOK AT THE IMG ABOVE. YES, give me more....!
Its prolly not good for my digital wellbeing or my mental health but do I care at the moment..? noooooo...
Just give me more of Starwars Parodies, Sleepwalkers, Best off's of streamers, Queer content (cuz its time this heteronormativity world is fed with it! and no i do not indentify as anyting, im just the + at the very far end!) and yeah, even some sexy content if the creator feels good about it.
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gabrielitas · 3 years
phew it's good to know i'm boy the only one super behind lmao
alright answering questions and asking some more because i have a funny little group of questions that mean nothing but i like to ask
alright so i do bias soonyoung 🙄🙄 didn't think you'd guess so early. i also like seokmin and minghao 🥴🤤 aLSO, WHY HAS SEUNGCHEOL BEEN LOOKING SO CUTE RECENTLY I CANT HANDLE 😩😩
outside of kpop i may or may not have had an emo phase (read: fall out boy, panic!at the disco, my chemical romance). i may or may not still listen emo music. i also LOVE CONAN GRAYYY. idk if he's still indie but i love indie too! probably one of my favorite genres though is classical (instrumental if you wanna get technical 🙄 been yelled at bc cLaSsiCaL iS a TiMe PeRiOd)
the best of us had emo phases ☝️ mine is a little longer lasting three years in middle school. due to this, fall out boy is one of my favorite artists! i’m also a big tchaikovsky fan, and i like doja cat a lot too!
in response to your question about 1518 strasbourg, this is when and where the dancing plague of 1518 happened dnsbsbshja. it's where the phrase "dance till you die" originated lmao. i think it'd be funny to witness this/take part in it. aside from that, id probably fuck with california in 1849 because the gold rush🧎‍♀️, france in the 1880s, or america in the 1980/1990s! i’m a history nerd courtesy of my father, so i choose all my time periods based off some of my favorite historical events! 1880s for architecture mostly, gold rush because lawlessness and the "wild west", and the 80s for the cold war :)
the night is beautiful if you take the time to live it. for me, my favorite time across the board is lunch time-12:00 ish to 3:00 just because the sun is highest and i feel happiest! i like the night when i go out on bike rides because i feel alive/ like i’m not wasting my teen years
i have 1 sister and she's super annoying🙄 i also have 2 cats and a dog (i consider them my siblings)
the most recent show i binged and finished was criminal minds, and i tried supernatural but it's just so bad i cant get past season 11. i’m working on hannibal right now!
the last book i really enjoyed was the summer i turned pretty! i’m a sucker for romance books 😩
questions i've got:
- do you have any siblings or pets?
- do you play any instruments?
- what's your favorite font?
- how many pillows and stuffed animals do you sleep with? (i have too many to count)
- would you rather live in an urban, suburban, or rural setting?
I FRIKIN KNEW U BIASED SOONYOUNG UR VIBES R SO HORANGHE I COULD JUST TELL and i gotta say ur the second person who’s had both minghao and soonyoung on ur bias list and i just find that so funny cuz they’re polar opposites to me (also u have impeccable taste with minghao that boy is my ult and has my whole heart) AND OMG RIGHT??? seungcheol needs to *CHILL*😤
omg yes conan gray😫 this is gonna sound whiny but heather was one of my favorite songs of his before it became a tiktok trend💅
and yes the best of us *did* have emo phases, mine lasted from late 8th grade into the first half of freshman year, so it was kinda short lived but it still happened lol
also, seeing tchaikovsky and doja cat next to each other in a sentence is so funny (but in a weird way i get it lol) i’m not the *biggest* classical/instrumental fan, but i have def used it as study music when songs with lyrics r just too distracting. back to doja tho!! have u listened to her new album?? do u have a fav song off of it? (i haven’t listened to all of it but i do have a couple that i rlly like)
omg how did i not recognize that u were talking abt the dancing plague!!!!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ idk if u watch buzzfeed unsolved or watcher but they have a series called puppet history and the episode on the dancing plague is one of my favorites! also omg yes another history nerd who knows abt history b/c of her dad!!!! i’m prob most knowledgeable abt wwii, the civil rights movement in the us, and the spanish civil war cuz those r my dads main interests and i was sat down in front of documentaries abt those topics at the age of like, 3 lol. and wanting to experience the wild west is such a perfect and iconic era to want to live in, and wanting to experience the cold war is so funny (b/c i’m sure the ppl who were living it without knowing the ending like us felt the exact opposite lol)
and yes the night is so beautiful when u just give it ur attention. like, on my birthday it was raining and i didn’t have school the next day (and my birthdays i’m may so it was pretty warm) so i just went outside at like, midnight ish and listened to the rain and crocheted and it was truly so nice 😫 also omg last year when covid had us all at home i went for a bike ride almost every day after school to just get out of my room and it was so nice!! it was my bike from when i was like, 12 but i’m 4’11 so i was still able to ride it without a problem lsnsksns
and yes pets r absolutely siblings, my cat prob acts more like s typical sibling than my two younger siblings do lsnsksns (srsly tho my cat is an asshole she fucked up my leg the other day cuz i gave her food late smh)
omg hun season 11?? how many seasons of that goddamn show r there??? i couldn’t get past episode 1😭 (i rlly only started watching it b/c of dean from gilmore girls sksnksns) the show i’m currently bingeing rn tho is downton abbey, as i’m sure u can tell from how much downton shit u had to scroll past to find my answer to ur last ask alskkskjsjs (i’m so so sorry 😭)
ooo that sounds like a rlly good book title, what was it abt? i just finished a secret history (which FUCKED ME UP MY GOD THERES A LOT OF MURDER) and i’m currently working on the sequel to my name is asher lev by chaim potok (who is one of my fav jewish/classic literature authors and also just a rlly good author in general)
for ur questions:
-yes i do have siblings! two younger (one four and a half years younger and one a little over nine years younger than me so i’m the oldest by quite a bit lol) and i do have a pet! my cat sweetie who is an asshole who i love very much
-i took piano for like a year in second grade but then third grade happened and i was rlly bad at math so my parents switched from paying for piano lessons to paying for math tutoring lessons and i now remember literally nothing from piano lessons sksnksns
-i,,, dont think i have a favorite font? i do like to write in cursive and have a collection of calligraphy pens that i bust out on special occasions so there’s that i guess lol
-ok i have two normal pillows, one chair/armrest/pillow thing (idk if that makes sense but that’s the only way i know how to describe it sksnksns), a body pillow, and a single stuffed bear that live on my bed
-ooo so this is difficult for me cuz i technically live in a suburb but we’re *right next* to a major city in my state (like i’m a 20ish min car ride from my states baseball stadium and a 20 min walk to the college of the major city) so this has kinda made me rlly like both? like, i like the quiet of the suburbs but i cant handle not being able to walk to the closest boba shop or movie theatre or bookshop but i also don’t rlly love the noise and lights that there are in the city at night. so idk sksnksns
what do u like more tho? the city or the suburbs? also since u asked the question i’m assuming u have a fav form and i’m now rlly interested in finding out what it is lol
goodnight!❤️ (or good morning if ur seeing this in the morning since i’m answering this at midnight lol)
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wlwfanfictionss · 3 years
Dear Zoe,
Last night when I was looking at the stars, they reminded me of you. How they have aligned and brought me here and to you, even when we can be oceans apart.
I love the way you write, it's so articulate that I can clearly imagine every word as I read. I like to write too, but it doesn't comes naturally to me. I have a hard time putting my thoughts in to words, especially in English. English is my third language in fact. I also speak Hindi and Marathi which are my native languages. It's wonderful that you are so passionate about cinema. The amount of work and attention to the details that goes into movies and film making is remarkable. I also like to cook and would love to cook with and for you. More than the cooking part, I'd like to slow dance with you in our kitchen. I can definitely relate to your liking towards the city, somehow i occasionally like trips to hill stations as well.
I am a very spontaneous person, so my favorite things are changing quite frequently. So my current favorite dish is pizza. I like to belt my heart out to sad pop songs and old hindi songs. I like to watch But I'm cheerleader when I'm sad. And I have a condition which causes me to make terrible puns. It's called Dad-ly disease.
Which is your side of the bed even if you sleep alone? What would be your ideal date if we met someday? What is your favorite sea animal? Do you like white chocolate?
Dear Ash,
I am so sorry im replying this late, i had some school and work stuff but now im free again!
I am so touched that you love the way how i write, I take it as a huge compliment. I love writing but i just have to force myself to do it more often it's just that i have to write a LOT for school already so sometimes i dont want to write in my free time. It´s amazing that you can speak 3 languages! I speak dutch, english, german and i am also learning russian bc why not.
´But im a cheerleader´ is a fun movie but if you want to watch more gay movies I have some recommendations for you.
Carol, Atomic Blonde, the boys in the band, free fall and Jongens (or in english: Boys)
When i sleep alone i mostly sleep on the left side of the bed and i sleep with a stuffed animal from ikea that i cuddle with bc i have no one to lay their head on my chest. If we ever meet and we'd meet where i live and i would take you to the city and we would visit some cute book shops and vinyl stores. I would buy us pizza and we'd ride my bike to the beach to watch the sunset. I don't really have a favorite sea animal, when i was a kid I always loved orca's but my favorite animal rn is an otter. I do like white chocolate but i like dark chocolate even more.
What is your favorite movie of all time? what music artists do you like? What do you want to be when you grow up?
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