#i'm manifesting a shower sex scene this season
unstatedmartini · 3 years
How come I only now realize, after watching the 2x12 streamy scene 5 billion times, that Carlos was laying between TK's spread legs in the final shot...? When the camera pans out back to the bed, it shows TK's leg on the right, bent and spread to make space for Carlos. We can also see it after Carlos gets up. Between that and Ronen's blooper video showing more kisses and Carlos shoving him onto the bed, I think I just combusted.
adlkjfa;ljfd thank you for this, i welcome every update from the elite investigators at csi: poundtown
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XLI
It was a love story from the very beginning.
I Want You Here
(9x02/9x03 2nd part/9x04/9x05)
Hello my friends! This is the second Destiel meta from season 9.
We are gonna talk about how Dean was worried about Castiel and he wanted him in the bunker ... Obviously we will talk about how their reunion was cocklblocked by Zeke (Gadreel).
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta! Love ya girl!
Let's start...
Human!Cas and sex
In episode 9x03, Castiel ended at the street, frozen, under the rain and hungry.
That's when April appears, showing him kindness, she offered him a jelly and peanut butter sandwich. I know it has to be the most delicious food in the world for this hungry poor ex angel, and also the representation of human's kindness.
But Castiel was deceived by this woman/reaper.
She showed him good actions, she took are of his wounds... She even listened him...
He felt comfortable with her, because she made him believe in her. Castiel opened his heart and confessed why he had ended like this... He talked about vanity, now, after his fall, he understood a lot of things...
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Sorry... I just... Was drooling a little over Misha's perfection....
I'm back now.
APRIL: Well, all patched up, but, God, your delts are in knots. You got to relax.
Yeah, bitch, any excuse is a good excuse to touch our beautiful angel, right? 😒
CASTIEL: Ah, it's all new to me. Hunger. Cold. This feeling, being all alone.
APRIL: You're not alone tonight.
Aaaand you know what happens next.
But let's just stop in Castiel's words... He was feeling alone, a very cold sensation he wasn't use to. He was always that self secure angel, not needing anyone to do anything. And now, feeling the most sad side of humanity, our miseries, he feels a lot of things... But one of them was LONELINESS. (I just can't forget season 14 when he recalls this and said to Jack HE WASN'T ALONE, HE HAD SAM, DEAN AND HIMSELF, I just love his improvement.)
He had sex with April, when she lied to him. And not just that, but she began to torture him and she even killed him. It was a horrendous violent act and Castiel was exposed to that.
Next scene was Dean and Sam arriving... But it was too late...
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The despair in Dean's face is eloquent. He is desperate, his voice cracked, and he's touching Castiel's shoulder and face. His Express changes when he realizes Cas is dead.
But we know what happened next, Zeke/Gadreel saves Cas to win more confidence from Dean.
Now... Let's continue with the sex over here...
The burritos scene is a classic between Destiel shippers because it's sexual innuendo and Dean's blatant facial expressions. And we had jealous!Dean too.
This had been analyzed by a lot of meta writers, so I won't add any new, because it was obvious that when Castiel came out from the shower ...
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A very horny Dean imagining his hot "buddy" enjoying the water falling over his well formed naked body, and there you have that face there. Just for our inquisitive and attentive eyes... Why the camera would focus Dean and not Sam after the shower line? Because Dean is affected by that... And that's why we got that quote from the hunter, suggestively bitting the burrito (may a say a dick mirror? 🤣🤣) "It ain't all just burritos and burritos, my friend," like... There's dicks too, may I show you?
Dean feels more free to make this kind of approaches to Castiel, because he knows the boundary that was there separating them for being more, is gone now. Cas wasn't an angel anymore. And maybe Dean could teach him some about sex life.
Then, the scene switched to jealous!Dean when Castiel mentioned April.
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Look at this, a very classic, we love this, that's why I will talk about it, even if you readed a lot of references... We are Destiel trash and we love it...
Watch... Cas says he had sex, Sam and Dean are surprised, but both of them reacts differently. Sam grimaced an UH! And immediately drifts his eyes to his brother, why? Because he wants to caught his brother's reaction, why?, Because he suspects his brother feels something more than just friendship for Castiel.
And Dean chocking with that burrito, hilarious, his serious and jealous face is fantastic, like if he was scolding Castiel for that, he even points at him "You had sex with April?" Is like YOU CHEATED ON ME?
Just for a few seconds, because, is good, is good for Castiel. He isn't a Virgen anymore... So he had tasted having sex like any human? That's a good thing!
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Dean is proud and happy to have Cas there. Happy because maybe he will have an opportunity with Human!Cas who already had had sex with another human. Like... Possibilities are huge!
Obviously we had Zeke/Gadreel cockblocking the possibilities.
Not comfortable with the L word and ...
Let's jump a little to episode 9x02, at the beginning, Dean and Sam were talking about Cas, they were waiting still for him to arrive, Dean tried to show himself cool, saying Cas was a big guy.
But when the episode keeps going, we ha d a very important encounter between Dean and Abaddon. The dialogue was a foreshadow of Demon!Dean plot.
Abaddon wanted Dean's body to use it like meat suit.
She even asked...
ABADDON: It can get worse. Trust me. 'Cause once I'm on top, I'll make you watch. And I'll use your body. Have you ever felt an infant's blood drip down your chin? Or listened to a girl scream as you rip her guts out? Because you will. It's you and me, lover. We'll have a grand old time.
The infant blood just recalled to when Dean, with Cain's mark, killed the boy from the Steins family in the bunker.
But after this, we had Zeke/Gadreel saving the day, and this dialogue between them...
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Dean is uncomfortable with the use of LOVE word. Maybe bc he isn't used to talk about it, or feel it. Or because his toxic masculinity, doesn't leave him to talk about it. So is a uncomfortable word, and it shows in his face.
In 9x04, after Dean kicked out Cas from the bunker, I will talk about this later (no, I didn't forget 🤣), Sam was confused about that fact, and the brother had a tiny conversation over it... And Dean said this important lines...
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Later, on the same episode, we will see Charlie and Dean in his room, and Charlie noticing this...
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Okay, this is very exppsitional for Bi!Dean over here... Because Charlie (as always) is pointing that he has that collection of boobs but... He... Like... This isn't the real you.
And Dean says... Don't judge me.
Perfect my friends... I loved it.
And because Dean is still in the closet, as we saw with Charlie and the whole toxic masculinity, in 9x05 Dog Dean Afternoon, we had this piece of dialogue from the one talking dog, the Yorkie.
YORKIE: Ohh, a – a cowboy hat, leather pants. The dude's a total closet case.
Okay this reference is applicable to Dean too! Even in that freaking episode... We had a couple of things...
The Sad Destiel Scene
Okay, before ending this meta, I want to talk briefly about Dean kicking out Castiel from the bunker, because to me, it was a manipulation from Zeke, but it was a tool to keep Cas and Dean separated and create a little fight an resentment between them... Because the drama and everything... 😒
But we'll the scene is very sad, because CAS even made it word saying this...
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My sweet little ex-angel there... He even pull back a chair for Dean... He likes to talk with Dean... He's such a cute and sweet and educated little ... Awwwww but he didn't know his heart was about to be ripped apart.
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Look at his face!!!!!!!!!! Was Dean breaking his heart or what? Damn...
Okay... Circular narrative in which in season 8 Dean was in one sided love and Cas broke his heart, now in season 9 is in reverse. Castiel aknowledged by now his feelings, so I suspect he recognized his attraction to Dean was love. But... Now... Dean is kicking him off from the bunker... Without a good reason... Lying to him.
Can I die here... I won't bother you...
More Demon!Dean foreshadow (Miscellaneous)
I just wanted to out here two things I noticed...
In episode 9x04 we had a two man of letters from the past. They were partners and they were Sam and Dean mirror. One of them under the witch's powerful spell, tried to kill to Sam's mirror, and this was a foreshadow for Demon!Dean plot again, that time when he was trying to kill Sam in the bunker too.
Another little detail was what the monster said in episode 9x05 when he was fighting with Dean.
CHEF LEO: Well, I didn't mean to kill anyone – at first. But if people got in my way, they became collateral damage. Guess you eat enough predators, you start to become one. You are what you eat, right? [laughs]
This is a reference to Dean future transformation into a monster (with Cain's mark on him) and later into a Demon. The hunter that becomes what he hunts.
To Conclude:
Castiel's innocence and despair leads him to April, the reaper that deceives him by taking advantage of his human situation.
Dean wanted Cas to be with him in the bunker because he knew Human Cas and him could have maybe an opportunity to develop something more than just friendship.
Toxic Masculinity in Dean is manifested through a lot of piece of dialogues, showing us how hard will be for him to defeat that... Persisting till now... I hope not for too long. I guess episode 15x07 was very important to show us that toxicity is ending, and the whole Healing!Dean plot in season 14.
There were too some foreshadows for Demon!Dean and Cain's mark.
I hope you enjoy this one, see you in the next Chronicles!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20 @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica
If you want to be tagged, just let me know
If you want to read the previous volume from season 9, here is the link.
Buenos Aires December 11st 2019 4:59 PM
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