#i'm mad that she got away with it and antis enabled it en masse
faggot-billcipher ยท 3 months
i will truly never get over the fact that even though the main claim about my alter lucifer being a pedophile was based on the word of uwuowoazu. the people who used that as the main claim for that never once called her out for lying blatantly and also suicide baiting people repeatedly to try to make certain fnaf fan antis stop disliking me. (behavior that i clearly could not have forced her to do at the time she chose to do it since i said multiple times to not do it and when it hapened i was either outside or trying to fucking sleep.) nor have they ever once addressed or called out azula's unapologetic transphobic behavior that she doubled down on even when corrected. and one of the people behind that claim in the callout have her BLOCKED now. because theyearmed my system's warnings about azula's abusive and manipulative nature wree fucking right. which i literally warned those people about. ut ig that's what happens when io is stupid enough to think every single person who dislikes my system and i must be a poor wittle victim who did no wrong boohoo. instead of acknowledging bother people in a situaiotn can be assholes. or that sometimes no one in the situation is an inherent black and white victim. this is your brain on anti rhetoric. also should go without saying but i am immediately blocking anyone who still blindly believes the genderfluidlucifer callout post. even if youve left the anti community now. as a general you. that callout is full of tons of disinfo. including claiming i'm a cis male and repeatedly doubling down on misgendering me. and even claiming a close mutual of mine was the one, misgendering me when he fucking wasn't at the time. all the while still misgendering me as they claimed that lie aobut my actually close and trustworthy mutual. if you still believe that callout post you're an idiot and should feel bad for it. i'm through with giving any benefit of the doubt to people who still blindly think it has any merit. and mass blocking anyone supporting it and hatefollowing me over it. and yes btw many people are still hatefollownig me ove rthat.i only know because my tumblr exposes when you hatefollow someone. OOPS.
i also hate how parasocial the people calling out luci cat in general. o for some reason keeps framing everything in the callout as if we knew eachother on a close level. even they they regularly avoided chatting mosrt of the time when i was active in their discord. and would repeatedly ghot me for hours when i asked for clarification one of their very confusingly worded discord rules. like bitch you don't get to claim we were close or that you knew me so well while ghosting me that hard and frequently, get over yourself.
i shouldn't have to say this but hating someone doesn't mean you automatically know everything about their lfie and inner psyche. i really especially hate that aspect of callout culture that's become so normalized in the past few years. parasocial hate is just as bad aand real as being parasocial to a blogger or celebrity you love imo. and both forms of parasocial mentality turn into stalking really fucking fsat.
also you can't really be gaslit by someone you avoided talking to that much. let's get real here. gaslighting literally involves way more direct and intentional interaction than that online or otherwise. thi is why gaslighting needs to be put on the shelf until people who blindly believe every claim about a person being a pedophile in a callout can learn to behave.
also also they left out the fact that the case of child molestation was literally just based on a fnaf au rp that azula and i did. one she pressured me into at the time. and i said i merely wanted to explore an au were my fnaf au oc layla didn't get rapde because ome of her characters saved her in time nefore it happende. so she decided to do that opposite of that. and tried to include a graphic rape scene anyways in a joking manner. (as in she literally amde a joke bragging about how fucked it up was for her to add that so you can't claim she was being ignorant.)i shut it down fast and we did not contionue that particular rp.| but i guess i'm repsonsible for the actions an apaprent minor chose to take at the time. even tohugh i litelaly told her to opt quickly after she pullde that. after she litrelaly ignored my clearly statde boundaries in the topic of that rp. i am not agreeing to the claim that i molested a child. i never met azula irl. and i never would've considered meeting her irl because i would've had to trust her enough to. as she'd shown to me many times what a red flag of a person she was ocnstantly. even buefore another anti helped me realize she might've been lying aobut how young she was when this rp took place. ia m not interested in molesting children anyways.. you can say you hate me and want med ead without making up shit. i barely go out enough to go and molest a child irl you absolute dinguses.
and even when i do go outside i barely deliberately interact with children irl outside of relatives and sometimes forced interactions. forced as in i did not initiate it first and i just have to Endure It until it stops happening. so yeah fuck off with that claim already. and i know the only reason y'all went wild with the callout was the bullshit child molester claim. because you can't just call out someone for one or two things. you have to add like 50 shock value claims because you wanna act like you caught the next yandev or creepshowart even when you didn't. which just further makes it harder for me to believe every callout an anti makes anymore. after that experience and seeing how flimsily made callout posts like that can gain traction so fast with barely anyone quesitioning it.
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