#i'm losing patience for my brother acting like a normal 21yo
fractallogic · 2 years
how am I doing, you ask? HOW??? am I doing????
well, I finally reset the router in the airbnb and I've been here since tuesday, exclusively using my phone and, briefly, the phone hotspot when I need something on my computer, because the wifi did not work
mom and bf still don't have wifi in their house because ah, oh, we didn't know until YESTERDAY that no one had called to set it up again after they were gone for so long. (bf called this morning. comcast is SHIPPING something to them before they can access the wifi. it will not get here by the time I leave.) this is obviously great and super convenient considering we're in an age where everything is electronic and it's also my mom, who fully embraced the internet and being digital in the mid-90s.
I found my mom's most recent will, which is four pages long. there is one section where she says she's leaving her share in [PROPERTY] to bf, and one section where she says she's splitting the rest of her assets between bf, me, brother, and stepdad in these various unequal amounts. that's it. she does not specify what the other assets are. I'm entitled to 25% of her estate, minus that property previously specified. what the fuck does 25% of her estate even entail. the pueblo house? (am I technically speaking entitled to 25% of 1/3 of the property? wtf?) plus 25% of her various other accounts and whatever? is it only the stuff in the house (and scattered throughout wherever she owns things)?
let me reiterate, it is FOUR pages long. one page is the witnessed page. one page is the beginning of the will where you renounce all other previous wills. half a page is naming bf as the executor and me as the executor if he can't do it. half of what's left is the "i leave the property to bf". half of what's left is "everything else is left in these proportions to these four people".
i just..................... god.
bf got all grumpy with me earlier when I was like "mom, we need to send a copy of your 2021 tax return that you filed jointly with stepdad TO STEPDAD so that he has some kind of record of his 2021 taxes, and there's no record of it in your turbotax account online, and there's nothing on your desktop computer or google drive, where is it". he was like WELL that's AWFULLY PERSONAL to be LOGGING INTO HER TURBOTAX ACCOUNT
bruh. what the fuck do you think we need to be doing with her death imminent and her memory basically gone. her short-term memory is atrocious, and that starts with anything happening in basically april of this year. she can't remember what she had for breakfast by the time lunch rolls around. and I'm sorry but this is as cogent as she's going to be for the literal rest of her life. so, sorry dude, we're going to be doing LOTS of logging into various accounts to make sure all her affairs are in order. she was also sitting here with us as we did it, so like, chill.
also yeah, don't talk to me like i'm stupid for not checking anything on her laptop and only checking her desktop computer, because I couldn't find her laptop in the hellhole that is her office space and I don't know where the fuck you put anything in this goddamn fucking house especially after you unpacked mom's things YESTERDAY from your fucking trip. of COURSE that's the one you had with you on the trip and what you did your taxes on, but I can't fucking look for anything on it if I can't find the fucking computer in the first fucking place
HE LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS STUPID; I'M NOT STUPID. he backed down after I used my "hi adult, you are talking to another adult" voice, but oh my do I feel PRICKLY after that. can't wait to see how far we progress toward "professor talking to students who clearly cheated but denied doing so" in the next two days.
(also, my man, you have six people who are going to be helping you eat out the fridge tomorrow for breakfast and lunch. I think I can make a plan to make fucking pasta sauce for dinner tomorrow. GOD FORBID I make something that you can fucking FREEZE what we don't eat and don't need to worry about going bad. jesus fucking christ.)
you fucking goddamn coward. sack up, buddy. you need to get your shit together and act like a fucking adult right now. you're scared? sure. but you need to do all this anyway.
you know who else is probably even more scared (deep down somewhere where she remembers getting her terminal prognosis a month ago or remembers looking up what a glioblastoma is)? my fucking mother.
you know who's scared but doing it anyway? my brother, who is a CHILD and having to learn about all of this stupid fucking bullshit on the job instead of getting to learn about it first, who is about to lose his primary caregiver very prematurely, and who is facing having no parents in a very short period of time.
dude, you're a grown-ass man and you can't manage this? I'm tired. I'm done. I'm ready to steamroll over you so my brother and stepdad have to deal with as little of your bullshit as possible, because you keep putting up needless fucking roadblocks all of the time because you're afraid of death and in denial about your partner dying. welcome to the present, we're running a real nation.
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