#i'm literally crying i didn't think we'd get anything 😭😭😭
fear-ze-queer Β· 8 months
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xjustonemoremiraclex Β· 1 year
rwrb thoughts from someone who hasn't read the book (yet)
The good/general thoughts:
pleasantly surprised by the acting! which I know sounds mean, but listen, I saw these guys in other things and I wasn't suuuper into them, so it was a nice surprise lol
THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE TWO again, pleasantly surprised by that lol they played off each other SO well
10/10 soundtrack, it definitely took inspiration from older rom-coms and I loved it <3
PS I really liked all the side characters! I wish we'd gotten to spend a little more time with some of them, but everyone was pretty great <3 also, all the women were awesome, and I am very gay and very in love <3
Ok, I really, REALLY liked how they showed the two of them texting each other, and the whole editing around it. It was pretty cute
I was living for all the latine songs at the new year's party, that was a nice touch
ok, when everyone was getting down at the party and alex and henry stayed up and stared at each other and time slowed down, I know it was supposed to be romantic, but I have to say it: it was also the funniest shit I've ever seen lol
henry at the party is giving both 'i have social anxiety and my only friend here is a social butterfly and keeps leaving to be with other people send help' and 'i thought you invited me here as a first date kind of thing but you're dancing and making out with other people and i'm feeling so betrayed rn :('
'christ you're as thick as it gets *kiss*' LMAO
Listen, I'm not usually into rom-coms (I say, like a liar), but I was pretty happy with the writing, in general. I laughed at all the funny parts, got emotional over all the dramatic ones and swooned at the romance bits. Great job, everyone
'I just can't afford for you to fall in love with me' LMAO babe, we're WAY past that. On both sides
ok, full disclosure: I don't really like sex scenes all that much (there's nothing wrong with them, I'm just very ace lol), so I usually just use my phone while they're happening, and while I did that a little bit here too, I was still paying attention, and honestly, they were pretty sweet. They did a good job. And, like, I have no idea why the film was R-rated lol you literally don't see anything
again, love the little montages that show the passing of time, while also showing they're keeping in touch and getting to know each other better and stuff. It makes the relationship between the two and the way it's developing feel a bit less rushed, which is nice
alex giving an impassioned romantic speech to henry, about to confess his love: // henry:
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'I didn't want to break his heart' - oh, honey, you already did :(
'to tell you that I love you, knowing that you wouldn't say it back' brb sobbing
'because when they write the history of my life, I want it to include you and my love for you' help i'm dying 😭😭😭😭😭😭
MIGUEL DON'T THINK I DON'T KNOW IT WAS YOU please die in a fire <3
alex's speech was really good by the way πŸ₯Ί
'baby' screaming crying throwing up jgdkfk
I FORGOT THE KING WAS STEPHEN FRY why is this so funny to me
The... less good?/general questions:
Kinda wish there'd been a bit more enemies in my enemies-to-lovers film
'he just grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and footbal'' - please, I beg you, someone smarter than me - what the fuck does this mean 😭 ppl are LIVING for this quote and I'm like ??????
this is probably me being stupid and ignorant lol but why would alex's relationship cost his mum the election? like, from what I've seen, her government has been very pro-queer, that's not really a secret, so her son being queer and in a relationship with a man shouldn't lose her any voters..? the people who are against 'the queers' were not going to vote for her in the first place, soooo..? me is confused
honestly, this is probably an unpopular opinion, but... the king was not that bad? like, i'm not saying he's not kind of homphobic and kind of a dick lol but i get the impression that everything stems from the whole thing about sticking to tradition and public image and bla bla. Like, again, obviously, part of that involves homophobia, but I think that on a personal level, he... doesn't really care? Even at the end, he's like 'ok, are you absolutely sure about this, cause there's no going back. Yes? Really? Well, go off I guess *long-suffering sigh*'. Like, I got way more homophobic vibes from phillip than the king idk πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ (I really hope I don't have to clarify that this only applies to the film, and not like, the real life crown lol)
Sooo, as I said, I haven't read the book yet, but I've seen some posts about it, and I think after watching the film I've realized that it's biggest flaw is that it's that - a film. It's a great film, don't get me wrong! And it's pretty obvious I really liked it. But damn, I'm a firm believer that book adaptations only work as series. They don't have to be super long or anything, but there is just no way to fit everything in a book in a two hour film. And yeah, when you're adapting something you have to make some changes, but Idk, it's kind of a shame that you lose so much (and even without reading the book, I can tell there's a lot of stuff missing). In any case, I can't talk too much about it until I read the book, but yeah πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ It does seem like they did a good job, though - like, it genuinely can stand on its own really well, but I guess I'll have to find out for myself
Also, tagging @silassstingy bc I promised her my thoughts on the film and she might give me some interesting insights on some of the stuff I mentioned, cause she's a queen like that <3
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the-jester-unofficial Β· 1 year
FUCKING HELL- 'I sUcK aT tHiS' I JUST BUSTED MY OVARIES! pls more on these 3πŸ™πŸ½ I loved it.
Ah- alright then! Your wish is my command! Although I actually don't know what I'm doing. I should make a masterlist or whatever those professional people out there are doing if I ever got the chance cause my profile is messy.
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Warnings: Bad Grammar, Cursing Or Bad Words, Sexual Themes at the nsfw part, Polyamorous Relationship, NB x Male at the sfw part, Male x Male at the nsfw part.
- This is my own character not a Y/N cause I don't know if you can relate to my character at all! 😭 But feel free to imagine yourself or your oc as the male character!!
People under 18+ do not interact!
Imagine having three absolutely fantastic boyfriends yet you're just someone plain that doesn't have anything to show. Your lovers had it all, money, fame, looks, Ect. They were someone you could only fantasize about. Yet here you are living everyone's dream. You have one boyfriend that is cold yet loving towards you, you have one boyfriend that takes care of you and treats you like you're the best thing in his life, you have one boyfriend that is literally a heartthrob and is super popular yet he only has eyes for you. You had everything that many people wish they had. You had everything yet you can't help but feel out of place. You don't deserve any of this. You weren't anything special so why do the three of them keep on wanting to be around you. When this thought hit you, you soon began to avoid them more frequently because you think that you don't deserve anything that they give you.
Goo was the first to notice your sudden coldness towards the three of them. He asked Gun about it and that is when Gun also noticed it too. Gun answered that he didn't know why you were suddenly acting like this. The two eventually went up to DG and asked him about it. DG also didn't notice your sudden change of behavior. The three of them felt awful. Goo even almost started a fight with the two cause he thought the other two weren't giving you enough attention and now you were sad about it. DG stopped him right on time and asked him to calm down so the three of them could figure this out without fighting each other. Goo hesitated yet still agreed to what DG said.
They came to the conclusion of just talking to you about it. They pinned you into a room and Goo was the first one to confront you about it. His tone wasn't angry or annoyed, he was so soft and gentle when he asked. His voice sounded like he was afraid and worried. He also seems like he hasn't slept or eaten anything at all. You took a look at the other two before you answer his question. You noticed that Gun was much more messier. His hair wasn't perfect, his glasses were slightly tilted, his outfit was wrinkled, he looked like a total mess. DG on the other hand looks so worried about you. He was also messy from his hair to his shoes and he looks like he doesn't know what he's doing anymore, like his mind had just gone blank. He was nothing but an emotional trainwreck.
You suddenly felt guilty about your actions. You couldn't even get a word out as soon as you realized this has all happened because of your stupid insecurities. You could do nothing but cry. You felt so vulnerable and exposed to the three. The room was filled with nothing but sobs and sniffles. You soon felt warmth as you opened your eyes to see the three hugging you. You couldn't help but cry more because of this. This was all your fault. You couldn't help blaming yourself.
Your sobs soon lowered down and now you're in bed sitting with the three next to you or behind you. Goo took a deep breath and asked why you were suddenly ignoring them. You explained to them what you were thinking and how they're better off with someone as equally rich and pretty as them. As soon as you were done explaining, Gun responded with "If we were ever given the chance to choose you over money, we'd always choose you cause the money means nothing to us if you weren't here. In fact, the money can't even be compared to how complete you make us feel. You are much more better if you didn't have us ruining your life yet you still choose us over a nice and comfortable. That is why we love you till the day we die,".
DG soon added "And being handsome or pretty doesn't mean anything to us. Even if you're fat or skinny, even if you're black, white, yellowish, or brown, even if you can't talk, see, or hear, even if you're from another religion, you are perfect the way you are and you're never going to change that. We never forced you to be something you aren't because we loved you the way you are and whenever you smile it feels like I'm staring at a fallen angel. Please don't leave us and ignore us. It hurts just not having to talk to you. It felt like my heart was being ripped apart."
Goo nodded his head, agreeing to the other two. That day, they all took a break from their jobs and spent time with you. At the end of the day, you had three people cuddling you as you try to read a book. They're just so cute and peaceful.
Of course, a relationship also has it down sides and there are days where you fight with the three. You'd get so fed up with them and just leave the house to go calm down. You'd call Jake, Your most trusted friend, to ask if you can stay at his house for a while. He'd hesitate a little but still agreed. His mother loved you, you weren't a gangster, you were doing well financially, and you had a stable job. His mother would sometimes pursue Jake to go on dates with you but each time she does that Jake would always tell her that you already had a fantastic lover. Even though Jake already said it to her face she would still try to get you two together. Eventually, Jake just gave up and allowed her to do whatever she wanted to, knowing full well that you were loyal to your lovers.
To get your boyfriends to apologize and regret their decisions, you would have to make the first move.
To get Goo to apologize was quite simple, you had to get caught going out with Samuel (You two were going out to eat because you owe him food from the last time you two met.) for him to get jealous and drag you out of there. Once you're in a secluded area, Goo would cling onto you and apologize over and over again. You would also tell him you're sorry cause if you don't then things might not end well. You let him explain his Actions and why he did that then you two would talk about how you could avoid them in the future.
Gun isn't as easy as Goo but simple enough. You just need flowers or anything expensive. Then you would knock at the door of the house. Gun would quickly answer and get surprised when he sees you. You would give him the gift and ask if you could go in. If he says no then you could try again next day. But if he says yes, you would lead him to the couch and make him sit down. You could ask Gun about what happened and why did he do that. He would answer you truthfully and then you two can now start talking about how you can avoid things like that from happening again. You then have to take him out for a date after you two are done talking to get you to trust each other.
Nsfw Part!
DG is the hardest. He is always busy and can barely talk to you. He always pushes you off and ignores you. The other two understand that it was their fault or that you had a reason to fight with them but DG just thinks you're being silly. You would have to go inside the house without his permission and wait for him there. You would have to wait days if not weeks for him to come home. If he does come home at about a day or two, he would immediately tell you to get out. You would have to go against him and roughly grab his wrist. Force him into his bedroom and pin him on the bed. He may be saying that you're so disgusting for touching him but soon enough he'll whine and beg whenever you don't touch him.
He definitely acted cocky about knowing how to handle you and that you can't even make him beg yet here he is now, begging and whining for you to just do anything to him.
Don't give him anything he wants and he'll lose his mind just from you touching him the way he likes it. He wants it rough? Go soft and gentle. He's begging you to go faster? Go slower. He wants more of you? Stop everything you're doing. He'll be begging you and will even do whatever you want him to do just to get you to do what he wants. You just grinned as you heard the door of the house opening and closing. The footsteps of the people who entered could be heard in the bedroom. DG's eyes widened as he quickly covered his mouth when you began pounding into him like a monster.
A few moans slipped out and the two heard, thankfully. They headed to the source of the sound. Of course they knocked first before entering. Their eyes widened to see the scene in front of them. Your gaze went from DG to the two. Gun asked what was happening and then you explained the whole situation. You offered them to join you as soon as you were done explaining. They seemed to hesitate but the second they saw DG signaling them to say no, they smiled sinisterly and agreed. Let's just say DG was a mess when you three were done with him. He body was full of hickeys, cum was all over the place, and most of all, he got so fucked out that he couldn't even remember his old name. The three of you couldn't help but grin at the masterpiece you three made.
The two soon went away to go to sleep since they had work tomorrow. You just nodded and stayed next to DG. You soon got up and began cleaning him up. You made him take a warm bath while you were changing the bedding and cleaning everything up. Once he was done, you changed him to more comfortable clothes. The comfortable clothes we're talking about was the one stolen from you. You also took a shower before picking him up to finally go to sleep. Once you made him lay down, he would immediately shut down. You shook your head and smiled as you got in the bed with him. He wrapped his arms around your head and gave you a little kiss in the forehead. When you are waken up, you'd be greeted by Goo asking if you two want breakfast. You'd tell him yes and go down stairs to eat your breakfast. After you're done you would go get a small table that had DG'S breakfast on it. (Gun prepared it.) You then would head upstairs and wake DG up. He would then be forced to eat his breakfast on bed since his body was still weak from last nights event. You can now start talking to him about your argument since he's all calmed down. He would finally understand what he did and apologize. You two would talk about how you can avoid it. After DG is done with his breakfast, you'd soon put the table on the floor and cuddle with DG knowing Gun would eventually go inside the room to go get the table.
[This is unedited cause yes I'm that lazy. I hope you enjoyed! This annon actually popped up when I was watching a horror movie on my phone. I shouted so loud because of that and my family was looking at me as if I was some weirdo! 🀣 But thank you for sending this annon! I really appreciate whenever you guys spend time on someone like me. Till next time! Love you annon!]
Side note: I'd probably edit this once o have time 😚
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mmmhoneyvibes Β· 2 years
Things I hate about the obey me brothers
This is my first time writing in a while so please be nice to me πŸ₯² also I literally made this in five minutes.
Warnings: a bit mean
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I can't stop imagining him as a grandpa! He literally so old😭
In my brain I can think of him as super hot one second then a old man the next!
He seems kinda mean. When the MC arrived at the devildom he was SO RUDE!!!
Why is he so angsty and mysterious? Yeah we seen the tragic past but dude can you lighten up a little?
JK I love him πŸ’€
I love him with every bone in my body but.. why does he love his stupid credit card more the US
My man would trade us for 25Β’ and a pack of gum.
Why won't he say he loves us!!!😭
Like we'd be having a cute moment next thing you know he backs out so quick!
Guys... His hair..πŸ₯²
He needs to fire his barber! Like who ever decided to give my man a bowl cut is wrong for that!
Also I'd love to have just one nice moment with him before he cry's! Like Ooo nice cute cuddle moment
"I know you hate me.. you can say it"πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜₯
I feel like he'd trade me for an anime figure.
I had to think real hard here.
Maybe his cat obsession? He needs to tone it down a bit there..
Also he's kinda a know it all..
I hated him at the beginning of the gameπŸ˜₯ feel bad for that
I hated how he was always trying to get in my pants!!!
Also kinda zero character development! He's the same as he was at the beginning of the game and know.
Not much to say because I love him
Didn't he try to eat us once or twiceπŸ˜’ ugh hate when that happens.
Would give us up for a pack of gum
Ed Sheeran
Also he destroyed our ROOM ONE TIME πŸ’€ and half of the kitchen! All over some Custard
Do I even need to say anything πŸ˜’
He used us then murdered us!! The only reason he even like us is because we have 1% Lilith in us!
Would trade us FOR ANYTHING.
I'm convinced he hates us sometimes
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aetheternity Β· 1 year
I got to finish playing through Fontaine today! Here are my thoughts cause a while ago ya'll loved hearing me speak on things. (Spoilers under the cut obviously)
~ Lyney and Lynette πŸ₯Ί I didn't expect to love them as much as I do 😭😭 (Freminet too though I liked him as soon as I saw him) though I do find it annoying how much slack the fandom has allowed those two to get seeing as they both lied to the Traveler and put them on the spot during an important trial. Traveler thought of them as good friends and decided to support the two of them out of the kindness of their hearts because Lyney helped them out previously only to find out they'd hidden a possible trail breaking secret if Furina hadn't mentioned it they probably still wouldn't have said anything the only reason they did was because they got cornered. If we're being real Traveler could've just walked away right after that confession but they not only stayed but made sure that Lyney and Lynette would not get charged for something they had nothing to do with. Traveler doesn't have to be friends with literally any of the people they encounter and that includes Lyney and Lynette. Just cause ya'll love them doesn't mean Traveler has to as well a sad backstory doesn't make up for betrayal and in regards to people who keep bringing up Traveler being buddy buddy with Childe. Childe has A, been in the story way longer, B, Traveler knows who Childe is and despite how close ya'll think they are Traveler is wary of him too. A couple updates ago he was making sure to warn Yomiya not to put all her trust in Childe let's stop acting like Traveler loves Childe and thinks he can do no wrong in comparison to Lyney and Lynette. Traveler just knows what Childe is capable of in comparison to Lyney and Lynette who they've known for what like two days.
~ Never has an NPC's death shaken me that hard before. In any game! I literally went 😦 when that cutscene played.
~ It was so amazing getting to find evidence and pick apart details of this case then have Neuvillette explain the whole situation out in full to the audience again. I especially enjoyed the drawings of each scene from different characters perspectives.
~ Furina is my girlfailure wife and she has been placed under Venti for second favorite archon. πŸ’•πŸ’• She's so bratty, cute and dramatic I wanna breed her 😩
~ I was not expecting to like Neuvillette and Navia as much as I do now! Especially Navia who I adore whole heartedly now that's a girlboss.
~ Every time she started crying I wanted to hold her.
Honestly this region was perfect for me. I love mysteries and I rarely ever found myself uninterested or bored with the story like I have with every other nation. I love Navia's character, her relationship with Traveler treating them like her partner and relying on them the way she did while also keeping them safe was so so cute and sweet and if I could draw I'd draw the Traveler I picked (Aether) with Navia as partners in detective work (Sorry Heizou you've been replaced..) I can't get enough of Furina and I can't wait for her first story quest, the leaks of her playstyle and more from her. I wanna see what kinds of things she says to her people outside of the courtroom/opera house. I wanna see her more vulnerable side shine out a bit more often. I wanna hear every voiceline she has more than once. I'm normal about her.. (I spent all night thinking about how gorgeous she is..) I want her. I hope Lynette gets a hangout soon she's so cute but I do think she needs more personality outside of her brothers.
Fontaine is also so so beautiful 😍 the underwater mechanic is surprisingly not as annoying as I thought it would be to navigate though I do find it a little annoying that we can't fight using our characters skills. I get why I just don't like it. I wish we'd spent more time in the underground because it's amazing and the way it all looks is so impressive also wish we could buy food and things from the vendors down there.
I beg of Hoyo to give the Fontaine characters even half as much screen time as the Sumeru gang cause I have to say I am far more interested in all the Fontaine characters with only one patch of them then I ever have been with the Sumeru mfers.
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msookyspooky Β· 3 years
*Spoilers for Chapter 10 ahead.*
Just wanted to say Sequels Suck is a MASTERPIECE. I love how this story started as a slow burn since it allowed us to bond with the other characters and show Y/ns and Randy's rocky friendship. Slow burns are great for building characterization and slowly building the tension until the climax.
Imma be honest lmao I've been wary asf of Derek since the get go even before we as a character were sus of him in the story lol I think you said in an ask there COULD be a third ghostface and if he were to be it I'd LOSE MY SHIT. This isn't canon, so anything is possible and I'm scared 😭 I actually think realistically IF there is a third that'd it'd be Mickey since Derek literally rushed into the house to beat Billy's ass even tho he LITERALLY COULD HAVE DIED. Gotta give him credit, the man's got balls lmaooo an ingenuine person wouldn't have went that far for us.
Stu in chapter 10 didn't really have me sad, he just pissed me off with that mocking ass attitude πŸ™„ likeee he's acting like our betrayal didn't hurt us too. Didn't wanna hear a word we said and literally told us we might as well be dead. Ngl that hurt πŸ˜₯ he's become so cruel to us and when we started crying in front of him I was like noooo bitch, he don't deserve your tears 🀐 not after what he did to you. The son of a bitch is even pretending his name is James 🀒 GOT US THROWING UP IN A BUSH.
I can't imagine them forgiving us ever lmao I find it sooo hard to believe this is gonna result in anything good for us bc the situation is THAT BAD. Stu refuses to ever protect us again and altho he's definitely more forgiving, it's obvious all bets are off. If Randy dies there's nooo doubt we will never forgive them bc Randy is our best friend and we care so much about him. It'll destroy us and Dewey dying will do the same thing. Move on, sure, but forgiving them? That's different. We better drag their asses in the future bc fuck them 😭 acting like we didn't save Billy's ungrateful ass and as if THEY DIDN'T LIE TO US TOO.
Now I just wanna pretend I moved on with our boys Randy and Derek just to make them jelly lmao taunt the fuck outta Billy for not catching us in platform sandals. IM READY TO DRAG THEM. We kinda dragged them lowkey in ch 10 BUT I WANT MORE 😀 Stu must have figured we'd survive the attack cause he litterally told us if we drop out someone's dying early and we can't drop out of college if we're dead. Must have figured if we survived that we'd run for the hills. Either way, I'm scared for everyone and I'm not ready to see us crumble πŸ™ƒπŸ˜­
Yep, Stu is a self absorbed 'You hurt me and that's the only issue bc what about me???' (hot) jackass and Billy is a self righteous 'my way is the only way' (sexy) dickwad. It's their piss poor luck I write YN to be as realistic as I can and that means eventually dragging them across the mud like most of us would.
I was THIS close to writing this exactly like YN taking Sid's place and being there for two years but I thought 'No, that's why Scream 2 didn't feel nearly as authentic as Scream 1 bc we jumped straight into killings when at least Scream 1 had the fountain, Sid at Tatum's, the grocery store, the party that lasted a decent amount of time BEFORE the killings etc to show their friendships and interactions with each other. I was scared I was making YN unrealistic with being close to ppl she's just met but after two years of isolation; I think most of us would be hopeful with starting friendships again especially at college.
Yeeeaaaahhhhhh....The deaths are gonna suck. Big time. I can't say how but this is gonna work out in a really fucked up way by the end. πŸ₯²πŸ’” Especially since I'm taking this all the way to Scream 4 and maybe Scream 5 (Unless it turns out Stu is the killer in Scream 5 or something then either I'll end it at 4 or go completely AU for 5 bc what the hell can I do with that without YN being killed or killing Stu? 😭.)
My lips are sealed but this is a roller coaster and I don't even know who dies yet; just the ending πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄
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